
Head Administrator
Site Developer
Casper the Mascot
Chapter 13
Aston’s paw flew into action as he clicked on the message, taking a second to read that text before clicking on any links.
Hey cutie! Daddy finally finished editing all these up. There was a lot of action so it took a while, plus we had other things in the works as well. We’re going to break it up into four videos: the prep video, the pegging video, Daddy’s load video, then the second ride video. I left you a secret link to all of them. Obviously no sharing! They get ripped and spread around day one anyway, but… no helping those pirates! We didn’t really talk about a cut, but I like you, so how’s 20% sound? You’re not going to be rich, but it’ll give you some spending money for a few nice toys and outfits I’m sure.Anyway, enjoy! The prep video will be out in a day or two, with the free preview uploading to all the sites to lead the sales. I can’t wait to see how much everyone likes it!
Aston wasn’t sure just how much 20% of the sales might be, but at that moment he wasn’t about to argue. His mind was only focused on one thing - clicking on that first link and seeing just how that video turned out. So, without much hesitation, he adjusted his pointer and pushed the mouse button down. It opened up a new tab and slowly loaded some weird site and interface, before that video popped up on his screen.
Right from the start the production was much more than Aston had ever done himself. Title cards, some rocking music, and even some credits with links to both Aston and Nana’s page flashed by, along with some other info about buying more movies. After a few more ‘sponsors’ flashed by, the video kicked in with Nana already sitting on Aston’s belly, teasing him with a soft kiss, and showing her bare ass back to the camera underneath that short skirt. The video detail was amazing, as was the camera work. The shot zoomed in and caught every sloppy drop of spit hanging from their lips as a dazed Aston tried to keep up. The editing was great too as the whole video was exciting, cutting out the most boring bits and focusing in on the action, with fluid transitions and even some light background music, although not nearly enough to drown out the pair’s moans and noises.
Aston never really watched his videos back like this. He usually did enough editing to know them line for line, so this was a new experience for him. Watching his dopey and clearly nervous face and body twitch when Nana pushed her face between his cheeks made him shiver, thinking back on just how good that tongue really felt. The video cut out with the fingering being over, leaving Aston’s glistening rear shining back at the camera, and foreshadowing a part two. Aston quickly switched over to that to see the same awesome quality on the second video, seeing his ass get pushed hard and knotted with his clearly real reaction. He had to admit he looked really cute getting filled like that, and watching from this angle, he could see what others saw in him. He wasn’t quite a pro like the real porn stars were, but there were hints of talent mixed with childish charm. It was a deadly combination. And, even though Aston had just cum hard on stream, he could feel himself getting hard again just from watching.
The other two videos were shorter and not quite as polished, with Nana taking over the camera for one, and the other just being something slow and gentle, not really flashy or showy. They had their own feel to them though, leaving Aston stroking his cock at himself on his screen. He even pulled that toy over and shoved his cock inside just to edge a bit more, still pretending it was Nana in front of him. But, as quickly as the videos had started, they were all over. Aston was too into it to give up now though, thrusting hard a few more times at the memories and cumming once again into that toy. A heavy set of mews dripped from his gasping body as he came down from another mind-tingling orgasm, more than satisfied at what he’d seen.
Once he’d gathered himself and cooled down a bit, Aston thought about what to type back. He stared at the response box for quite a while, thinking of different things to say, before just going with the flow and saying, “Hey Nana, those videos are awesome! I can’t wait to see the reaction, and I honestly can’t wait to see you again to make some more either. 20% sounds like a fine cut to me as you did most of the work. I have a bitcoin thing that I take donations with, so you can probably send stuff there. Really awesome though! I came hard just watching them. And, lately I’ve been practicing my topping too, so maybe I can give you a proper feline breeding next time!”
Aston felt pretty good about that message as his mouse clicked on the send button, and then he went back to save all the videos to his secret laptop folder. He wasn’t going to send them to anyone obviously, not wanting to betray Nana’s trust, but they were some of the best stuff he’d done yet, so he certainly wanted a copy for his records. He was bubbling in excitement, stewing in his own naughty and eager thoughts as the videos played over in his mind, but one look at his laptop clock told him that his parents would be home soon. He let out a strong grumble, but he finally dragged himself away from the computer to get his toy and fur clean, even able to start up a bit of homework before his parents both made it home for dinner.
Aston knew the moment the video was posted, despite not being told exactly when it’d be. Of course it flashed up on the front page of Kinkykub, taking the top spot as most of Nana’s videos did. She might have been used to the attention, but Aston sure wasn’t. His profile had its fans, and he was steadily building up more as time went on, but his followers easily doubled overnight, then continued to surge that following day. Private messages poured in, with most of them starting out ‘I thought I only liked girls, but…’ along with lots of other praise. There were also the boring one line hellos, and the occasional bit of anger that Nana’s new video didn’t have anything huge going up her ass, with the hate somehow directed at Aston.
It took Aston most of his wakeup routine just to get a grip on everything new, not having nearly enough time to go through all the messages in one shot. He didn’t have much time to check them at school either as it was test day in a few classes, and the others had lab demonstrations and group reading that he needed to pay attention to. His phone was burning a hole in his pocket though, and by the time he got home, he noticed even more messages, likes, and donations were piling up - more than he could hope to handle.
He stayed on his computer from the moment he got home until his parents were calling him down for dinner just answering messages, checking out pages, and looking over the comments of the ‘free teaser’ portion of the video. The whole thing was available for purchase at 0.0002 Bitcoin, but the free teaser got the most traffic, with the views growing at a rapid pace even still. Aston soaked up all the attention like a sponge, diving back and forth to his messages and the video comments each time he saw another one pop up. It was exhausting, but it was a rush that he couldn’t help but dive headlong into, feeling his limbs twitching each time he was told he was ‘cute’ or ‘had a nice ass’ or that someone wanted to rail him hard.
That momentum continued on for a few days as Aston tried to capitalize on it, pulling out his large Zephyr and making an effort to knot it himself, both on stream and on a recorded video. Of course he had to plug his new collaboration with Nana more than a few times, and that no doubt helped to keep that video up in the top five on the site for most of the week. To the feline’s surprise, thanks to the ‘training’ he’d done with Nana, or just the motivation from a bunch of new stream watchers and fans, he managed to knot his toy both times. It still wasn’t easy, and it still hurt quite a bit, but the feline pushed through and made it happen. He even put on a smiling face as his young body quivered each time he found his pucker squeezing around that cock base, feeling sore but accomplished.
Confidence flooded through the young feline as he got even more comments, messages, and subscribers from his own videos, and a good bump from when the true meat of Nana’s session was uploaded the following week. Another heavy wave of attention flooded Aston’s way, overwhelming him yet again, and causing him to miss out on any social time he might have had to reply to more messages and eager fans. There was another small bump when Nana’s Dad’s video popped up as well, although that was on a ‘secret’ channel, so there was nowhere near the same rush. And the slow grinding finish was more of a ‘bonus feature’ than a full video, getting a free release on Nana’s page in full, also hitting some respectable but relaxed numbers.
Most of the messages Aston had in his inbox didn’t end up going anywhere though. There were lots of offers from guys who wanted to leave a load inside of him, and even some women that wanted to offer their own toys for him to enjoy, but in the end everyone was too far away or they couldn’t really make it work. Despite the heavy rush of new fans, it seemed that he had the same old problem. Lots of interest, but the logistics just didn’t work out. Still, Aston was determined to see what else he could set up, having a few names and ideas floating around, at least until he came across a new message from a profile he didn’t recognize at first.
Hey boy, remember me? Probably don’t from the profile, but I’m that gorilla who you took so well a month ago. Haven’t seen any of my rooms in your videos lately. A shame you haven’t needed them, or at least come back to say hello to me sometime, but I guess you’ve been busy. Still, if you’re interested in getting that cute ass some use, I know a few guys that would love to meet you. We have a meetup every month or so, and the next one’s coming up soon. I’d love it if you could stop by, as would the guys.
Aston felt the breath freeze in his lungs as he realized who sent that message. His fur stood up along his arms, while feeling a soft shiver rush through him. Aston had mostly forgotten about that ape to be honest, pushing it to the back of his memory, but now everything came rushing back in one quick surge. Despite the shock, it hadn’t been a terrible time honestly. It wasn’t anything he dreaded remembering or anything, but, at the same time, he still felt a little uneasy about how things had happened between them.
Getting his breathing back under control again, he thought about just not replying to the message and forgetting the whole thing. That’s what he did for a day or two, before curiosity forced him to open it up and read through it again. Sure, the Ape might have been a little rough with him, but he was horny and Aston smelled like sex. Plus, it wouldn’t just be him there this time. There would be other guys too… other guys that wanted to meet him. They’d probably be nicer, and maybe the Ape would be too since Aston didn’t need to be ‘persuaded’ anymore. Aston had a few questions though, but getting them answered would mean responding to that first message. He thought about it for another day, before finally coming home after soccer practice and typing out the response he’d been planning for most of that time.
“Hey there. Yeah, sorry, I’ve had a lot going on recently. You have a meetup with other guys who are into cubs like me? How many usually show up? And are there other cubs who show up too? Or do you guys just normally watch porn and drink together or something?”
Aston left it at that for now, waiting on his answers to make any decisions. A day later that message came.
There are tons of guys that love cubs like you, as I’m sure your subscriber numbers back up. Most aren’t brave enough to try things out for real though. There are a few of us that do, between five and ten usually depending on the day. We hope to get those numbers up though, and if we can convince others by having a cutie like you available to try things out on, that’d be the best way to do it. We had one boy interested in coming by before, but he backed out at the last minute. Another did show up, but after some rubbing and stroking, he said he didn’t want to do anything else. I’m sure you’d be a star though. You took me so well, and all the other guys were so jealous when I told them how good you were. They are VERY eager to meet you. Very big fans of yours.
Those words were actually comforting to Aston as he read them over. They hadn’t pushed that one boy to do more than he wanted, so that was a good sign. Feeling the nerves start to fade, and his eagerness and curiosity start to grow, Aston typed a message back.
“Okay, sure, I’d love to meet some more local guys and help them out. When is the meetup?”
Great to hear, little guy. I’ll spread the word and see just how many I can get to show up. I have a feeling it’ll be record numbers to see you! The meeting is this Saturday at your favorite motel. Don’t worry, we’ll be in one of the fancy rooms, I promise. It usually runs in the evening, though we can schedule it around when you’re free.
That left Aston with a problem. He had plenty of time after school as his parents worked late, but during the weekend it was another story. He had soccer games for school, and his parents were usually around the whole time, leaving him less of a chance to sneak away without them knowing. After a little thought about what he could do, Aston suddenly had an idea. He texted Rex to see if he could cover for him this weekend. His parents wouldn’t be calling someone else’s parents to ask about him, they were far too lax to put that much worry into Aston, but it was always good to have a plan. After getting the okay from Rex, Aston typed out his reply.
“Saturday I’ll be busy, but Sunday I’ll probably be free, at least in the afternoon. Does that work?”
Aston didn’t have to wait long to get a reply.
For you, we’ll make it work. We’ll see you here!
Aston was quite nervous leading up to that day, always wondering if he’d made the right decision. He had no idea who’d be showing up, what they wanted to do to him, and just how awkward or gross it might be. Still though, with a whole group of people wanting to meet him, it was almost a guarantee that he’d be taken care of. No one wanted to be the guy to ruin it for the others after all, at least that’s what Aston hoped for. He just had to keep reminding himself that it’d be worth whatever awkwardness and strain he’d have to go through to meet them all. Besides, he was no stranger to groups, thanks to both Rex and some of his friends on the soccer team. He’d do fine being the center of attention… hopefully.
Aston didn’t bother to bring anything along with him as he left the house pretty light. After all, going off to a friend’s house to play games didn’t require him to bring much. Plus, the guys should have plenty of lube and stuff for him there, and his toys shouldn’t be needed. Dressed in just a T-shirt and shorts, the feline started the familiar walk over to the motel. It was a trip he hadn’t taken in a while, and as the scenery changed around him, he felt his nerves bubbling up, leaving his tail swaying back and forth behind him, always at attention along with his ears.
He’d gotten a room number from the gorilla the night before, although Aston had to go around back to find the ‘renovated’ section and rooms. He could tell they were bigger than the normal ones, with the doors more spaced out between them, and having easy access to that pretty dinky pool as well. He thought he saw someone sneak into one of the doors from a distance away, and he could hear a bit of a noisy rumble ringing through the walls as if a bunch of people were gathered up together in that general direction. He soon found himself in front of the right door, confirming it was the one with all the noise behind it. He gulped down a good bit of saliva in his throat before lifting his paw and giving the door a knock.
He waited for a second and nothing happened, making the feline rock on his feet for a moment as those butterflies in his stomach had time to spread. He thought about turning and heading home now that he had the chance, but he knew just how disappointed everyone would be if he did. No, he’d agreed to do this, and he had to go through with it now. With a clearing of his throat, he lifted up his paw and knocked again, louder this time, before a voice quickly shot back, “What’s the password?” through the door.
“Um… Pineapples,” Aston said back, trying to be somewhat loud so his voice would travel through the door. Suddenly, that murmur from inside went nearly silent, then the locks to the door disengaged. With a slow pull open, the wide head of that ape popped out and grinned as he stared down at the feline in front of him. His eyes darted away from the surprised cat in a flash, taking a look around to see if anyone was following the feline, before stepping back and opening the door the rest of the way, showing off the ape in his white sleeveless shirt and casual basketball-like shorts. As Aston hesitated, he got a quick roll of the ape’s hand toward him, urging him to hurry up and get inside. That caused Aston to kick into gear and take his first steps inside the room, hearing the door close with a loud click behind him, and the chain slide back into the lock as well, making sure Aston couldn’t escape.
The boy’s ears and tail were at attention as all the varied scents hit him all at once, leaving him a bit overwhelmed. The pure mix of species caught him off guard at first, with his mind trying to pick out anything familiar. There was also a hint of arousal and sex in the air, as well as beer, cigarettes, and a few other scents the feline couldn’t place, tingling his nose with every deep breath the feline pulled in. Aston froze after just a few steps, watching all those eyes near the doorway turn to face him, before the ape’s large paw landed on his shoulder and pushed him forward. Aston stumbled with a jolt, but he walked deeper into the room and the light, looking around with a nervous fluff to his fur and quick twitch of his tail. Even though most of the guys had gotten quiet in the main room, Aston could hear a few more guys still chatting in the bedroom, with something playing on the TV. Cute moaning sounds and some heavy smacks bounced off the walls, leaving little to the imagination of what it was. However, if Aston wasn’t busy trying to take in everything at once, he would’ve realized those moans were his own.
Everyone kept up the silence for a moment as they all stared at the cute feline, and Aston stared back, finally having enough time to start to soak in some detail. Some of the older guys had masks on to hide their faces, while others seemed to be comfortable and casual out in the open. And, of course, there were a few backed up into a dark corner as if trying to hide, looking uncomfortable but still curious. A kangaroo was the first to meet his gaze, sitting down on the large couch with his tail curled up at his side. His muzzle was covered by a bright yellow and smiling mask, but the shape of his ears and large tail left Aston identifying him right away. Then there was a lion standing not far away from him, with a big bushy mane and no mask, grinning at Aston with the full confidence and hunger of a predator. Off in the corner, seated about as far as he could get away from everyone else, a nervous purple-furred rabbit was half in a shadow, his face covered by a simple black bandanna. A sudden hungry growl caused Aston’s head to twist the other way, meeting a wolf’s glare as the large male leaned up against the faraway wall.
Then of course there was the ape behind him, giving him another push into the center of the lounge room, as Aston slowly raised up a paw and gave everyone a wave. “H…hey everyone,” he said as his ears folded back and his tail drooped between his legs, the normally calm and confident cat suddenly feeling the pressure from all those eyes locked on him, seemingly devouring him even with his clothing still on.
“He’s so cute,” the lion said first, squatting down to get a good eye-level look at the smaller cat. A wide grin spread across his bare face as he added, “His videos didn’t lie!”
“I agree,” the roo shot back with a nod to his head. “Can’t wait to see if he feels as good too. The little guy’s been through a lot recently, so here’s hoping he doesn’t have any troubles with us.”
“Hey guys,” the ape called out louder than the rest of the banter, breaking off the casual comments as he tapped his large paw on one of the walls. The talking from the other room came to an abrupt halt, with the ape taking a bigger breath and aiming his shout toward the bedroom. “The boy’s here. Come out and say hello!”
Aston’s eyes shot to that doorway to see a few more guys spill out. First came a stallion, although not the biggest or most buff of them all by far. His eyes shot wide at Aston’s appearance, although he was quickly pushed aside by a smaller white-furred house cat wanting to get his own look. A hefty boar was the next to follow the line out as the crowd diffused into the entrance room, each one taking a seat on the couch or standing at attention around it. That made room for a large bull to poke his head out last, this one not wearing any pants and letting his half-hard cock swing back and forth as he walked. Aston’s eyes quickly shot to it, gasping at the girth and size of it, which was picked up by the ape as he shot back a chuckle toward the bull.
“You’re scaring him, Apollo!” That got a small chuckle from the rest of the group as the bull found his spot and stood still, with that cock still swaying back and forth between his legs, seemingly all on its own. His top was covered by a flannel shirt, but his pants had long since been removed, allowing Aston to keep his gaze on that thick meat, feeling a rush of worry now trickle down his back in an icy shiver.
“Sorry,” Apollo said in the most insincere tone possible, crossing his arms over his chest, but doing nothing to hide his erection. He seemed to relish the attention, and with a cock like that, and a sturdy frame to hold it on, Aston couldn’t blame him for wanting to show it off. “I was just enjoying his content in the other room. Some hot stuff. He takes it like a champ.”
Aston shot back a little mew at that, shrinking down as the crowd gathered around him, with his ears up at attention and his breathing racing nearly as fast as his heart. “Glad you like it,” was all Aston could say back, forcing out a smile with a nervous chuckle as well. That got a little smattering of noises and whispers among the crowd, but before Aston could pick out anything in particular, the ape gave him another pat on the shoulder, which made him jump and squeal at the sudden contact.
He fell back to his feet with a soft sigh, and a chuckle from most of the guys watching, before the ape leaned down toward him and said, “So, Aston, welcome to the group. We’re all very happy to see you, as Apollo can attest to. But, before we dive right into things, we have a surprise for you.”
Aston’s ears flicked up to attention at the mention of a surprise, with his tail giving a quick whip behind him. He turned his head to stare into the ape’s dark eyes, and after a bit of hesitation he squeaked out. “A surprise?”
“Yeah,” the ape added with a grunt, pulling his paw away and walking toward a pile of clothing on the extended couch. The generous seating wrapped all around the back wall of the room, leaving only space for the entrance door and bedroom door, as well as space for the TV stand and dresser up front. The ape lumbered on over and sent his large arm diving into the pile, moving a pair of pants and a jacket or two, before grunting and lifting up a set of long stockings. They looked like small fishnets as they dangled from the ape’s thick paw, with a darker criss-crossed pattern of lines standing out among the rest of the fabric.
Aston felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight, quickly imagining how he’d look in something like that, before realizing there were actually four sets and not just two - a matching set of arm-length gloves dangled along with them. There were a few murmurs from the audience at the big reveal, or just from Aston’s reaction, as the ape’s wide face turned into an even wider grin as he let those small garments sway in his grasp. “What do you think, little guy? Think you’ll look good in these? I bought them specially for you, specially for today, as my gift to you for coming.”
“I… I think so, yeah,” Aston said after a small pause, cracking a smile as he rocked on his feet. His eyes darted to the other males, watching a few grins fly around the room, at least those that weren’t hidden by masks. Those reactions made his fur stand up on end at the thought of what was going through their minds. “No underwear?”
“No underwear,” the ape agreed with a nod, but as he draped the long items over one arm, he reached down to pick up something else from deep inside the pile. “But, you did have an unfortunate bit of luck. Seems like the guys wanted to have something down there to protect your sensitive bits.” He trailed off for a moment, hiding something in his large paw as he turned to the bull and said, “What was the vote, 8 to 3 or something like that?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Apollo said back with a smirk. “Sorry AJ, you’ll have to suck his dick another time.”
A few eyes darted over to someone, though it was too quick for Aston to pinpoint who they were. As all the eyes snapped back to the gorilla, Aston watched those fingers open and flash that shining metal cock cage back at Aston. The feline gave off a sudden gasp and mew at the sight of it, curling his legs in at his groin, and giving a small dance as he knew what it was right away. He’d seen them plenty in the porn he’d watched, but he’d never really thought about buying one, even if a few people on stream asked if he’d want them to send him one. Still, his curiosity got the better of him as the gorilla showed it off to everyone in the room, getting a few more eager grins out of those uncovered muzzles, and more rumblings of banter between some of the closer members.
“If you REALLY don’t want to wear it,” the ape continued while giving the cage a spin around his finger, “then I guess you don’t have to, but you’d disappoint a lot of the guys here if you didn’t.”
Aston paused for a moment, as if thinking it through, but seeing all those eager faces staring at him with some heavy need, it was clear what he had to say. “I’ll wear it, sure.”
“That-a-boy!” the ape said with a smile, only to take a slow step over to Aston with all the gear draped across his strong arms. “Then why don’t you get us all going with a bit of a strip show? We want to see you nice and naked before slipping into your new outfit.”
Aston gave off another nod as he took in a few deep breaths, looking around the room to see all those eyes locked on him now. Aston hadn’t ever been one to be the center of attention quite like this before. He had no ambitions of giving speeches, playing in a band, or doing anything else up on a stage in front of a live audience. He was comfortable with people, but even he could feel his young heart racing from all those eyes on him. The nervous tingles left his paws tapping at his hips as he tried to decide what to do. He didn’t want to disappoint the guys obviously, but he could still back out of this now if he wanted. Those thoughts left him hesitating, with the guys getting a little rowdy as Aston just stood there, shooting out a few growls and huffs, as well as a few naughty comments, at the lack of action.
Yet, before they could get too intense, Aston reached down for the hem of his shirt and tugged up on it. It was only a few teasing inches, just enough to let his belly fur poke out from underneath it, but he got back a little cheer at that sight. As more and more of his belly spilled out, with a bit of his chest soon joining the party as well, the cheers only grew. When his nipples were out and exposed, he bunched up that shirt as much as he could against his shoulders, giving a quick spin to make sure everyone could see. Then, with a deep breath, he yanked that shirt up over his head, sticking one arm in the air to help it slide off even further, before catching it with his elbow and bringing it back down. Once he was free, he balled that fabric up with both of his paws, and tossed it casually over into the pile of clothing.
With his upper body exposed, he placed his paws on his hips, puffing out his chest and showing himself off with a few sways of his tail behind him. Those cheers and whistles from the display left a growing and confident smirk on his face, letting him know that he’d made the right decision. Getting going was the hard part. Now that the feline was half-way there, and those eager noises were feeding his mind, he felt relaxed and more comfortable, although with those nerves still tingling deep down inside. He could do this. He’d done this for much bigger audiences on his streams, although he couldn’t see their eyes watching. It was a different feeling for sure, but confidence still built up in the cat quick enough. Before even thinking about it, he sent his paws to the waistband of his shorts, and with a shake to his hips, he pushed them down little by little. He was more enthusiastic about this one, taking some time in showing off those tight and brightly colored blue briefs clinging to his hips with each tiny wiggle.
More cheers, more shouts, more comments of, “Take it off, slut!” filled the room, as the feline just smirked back at those words and bent forward a bit. He wasn’t sure who his upturned tail was pointed to, but with a few quick shimmies and wiggles, his athletic shorts found their way down to his thighs, leaving that cute butt shaking back at whoever was the lucky one. Without sliding them down any further, Aston spun on the balls of his feet, sharing the sight with the other males sitting and standing around the room, only to ease down those shorts along his well toned legs bit by bit. They soon pooled at his feet, and he kicked them off one foot at a time as he stood back up to keep his balance. After giving the audience a good look at his butt and bulge, he bent over and touched his toes to pick them up, giving the audience another good sight as he arched his spine like only a feline could really do. After an extended moment of teasing, he bent back up with them in his paws, balled them up, and tossed them along with his shirt into that pile.
“Last bit,” he let slip with a bit of a purr in his voice, rubbing his paws over his chest, stomach, and legs, however avoiding his groin and rear end as he focused on the less sexually charged bits for now. He gave the audience a few more passes, all while an extended mewing purr left his lips, getting a few more calls of, “The cub’s a natural!” and “Fuck he’s so hot.” Each one made Aston smile as he tried to look at whoever said those words, although it was hard to tell through the masks and the other occasional noises in the room. Still, with Aston taking in that praise and letting it fuel him further, he hooked his paws into the waistband of his tight underwear, showing off his bulge and his butt with little bits of pride, before he wiggled them down an inch, just to show off more of his bare groin and hip.
“Such a tease!” someone shouted out in a deep voice, and as the feline’s eyes turned to that bull, he let out a soft gasp as his eyes shot down to that member between his legs. It was now standing at full attention, looking just about as thick and long as Aston’s arm, with one of the bull’s large paws wrapped around it and stroking away. That caused the feline to stumble a bit, although he caught himself with a squeal as his body nearly froze in place. His eyes locked onto that shaft for a moment, not quite believing what he was seeing, although the bull seemed to enjoy showing it off. A few quick pumps from the bull later, along with a soft grunt leaving the bull’s throat, Aston tried to shake that sight out of his mind and pull his eyes away. He swung around, letting his focus dance around the room to a few other males, although even some of the reserved ones had bulging groins waiting for him, which his eyes just couldn’t miss.
Now that Aston focused in on the crowd, he could smell the scents of quite a few aroused males around him. They all flooded into his brain, overwhelming the poor boy, yet they also switched on a few things for him as well. He’d come to associate the scent of an aroused male with arousal itself, whether it was his own cock, or the cock of a partner. It was a weird thing to think about, but it was one of those things you didn’t HAVE to think about. It just happened. No one had told Aston that those scents meant he better get hard himself, but somehow they had that magical touch. As he took in another deep breath of the thick air around him, and held his paws steady on his underwear, he found his own cock firming up in the process. But, it was still only half-hard when the feline tugged down those underwear and let it flop free in front of him with a sudden yank. That reveal got another cheer from the crowd as Aston just smiled, pushing down those briefs all the way to his ankles, before bending over yet again to show off his feline flexibility.
A few guys moved and tilted their heads to get a good look at him in such a position, but Aston didn’t leave them all fighting for a spot for long. He slid those undies off his paws one by one, still bent over all the while, before giving a slow spin on his feet once more, showing off that rear end and his dangling balls to everyone in the room. That got a new set of cheers and naughty words thrown his way, which the feline drank in with a soft fluff to his fur. He slowly rose back up once the cheers died down, now completely naked and balling up his underwear in his paw. He tossed them over with his other clothing before spreading his legs a bit more, adding back his paws to run over his newly exposed balls and cock, flopping them about with a soft chuckle to himself.
“Everybody like?” Aston asked with a smirk and mew. As the cacophony of replies assaulted his ears, he added a few more rubs over his frame, as well as some gentle spins, trying to look at every guy’s groin to see if their pants were bulging. For the most part they were. With a smirk on his face, he could feel the heat and eager need rising, along with those eager scents growing evermore powerful, almost choking him in the moment. The attention however was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before, and although it was different than being on camera for a bunch of text popping up, Aston was quickly getting used to it, and finding he was enjoying himself.
With some applause starting to ring out, Aston gave a few more bows, soaking it all up with a puff to his chest. He was much more relaxed now that the juices had started flowing, with the cat boy mewing and purring at all the hungry gazes circling around him. However, he couldn’t soak it in forever. He’d almost forgotten what he was truly preparing for, but as the ape moved in and handed off those stockings and gloves, he let out an eager grunt of his own before he said, “Such a cute little thing you are. Go ahead, I hope they fit. I tried to eye up your size, but it’s hard getting them so small.”
Aston nodded and took the garments into his paws, looking them over and soon separating them out into their individual components. He figured the gloves would be the easiest to start with, and quickly found an open end to slide his paw through. With a few careful tugs, he inched the glove up and over his arm fur. He could feel the follicles getting matted underneath as he worked that light fabric higher and higher, but after a few wiggles and adjustments, one glove was seated properly. The thicker end band had slid up just past his bicep, with only his middle finger piercing through the other end, holding the fabric stretched tight against his slender frame.
“Looking good so far,” the gorilla called back with a pleased grunt, not bothering to hide the girthy tent in his pants. Aston caught a quick glance at it as he slid on the second glove, the process going a little easier this time as he knew how to work it, but Aston could swear that he felt the heat off the gorilla’s member as he was standing so close. Aston took a small step back for some space, only to test his balance as he lifted up a leg. Comfortable with the position, he reached for one of the stockings and opened it up around his foot, tugging that thin fabric back and up one of his legs. They were a little harder to get on, especially without being able to sit down, but the feline’s natural balance helped to keep him upright for the most part. He only had to catch the ape’s outstretched arm to steady himself once or twice before those stockings got dragged up toward his thighs. All that was left was for Aston to adjust everything and line them up, and after a few quick checks over everything, he stood proud in the new gear.
That got another round of cat calls (no pun intended), as well as a few of the males inching closer toward the feline. That eager circle started to close up around him as the need in all their eyes made them glow and grow wide, with tongues and teeth still drooling with need. Still, the ape seemed to push them all back as he spread out his arms, holding onto that cock cage in one of his palms. “Now, the final bit,” he said with a grin, before bringing down that bit of metal and offering it up to Aston. “Think you can figure it out? First time?”
“Yeah, first time,” Aston repeated with a soft chuckle. His fingers reached out and grabbed the cage from that large paw. He’d never held one before, although it seemed pretty simple to figure out. He took a second to run his fingers over the metal, feeling a little shiver at the cool naughty object in his grasp. He gave the cage a few tugs, soon separating it from the ring base.
“You put that ring around your balls,” the ape chimed in with a quick grunt, “Then you slide that other piece over your cock. This is a cheaper one, so it should just snap together. No fancy locking mechanism or anything. Really just for the look.”
“Got it,” Aston said as he grabbed onto that ring and brought it down to his groin, popping one ball then the other through it with a little squirm. His gasps and whines made a few more whistles and growls ring through the room, but his balls were the easy part. Now he had to push his growing cock through the ring as well. It was a bit difficult to get things lined up, but the more he strained the less hard he became, so it turned into a proper feedback loop as the feline worked on it with a few grinds. With some wiggling and pushing he managed to get it to fit, leading to another quick cheer ringing through the crowd as he showed it off.
“Gotta stop loving the attention and being such a slut,” the ape called back in a harsher tone. It was meant to tease however, and it did shoot a shiver down Aston’s spine to hear it come out like that. Still, he was focused on the task at hand, trying to breathe deep and let his cock soften even more so it could fit it inside the cage. It was a hard thing to do, especially for a young boy with so many aroused males watching you the whole time, but Aston just tried to think back to the missed pass and shot he’d had during his game yesterday. Running it over in his head a few times, with what he SHOULD’VE done instead, gave him enough of a distraction to soften back up. Before he could think too hard about it, he wiggled that cage around his member and pushed it down, hearing the base lock in place with a bit of a snap. It surprised him enough to get a jump and mew out of him.
“Mmm, perfect,” the ape said with a pleased nod to his head, looking down as Aston moved his paws away to show off that tight cage, squeezing his cock into that small space and making the feline dance a bit at the new sensation. He shook his hips back and forth to bounce the cage off his inner thighs, letting everything settle in its proper position. “How’s it feeling?” The ape asked, stopping short of getting a grope of that caged up cock himself, although Aston could tell he wanted to.
“Tight,” Aston replied with a small huff, reaching down to try and adjust the angle of it, which he did after a few small shakes and tugs. “But, it does get the job done, and it looks good, right?”
Aston shot up a smile at the ape, only to get a heavy grunt in return, along with a bit of a nod of that thick head. “You look perfect,” he said with hunger in his voice. “You look like you belong being surrounded by a bunch of horny men. Ready to get that cute little ass of yours used like it should, and your mind melted from more sex than you can imagine?”
Aston wasn’t sure how to take that, feeling himself squirming and crunching into a slight ball with embarrassment, but still shooting back a quick mew and nod. “Well then, mission accomplished I guess? And yeah, I think I’m ready for everyone,” he squeaked back, getting a small chuckle from a few of the onlookers.
“Not yet,” the ape said, sending that paw down to the feline’s shoulder to hold him steady. “First, you’ve got to deal with me, THEN I’ll unleash the floodgates on you. I got sloppy seconds last time, so I’m going in first this time.”
Aston could do little more than mew and squirm at those words, no doubt looking cute, but also a little nervous as he felt the ape push him back a step. The primate then gave Aston another push on his shoulder, urging him to spin around and face the doorway to the bedroom. Another soft push got him marching, with that cage bouncing around between his legs, sending a few new jolts of sensation all over his groin. “Come on cutie, let’s go get comfortable.”
Aston wasn’t sure if that was an invitation for the others to follow along or not, but after Aston stepped into the bedroom, and the ape followed close behind, the others also streamed in, taking up all the available spots along the walls and around the bed in the center. The bedroom was just about as big as the other room, with the bed taking up most of the center instead of the couch wrapped around the walls. There were a few closets and a dresser and such, as well as a big TV on top of it, currently playing something familiar as Aston walked in. However, it took until the feline hopped on the bed to get a good view of it. When he did, he saw his own moaning face staring back at him, with what looked like a big white fox pounding away at his young rump.
“One of your first with someone else, wasn’t it?” The ape said, being quick to slide off his sleeveless shirt and soon yank down his shorts as well. He had no underwear on, with his thick black cock bouncing beneath that belly unhindered at the moment. It was just as big as Aston remembered, with that girth already causing his pucker to tingle at the sight of it, but at least he did have the confidence of taking it once before… although that was with some heavy warm-up first.
Aston stared at that cock for a moment as the ape waited for an answer, before the feline’s eyes turned away to look at the TV, a few memories popping back as he gazed at the scene. “Y…yeah,” Aston answered, before shifting his gaze back to the ape and his cock. That constant attention to his groin made the gorilla grin and grunt, showing himself off with a small thrust to his hips and bounce of his belly. Yet, after his little display, the big male turned to reach over to the night stand, picking up a bottle of lube that was already placed there.
“You just can’t stop staring at older guys and their cocks, can you?” the gorilla said back as he squeezed out a pump into his hand. Another pump left even more of the slick liquid draining from the bottle, before he dropped it down onto the king bed with a small bounce. Cupping the fluid in his palm, he pushed that hand over his throbbing member, slowly spreading the shine around every last throbbing inch. “You really are a natural born slut. And what a wonderful find I must say. You’re about to make a lot of guys really happy.”
The ape added another slow grunt as his paw worked up and down his cock, now staring at Aston with those narrow and focused eyes, almost eating away into his soul. Aston could only squeak and mew, squirming on the bed as the soft sheets rubbed back against his bare ass cheeks, with that cock cage still feeling a little weird pressed up against his groin. “I… I guess I am, aren’t I? I wouldn’t be here otherwise,” he added, answering all those statements with one reply.
“Mmm, good boy,” the ape continued, before sliding one knee, then the other, onto the bed, starting his slide toward the much smaller feline. Aston squeaked out at the lumbering male, but didn’t do much to move away. Instead he let the ape come to him, soon reaching out to push a strong paw against the feline’s shoulder to lean him back. “I took you doggy last time, so this time I want to watch your face as you take it, and watch that caged cock bounce with my thrusts.”
“Yeah… sounds good,” Aston said just to say something in response, not really able to think of a good comeback as he felt the gorilla push him down onto his back. That lubed up hand left a little imprint on his shoulder fur, matting it down even before they’d started, but that was the least of Aston’s worries with that big body looming above him, blocking out almost all the light around the small boy. Aston took a deep breath as he squirmed on the bed, spreading out a little as he had a lot of bed to work with, but not really feeling much safer.
Perhaps it was just instinct to try and claw away from the gorilla, as the small feline tried to find enough grip on the sheets to slide himself back. But, before he could make any progress, that large ape lumbered up between the feline’s feet. Aston was afraid he was just going to shove that thick shaft inside right away, but to his surprise the ape actually brought down his slick fingers and gave a quick rub over Aston’s pucker. The boy felt his eyes go wide, and his throat let out a firm groan, as a thick digit found that hole and pushed inside with a bit of sudden force.
“Mmm, feels like this kitten is ready,” he teased, working his finger back and forth as Aston adjusted to the thickness of it, only to feel a second digit push him apart as it dove in soon after. Aston had been practicing, and had knotted his toy a few times since the last time the ape was inside of him, so even though that sudden push hurt a bit, the sting did fade pretty quick. However, those fingers were pretty thick, so when the ape tried to push in a third one, Aston squirmed away, feeling the burn rising up a bit too quick for him. Thankfully, the ape seemed to take note of Aston’s reluctance, and he kept his assault to just two fingers. Whether or not that would be better for Aston in the end was hard to say. “You ready for the real thing kitty slut?”
“Y…yeah,” Aston said without seeming too convincing. That looming male over him, those other horny guys watching, the big bull standing off in the corner with that huge cock still wanting to get inside of him… it was quite a lot for Aston to take in. But, he’d already gone too far, and there was no turning back now, so Aston just had to hope that he could handle it. The confirmation from the boy was all the Ape needed to hear as he pulled his fingers out of that young hole, and used both of his hands to grab at the boy’s ankles. He gave them a pull apart, holding the feline spread for the onlooking crowd to enjoy. Using his leverage and strength, he lifted the feline’s hips off the bed, causing only his shoulders to really stay digging into those sheets, while that fat cock adjusted its angle and soon poked at the feline’s opening. With a few slides back and forth, the ape finally got himself set, and with a big gasp Aston felt that tip grinding against his rim, soon pushing past his resistance with a jerky pop.
Aston whined and hissed at that first surge, feeling a sharp clench go all the way up his spine as his body tensed up from the sensation. His teeth clamped down tight, and his eyes slammed shut, feeling his paws turn into balls and grip the sheets on either side of him, with claws digging into the fabric. It was intense, and it did hurt deep down, but the feline’s sharp breaths and pleading mews made the ape slow his progress to a crawl. He held the feline steady, letting him move just a bit to work that sting out, while his own groans filled out the room as the feline danced on his cock.
“Mmmph, fuck boy… so much tighter than last time,” he drooled out in a lust filled voice, adjusting his stance on his knees before slipping in just a little more. Aston squealed out at the push, but the worst of the sting had already gone. The gorilla was in, and even as Aston clenched down around him, there would be no more stopping him from going all the way. It was a big cock to handle for sure, but Aston dealt with the strain, catching his breaths when he could during those small adjustments and pauses. Inch after inch of that girthy shaft continued to slip inside, causing Aston to gasp and squirm with each further entry, before he felt the ape’s groin finally pressed up against his ass cheeks. A firm grind of hips to ass made sure that cock was all the way in, making Aston huff and whine, and the ape groan in pleasure yet again.
A wide smile grew across the gorilla’s face as he stared down at the feline, with Aston finally settling enough to crack open an eye and see it. Soon the other eye opened up and joined in as well, looking up at that big ape as he held himself steady, enjoying the boy’s warmth wrapped around him, with the feline continuing to squirm and adjust. Yet, as the boy twitched and bucked on that bed, in front of a dozen or so onlooking males, the sting further faded, leaving his breathing to calm and his body to relax little by little. That was at least until the ape pulled out a bit and thrust back in a bit harder than Aston was ready for. Another shake of tenseness shot through Aston, causing him to mew and squeal back out, but he batted that sensation away as the gorilla gave another slow grind to help dull the strain.
“Mmmph, fuck, you make such cute noises too,” the ape continued, before sliding his grip down from the young boy’s ankles to his knees and thighs, holding him up from there instead. Aston did what he could to keep that angle steady and the strain minimal, tensing his legs and even digging his heels into the ape’s sides. His face was still twisted into a few complex expressions depending on what the ape was doing, but that was to be expected as the ape picked up the pace and let himself pump away. Before Aston knew it, he was taking the ape at near full speed, although the big gorilla was still being somewhat gentle with his new toy. He didn’t want to hurt the poor thing, but he also didn’t want to cum too fast himself.
They settled into a rhythm after a few tense moments, with Aston’s moans soon slipping past his tightly sealed lips, while his body came to terms with just how big the ape really was. Getting comfortable enough with the steady thrusts, and putting his own moans and mews on autopilot, left Aston a little bit of time to rock his head to the side and take notice of a few other things. He looked around the room, seeing all the guys staring and drooling at the sight before them, but when his eyes flashed over to the corner, Aston’s eyes locked directly on the bull’s cock. It was at full hardness as it had been for a while now, and the bull made no effort to hide himself, casually stroking it to the sight of Aston getting fucked. If Aston thought the ape was thick, then he was going to have some trouble with that bull, feeling the sting build back up under his tail as he gave a nervous clench around the ape’s cock at the moment. He couldn’t possibly handle that… could he?
Trying hard to pull his attention away from the bull, It seemed that a lot of the other guys were starting to get into the mood too. As Aston’s body bounced from the gorilla’s thrusts, and the bed squeaked underneath him from the force, Aston’s eyes caught more and more guys sliding off their pants off and passing around a bottle of lube, each one taking a squirt and then working the slick liquid onto their cocks. Aston couldn’t quite see well enough from his position, but it looked like the guys were pretty spread out in terms of sizes, from a few smaller than his toy, up to that size and a bit more. Of course the bull was at the top, although the gorilla wasn’t that far down the list either.
Seeing how he was handling the ape already,, a strange bit of confidence surged through the feline. That strain in his tail was mostly gone, and those thrusts were regular and steady now, with the ape grunting and moaning above him. Aston was even starting to enjoy himself, although he was constantly reminded that his cock was locked up. The pressure around his member as it pushed against that metal cage was enough to get him squealing yet again, feeling the tension rippling through him. It was desperate to force its way free, wanting to grow to its full size, but with no hope of doing so it shrunk back down when the strain became too much, leaving an odd burn racing all over his shaft.
“Mmm, that’s it… good cat slut,” the ape howled out after a moment, leaning over the boy as he dragged Aston back into each thrust. “How’s it feel to be… on display? I’m sure you love it after all the vids you’ve made.”
“I… I do,” Aston admitted with a truthful little mew at the end, squirming up a bit as those words left his lips, but unable to deny that he was enjoying himself so far. He could feel his body getting into it, even if his cock wasn’t allowed to, with his legs tensing and squeezing, pulling back on the ape’s hips to help with his thrusts. His midsection squirmed and twisted, with his face letting off more moans and mews instead of sharp pained breaths. His paws had gone from clenching the sheets in tight pain to more using it as leverage, pushing back against each thrust to make those heavy slaps all that much louder. Aston even started to play it up for the audience, which he noticed creeping closer and closer to the edge of the bed with every passing moment, cocks out and scents quickly overwhelming the young boy. He arched his back and gave off a few firmer moans, digging his feet into the ape’s sides to rock along with him, feeling his cage flopping up and down with each motion. He almost hurt his balls in the process with a few poorly-timed hip pumps, but he quickly found out how to keep each bounce just off-center enough to keep that cage from making full contact against them, working hard to keep everything flowing and steady.
It certainly seemed to do the job as Aston could feel the ape’s thrusts getting ragged and shaky. His body was trying to keep up the pace, even as his need bubbled over to his outer body posture, forcing each thrust to become a bit harder and less focused. “Mmmph, fuck Kid, I’m gonna blow,” he announced to the whole room, before clamping onto the boy’s legs and dragging him into that thick groin, belly bouncing off those thighs. “Gonna take it all?”
“Yes, please…” Aston shot back without even thinking, clenching his insides around that thick member. “Fill me up!”
It was boring and cliche, but in that moment it just felt right to Aston, and probably to all those watching him get pounded. It certainly did enough for the ape as he gave a few final hard thrusts, smacking almost painfully into the boy’s rear, before grinding deep and letting loose, spraying that load inside the boy with a few strong shots. Aston could even feel the warmth flooding through him, sensing just how badly the ape needed to get off, as that huge cock throbbed and jerked inside his tight, young hole.
It was always a relief to feel your partner cum inside. It was almost like Aston was cumming himself as that warm rush took over. He found himself gasping along with the ape, with those large gorilla paws holding him tight as the beast emptied himself into the boy. Soon those moans of passion turned into deeper breaths, and a warm and dopey smile took over the ape’s normal stern and rough exterior. It was quickly matched with Aston’s own satisfied and accomplished smile, along with a small giggle as well. “You cute little fuck…” the ape said through his deep breaths, sliding a hand from one of Aston’s legs to his head, ruffling his hair. Aston shot back a mew and giggled at that again, batting it away with a playful swat, only to get the ape grunting once more, with that smile never leaving his face.
With a small shuffle, the ape pulled himself back, sliding his spent cock out of that open feline hole, and letting a good bit of cum spill out onto the sheets beneath him. Aston shivered at that sensation, feeling the trickle dripping over his tail and ass cheeks, but he didn’t get to enjoy it for too long. As the ape shifted off the bed, and Aston felt it bounce back in rebound, the ape called out, “Alright, have at him boys! Just save a little for me for round two.” As those words were still bouncing off the walls, the bed bowed yet again as a few guys crawled onto the edges. Paws suddenly reached out to rub at him, muzzles leaned in to give him a kiss, and pretty soon a few cocks got to rubbing up against his rear end and legs, battling to be the next to slide inside. As Aston struggled to shoot his focus back and forth between all of them, he knew it was going to be a long night, and he was going to be very busy…