I’ll just bring my two comments HERE, since to my knowledge, you can’t even read a journal entry or anything without first making a Fur Affinity account….
I hate what Furry Fandom has turned into — a Non-Stop “Purity Spiral” or “Morality Contest” to see who has the most “Godly Kinks” and the most “Socially Acceptable Fetishes” which is quite strange coming from a Fandom that used to not care at all… back in the Middle 2000s of Furry Fandom, nobody cared enough to screech at you for drawing Rule 34 of a Feral Scooby Doo, or Balto, or Lion King……. Nobody gave a damn if you drew Lewd Art of characters like Tails The Fox, or Buster Bunny, or Klonoa…… the entire concept of such things being “Problematic” did not even exist yet, because Tumblr and Twitter did not exist yet….
Everyone in the Middle 2000s era of Furry Fandom completely understood that these things are PURE FICTION… not equal to Real People in Real Life! But nowadays, everyone is looking for any excuse to crucify each other over the most insignificant piddly crap…. “Oh, you have a Plushie fetish? Well that makes you no better than a damn Z00phile!” – “Oh, you like a character who talks but walks on 4 legs and not 2? YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN A DAMN Z00PHILE!!!!”
Back in the middle 2000s of Furry Fandom, nobody was looking up the canonical ages of fictional cartoon animal people to check if drawing lewd art of them was “Problematic” or not…. but nowadays, that’s just the trend, and if you DON’T follow the trend, you are treated like a witch in Salem…. STRING ’EM UP!!!!
People actively harass each other OVER FICTION…. people doxx each other and threaten each other OVER FICTION, and I am friggin’ sick of it! This is STUPID…. and even ’Neer knew it was stupid back in 2006…. back when a handful of loud angry Fiction Moralists were demanding the banning of any artwork they deemed “Problematic.”
’Neer wanted to implement a Tags and Blacklist system so that people could curate their own experience, not have their experience DICTATED by a small but very angry and vocal minority…. sadly he did not live to see such a system implemented on his website, and even now, I doubt such a system will EVER be put into effect here on F.A.
It’s easier to just keep banning things, rather than fix the website to make it better.
It’s easier to scream at people who draw things than it is to go after REAL criminals who do REAL crimes….
The Dragoneer from 2006 would think all of this drama is hilarious and sad and very dumb….
What all has F.A. banned? Let’s see, Cub, then Pokemon, and now Baby Furs…..
And everyone from those other “evil” furry websites kept saying “This is a slippery slope, censorship of artwork is not a good thing,” but nobody listened, they all just clapped and cheered and pointed fingers and threw bowling balls of blame in every direction …. remember what Neil Gaiman said? …. “By the time they come for what YOU like, it’s already too late.”
The BabyFurs are just now getting a taste of the sharp side of the Censorship Sword…. who knows who is next?
I’m sure whoever they are, they will learn nothing from history as it repeats before their very eyes….
As for Red Rusker, I didn’t even know that you drew Cub Art at all, I always just thought you only drew Normie Stuff. Ya know, big tall muscle furs and such… well, even with this new knowledge – I still don’t hate you. I don’t think you are an evil person for drawing things on a sheet of paper. I also do not think that you deserve to be harassed, stalked, doxxed or accused of horrendous things without tangible proof…
Accusations require evidence, without evidence it is just rumors.
Don’t beat yourself up too much over this, and FOR GAWD’S SAKE don’t listen to the Twitter Freaks….
You drawing things isn’t magically going to make bad stuff happen in Real Life.
You choosing NOT to draw those things isn’t going to magically make bad stuff NOT happen either….|
What if every Video Game Maker, every TV Show Producer, every Movie Maker got hung up on this OCD fear that what they make will be used as an excuse for Bad Stuff happening? Nothing would get made…. no Artwork, no Music, no TV Shows, no Games, NOTHING… because people would be too afraid of inspiring Real Life copy-cats.
Can’t do a show like Breaking Bad, someone might see it and decide to become the Real Life “Heisenberg.”
Can’t do a show like Beavis and Butthead, someone might imitate that and accidentally burn down their trailer home….
Eminem, D12, Insane Clown Posse, Marilyn Manson? ALL GONE…. someone might imitate them….
Personally I think it’s MORONIC to blame ART for what someone else does.
And the artist blaming themselves for that is also pointless….
Marilyn Manson didn’t magically make Columbine happen….
The artwork of Wolfblade, or Harmarist, or Aogami isn’t going to flip a switch in some delusional moron’s brain and make them into a ravenous-sicko-psycho…. what’s next? Do we blame The Beatles for the actions of Charles Manson? Can anyone even PROVE the theory that there were hidden subliminal messages in the songs telling Charlie what to do????
What other people do after consuming your artwork is not really YOUR fault, or YOUR responsibility.
Blame should be on the individual person, since it was THEIR decision to do those things….
If you don’t wanna draw a specific type of Furry Art anymore, that’s fine, that’s YOUR choice….
But if I were in the same position, I would argue Tooth & Nail in favor of Facts and Truth and American Law….
Not knee-jerk emotional reactions and Post Hoc Ergo Proper Hoc Fallacies and Gateway Drug Theories….
I’d be flipping every Tumblr and Twitter Anti the finger and just continue drawing whatever the hell I want to….
And if people wanted to blame me for such and such Bad Thing happening IRL, or if they wanna screech at me that “it’s problematic” — I would simply ignore them, or argue my positions from a place of Pure Logic and tell them all to go kick rocks up a hill…. I don’t owe anybody conformity, and neither do you.
Reality is Reality….
That will ALWAYS be my position….
I HATE Twitter Antis….
(and sadly a lot of them decided to become mods on Furry Art galleries).