
Gayest of Gay Foxes
So I was gunna Upload and Tag all of the first "Trouble" comic by takagi kyou (高木喬) -- I realized while looking at the old saved folder I snagged from Wildcritters almost a decade or more ago -- only goes up to 20 pages, I found an upload here that has all 38 pages of it (omfg, do I REALLY wanna sit here and tag and upload for 38 pages? Gawd damn!!!! I'll go crazy!)
Well I ruan into an unfortunate problem.... so even if I wanted to sit and do all that, I can't do it anyway! The files in the Zip I downloaded from the link below are all in ".webp" format, and I have no idea what format that is. I tried opening it in Photoshop in the hopes that maybe - just maybe, it would know what format it is and I could convert them to PNG files one by one, but Photoshop just gives me an error when I try loading the files.
BlueSky can upload them and they show up as an actual picture there, but right now that is useless to me, cuz I just want to convert the files into PNG files...
What is the solution? Is there some way to Batch Convert a bunch of .webp files to .PNG files?
Well I r
BlueSky can upload them and they show up as an actual picture there, but right now that is useless to me, cuz I just want to convert the files into PNG files...
What is the solution? Is there some way to Batch Convert a bunch of .webp files to .PNG files?