Naughty Boys Fun at School!
Featuring Special Guest: Aston
By: Mikolai
Early in the morning, a male teen kitsune lays in his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Rex had woken up ten minutes before his usual wake-up time. The silence is depressing in its own way as he looks around his big room filled with toys and electronics. He hates being alone, especially in his bed. Even if his family is wealthy, everything in his bedroom does not replace the one thing he wants from them but can never have. He checks his alarm clock to see that he has a few minutes left before getting up.
Rex goes back to looking up at the ceiling, feeling terrible as troubled thoughts run through his mind, like getting back his test with a failing grade. The science test two days ago was tough, and the idea of getting an A minus terrifies him. He would never hear the end of it from Walter for weeks. Hell, he will be grounded again for “failing” his test. Then Ivan will make his rare appearance to give him a lecture for hours, telling the boy he did not study hard enough and to stop playing video games in his free time.
The kitsune rechecks his alarm clock as he starts counting. “5, 4, 3, 2….1!” As the bedroom door opens, a canine butler walks in before turning the lights on.
“Time to wake up, Master Rex! Breakfast will be served in forty minutes. Please make sure to do your daily morning exercises before your bath,” Walter said with a pocket watch in his hand. Rex lifts his head off his pillow with a deep sigh to show he is awake.
“Yes, Walter! I’ll make sure to do them,” he says, stretching his arms and yawning.
“Excellent, Sir!” The canine says as he leaves the room to let the young Master prepare for his day. Rex gets out of bed, strolls to the middle of his room, and then falls to the floor to begin his pain-in-the-butt chore. Rex does three sets of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats for twenty minutes. At this point, the kitsune is convinced that whoever invented exercising or said it was a good thing to do in the morning is an asshole.
Even with these exercise routines, the kitsune is still horrible at sports. Maybe one day, he will be decent enough not to be terrible at soccer. On the plus side, doing this every morning wakes him up, helps keep his slim body, and makes him hungry as he continues his workout. As he approaches the end, his pajamas are damp from sweat. Rex only needs to finish this last set for his sweet release from this torturous routine. With one final push-up and shortness of breath, he gets off the ground to head to his bathroom.
Rex does not wait as he strips his pajamas and underwear off before throwing them in the hamper on his way past them. His erection is finally free from its imprisonment as it bounces joyfully in the air. The boy chuckles, seeing his excited member as he turns on his shower before getting in.
“Guess I should take care of this before I do anything else,” Rex says to himself as the warm water pours down his sweaty body. He loves this feeling of wanting to be naughty right now. The kitsune uses one of his hands to wrap round his penis. He starts stroking slowly at first. The kitsune knows he will not last long, but why rush his fun? With his other hand, he began to massage his balls, which made him feel better.
As steam fills the bathroom, so do the boy’s sexual moans. He wishes Cole was here, but sadly, his boyfriend was away in another country with his family. But if he is excellent in school, he will see Cole in a week or two. Thinking about his sexy boyfriend’s naked lion body is the thing he needs to finish the deed. A couple more strokes cause him to have his first orgasm today. A large amount of semen sprays out of his dick onto the tile wall. The pleasant feeling washes over his body for a solid moment, then subsides as the last drop of semen leaves his erection.
“I needed that!” With a big smile, the boy cleans himself, washing all the sweat with soap and shampooing his hair. Sometime later, Rex emerges from his shower, grabs a towel, and dries himself off. He then walks over to the mirror, uses his towel to wipe it, and takes a good look at his body. He needed to ensure that he was not fat, even a little, or he would need to exercise more if he wanted to keep his modeling job. He knew he was only hired because of his family’s connections. It did help that he is considered hot. But even then, one mistake and he would be fired like any other model.
Satisfied with what he saw, he gets ready by brushing his teeth. As he rinses out his mouth with water and spits it out, he looks at himself in the mirror again.
“Remember! Be perfect no matter what. That’s what everyone expects from you. Smile, nod, and laugh! Be Perfect!” Rex tells himself multiple times as he takes a deep breath. Once he is all good and calm, he gets back to it. He goes into his walk-in closet and gets dressed. Rex checks the time to see that he has some spare time, so he goes to his backpack to ensure he is prepared for his long day at school. After checking the stuff he packed last night with a satisfied look, he grabs his bag and walks to the dining room to eat.
“Hey Walter, what’s for breakfast this time? French Toast, Croque Madame, Pancakes, or something else?” The young boy says as he sits down at the table.
“You will be having two egg benedicts, waffles, mixed fruits, and orange juice for breakfast, Sir.” The canine told the boy as he laid the food down before the hungry teen. Rex wastes no time as he starts devouring his food. He has been starving since he woke up.
Walter kept track of the time since Rex was on a tight schedule. They only had a few minutes left before the canine needed to take the young boy to school. Rex finished his breakfast fast as he was content for now. The canine handed the boy his lunch as they left the house soon after.
“Please remember that you have your private tutor after school, then your violin practice, and afterward your exercise routines before your free time, Sir,” Walter told the boy as he drove the car.
“Yes, Walter, I will not make you wait.” Rex nodded, even though he would rather hang out with his friends after school than be stuck studying more. But that is the price he has to pay if he wants to remain in his current school and not go to the private school that Ivan wants him to go to. Another reason he hates it is when adults expect so much from him. He is only 13 years old, for the love of God, yet they expect him to be an adult and act like one at all times.
In no time, Rex is at the entrance of his school. He sees his best friends, Keto, a shark, and Ryan, a Shiba Inu canine, talking as other kids pass them by the front doors. The kitsune leaves the car to meet up with them.
“Yo Rex! How is our Prince doing this morning?” Keto said in his favorite heavy metal t-shirt and ripped jeans. They begin walking to their first class this morning, which is Math.
“Keto, you know he hates it when you call him that,” Ryan told the shark. The canine is in his plain striped T-shirt and blue jeans.
“It’s fine, Ryan! I’m well this morning, unlike you, doofus. I bet you were shaking all night about your test results. Right, Keto? Unlike you, Ryan and I will be fine on our tests. Bet your mom will yell at you again when she sees your grades.” Rex teased the boy, hoping deep down that Keto had passed his tests so as not to get his routine sermon.
“Pss…please, I will be okay. I’m pretty sure I got Bs and Cs. All passing grades in my house.” Keto said with a smirk on his face. The boys passed by several other people, some staring at the trio walking by them. The boys tried to talk to themselves about games, but their conversation was interrupted by the conversation of two girls by the lockers.
“Hey, there goes the fag, Rex. I hear he only fucks boys even though he says he is bi. I also heard he has slept with half the boys in school, too. What a whore!” Shouted by a random panda girl who did not try to be quiet at all.
“He is only gay because he doesn’t know what he is missing. One night with one of us, and he will be straight. Even if the rumors are right and he has a small penis. I’m sure we can make him be our bitch once we are done,” the snake girl said before they laughed out loud for all to see.
Everyone in school did not like these two girls but had to deal with them all the same. Rex remains calm as he has heard worse from trash talkers in online video games. What the kitsune failed to consider was what his friend would do next.
“Better to be gay than a couple of miserable cunts,” Keto told them as he flipped the girls off. The other students nearby start laughing at the boy’s rude comment. Right as the girls were going to say something, a teacher came out of the classroom nearby.
“What is going on here? You students need to get to class right now.” The female dragon commanded as the students obeyed. Rex thanked Keto for defending him against those girls. The group went their separate ways to get to their classes.
For the most part, the first two classes were acceptable. The kitsune got his tests back in Math and History. Both had a grade score of 100%, which was only natural since he had spent months studying the materials with his other courses at home.
His third class is Science, which is his worst subject. The boy dreads every second of Mr. Solace, a rabbit, lectures about atoms. As the teacher went on and on, the boy felt like he would have a heart attack. Pure terror raced through him at the mere thought of getting anything less than a perfect score, let alone anything lower than an A minus. After what seemed like hours, the teacher handed everyone their tests face down. Some students groan as they realize they failed their test, while others celebrate passing theirs.
The moment arrives for Rex to see what he got as he slowly turns the paper over. He got a score of 98% on his test. Seeing that A on his paper made him breathe a sigh of relief. He messed up on one of the answers even though he thinks he got it right. Nonetheless, it is pointless to argue his test with Mr. Solace, who is known to be a hard ass when it comes to his exams. The old rabbit only changes a score if you make a valid argument, but you risk getting a lower score if you fail to make your case. He will have to live with the fact that he did not get 100% on the test and face a disappointed look from Walter. He might even have to review the subject again in his private tutor seasons.
Rex went on to his next class, English, where he passed that test with flying colors, too, with a grade score of 100%. The teacher was happy with everyone’s test results and rewarded their students with a free period. The kitsune took the time to complete his homework from his other classes. Then, the bell rings to signal the end of the class. At this point, he is feeling good with the enormous weight off his shoulders. Rex thinks there is no way he did not pass any other tests he had as he walks to the lunchroom.
As soon as he arrives, he sees a cute orange cat boy sitting alone at a table. Now, that’s not fun to be alone during lunch, Rex thought to himself, thinking he might as well keep the boy company while waiting for his friends.
“Hey silly cat, what are you doing all alone? Want some company?” Rex asked as he sat down at the table with the boy. At first, the boy was startled since he was glued to his phone. Aston had not even touched his lunch when Rex arrived.
“Hi, Rex! Yeah, you can sit down. I’m just waiting for my friends to join me.” Aston is surprised the kitsune would sit with him. The boys have been getting closer with their extracurricular activities. But simultaneously, he knew he was not part of the cool kid crowd. That is why the other students gave them a weird look as they passed by.
“What were you looking at on your phone? Still, keeping track of views on your video? Be careful pussy cat, because if the teachers find out, you will have a lot to explain to your dear parents.” Rex took out his bento box from his backpack. Then, he opens it up to show he has cooked pork cutlet on a bed of rice, rolled omelet, and veggies on the side. It smells so good that the kitsune mouth is watery looking at the masterpiece. Walter is a fabulous cook, after all.
“W…What?” Aston laughs nervously as he has been caught red-handed by no other than his partner in crime. “I might have been checking some of my messages from some fans. Nothing wrong with that,” the boy says as he puts his phone back in his pocket. Then, he starts to eat his lunch. The feline notices the kitsune food and wishes he had something other than the bland cafeteria food served today.
“Okay, whatever you say, Aston. Did you have a chance to check the account Lavi set up for you?” Rex asks as he starts to eat his food. Even if the food was not hot, it melted in his mouth. Delicious is the only thing anyone can say when eating his butler’s food.
“No, not yet! I haven’t had time to check it. Thanks again for having Lavi help me with setting all that up. All I need to do is check my new account, and he will take care of the rest?” Aston is grateful that Lavi set up his bank account where his fan’s donations or any money he makes on his videos can go.
“You should have your share of the video with Keto and me. Remember, you are only getting a small percentage since that is part of your punishment. No more secret recordings with me, or next time, I won’t be so nice.” Rex told him with a severe tone at the end. He didn’t want to be mean but needed to ensure his message was clear. The kitsune hated what Aston did but forgave the feline because he knew the feeling of wanting to get people’s attention online. You could say that it’s a form of addiction to get those likes and positive comments from fans. Rex and Aston were the same in some ways, which made the feline even cuter to him.
Aston realized he had messed up when he did that. Rex’s statement showed a side he had not met yet and did not want to know personally. He made a mental note to never do that again or ever to see what the kitsune is like mad at someone.
“Y…yeah! That is only fair, after all. Would be fun to do a live stream with the three of us again.” Aston jests, not taking what he said seriously.
“Mm…. you might get your wish sooner than later, depending on your decision.” This piqued Aston’s curiosity as he listened to what the kitsune said. But before Rex could say anything else, he saw his friends sitting at a table nearby while Aston’s friends were walking towards them.
“Tsk… A shame we will have to pick this back up later pussy cat. Mmm… I cannot wait to see the look on your face. Don’t disappoint me now.” Rex said as he got up and grabbed his stuff to go to his friends. Before leaving, he turned around to give the feline a wink and then continued on his way. Aston blushes from the wink but wonders what the kitsune meant by what he said. Soon, his friends distracted him from thinking about it as they started joking around with him.
Of course, during lunch, Rex is surrounded by other kids who want to get to know him. He was nice to them, remembering every little detail about the students talking to him in case he needed it, and he got to hang out with Keto and Ryan. He felt terrific since he teased poor Aston right before leaving the boy. The feline will not know what the kitsune has planned for them for the next few hours.
The rest of the day is boring for Rex. He got the test results back from each one of his classes with a 100% score on all of them. His last class for the day is home economics. Today, they will watch a document about inventions made in the 50s. Rex has a plan for this period, but first, he needs to get the teacher on his side as he walks towards her desk.
“Hi, Ms. Summers. I’m wondering if I could use this time to study in the library. Pretty please! I need to be ready for the honor roll classes I will be taking this summer,” Rex asked with the most pleading look he could muster to get his way.
Ms. Summers glances at the boy before agreeing to let him go since he is a good student. It’s not the first time she has allowed it, but it’s usually rare for the boy to skip a movie day in class. Rex thanked the teacher and then left the classroom. He walks to the other side of the building, far away from the library. Rex wants some alone time, and the auditorium is the only place to get that. The kitsune knew that part was empty since there were no rehearsals today.
How did he know that fact? Well, let’s say that Rex gave the drama teacher a blowjob and maybe allowed the male to fuck him during lunch a week ago. He isn’t ashamed to do it since it helps him be in the teacher’s favor in drama class. It’s not like he is an actor. He is horrible at acting and drama-related things. He is only in that class to hang out with Keto, who loves that stuff. But at the same time, it’s not like anyone fails drama class since every student knows it’s easy, and the teacher gives A’s out to everyone.
Thinking about all the naughty things he does makes him aroused. Then he got to his destination in the auditorium. The janitor’s closet is where he will have privacy from anyone. He takes a spare key out of his backpack and unlocks the door. Let’s say that the janitor was easier to deal with than the drama teacher. An envelope of cash did the trick for them.
Once inside, he closes the door and puts his backpack down. He scans the room to see that it is small but will serve his purpose. Rex finds a spot to put his cell phone down to take pictures and sets the timer to take a photo every thirty seconds. First, he stands there acting sexy in the first picture. In the next one, he removes his shirt to show his chest. Third, he takes off his shorts to get as he stands in his boxers. In the last picture, he takes his underwear off to show his erection. He has been horny since lunch, and his penis welcomes the freedom. Before stopping, he took a few more to be safe.
Rex reviews the photos as he decides which ones he will use. He had a smirk on his face; now was the time to start his fun.
Rex: “Hey, what are you doing now, Aston?” It takes a couple of minutes before he gets a response. Aston received the text, but luckily, he had his phone on vibrate. He takes it out to look at the message he received from Rex.
Aston: “In class! Why?” The feline looks around to make sure no one notices him texting. He was in the clear for now, as everyone was busy watching a movie in front of the class.
Rex: “I was wondering if you were up to having some fun.” He sends the first picture of him fully clothed.
Aston: “Wait! Where are you at? Are you not in class right now?”
Rex: “Shh…. The details do not matter. What matters now is if you want to have fun making a new video.” He sends the following picture of him without a shirt. Aston starts to feel his penis becoming hard from the mere thought of making another video with Rex. It doesn’t matter that it was at school; that made it more exciting.
Ason: “Y…yeah! I’ve never skipped out on class before through. I don’t believe Ms. Lee will believe I’m using the bathroom for all of class time.” Aston typed, thinking of any excuse he could think of. Most of them were dumb and would only get him in trouble.
Rex: “You’re a boy scout, after all. We will have to change that today. I wonder what you can do to get out. Any ideas?” Rex sends the following picture of him only in his underwear. He is teasing the boy in his way. Aston felt his erection pressed up against his pants.
Aston: “I could fake being sick. Wait! No, that will not work since they will escort me to the nurse’s office. Crap!” Aston is still trying to devise some excuse to get out of class.
Rex: “Mm… come on, you can come up with something better than that. Pussy cat is thinking with his head but the wrong one.” Rex texted as he sent two more pictures of him fully naked. Aston groans, trying to figure something out. His pants are getting tighter by the second. This is torture for Aston as his pants keep getting tighter and tighter around his swollen erection pressing up against it.
Rex: “Joking! Tell Ms. Lee you would like to study with me in the library during this period. Don’t worry about it. She owes me a favor.” Rex texted with a smile on his face. After all, that teacher was easy to convince earlier this week. A simple envelope of cash is all that was required. Several minutes later, Aston texted the kitsune, saying he was in the clear.
“Good, meet me at the janitor’s closet in the auditorium.” Rex sent that text and then placed his phone back on the shelf. Now it was time to get ready as he bent over and grabbed a bottle of lube from his backpack. You cannot say the kitsune isn’t prepared. Boy Scouts did teach him one thing other than fucking all the other boys in a tent and the woods.
He pours the lube over two fingers before putting the bottle down. Rex bends over, leaning against the wall as he pushes his butt up in the air. He takes one of his fingers to find his anus. It was a little hard to do, but he found the entrance. Rex slowly inserts his finger into his butt, then takes it out but not all the way, and repeats the process. He needs to ensure he is ready for fun with the feline. He inserts his second finger a minute later as he continues.
When he is confident that he is lubricated enough, he goes over to his phone, angles it in the correct position, and starts recording. Now, he waits for his guest as he stands back up. Soon, Rex hears a few knocks from the door before him. Without looking, he opens the door quickly, pulls Aston in, and closes the door. Then he takes the feline’s backpack and tosses it to the ground.
“What took you so long pussy cat?” Rex asked as he started kissing the feline. Aston did not resist as the boy pushed his tongue into his mouth, and he did the same thing. The boys kiss each other for some time before Aston can respond.
“I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be followed,” Aston said as they continued kissing. Soon, they were in motion as their bodies pressed together—Rex’s naked body and erection against Aston’s bulge. Those pesky clothes on the cat boy were in the way. Something that would be rectified soon.
“Haha…I think we are in the clear. Ready to make a video for your fans?” Rex asks as he points to the phone recording them. Then he returns to kissing before going down and kissing the feline’s neck. Aston only nods his head in agreement. He is looking forward to seeing his fans react to him having sex at school.
Aston turns his head to the phone with a smile on his face. As this continues, Rex starts unbuttoning the feline’s shirt as Aston unbuttons his pants simultaneously. Eventually, the male got his jeans undone, and they fell to the floor, showing off his underwear. Rex made progress with the shirt as he got the last button undone.
“How would you like to fuck me?” Rex asked as this question made Aston blush bright red. It was a cute reaction that the kitsune was expecting but enjoyed either way. The feline’s cock pulsed with excitement. Aston thinks back on his previous adventures with Rex. He was naïve and shy to talk to the kitsune at first. But now he has had more experience with his videos and meeting other people to have sex with. The feline is now confident he can take control of the situation and boss the kitsune as the male did to him last time.
“Bend over and lean against the wall. I’ll make you scream my name.” Aston responded with a cocky attitude. Now is his time to have his way with the kitsune. Rex laughs at the boy’s answer but decides to allow it this time. But first, he needs to get the male ready as he goes back to kissing but goes down to the nipples. He licks them all over, then continues his journey down the boy’s belly button as he bends down. Without even giving any notice, Rex lowers Aston’s underwear halfway down the boy’s legs.
To say that the feline’s erection is happy to see the kitsune would be an understatement as it bounces up and down happily in front of the boy’s face. Rex takes a whiff of the musk coming from the boy’s member. An elegant smell that the kitsune loves as he lowers his head down more to begin his task. The kitsune starts to lick the feline’s balls as he gets it all nice and wet.
Aston moans as he watches the male. Rex moves his licking up to Aston’s cock. He slides his tongue up and down the shaft, then gives the feline a small break to let him squirm before he continues. All of a sudden, Rex opens his mouth up and devours the feline’s dick while he uses his hands to massage the boy’s balls. Bubbling his head up and down while continuing to lick the shaft causes Aston to moan louder. The feline hoped no one could hear them, but it was hard to contain himself.
This only lasted for a moment till Rex could taste the boy’s pre-cum leaking from their cock. Then he stops what he is doing as he lets the drenched dick escape his mouth. Rex grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some over Aston’s dick. Once done, the kitsune puts the bottle down, gets up, and leans against the wall like the feline wants.
No one needed to say anything at this point because both of them were giving into their lust, even forgetting about the recording. Aston moves a little as he guides his erection to the kitsune’s anus. At the entrance, he teases the male by rubbing his cock along the crack. Leading Rex to moan and soon begging Aston to fuck him.
Wanting not to tease the male any longer, Aston goes back to guiding his dick to the entrance. Once aligned, he pushes in slowly with no resistance from the kitsune. Inch by inch till his whole erection was inside the male. Rex gives a couple of grunts from feeling the male’s dick rubbing against his inner walls, yet he is excited at the same time. Rex’s erection leaks pre-cum onto the floor.
The kitsune was impatient, waiting for Aston to begin suspecting the boy had never been on top before today. Aston froze when his hips touched those ass cheeks, lost in sensation. Rex, on the other hand, decided he was done waiting on the feline. He pushes his butt backward, causing the feline’s butt and back to be pushed up against the door. Aston is shocked by the turn of events as he was not expecting the male to do that. Rex moves his hips forward, then back, as he felt the feline’s dick going in and out at the same time. Now that things were moving, both boys moaned and grunted simultaneously.
Aston had no idea how he lost control of the situation but was simultaneously enjoying it. He thrusts his hips forward whenever Rex pushes back while staying up against the door. His scrotum hit the kitsune’s butt with every thrust.
On cloud nine, the feline stops thinking as he puts both of his hands on the kitsune’s hips and thrusts his dick in harder. Rex starts whimpering Aston’s name as they fuck. The room fills with the smell of musky sex and the moaning of the boys. Neither care at this point if anyone hears them. It was too bad no one was on the other side of that door, or they would have gotten a good show. Thankfully, the camera on Rex’s phone picked everything up in high definition. Aston’s fans are going to enjoy it till the end.
The feline begins fucking the male faster and faster. He knew he would not last long as he longed for sweet release. The pressure built up in his balls with every thrust. Rex’s erection bounced in the air happily, too. More and more pre-cum leaked from it as he, too, knew he would be having his orgasm soon.
“I’m going to cum soon!” Aston said to Rex as he continued to fuck the male. Rex only nods in agreement. Before long, they were both ready to have their climax. Several more thrusts later, Aston slams his dick into the kitsune one more time as he yells Rex’s name as he starts cumming. His dick spraying the boy’s inner walls with his semen. At the same time, the bell rang throughout the school. Rex gives his erection a few strokes, which causes him to have his orgasm, too. His semen covers the wall he is leaning against.
Pure bliss washes over their bodies in that moment. They did not want it to end, but alas, like all good things, it did with the last drop of semen leaving their bodies. Both boys stood still for a minute then Aston gently pulled his spent dick out of the kitsune. Cum drips out and runs downs the backside of the boy’s legs. This was nothing new for Rex as he stood back up.
“That was fun. I bet your fans will love the video pussy cat.” Rex goes over to his phone, stops the recording, and sends the video to Aston for his personal use. Then, he starts getting dressed as he puts his underwear back on.
“Yeah, I had a blast. By the way, why have you been calling me pussy cat?” Aston asks as he gets ready, pulling his underwear and pants back up.
“Oh, my little nickname for you. But if you do not like it, I can use something else. Mm… How about Chester? I give all my good friends nicknames.” Rex finishes getting dressed as he begins putting the bottle of lube back in his backpack.
“I have been called worse and enjoyed it. But why Chester, of all things? Wait, did you say we were good friends?” Aston second-guessed what he heard.
“Chester is a clever and sneaky cat in the fairytales. Reminds me of you. What else would you call us for having sex and hanging out? Sounds like what friends do to me. By the way, do you want to come over one weekend and spend the night? I bet we can have so much fun doing a livestream.” Rex gets up close to Aston and gives him a passionate kiss. Suddenly, Kitsune’s phone started ringing. He stops kissing and answers it. The conversation was short, but Rex was happy with who was at the end of the phone call. His boyfriend Cole wanted to tell him when the lion would be returning to town next week. This made Rex feel terrific as they ended the call.
“Sorry to fuck and run, but I got to get going. Walter is waiting for me. Let me know if you want to sleep over. I cannot wait for you to meet my boyfriend.” Rex tells the boy as he grabs his backpack and runs out the door.
“Yeah…wait…. boy…BOYFRIEND?” Aston yells as he turns around to see the kitsune run away with a shocked expression, leaving Aston all alone and still naked with a half-hard erection in that sex-smelling closet.