
Gayest of Gay Foxes
Say for example that you have a Comic that you want to upload, but obviously you don't want it to just be a bunch of disconnected individual pages, you want them to be "Connected" or "Grouped."
Back at that ***other furry website***, they called them "Pools" but here they are called "Galleries."
So how do you do it?
Here's what I recommend:
(I accidentally double posted a page because I didn't think it was "taking" when actually, the Filters were auto set when I made my account here, and it was causing the page to not show in my "Uploads" section... because every time I tried to upload anything rated "Explicit" it was INVISIBLE to me, lol....
**(02) Get your pages uploaded into the system, that's the slow part (especially cuz of tags).**
I try to tag what I see, but sometimes there are multiple tags that mean the same thing -- and sometimes a tag to describe what you see doesn't exist yet. (I ran into an issue where there were characters that were a Half Dalmatian / Half Fox, and a Half Tiger / Half Fox, I didn't wanna go through the trouble of tagging that every time, so I just went with "Hybrid Species" -- to me, it simplifies it. Also here's another thing to be aware of -- if you try to post a page without a "Rating" it won't take, so you gotta Add a Rating or it just won't post it. Safe is clean, non-sexual art, Suggestive is "lewd but not quite getting into nudity and exposed genitals yet" and Explicit is outright obvious nudity and sexual activity.
I also advise including a Page Number in the "description" so that you don't get confused about numbering. Usually most comics will have a visual number in the drawing itself, but if it's not there, maybe it's in the File Name?
I use IrfanView for PC to view images in a Full Screen view, so I like to have my pages numbered so that when I tap the Arrow Keys it progresses to the Next Page in the Sequence. An example would be the original Sheath and Knife comic... I would name the file name "SnK_000" for the Title Page (Cover Page), then "SnK_001" for the Actual First Page, then "SnK_002" for the Second Page, and so on and so on..... this makes it convenient because you can look at the File Name and see the page number, and adding the Page Number in the description ensures you won't forget what page you're trying to upload if you hit a snag (like when I didn't know you had to add a Rating before hitting Upload).
**(03) Once you've got all your pages Uploaded, you can now go to the "Galleries" section and Create New Gallery.**
Name your Galllery -- add a Description -- and also define the content (is it Explicit?)
Unfortunately, the current Visual Structure of the "Create New Gallery" section is a bit confusing. When you create a New Gallery, the only thing you can do is assign a "Cover Page" (this is like the "Avatar" or "Profile Picture" for the Gallery... You cannot Add Other pages directly from the "Create New Gallery" page, instead you have to do it like this -- find your Cover Page while browsing in your "Uploads", click on the little logo of a photograph beside "Galleries" and you'll get a Drop Down Tab.
Find the Gallery you made and then Click on the Name for it so that it changes from Black to Green, now the page you are on is part of the Gallery. Go back into your "Uploads" again, find "Page 001" and repeat the same process... continue on until all your pages are part of the Gallery you created... Now... LISTEN UP, when you add them in Chronological Order (the order you Uploaded them in).... they aren't going to be in the Proper Sequential Order, so find your Gallery again and make sure you Checkmark the box that says "Display Pages In Reverse Order."
Now the Cover Page will be the Very First Page, and the Ending Page will be the Last Page...
Unfortunately the GREEN that lets you know if a Page is added to a Gallery or not is a little bit hard to see on Laptop Screens, due to the nature of how LCD screens work (I had to tilt my screen down just to see the Green clearly). I would recommend -- if possible -- that the site owner code in a "Check Box" or a "Quiz Ball / Poll Bubble" that would easier indicate that a Page is part of a Gallery... Cuz to me, the Green is a tad bit dark and difficult for me to distinguish from the Black.
Back at that ***other furry website***, they called them "Pools" but here they are called "Galleries."
So how do you do it?
Here's what I recommend:
(I accidentally double posted a page because I didn't think it was "taking" when actually, the Filters were auto set when I made my account here, and it was causing the page to not show in my "Uploads" section... because every time I tried to upload anything rated "Explicit" it was INVISIBLE to me, lol....
**(02) Get your pages uploaded into the system, that's the slow part (especially cuz of tags).**
I try to tag what I see, but sometimes there are multiple tags that mean the same thing -- and sometimes a tag to describe what you see doesn't exist yet. (I ran into an issue where there were characters that were a Half Dalmatian / Half Fox, and a Half Tiger / Half Fox, I didn't wanna go through the trouble of tagging that every time, so I just went with "Hybrid Species" -- to me, it simplifies it. Also here's another thing to be aware of -- if you try to post a page without a "Rating" it won't take, so you gotta Add a Rating or it just won't post it. Safe is clean, non-sexual art, Suggestive is "lewd but not quite getting into nudity and exposed genitals yet" and Explicit is outright obvious nudity and sexual activity.
I also advise including a Page Number in the "description" so that you don't get confused about numbering. Usually most comics will have a visual number in the drawing itself, but if it's not there, maybe it's in the File Name?
I use IrfanView for PC to view images in a Full Screen view, so I like to have my pages numbered so that when I tap the Arrow Keys it progresses to the Next Page in the Sequence. An example would be the original Sheath and Knife comic... I would name the file name "SnK_000" for the Title Page (Cover Page), then "SnK_001" for the Actual First Page, then "SnK_002" for the Second Page, and so on and so on..... this makes it convenient because you can look at the File Name and see the page number, and adding the Page Number in the description ensures you won't forget what page you're trying to upload if you hit a snag (like when I didn't know you had to add a Rating before hitting Upload).
**(03) Once you've got all your pages Uploaded, you can now go to the "Galleries" section and Create New Gallery.**
Name your Galllery -- add a Description -- and also define the content (is it Explicit?)
Unfortunately, the current Visual Structure of the "Create New Gallery" section is a bit confusing. When you create a New Gallery, the only thing you can do is assign a "Cover Page" (this is like the "Avatar" or "Profile Picture" for the Gallery... You cannot Add Other pages directly from the "Create New Gallery" page, instead you have to do it like this -- find your Cover Page while browsing in your "Uploads", click on the little logo of a photograph beside "Galleries" and you'll get a Drop Down Tab.
Find the Gallery you made and then Click on the Name for it so that it changes from Black to Green, now the page you are on is part of the Gallery. Go back into your "Uploads" again, find "Page 001" and repeat the same process... continue on until all your pages are part of the Gallery you created... Now... LISTEN UP, when you add them in Chronological Order (the order you Uploaded them in).... they aren't going to be in the Proper Sequential Order, so find your Gallery again and make sure you Checkmark the box that says "Display Pages In Reverse Order."
Now the Cover Page will be the Very First Page, and the Ending Page will be the Last Page...
Unfortunately the GREEN that lets you know if a Page is added to a Gallery or not is a little bit hard to see on Laptop Screens, due to the nature of how LCD screens work (I had to tilt my screen down just to see the Green clearly). I would recommend -- if possible -- that the site owner code in a "Check Box" or a "Quiz Ball / Poll Bubble" that would easier indicate that a Page is part of a Gallery... Cuz to me, the Green is a tad bit dark and difficult for me to distinguish from the Black.