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General Discussion » Oh great... » Topic Opener


Now my X/Twitter accounts seems to be completely deleted. Not just suspended, it actually says it has been deleted on the profile URL, though it still recognizes my login, i just get a weird error message and no way to appeal it. No explanation to why of course. I’m not even sure it was my cub postings (which weren’t X-rated, anyway) as much as just using too many hashtags or whatever “suspicious activity” it detected otherwise.
Sure, i didn’t do all that much on there, i still had a lot of accounts to follow, but i got hardly any interactions on anything i posted anymore, because so many of my former followers have left the site or gotten deleted, i guess.
And that’s just a few days after my Discord account was shut down too. Since i was banned from FB years ago, i got almost no ways left to be in touch others now. At least i’m not banned from Bsky (though i wouldn’t be shocked if i was) but it’s really not that interesting. It’s too much of an echo chamber, it’s mostly a certain kind of artists and other furries who are pretty close-knit and there’s not the same feeling that “this is what people in general use” that i used to get from Twitter.
You can still follow me on Bsky though:
Also, i was just gonna start finishing tracks for a new album, but with both my Twitter and Discord accounts down, i don’t have many ways to promote it, so i don’t feel very motivated:

General Discussion » E621's stance on "AI assisted" artwork » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
It’s absolute shit. Someone sent me this cutie over Telegram:
First thing I did of course was go to, peace be upon them, and reverse look it up. It went to an e621 post that is now deleted…
Evidence? What was AI about it? Why weren’t other posts by the artist removed? Obviously e621 doesn’t have to have transparency when it removes a post, but it baffles me they didn’t tank everything from the artist. Here they are directly targeting an artist because they got too good too fast
This isn’t good. AI is a digital tool that allows an artist to cheat, just like other tools like pen stabilizers, layers, puppet warp, etc. but because AI is the new demon, anything that appears computer assisted at all will be attacked. allows AI generated and AI assisted mostly because I don’t want artists having anxiety attacks when they post something. It’s not about how a picture is made but how it is viewed. Artwork has always been in the eye of the beholder.
All I ask is anyone who uploads here, be honest about any AI used, and you’re fine. The more art the better.

General Discussion » "Antis" are hypocrites with zero self awareness. » Post 2

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Felt like adding on to this….
“They’re supposed to be children. They represent children. If you find those characters attractive, it’s because they look like children. Simple as.” – I’ve heard this argument from Antis a lot, here’s my counterpoint:
“They’re supposed to be ANIMALS. They represent ANIMALS. And if you find those characters attractive in any way shape or form, it’s because they LOOK LIKE ANIMALS… they have Tails, Pointy Ears, Fur All Over Their Bodies, Cute Paws, Cute Muzzles, etc… YOU LIKE THEIR ANIMALISTIC VISUAL FEATURES… simple as…”
So does that mean every person who is attracted to a fictional talking bipedal animal is automatically a Z-phile?
I don’t personally think that’s the case… I think those folks are FICTOPHILES, because what that person is attracted to is cute fictional cartoon characters, not something which actually exists… Being attracted to CARTOON CHARACTERS has no direct logical rational connection or correlation to either P-philia or Z-philia (at least not in my personal opinion).
Liking a CARTOON DRAWING or having “impure thoughts” about a fictional talking bipedal animal doesn’t make someone a terrible evil despicable person.
What makes someone a terrible evil despicable person is when they DO BAD THINGS AGAINST REAL ANIMALS, OR REAL KIDS….
Comparing and conflating these things doesn’t make any logical sense. MOST people can understand the Difference Between Fiction and Real Life…. anyone with functioning eyeballs can discern the Difference Between a Two-Tailed Fox, and a Real Person.
“they represent kids, they look like kids”
Really? DO they?
Show me ONE talking sentient being on THIS earth, in THIS reality, in THIS dimension who looks 100% exactly like Tails the Fox or Klonoa… can you do that?
It’s like saying “Plushies look like animals, and if anyone does anything lewd with a Plushie, then really they’re no different from a Z-phile.”
Riiiiiiiight…. sure…. and anyone who eats a Vegan Hamburger may as well have committed Cow Murder! Because it’s not about what that thing ACTUALLY IS, or is ACTUALLY MADE OF… it’s all about the “concept” …right? – the “concept” of a Hamburger is evil, regardless of whether it’s made of Plants or Real Cows! Right, Twitter Goofball?
No, that’s not an entirely accurate analogy – it’s more like getting mad at a DRAWING of a Hamburger… one that nobody can eat without also ingesting the paper that it is drawn on and the ink that it was drawn with.
Also, the idea that someone who looks at Furry Art or Cub Art will go out and do crap to Real Animals or Real Kids is something called a “Gateway Drug Theory.” You’re saying that one will lead into the other, but that’s not a proven argument with any kind of scientific studies or peer-reviewed data to back up the claim.
Then there is of course the “Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc” fallacy that is part of this argument. I don’t think a Furry Comic such as Sheath and Knife has the magical power to compel or induce someone to do crap to kids in real life. Just like I don’t think Violent Video Games have the magical power to turn an otherwise sane and normal person into a bloodthirsty Columbine Killer. Again, MOST people have a conscience. MOST people understand the Separation Between Fiction and Reality.
But even on the off-chance that some moron DOES read S&K and they go out into the Real World and do something stupid, I am not going to pin 100% of the blame for that on Harmarist, because the ARTIST did not personally whisper in that idiot’s ear and tell him to go out and do that. Blame the person who actually committed the crime and NOT whatever Comic Book, TV Series, Movie, Video Game or Music that person was consuming…
If we started banning entertainment mediums simply because of the POSSIBILITY that someone might try to imitate it In Real Life, then a large chunk of what most people consider “harmless” would be GONE…
Can’t have anymore Wile E. Coyote cartoons, some poor idiot might try to walk off a cliff thinking that they’ll just hover in the air so long as they don’t look down!
Can’t show Beavis and Butthead on TV anymore, some dumb kid might decide to copy their stunts and wind up getting hurt!
Do yah see where this could end up going?
It’s just a repeat of the same history of censorship, and the target of it is always different:
Fredric Wertham hated Comic Books and thought they would turn kids and teens into violent monsters.
Tipper Gore and her PMRC hated Rock and Rap Music and thought it would turn kids and teens into violent monsters.
Jack Thompson hated Video Games and thought they would turn kids and teens into violent monsters.
But PEOPLE are to blame for THEIR OWN ACTIONS…. not some convenient scapegoat.
A furry comic doesn’t have the power to MAKE someone do something… THE PERSON chooses their own actions.

Site and Policy » Search WITHOUT namespaces! » Post 4

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
its giving specifically a openresty/ 404; im near certain the namespaces made even the (aka home) not display; post urls do; but not searching
and my browser works for all other urls
not switching browser
I’m not getting any of those issues. Not asking you to switch just try another browser.

Site and Policy » Search WITHOUT namespaces! » Post 3

Background Pony #A755
its giving specifically a openresty/ 404; im near certain the namespaces made even the (aka home) not display; post urls do; but not searching
and my browser works for all other urls
not switching browser
just use alias instead & keep it as namespaces
and apk doesnt work correctly

Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Post 26


Tagging Guidelines have some mis-named tags:
trans-female — also known as “futa”, a female, but with a penis;
trans-male — a male, but with a vagina;
This is very wrong.
  • Transmale: refers to person who was born with female sex, but he identifies as male gender. He might or might not transition physical sex to match his gender self-identification.
  • Transfemale: refers to person who was born with male sex, but she identifies as female gender. She might or might not transition physical sex to match her gender self-identification.
  • (Full-Package) Futa/Futanari: feminine hermaphrodite. A person who have penis, vagina, breasts, and have feminine appearance.
  • Dickgirl: Intersex female with virilization. Female with penis + breasts, no vagina.
  • CBoy: Intersex male with undervirilization. Male with vagina, no penis, no breasts.
Overall, you shouldn’t mix-up transgender people and intersex people. One is about gender self-identification, other is about being born with some physical sex.
I won’t post any further on this topic. Thanks for reading, see you later.

General Discussion » wtf happened to atf booru right now » Post 10

General Discussion » wtf happened to atf booru right now » Post 9


Knabamanta Esperantisto
I have nowhere to post humans, if I ever decide to draw them. Under what conditions is shota allowed here? Depending on the conditions, I’ll try to get good at drawing humans at some point in the future.

General Discussion » "Bluesky" has really stupid rules and stupid Mods. » Post 23

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Recently on BSKY – There was a MASSIVE ban wave that targeted anyone who likes or interacts with accounts posting fictional cartoon Anime Loli/Shota Art as well as Cub Furry Art… BSKY Mods treat this FICTIONAL hand drawn cartoon content as if it is the exact same thing as CSEM, on a legal level and a moral / ethical level (and I have personally gotten emails sent to me from Bsky Moderation that says in their own words how they feel about this kind of artwork).
sigh …. Look, I understand the need for a burgeoning social media platform like Blue Sky to put the clamp down on people who share ACTUAL ILLEGAL MATERIAL, as it presents a huge liability issue for them…. however, 2D FICTIONAL CARTOON ARTWORK IS NOT THE SAME AS CSEM…. for an image to qualify as CSEM, it MUST meet the requirement of either being (A) virtually indistinguishable from a real photographic image of a real human person, or (B) HAVE BEEN BASED ON A REAL PERSON….
Lewd cartoon rule 34 art of Tails and Sonic screwing does not count.
Lewd drawings of some non-existent fictional “loli” character do not count.
In France, Canada, UK, Australia? Yeah, it counts THERE, not in the U.S.A.
(but after the Project 2025 crap, who knows?????)
Ashcroft VS Free Speech Coalition says “persons of ordinary intelligence can tell the difference between a photo of a real human person and a FICTIONAL CARTOON DRAWING.”
But BSKY clearly does not care about Laws or Logic, instead they go by feelings and opinions and by whatever the loud screeching voices of Twitter and Tumblr tell them is “problematic.”
Taking a “scorched earth” approach to this problem really is not fair.
Lumping people who draw or share FICTIONAL CARTOON ART in with actual criminals who trade genuine CSEM – IS NOT FAIR.
SOME of the affected users were able to send an email directly to Bsky Moderation and file an appeal to get their accounts reinstated, but with an email sent back to them that basically accused them of being in cahoots with actual criminals who trade actual images of real human people… and a threatening “we’ll be watching you to see if you screw up again.”
So yeah, you file an appeal and get your account back, but if you happen to like a drawing that the BSKY Mods think is “problematic” – POOF, YOUR ACCOUNT GETS NUKED AGAIN…. so you’ll be walking on eggshells and trying your best NOT to click “like” on any kind of cartoon artwork that might be considered “problematic.”
On top of this, Bsky is also doing Ghost Ban type regulation…
Comment too fast? Ghost Ban! Say the wrong words? Ghost Ban!
And YOU won’t know that you’re Ghost Banned, unless you go
hop on a secondary alt account to go CHECK your main account….
UGH!!! … They want to be Twitter so badly that
they are copying all of the BAD aspects…

General Discussion » "Bluesky" has really stupid rules and stupid Mods. » Post 22

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
Checking the source it seems very simples, but it depends in many libraries, mostly AWS stuff and AT Protocol libraries. Worth checking the AT Protocol libraries it uses. But seeing as it’s, looks like it uses a server as your own, with your own admin base.

General Discussion » "Bluesky" has really stupid rules and stupid Mods. » Post 18

Josesk Volpe

Also, once BlueSky got popular it began to had CSEM issue aswell, like, there were people sharing actual real CP and exploiting underage users. And also children creating accounts to post their own sexual pictures on their own (not going to discuss if that’s right or wrong, but fact is that’s also illegal in most countries) because of parents who don’t regulate their kids internet usage. This led to catch media attention on this platform and BlueSky brought more moderators to enforce their rules. But they enforced it really bad in the way you know (action = sexuality, real-life = fiction, etc), and in time it weighted in the entire MAP comunity and aswell shota/loli/cub/abdl community and they officialized it.

General Discussion » "Bluesky" has really stupid rules and stupid Mods. » Post 13

Josesk Volpe

Just openened “BEE-SKEE-GMAIL-MOD-PEARAX-BLANKED.jpg” now, for some reason the website wasn’t loading and had to open through Tor. That really looks like a post made by a ordinary Twitter mundane person, really unprofessional, a moderator taking it’s own opinions instead of clarifying based on the website rules even it’s stupid now. The argument is also really stupid, art has a powerful influence as a RATIONAL and CRITICISM tool, not as a “guy saw X so he did X” thing, it’s way over complex that, their narrative is just clearly infantilizing adults.

Site and Policy » Let's chat about Rule #4 » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
I am a fan of Rule #4 and it’s one of the strictest rules we have but we feel it’s important
to go with our kink positivity and out of respect to artists and OCs:
Let’s break it down together! =D
If you art that contains themes you don’t like or you can’t legally view it in your jurisdiction, you should add the appropriate tag to your filter. Do not post comments complaining about the content.
I’ve seen a pattern of a few people complaining that there’s girls on this site, humans on the site, adults on the site, etc. Our purpose is to be lenient in what is allowed here due to the restrictive nature of other boorus. This is why we have filters. Many of our filters are common defaults that you should utilize.
If you post a comment complaining about the content or kink of an image, it will likely get deleted. If it keeps up, your account may get restricted. We don’t believe in banning accounts, but we can make it so you can’t comment, vote, upload, etc. and that’s no fun!
Unlike other boorus that ban all negativity and even “creepy” comments, we think that’s stupid. This is an adult site for adults. If you want to post 4 paragraphs about how you want to fuck someone’s OC, that’s okay if the image is sexual in nature. (Obviously keep comments SFW on SFW images).
If you want to critique the art or playfully tease it, that’s fine too. For anything else, see Rule #0 PLUR.
If you think an image goes against our site rules, report it.
This should go without saying but just don’t comment. If you regularly report content that is within our rules, you may get restricted. Because it’s not to your taste doesn’t mean it violates our rules.
Do not use downvotes or the report feature on themes you don’t like.
Explained above, but on down voting… That’s for rating the quality of the art not if it’s your kink or not. Please utilize our amazing filtering and blacklist system so stuff you hate isn’t even shown to you.
My favorite way to restrict is forcing a filter on someone. This is done if they regularly complain about content, down vote content, or it’s clear they don’t quite understand who owns this site. We assume that a user is incapable of understanding our filter system so we help them out.
Thanks for using CubFur!

General Discussion » I hate "Anti Cub" people and I think they're dumb. » Post 1

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
I’ll just bring my two comments HERE, since to my knowledge, you can’t even read a journal entry or anything without first making a Fur Affinity account….
I hate what Furry Fandom has turned into — a Non-Stop “Purity Spiral” or “Morality Contest” to see who has the most “Godly Kinks” and the most “Socially Acceptable Fetishes” which is quite strange coming from a Fandom that used to not care at all… back in the Middle 2000s of Furry Fandom, nobody cared enough to screech at you for drawing Rule 34 of a Feral Scooby Doo, or Balto, or Lion King……. Nobody gave a damn if you drew Lewd Art of characters like Tails The Fox, or Buster Bunny, or Klonoa…… the entire concept of such things being “Problematic” did not even exist yet, because Tumblr and Twitter did not exist yet….
Everyone in the Middle 2000s era of Furry Fandom completely understood that these things are PURE FICTION… not equal to Real People in Real Life! But nowadays, everyone is looking for any excuse to crucify each other over the most insignificant piddly crap…. “Oh, you have a Plushie fetish? Well that makes you no better than a damn Z00phile!” – “Oh, you like a character who talks but walks on 4 legs and not 2? YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN A DAMN Z00PHILE!!!!”
Back in the middle 2000s of Furry Fandom, nobody was looking up the canonical ages of fictional cartoon animal people to check if drawing lewd art of them was “Problematic” or not…. but nowadays, that’s just the trend, and if you DON’T follow the trend, you are treated like a witch in Salem…. STRING ’EM UP!!!!
People actively harass each other OVER FICTION…. people doxx each other and threaten each other OVER FICTION, and I am friggin’ sick of it! This is STUPID…. and even ’Neer knew it was stupid back in 2006…. back when a handful of loud angry Fiction Moralists were demanding the banning of any artwork they deemed “Problematic.”
’Neer wanted to implement a Tags and Blacklist system so that people could curate their own experience, not have their experience DICTATED by a small but very angry and vocal minority…. sadly he did not live to see such a system implemented on his website, and even now, I doubt such a system will EVER be put into effect here on F.A.
It’s easier to just keep banning things, rather than fix the website to make it better.
It’s easier to scream at people who draw things than it is to go after REAL criminals who do REAL crimes….
The Dragoneer from 2006 would think all of this drama is hilarious and sad and very dumb….
What all has F.A. banned? Let’s see, Cub, then Pokemon, and now Baby Furs…..
And everyone from those other “evil” furry websites kept saying “This is a slippery slope, censorship of artwork is not a good thing,” but nobody listened, they all just clapped and cheered and pointed fingers and threw bowling balls of blame in every direction …. remember what Neil Gaiman said? …. “By the time they come for what YOU like, it’s already too late.”
The BabyFurs are just now getting a taste of the sharp side of the Censorship Sword…. who knows who is next?
I’m sure whoever they are, they will learn nothing from history as it repeats before their very eyes….
As for Red Rusker, I didn’t even know that you drew Cub Art at all, I always just thought you only drew Normie Stuff. Ya know, big tall muscle furs and such… well, even with this new knowledge – I still don’t hate you. I don’t think you are an evil person for drawing things on a sheet of paper. I also do not think that you deserve to be harassed, stalked, doxxed or accused of horrendous things without tangible proof…
Accusations require evidence, without evidence it is just rumors.
Don’t beat yourself up too much over this, and FOR GAWD’S SAKE don’t listen to the Twitter Freaks….
You drawing things isn’t magically going to make bad stuff happen in Real Life.
You choosing NOT to draw those things isn’t going to magically make bad stuff NOT happen either….|
What if every Video Game Maker, every TV Show Producer, every Movie Maker got hung up on this OCD fear that what they make will be used as an excuse for Bad Stuff happening? Nothing would get made…. no Artwork, no Music, no TV Shows, no Games, NOTHING… because people would be too afraid of inspiring Real Life copy-cats.
Can’t do a show like Breaking Bad, someone might see it and decide to become the Real Life “Heisenberg.”
Can’t do a show like Beavis and Butthead, someone might imitate that and accidentally burn down their trailer home….
Eminem, D12, Insane Clown Posse, Marilyn Manson? ALL GONE…. someone might imitate them….
Personally I think it’s MORONIC to blame ART for what someone else does.
And the artist blaming themselves for that is also pointless….
Marilyn Manson didn’t magically make Columbine happen….
The artwork of Wolfblade, or Harmarist, or Aogami isn’t going to flip a switch in some delusional moron’s brain and make them into a ravenous-sicko-psycho…. what’s next? Do we blame The Beatles for the actions of Charles Manson? Can anyone even PROVE the theory that there were hidden subliminal messages in the songs telling Charlie what to do????
What other people do after consuming your artwork is not really YOUR fault, or YOUR responsibility.
Blame should be on the individual person, since it was THEIR decision to do those things….
If you don’t wanna draw a specific type of Furry Art anymore, that’s fine, that’s YOUR choice….
But if I were in the same position, I would argue Tooth & Nail in favor of Facts and Truth and American Law….
Not knee-jerk emotional reactions and Post Hoc Ergo Proper Hoc Fallacies and Gateway Drug Theories….
I’d be flipping every Tumblr and Twitter Anti the finger and just continue drawing whatever the hell I want to….
And if people wanted to blame me for such and such Bad Thing happening IRL, or if they wanna screech at me that “it’s problematic” — I would simply ignore them, or argue my positions from a place of Pure Logic and tell them all to go kick rocks up a hill…. I don’t owe anybody conformity, and neither do you.
Reality is Reality….
That will ALWAYS be my position….
I HATE Twitter Antis….
(and sadly a lot of them decided to become mods on Furry Art galleries).

General Discussion » I hate "Anti Cub" people and I think they're dumb. » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
The artist “Red Rusker” (creator of Sea Salt the Dalmatian) apparently got “exposed” for drawing NSFW Cub, the hate campaign started by the exposer resulted in RR’s Twitter being suspended. (I hate this shit, RR didn’t even post the images to his Twitter, someone ELSE dug up the art and raised a fuss about it and got their legion of trolls to Mass Flag his Twitter into oblivion, which is the same shit people did to Harmarist too).
Fuck the haters, DRAW WHAT YOU WANT TO DRAW.
Don’t kiss the asses of the Purity Police.

General Discussion » Was anyone here on » Topic Opener


It was a pretty awesome forum, started in 2009 i think, and lasted pretty damn long considering most such forums were pretty much gone when it was remaining. Then in the mid-10s it started going completely dead, i remember almost no posts for the last months, and the owners didn’t give a damn about making it more popular, and finally shut it down to instead link to a Discord server which eventually banned me just because the owners didn’t like me for some reason.
Anyway, what other cub-friendly or other yiff forums do you remember? I remember:
Furry Sanctuary, aka Yiffers Unite! ,very long lived, probably late 90s-early or mid 10s, not much to say about it otherwise, never really clicked much with anyone there but it was a stalwart for remaining as long as it did.
Sonic Passion, yeah, it’s notorious for a few threads i never even looked at myself, most of it was pretty decent people.
Unbreakable Bonds / Spiritual Bonds, rather short lived mid-late 00s Invisionfree forums,there’s almost a dozen others but i can’t remember the names of those.

Stories » Anyone using AI writing? » Topic Opener


Anyone here tried using uncensored AI writing for stories and even RPs? is the one to try right now, as it’s technically uncensored, though it may still refuse to do things when it decides to. Just be sure to set it to use “Mistral”, as it seems to be the one with least censoring, though “Cohere” also seems to be pretty unrestricted and might be an interesting alternative.
Don’t know if i should even bother to post any of the things i did with it here. You can read some of my stories (and many by others, don’t get them confused) and a bit about my methods on this thread. Pretty good board to check out, by the way.

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Regardless of if the image is SFW (Clean) or NSFW (Dirty).
This is hilarious to me, it was funny watching the same Pokemon Furries who were praising the NSFW Cub Ban start crying that F.A. was being unfair to them because their PokieManz were too short to be considered “adults” by the uppity, snobby F.A. Mods…. Now it is equally hilarious watching the SFW Babyfurs / ABDL’s cry and complain now that the Sword of Censorship they had once celebrated and applauded has started GOING AFTER THEM….
F.A. just keeps finding new and increasingly stupid ways of “moving the Goal Post.”

General Discussion » "Bluesky" has really stupid rules and stupid Mods. » Post 10

Site and Policy » Should we restrict to cub/chibi only? » Post 7

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
So just to make double sure –– Human Alone is a No Post, but Human x Furry is fine, correct?
There’s an old old old Aogami comic where an anthro fox and an anthro wolf babysit two human boys.
With the new e621 rules banning Humans entirely, that comic is probably long gone…
And also, since Ink Bunny never allowed humans on their website in the first place, it would be very unlikely that I could use the nice archive at “I Watch It For The Plot” to re-find that comic….
Nevermind! I found it!
Thanks to RubisDrake.

General Discussion » "Bluesky" has really stupid rules and stupid Mods. » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Bluesky is a social media platform that tries to be an “alternative to Twitter” – and for a while they were alright, back when they were still an “Invite Only” platform (to even be able to create an account, you needed an Invitation Code from a friend, this kept some of the Normie Bullshit out of the website). Eventually they opened the doors to the general public so that anyone can create an account, no “Invite” necessary. Normies flooded in and started bitching about “why so many furries?” (cuz we were some of the first to migrate to Bsky, thus naturally Bsky had already developed a pretty sizable Furry Population before the Normie Rush) and even worser still, Bsky started hiring “Fiction Equals Reality Freaks” as their Mod Staff… so now a platform that was once a safe place for Furry Kemono Cub and Human Shota Artwork has spun around and done a total 180…
Why does every fucking place on the internet eventually start doing this crap?
I will never understand the whole “Fiction Equals Reality” mindset…
I don’t give a flying shit about what the laws say in France or Canada or UK or Australia –
A fictional drawing is NOT comparable to actual factual CSEM (ch-ld s-xual ab-se material) of a REAL PERSON WHO ACTUALLY EXISTS IN REAL LIFE… to take something as serious as that – and compare it to cartoon drawings of Sonic and Tails screwing – makes zero fucking sense (and it’s also demoralizing and belittling to actual CSA victims like myself)… But that is the world we live in today, apparently.
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Artistic Expression is evaporating faster than water on a hot sidewalk during a summer day in triple digit weather (Fahrenheit, dammit! Wtf is Celsius? I’m an American, we use F not C on our thermometers!).
People seem to think that drawing something on paper is the exact same as doing it in real life, or that if you draw it on paper, you wanna do it for realzies.. I personally don’t think that’s the case, I don’t think Fictional Artwork has the magical subliminal power to make you go out and do shit you weren’t ALREADY considering doing… and on the offchance that some idiot DOES go that far, here’s a wild idea! – Let’s try to keep the blame strictly on the person who did the crime, and not whatever drawings he was looking at and the artist who made them!!!!
It’s like the whole “Satanic Panic” against Dungeons N’ Dragons back in the 1980s. I’m pretty sure DND didn’t MAKE anybody do anything, but it was an easy scapegoat, just like Rock Music and Rap Music, so it got the blame…
If someone reads the Sheath & Knife comic series, and they go out and S.A. somebody, I don’t think it’s fair to put the blame on Harmarist for that… the art and the artist didn’t MAKE that person do those things, he chose that himself.
Banning the artwork and punishing the artist with jail time or legal fines for something imaginary that they drew with a pencil isn’t going to do a gawd damn thing to stop Real Life Crimes, and it doesn’t help the Victims… The only thing it does is make some grouchy Twitter Dork feel like they’re “making a difference in the world” when they really aren’t. You aren’t doing JACK DIDDLY SHIT to help real life victims of CSA, you’re just being a big dumb annoying Fiction Cop about someone else’s art… trying to apply Real World Morality to cartoon p0rn… it’s stupid. It helps no one.
I’m disappointed as hell to see Bsky going in such a stupid direction, but I’m not surprised…
The artistic spaces for Cub Furry and Feral Furry are vanishing at a rapid rate, every other country besides the United States has stupid ass laws on the books that make it so that if you draw anything the government doesn’t like – you go to jail… regardless of whether or not you’ve ever actually done anything IRL. It’s fucking crazy… downright scary too.
Their Mods using the word “problematic” is already a bad sign to me…
I mean… Who even USES that word besides Tumblr / Twitter People?
“Breaking The Law” by posting fictional cartoon drawings?
Pffff, hahahahaha…. fuck off.
Y’all were fine with it 4 months ago, why the sudden change?

General Discussion » Can I post art from Artists who have "purged?" » Post 7

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
It doesn’t matter even if you “age up” the character because SOME weirdo dipshit will try to create some bullshit reason to cancel you for it anyway.
The best thing a furry artist can do – is to just NOT GIVE A FUCK IN THE FIRST PLACE…
It’s only a drawing… of a fictional character… there are more important things to worry about….
None of these fictional characters NEED to be “protected” because they’re not Real People.
Tails The Fox, Klonoa, Ralsei, Asriel, Kit Cloudkicker, Buster Bunny – THEY’RE NOT REAL PEOPLE.
They aren’t going to thank you or reward you for “protecting them” from being drawn lewd art of.

General Discussion » Can I post art from Artists who have "purged?" » Post 6

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
(1) “Antis” (fiction equals reality freaks) harassed them for drawing Cub Yiff and they think purging their past artwork is going to make those Antis leave them alone (sorry, it won’t, Panda Paco purged and people still harass them to this day).
god this is so real LMAOOOOOOO it really hurts my heart when people fold like buddy u were doing nothing wrong pls have faith in yourself you are fine these people are fucking crazy not you
One of the most ridiculous cases was this gay mouse who drew super cute cub boys and then married a woman who hates cub and he immediately nukes his older art and claims his new art is non-cub while drawing Asriel lol. From based to hypocrite in a matter of months.

General Discussion » Can I post art from Artists who have "purged?" » Post 5

Verified Artist -
Cat -

(1) “Antis” (fiction equals reality freaks) harassed them for drawing Cub Yiff and they think purging their past artwork is going to make those Antis leave them alone (sorry, it won’t, Panda Paco purged and people still harass them to this day).
god this is so real LMAOOOOOOO it really hurts my heart when people fold like buddy u were doing nothing wrong pls have faith in yourself you are fine these people are fucking crazy not you

Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Post 17

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
”””“That’s fine. I might start doing some test posting around to check how things work out since I’m a bit rusty on this image booru business after wildcritters shut down 10 years ago.”””””
I used to use Wild Critters way back in 2011. It was one of my favorite furry websites, moreso than E621. The vibe there was always super chill, and there was a wide variety of Japan Only Kemono Doujins that were either hard-subbed (permanent English in the image itself) or “soft subbed” by using the in-site Caption System which doesn’t alter the actual image.
At some point, Wild Critters had an internal drama / power struggle and it got split into two websites, Wild Critters Dot Net, which kept the focus on Japan Only Kemono Comics, and Veebooru, which kept the focus on Pokemon Yiff.
Eventually both of those websites crumbled – both Pawsie and Assimi-Leafy got burned out on trying to manage an entire Booru website on their own… some new guy (Lucky / Battle Fennec) took over the reigns and is running the “new” Wild Critters, but he isn’t around very much… maybe it will rise from the ashes and get back to its former glory, I would like to have the old WC back, the one with all the rare translated Japan Only Kemono Doujins, as no other website at the time had that as a focusing point… I remember finding the “Trouble” series there, as well as “The Greater Contains The Less” and some weird chubby furry comic where God sends an angel to Earth and the guy he was supposed to protect ends up falling in love with him, I can’t remember the name, but I remember the art style… round chubby furries.

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