Boys Will Be Boys
Aston seems to have gotten himself caught up with a few other boys from school. Doesn’t look like he minds!
Artwork by the lovely @minum
You can read the full story [url=]here.[/url]
Jason the Hyena belongs to @Mikolai
Marcus the Wolf belongs to @sh30gorath
Marcus the Wolf belongs to @sh30gorath
Shane the Lab belongs to Henry and Shane
Curiosity Killed the Cat (Chapter 9)
The drive back to Aston’s house was relatively uneventful as the trip wasn’t all that long. The fancy Cadillac was pretty nice to sit in, although the feline was afraid to touch anything inside that expensive car. He held his quickly thrown together burrito bowl tight in his paws, with each careful fork-full being followed up to his mouth by that bowl, not wanting to drop even one single grain of rice onto the fancy interior. With a little effort, Rex finally got him to relax by showing him some of the stains and markings he’d made over the years, all while sharing a good laugh at the memories. Still, as that car pulled up to Aston’s curb, and the Butler got out to open the door for him, Aston gave Rex one more hug before hopping out. He thanked the older male for the drive, and with a shift of that backpack on his shoulder, he headed inside.
His parents seemed a little worried, which wasn’t exactly like them, but after giving them both a hug, they settled down. He told them a quick story about playing games, doing homework, and eating. Soon they were satisfied enough to let him run up to his room. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he whipped out his laptop and logged back into the streaming site. He was amazed to see just how many views that archived stream of his now had, already getting close to some of the numbers he had on Kinkykub.
It’d been a long day for the feline, but he had just enough left inside him to absorb all the naughty energy now surging over the stream video. He replied to each naughty comment he could, before finally leaning back onto his bed and stroking himself while he watched bits of that stream. It was weird to be masturbating to himself honestly, but he had to admit the action was really hot, especially toward the end as he took that cock nice and easy. Watching his ass ripple around those ridges, with his pucker being pushed in and dragged out along with them, was enough to get the cat boy over the edge. He made quite the mess on his formally clean belly, although it was a much needed release with how hard the day had been, and with how pent up he was after all of it.
He could still feel his ass burning each time he shifted position while trying to sleep, but it was an accomplished feeling. It might have made the boy hiss a bit, but it also made him think back to what had made him hurt so much in the first place. He’d seen what the dragon had done from a different angle now, and it was all fresh in his mind. Those memories came rolling back in strong, shivering waves, making the boy’s own sore pucker clench as he remembered just how full he’d felt. It might have hurt at that moment, but Aston remembered it quite fondly nevertheless. Maybe the gorilla wasn’t the best memory exactly, but Aston had to admit that he’d been a challenging ride as well. Now that the pain and strain wasn’t enveloping him completely, he had at least a few fond memories of being taken over that desk. The fact that he’d gotten the gorilla off had to be worth something too. He just wished he could’ve made another video out of it. He could always go back and try again, but…
Aston let that thought settle in his brain as he tried to shut it down for the night, although sending a stray paw down to grope at his raging erection didn’t exactly help either. Still, after another quick pawing, his naughty mind had finally been sedated, at least for now. He finally got to sleep, falling deep into it like some exhausted rock, until his phone alarm work him up the next morning for school.
His ass certainly hurt as he pulled himself out of bed, quite a bit in fact, but the boy pushed through it and tried to hide it, both from his parents and his friends at school. Thankfully, he didn’t have soccer practice that day, although he did start to feel a bit better by the time he’d gotten home. Still, he knew he’d be out of commission for a few days, at least in terms of his tail end. But, this could’ve been the perfect time to get some topping practice in. He considered his options, thinking about messaging Naughty Spotty even, but instead he took a lazy few days off from any serious lewd content to let his body recover. He did upload another fapping video or two, something that he hadn’t done in a while, but otherwise he was happy to lay low, only responding to some new comments and friend requests.
After a few days he began to feel that itch and need under his tail again. He gave it a few poking prods with some fingers in the shower, testing it out to see if he was ready to go. There was some lingering soreness, but overall he opened up pretty easy, letting him know that it was time to get back to work. He wanted to do another stream, and he figured he could use a little motivation at taking that knot on his dildo. With his goal set in mind, he got himself ready after school, and even sent out a few messages and updates to his biggest fans. But, before he could go live, he heard a knock at the door, along with a few sudden texts gracing his phone.
“Hey, we’re here, open up!” came one from Marcus, a black wolf who was a member of his soccer team.
“Don’t make me climb in through a window!” a second text shouted out after the first, this one from Jason, a hyena who was also on the team.
Aston grumbled at his luck. Of course they chose today to pay him a surprise visit and not one of the other days he was being lazy. With a sigh, he stashed away his toy in its hiding place and made his way to the front door. He opened it to see those two waiting for him, as well as Shane, a black lab who was also on the team.
“Hey, what’s up guys?” Aston asked with a smile, putting on a bright face as he was happy to see them, just not at this current moment.
“We’re here to hang out!” Jason said with a soft grin, before pushing past Aston and strolling his way into the house.
“Yeah, it’s been too long since we hung out,” Marcus added, although waiting for Aston to move and invite him in, which he did in short order.
Shane followed in at the end, closing the door behind him. As he raced to catch up to the others, he hopped up a few steps and said, “Been busy, Aston?”
“Yeah, a little,” Aston replied as all four of them made their way to his room, with Jason hopping up onto that bed first. “Had to focus a bit on school. My last English test didn’t go so well.”
“Why do we even take English anyway?” Jason asked with a bounce over the edge of the mattress, with Marcus sitting down on the corner. “We can speak it just fine.”
“At least some of us can,” Marcus shot back, getting a slight glare from Jason, and soon a quick punch to the shoulder, which Marcus mostly squirmed away from.
“Well,” Aston began after a small pause, “whatever. I just need a decent grade in it to stay on the team.”
“If you want,” Shane said from the back, choosing to stay standing behind Aston, “I can help.”
Aston let out a small chuckle as he turned to the side, trying to face all three at once. “I think I’ll survive. I just have to actually read those boring books, you know? Or find a good summary online somewhere.”
“Cliffnotes!” Marcus shouted back, getting a nod from Jason as well.
“Yeah yeah, I know,” Aston grumbled with a sigh. He ran his paw through his hair, flicking it back and out of his eyes. “So what’s up guys? It has been a while since we all hung out while not at practice, hasn’t it? I didn’t even realize!”
“A few months maybe,” Shane agreed, butting in as his tail wagged behind him.
“Well,” Aston started up again, “I guess we’re fixing that now. Wanna head out on an adventure? Play some games? Kick around a ball in the backyard?”
“We actually wanted to ask you something,” Jason interjected, throwing a toothy hyena grin back at Aston, which made the feline’s breath catch in his throat momentarily. Marcus looked at Jason with a bit of a glare, and Shane also moved his eyes to look over the hyena, but Jason just stood firm in his forwardness, like he usually did.
“Dude, chill,” Marcus grumbled under his breath, but finally sighed as Jason turned his grin to face him, knowing he couldn’t win against the hyena. “Fine, ask him,” Marcus gave in with an eventual sigh himself. “Can’t just let us hang for a bit, can ya?”
“Nope,” Jason replied to the wolf, before turning his head to face Aston once again. The feline had enough time to swallow some spit in his throat, but he felt his ears perk up and his tail start to stand on end behind him, trying to hide it with a few forced sways back and forth. “So,” Jason began with a few taps of his fingers on the edge of the bed, “word on the street is that you’ve been hanging around with Rex a bit.”
Aston was a little worried about where this was going, but he tried not to let it show as he gave off a soft chuckle under his deepening breath. “I mean, yeah,” he said back, knowing that a full-on lie would be a bad move, but a little one might work well enough. “We got put into the same group for a project in science class.”
“A project for the whole year?” Marcus jumped in, causing Aston to twitch a bit as his eyes looked over at the wolf.
“Well, we did one, then we paired up again each time we needed a group. What’s wrong with Rex anyway?”
“Nothing at all,” Jason replied with a small snicker. “But, is that all you’re doing?”
Aston did his best to look confused, although throwing in a little nervousness as he couldn’t quite hold it back. “Y… yeah? What do you mean though?”
“Well…” Jason began once more, before Marcus cut him off. “Rex is known for… you know… sleeping with other boys.”
Aston once again took a second before responding, letting his hesitation build on his further confusion. “And? So? I don’t care what he does. He’s a really friendly guy, not to mention rich! His chef once cooked me a burrito bowl, which was the best Mexican food I ever had. He’s also got all sorts of toys, games, all the latest stuff, you name it! What’s not to like?”
Despite Aston’s efforts to keep the conversation serious, a giggle shot out of Marcus’ muzzle as he repeated, “Really friendly, huh? Just how friendly?”
All of the boys chuckled at that except Aston, who hopped over to the head of the bed and grabbed a pillow, swinging it at Marcus. The wolf mostly dodged, getting a grazing blow to his shoulder, before Aston grumbled back, “You know what I mean!”
A few more chuckles were shared, with even Aston dropping the pillow and smiling, before Marcus picked up the conversation. “We were just wondering, cause you know, you’ve been ‘busy’ the last few months. You’ve been over Rex’s place a few times, way more than just a few ‘projects’ would call for. You’re not ditching us for him, are you?”
“Never!” Aston shouted back, looking at all three curious onlookers before he said, “I see you guys all the time at practice and the games anyway. I couldn’t ditch you even if I wanted to. What, are you getting jealous?”
“No, we’re not jealous,” Shane chirped in with a rare appearance, leaving the others nodding. “Just curious. But that’s cool.”
A moment of slightly awkward silence fell over the group after that, but Jason always had a way of breaking that given the chance. And, with as little restraint as he usually had, he perked up and asked, “So, do you top or bottom for Rex? We have a bet going…”
That got the hyena some accusing stares from both the wolf and the lab, leaving Aston’s ears and tail now jolting up to full extension, as the stumbling feline struggled to say, “W…what?”
“Total bottom,” Jason replied with a nod to his head, seeming confident in his answer.
Marcus, although not as forward with it as Jason, added in, “I thought so too. You know how catboys are.”
“I still think he could be a good top,” Shane replied in a quieter tone, causing everyone to look over at him again.
“That’s just cause you’re the most bottom,” Jason called out to the canine. “Everyone is a top compared to you.”
“Hey, no I’m not!” Shane shouted back, puffing out his chest and giving his tail a quick wag as he got defensive.
“Cat boys though,” Marcus said to break up the fight, turning the attention back to Aston. “Always bottoms.”
“Hey,” Aston cried out in protest, “how do you even know?”
“I mean,” Marcus started, leaning back with a grin on his face now, “Just look at your ass. Hard to keep my eyes off it in the showers.”
“Confirmed,” Jason nodded in reply, even extending out a paw to get a high-five from the wolf, with Shane’s nodding whimper from the corner being the third confirmation.
“You guys are staring at my ass in the shower?” Aston called out, feeling a strange growl invade his throat at the sudden realization.
“Well, it’s not our fault you show it off!” Jason shot back with a nod. “I mean, ever since a few months ago, you just seem a bit different. It used to not be anything, but now… it’s like you’re trying to make everyone focus on it. Like, you have it pushed out, tail up or to the side, back arched as you walk in, walk out, and shower… you’re one step away from spreading your legs, bending over against the wall, and yelling out, ‘Fuck me Coach like the little feline femboy I am!’ to the whole locker room.”
That description got a few chuckles from both Marcus and Shane, but it left Aston’s fur rustling as he sent out a nervous mew under his breath.
“See?” Marcus shot in before Aston could say anything, “that’s a total bottom response there. Fur bristling, legs pulling together, the squirms and whips of that tail…”
Aston growled again as he did his best to puff his chest out and stand up straight and firm, even clenching his paws into fists.
“Not that we care,” Jason interjected before Aston felt the teasing go too far. “Hell, you do what you want to do. Work that ass and use it well! We were just wondering is all. Again, totally go for it. I’ve seen some of Rex’s underwear ads he does. Borderline child porn, but… he is pretty sexy.”
Leave it to Jason to both rile up a situation and disarm it simultaneously. Aston was left feeling a bit confused at the moment, having so many things to respond to in that one statement. It left him twitching, looking back and forth at all three of the others, before some words finally spilled out of his muzzle. “So what if I’ve bottomed before?” escaped his lips before he had a chance to pull it back in, getting all three of the others to perk up their ears.
“Nothing wrong with that,” Marcus was the first to shout back, even shooting him a thumbs up and a smile.
“Nothing at all,” Jason agreed with a nod. “For Rex?”
“Y…yeah,” Aston admitted once again, feeling his defenses crumble now that there was a leak in the dam.
“I knew it!” Jason shouted out with a quick bounce on the edge of that bed. “I fuckin’ knew it!” He took a moment to calm his excitement, taking a deep breath, before saying back, “Good on you though. Heck, good on him too! Getting more action than I am…”
“Well, if you weren’t always such a dick…” Shane shot out with an accusing stare, causing Jason to tense up a bit. “I mean, Aston didn’t have to tell us anything, yet you forced it out of him.”
“Nah, it’s cool,” Aston said with a heavy sigh, slumping a bit and smiling as he bounced back after all that tension. “Feels good to get off my chest actually, you know? And it’s cool that you guys are cool with it.”
“Good for you, bro,” Marcus replied with another thumbs up, and also getting a smile from both Shane and Jason for his efforts.
Aston squeaked out a soft mew and smile, even feeling a relieved purr ringing out through his chest as the tingles and nerves all flooded out from him. It was bound to happen at some point, and he was just happy that his friends were cool with finding out about it. Though, he still wasn’t sure if he’d be okay with them finding out about his OTHER side projects…
As the group shared a small moment of smiles and silence, it was Jason who once again broke the tranquility. His smile turned into a grin as he asked, “So, how long are you going to hold out on us?”
“Oh come on Jay,” Marcus shouted back with a hint of actual anger in his voice.
“Dude…” was all Shane could say to back that up, but the hyena was left undeterred as his grin continued to stare at Aston.
“W…what?” the feline shot back, actually confused for a moment before the gears started to turn in his head.
“Well, as I said,” Jason began with little embarrassment showing, “I’m not getting much action. The three of us were talking about what you were getting up to with Rex, probably on one of those days that you were busy and couldn’t hang out. It got us thinking…”
Marcus was quick to jump in and yell over the hyena’s words, “No, it was Jason who was thinking! This was all him, dude. You know how he drags us into things.”
“Well fine,” Jason agreed after a big breath of air, “It was ME who was thinking about how nice it might be like to have a piece of ass on call, someone like you, ya know? But, they all agreed that they’d jump in too!”
It was then that Marcus grabbed the pillow Aston held before and gave it a swing at the hyena, hitting him square in the chest with a loud but dull thwack. “You’re such a dick,” Marcus growled, once again feeling a little actual anger rise up in his throat.
“Yeah, leave Aston alone,” Shane agreed, taking a step closer and ready to grab a pillow himself.
“Guys,” Aston said as he threw up his paws, “relax. It’s cool.” That got everyone to shut up and turn to face the feline, with none of them quite expecting his soft response. “It’s actually kind of flattering you’d say that honestly. Didn’t think I was any better looking than the rest of the team. And, you know what? Sure. If you want to try being gay, then I don’t mind helping.”
“Woah…woah… woah!” Jason replied almost before Aston had finished, “I didn’t say that. More curious… bi-curious. Hell, all sex is good sex, right? A warm hole is a warm hole and all?”
“Whatever… Fag!” Aston countered with a smile and a grin, letting the hyena know he was just playing around. Still, that got the response he wanted from Jason, seeing the normally confident boy get a little defensive and stumble on his words.
“I… whatever. I don’t care what you call me,” he cried out with a twitch in his posture. “I’m a teenage boy, I’m horny, I want to get off and fuck someone. So sue me!”
“Gotta ask nicer than that,” Aston teased, having the hyena on the ropes. The two others just watched the exchange, unsure whether they should jump in, or on which side.
Jason growled at that, squirming and bouncing on the edge of the bed, looking conflicted as he wasn’t really in charge anymore. Still though, that dominant gaze soon broke, and his large eyes looked up at the feline’s own as he said, “Oh…Please Mister Aston, can I fuck your ass?”
That got a chuckle from Aston for sure, and the two others offered their weak and half-hearted amused noises as well, before Aston slowly said, “Hmm, I guess. That’s what you REALLY came here for, isn’t it?”
“Kinda,” Jason blurted out with no restraint like usual, getting a firm look from the other two.
Aston, not wanting to make this too awkward, turned to the canines as he said, “You guys cool with this? I don’t want things to get awkward.”
Jason answered for them, finding a bit of his spark again as he said, “Oh, they were arguing about who’d get your muzzle, and who’d have to settle for a paw!” That got him a firm smack from the back of Marcus’ paw, which he took solid on the chest without even flinching. “Sure your boyfriend won’t mind, though?” Jason continued as his ears shot up, and his tail wagged behind him in excitement.
“Boyfriend?” Aston countered with a flick to his own tail. “Oh, Rex? He’s not my boyfriend,” Aston pushed on with a chuckle. “Barely a fuck buddy. Pretty sure he’d tell me to go for it though.”
“Well then,” Jason began as he stood up and sent his paws to pull his pants down, “Get some lube and bend over!”
“Such a charmer,” Aston added with another chuckle, before giving an
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