You Damn Dirty Ape
Aston might be paying the price for being such a show-off online. Fans are great to have, but some are more needy than others…
Curiosity Killed the Cat (Chapter 8)
Aston froze in his position, tail and ears up and at attention, ready to run at a moment’s notice. Only he couldn’t. He was left staring at the towering and pudgy gorilla, wearing a tacky Hawaiian shirt and some cheap beige slacks for pants, while a few deep breaths ran through his chest. The young boy’s eyes scanned up and down that gigantic frame, mostly frozen in fear, but also a little curious about how he knew, all while his mind tried to think of what to do.
“I… haven’t done anything in your motel,” he came back with, not exactly convincing in his tone. “I mean, I’m just visiting a friend. But I really have to get home now.”
“I’m sure you do,” the gorilla replied with a soft chuckle, the deep bass of his voice making Aston’s fur stand on end. His prominent belly wiggled with each hearty chuckle, and as his beefy arms crossed his broad chest, the ape continued with, “But, like I said, we have something to discuss first. Shouldn’t take too long,” he teased with a growing grin, making Aston shiver yet again.
“Maybe next time,” Aston countered, feeling his feet start to pull away from their icy lock to the ground. But, before he could make use of his new freedom, the gorilla grunted back at him.
“Might not be a next time if your parents find out about what you’re doing here,” he said with a more serious tone, losing his joking confidence as those eyes narrowed on the smaller feline. “Now, are you going to come into my office so we can talk, or do you want the whole world to know? Then again, you post about it regularly, so maybe you do want the world to know…”
Those words, along with the growing grin across the gorilla’s face, left Aston little choice. He knew his charade was up, and he could feel his shoulders slump as a heavy sigh left his chest. “Alright, fine,” the feline said back, almost through grit teeth. Against his better judgment, especially as his mind was screaming at him just to run, the feline inched forward. He took one step, then another, and soon enough the momentum carried him past where the gorilla was standing, feeling a few nervous twitches shoot through his tail.
The ape nodded and grunted with approval, turning to watch the feline walk past him and into the main office, before he pushed off the doorframe to follow along. Once inside, the ape reached back to yank on the door, slamming it closed from the force from his powerful arm. That noise was loud enough to make the nervous feline jump a few inches into the air. The gorilla grinned a bit more at that reaction as he approached the boy from behind. That big shadow loomed over the small cat, with the fur on Aston’s neck prickling up at the feeling of something getting close, but the lumbering male made his way around the now static feline frame with little incident. He continued his walk until he was behind the welcome desk, before opening a door to the office beyond. He turned back to the young boy and shot him a softer smile. “Come on, in here.” Aston hesitated for a good while, before feeling his feet move to follow along.
He walked into that office like it was the Principal at school he was going to see: glum and defeated, knowing he was in trouble, slouched and shuffling with each step. He looked down at the floor, averting his eyes from the ape as he walked past that large frame once again, only for the older male to close the door once Aston and the ape shuffled inside. It was a pretty spacious office for such a low-grade motel, as the gorilla no doubt needed the extra room to get around. That left Aston plenty of space to hide near a corner as the gorilla took his place behind the desk at the center of the room, and reached out to turn the flat computer monitor to face the feline. Aston looked up slowly, making a good guess of what he’d see on that screen before his eyes ever locked onto it.
It turned out he was right. There, staring back at him, was the feline’s own ass, while in the process of slurping down a big fox member in his muzzle. “I’d know my own shitty motel rooms from anywhere,” the gorilla began, his smirk growing ever wider as the feline shot back a little grumble in his chest. “That tacky coloring scheme, the way things look like they are falling apart, those hideous paintings I got from thrift shops… not to mention that I remembered a few of these ‘guests’ checking in too.” He clicked over to a different tab, showing a thumbnail of the feline and the dragon from just moments before. There were already a few comments on the ‘archived’ stream, although Aston was too far away to read them.
Aston said nothing, growling under his breath as the feline rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, now looking back down at the floor.
“Don’t worry,” the gorilla began again in a softer tone, “I promise not to reveal their names or anything like that. You have my word that they’ll be safe, as long as you keep what we discuss here to yourself.”
That got a slow nod from Aston as he let out a deep breath, at least happy that they wouldn’t get in trouble for what he had set up.
“But, I am a bit jealous honestly,” the big ape finally said with a wide smile. “To think, there’s such a sexy and eager boy, using my motel to be lewd in, and he never invited me to join in? What a naughty boy. Good thing…” he leaned in closer to the feline as he almost whispered “…I like naughty boys.”
Aston shot back a small huff at that, now even crossing his arms over his chest and giving his tail an annoyed wag. He looked up at the gorilla’s face, meeting his eyes with one quick dismissive glance, before sending them back down at the floor again.
“I forgive you though,” the big ape continued. “I just wasn’t looking in the right places I suppose. But now, we have a chance to fix that.”
“I’ve got to get home…” Aston blurted out, before giving off another growl and gritting his teeth.
“I’m sure you do, Kid,” the gorilla replied with a grunt of his own. “So let’s make this quick. What if I offered you a free room, whenever you needed it, so you can do your thing? Hell, we have a few suites here as well. You might not believe me with the condition of the other rooms, but these are recently renovated, and actually semi-decent. Rarely used too, as few people who come here are looking for ‘luxury’.”
“The catch is,” Aston shot back suddenly, interrupting the gorilla as he took a small pause, “You want to fuck me, right?”
“Smart kid,” the gorilla responded with a small nod himself. “I’m as big as I look too, trust me,” he continued with a proud grunt, soon sliding off his open shirt and tossing it aside to flex his arms and chest for the feline. “But, I think someone of your skills could handle it. I’ve gone back and watched your early stuff up until now.” He clicked rapidly through several tabs showing different videos he had up. The boy’s entire lewd journey flashed by in rapid fire. “You made some impressive progress. I think you’re just about ready for a true challenge.”
Unphased by the gorilla taking a step away from the computer and closer to him, the feline inched his way toward the door, taking a quick look at it and trying to figure out if the ape had locked it or not. “I’ll think about it,” Aston replied, almost as an afterthought, as his eyes glanced back up at the beast looming over him. “But now I really have to go.”
The gorilla didn’t seem to like that answer, and although the beast was big and lumbering, he was also pretty fast too. With a large yet quick step, he ended up within striking distance of the small feline, and he shot out his lengthy arm to grab the boy by his shoulder and hold him in place. Those fingers were strong as they dug in, making Aston gasp and twist at the pressure. It was more out of surprise than pain, but the urge to run quickly bubbled up in the feline’s frame. Yet, he felt stuck once again, both in surprise and from the big ape holding him in position.
“There’s one more thing I need from you before I can let you go,” the ape said with a voice drooling in need. Aston tried to squirm out of his grasp, but he already knew it was useless. The big gorilla took another step forward, and brought his other massive hand down onto Aston’s other shoulder, holding him steady as the mewing feline could do nothing but shiver. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way… and I think we can both agree that neither would enjoy the hard way. I’m not a rapist, but I know what I need right now. I tuned in for your first stream you know. I was watching you ride that dragon and getting your cute little ass destroyed. I know you’re warmed up and slick for me now. So, bend that ass over my desk, show it off, and beg me to destroy you even more. Then, I’ll let you go home.”
Aston’s fur fluffed up at those words, feeling his eyes shoot wide and his ears raise up to full attention. He tried to wiggle free again, but with both hands holding his shoulders there was no chance he could. That left the cat little choice but to huff and groan back, while his eyes made the slow crawl up that large frame to meet the ape’s own. “You… promise?”
“I promise,” the gorilla said with a firm nod, with enough strength in his voice for the feline to believe him. “And whenever you need a room, just let me know. I’ll be happy to warm you up for whoever it might be. But right now, I can’t let you go without trying you myself. Not after the show you just put on. God damned you’re a slut! Such a cute, fuckable slut.”
Aston felt another strong shiver shoot up his spine. The dragon had left him sore, and he could still feel the burn in his tail that those ridges had provoked, but he was going to have to fight through that pain just to make it out of here. “Fine,” he said with a weak little grunt, and almost instantly felt those fingers lessen their grip on his shoulders. It wasn’t enough for the feline to break free and run, but it was enough for him to show intent. The boy pushed forward to take a step to the side, toward the desk back in the middle of the room, and that was enough to get those fingers to fully release.
Aston thought about running at that point, but with the gorilla blocking his way to the door, he knew he couldn’t make it. He was stuck here with him, and as Aston took another step toward the desk, he felt those strong hands reach down and give his ass cheeks a grope, making the feline jump and gasp just from the force of it. “Mmmph, I’m… really sore,” Aston said back with a little whimper, stopping at the edge of the desk after that tight grip released his young ass, but the gorilla was already in his own little world. Not even really listening, the big beast brought one hand up to push against Aston’s shoulder blades from behind, pressing just above where Aston’s laptop was resting on his back.
The force of that push folded him down against the desk with a heavy grunt. Aston reached out to brace himself with his arms and paws, getting them in front of him just in time to lessen the blow on his chest, as well as trying to soften it for the computer in his backpack as well. “Ow… hey…” Aston cried out with a squirm and a little kick of his foot back as he adjusted, but once again it fell on deaf ears. That one paw held him down, pressing his chest against the desk with a good bit of weight, while the other slid around a hip and grabbed onto the hem of the feline’s shorts. With a firm yank that caused Aston to squeal and mew again, he felt the button pop off the front of his pants and go flying across the ground, loosening the waistband enough to slide it down around his ass. It only took a few more pulls to get them completely down his legs, although his underwear still clung to his cheeks thanks to all the cum and lube sticking his fur to them.
That was quickly remedied by the gorilla as well with those thick fingers sliding in between Aston’s fur and the elastic. A quick yank, along with a few small ripping pops from the fabric, and Aston’s bare butt was exposed in that office.
“Mmmm, little slut was going to leak all the way home, huh?” The ape teased, leaving those pants pooling around Aston’s ankles, and those undies stretched just over his thighs. “Think your parents couldn’t smell the scent of another male on you? Think they don’t know what’s going on?”
It was clearly dirty talk the ape was trying to spit out, and not anything he knew for sure, but in the moment Aston couldn’t help but gasp and whine at that thought. He could feel his tail smacking against the ape’s big belly, the last little thing the feline could actually do to fight back, before that too was suddenly squeezed and hoisted up, breaking down his last line of defense.
“Mmm, they should be proud of you though,” the ape continued to tease, taking a gander at that ass for a moment, before letting go of that tail to reach down and undo his own pants. A few loud clings of the buckle, and the heavy rustling of fabric, let Aston know that the ape’s groin was just as bare as his. “Such a talented boy you are, so eager, so dedicated to giving guys like me something to fantasize over. And what a beautiful ass you have,” he continued with a grunt, soon freeing himself and grinding something very thick back against one of Aston’s cheeks. The feline gasped at the sensation, squirming a good bit as he thought it was the ape’s arm at first, only to feel that warm pre leaking through his fur, letting him know that his fears were true. “It’s beautiful watching it in action too,” the gorilla continued, sliding his paw back over an ass cheek, then diving a thick digit into the feline’s slick tail end with an unceremonious plunge.
Aston hissed and grunted as the feline wasn’t lying about being sore. His ass had been constantly tingling and burning from the dragon’s treatment with each step he’d taken, and here his hole was getting plundered again with barely any time to recover. It sent a surge of sting all the way up to his tail tip, with the shock also bouncing up to his head and making him arch his back with a squirm. Yet, the gorilla only slowed a little bit, driving the rest of the finger in with a solid push, then adding a second, spreading the feline as wide as some of the cocks he’d taken in the past. It stung, it made him dance, but his young hole took it, opening up and slurping tight around those firm digits despite his whines and noises of protest.
“Mmm, nice and slick, just like I expected,” the gorilla added with a grunting smile, giving his hips a grind against Aston’s ass. That thick cock slid over his ass cheek as that belly rubbed against his back, making the feline buck under the pressure of that paw holding his hip firmly in place.
“G..gentle…” Aston spit out with another small hiss and growl, “I’m… really sore,” he said once more, but yet again the gorilla either didn’t hear it or chose not to. He made no mention of it, nor did he slow his advances. Yet, after a few more pumps and curls inside Aston’s sore rear end, the ape’s thick fingers slid free of his ass, giving the boy a second to catch his breath, before they wrapped around the girth of his own cock. After a few slapping taps to each cheek, and a small grind in between them, the gorilla led that tip down Aston’s ass crack and toward his warm and waiting hole.
“Mmmph, grit those teeth kid,” the gorilla growled out as he pushed his hips forward, letting that blunt human-like tip stretch the feline’s poor pucker even more, relying on just a light helping of pre and the lingering slickness inside the feline’s rear to help it get inside. Thankfully the dragon had leaked quite a bit inside of him, and Aston was slick enough to make the entry not too taxing on his insides. What really got him though was the girth. The gorilla didn’t seem to be super long, but he was thick, thick enough to make the burn in Aston’s ass shoot up another few notches as that member ground against him. It didn’t seem to want to go at first, leaving Aston squirming and squealing against the desk, but once that head got some traction and found that opening at just the right angle, the cock shot inside with an audible pop.
With the momentum of those hips behind it, that shaft slid a good few inches into Aston’s rear, making him hiss loud, adding to the rush of air leaving his lungs at the surge of pain. “Ow oww…” he cried out through grit teeth, with the feline’s claws digging into the ape’s desk, as his body tensed and tried to push that thick member back out. “Pull back… it hurts…”
“Almost got it all in,” the ape responded with an oblivious grunt himself, adding another little push to get the girthiest bit of that cock through Aston’s pucker, only to slap his heavy balls and groin against the boy’s rear end a moment later. That made Aston squeal again with a few more twitches and pained gasps, but once that girthy middle part was through, Aston could almost rest against the base, feeling a little less sting than during the insertion process. “See? There you go… fits perfectly inside such a slutty ass.” The gorilla continued with a few pleasured groans, enjoying the warmth and sensation of the squirming feline around him. “It feels even better than I imagined… holy shit.”
With those words, the ape grunted and began pulling back, sending another tingling surge through the feline’s rear end, but honestly it wasn’t as bad as the first. Aston’s butt had been through a lot, and it caught up quick when being pushed hard, with that pain being turned into a bit of a strained burn this time, and fading with each spread and squelching sound ringing out because of that member. It was still far from easy though, leaving the feline grunting hard as the weight of the ape’s thrusts gave his ass little time to prepare. He started off slow at first, half trying to enjoy it himself and half trying not to break the poor kid as those strained hisses still rang out on occasion. But, as the gorilla’s hips sped up, the driving force soon threatened to break through the flimsy desk with each hard smack into the feline’s sore ass.
Still, Aston’s pleas had stopped, knowing they were useless, and he focused on gritting his teeth and paws to endure each brutally hard thrust from the eager ape behind him. Slowly but surely that burn began to fade, leaving Aston gasping for breath each time the ape pushed in. It still kind of hurt, but it was such a rush to feel his insides so full with that girth, and so empty without it. He’d felt it with other partners too, but this gorilla’s cock just had the right shape to really maximize the difference. Each full thrust left his body shaking and his mind swimming in a sea of strain and pleasure, with the boy’s insides clenching and twitching all on their own. Each part of his body was doing what it needed to do in order to take it, and much to Aston’s surprise, they were working well together.
Aston never got to the point of actually thrusting back either. Not that he could, with the strong gorilla holding him in place, and those thrusts pressing his groin right up against the edge of the desk. It barely even left any space for his slowly hardening cock to bump up against his belly, with the feline feeling surprisingly aroused by this situation now that his ass had calmed down from all the initial strain. It wasn’t easy, but that wasn’t the point. It was a rush, a test, something for the feline to endure and come out better in the end… and he was passing it so far. He could take this, even if he didn’t want to at first. He could handle a girthy cock even after he’d already had one. That realization kept him going, and maybe even got him to enjoy things a bit more. He was strangely proud of himself as the cat heard those heavy grunts ringing out from above him.
“Fuck boy…” the gorilla grunted after only a few moments of leaning into the boy’s rear end, “how does anyone last… that long inside this perfect ass? I’m getting close… you ready?”
On the one hand, Aston was ready.
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