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Shows and Movies » Eurovision Song Contest » Topic Opener


Anyone else following this yearly (almost year-long) spectacle? Recent editions have been pretty awesome, though last year a bit of enthusiasm has been lost because of Israel participating, and them making it political. Hopefully they will stay low (in profile and results) this year. Anyway, there sure are some promising entries so far:
Yeah, that’s not even all of them, but it’s really set up for an exciting contest this year. Anyone else watching it?

General Discussion » Oh great... » Topic Opener


Now my X/Twitter accounts seems to be completely deleted. Not just suspended, it actually says it has been deleted on the profile URL, though it still recognizes my login, i just get a weird error message and no way to appeal it. No explanation to why of course. I’m not even sure it was my cub postings (which weren’t X-rated, anyway) as much as just using too many hashtags or whatever “suspicious activity” it detected otherwise.
Sure, i didn’t do all that much on there, i still had a lot of accounts to follow, but i got hardly any interactions on anything i posted anymore, because so many of my former followers have left the site or gotten deleted, i guess.
And that’s just a few days after my Discord account was shut down too. Since i was banned from FB years ago, i got almost no ways left to be in touch others now. At least i’m not banned from Bsky (though i wouldn’t be shocked if i was) but it’s really not that interesting. It’s too much of an echo chamber, it’s mostly a certain kind of artists and other furries who are pretty close-knit and there’s not the same feeling that “this is what people in general use” that i used to get from Twitter.
You can still follow me on Bsky though:
Also, i was just gonna start finishing tracks for a new album, but with both my Twitter and Discord accounts down, i don’t have many ways to promote it, so i don’t feel very motivated:

Site and Policy » We are » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
Why the change? More inclusive name and branding and allows more type of art.
There’s been people who thought we only allow male art or we only allow cub art, which isn’t true. We have always been a place for cute furry art be it cub, babyfur, femboy, chibi, feral, and more. Even if you don’t draw cub art but accused of it, you’re welcome here.
But what is This is our CDN where the images are stored. I have no interest in changing this as one it’s hard and two it’s a good domain. will continue to link to here. Please update your password manager to allow for the domain.

General Discussion » E621's stance on "AI assisted" artwork » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
It’s absolute shit. Someone sent me this cutie over Telegram:
First thing I did of course was go to, peace be upon them, and reverse look it up. It went to an e621 post that is now deleted…
Evidence? What was AI about it? Why weren’t other posts by the artist removed? Obviously e621 doesn’t have to have transparency when it removes a post, but it baffles me they didn’t tank everything from the artist. Here they are directly targeting an artist because they got too good too fast
This isn’t good. AI is a digital tool that allows an artist to cheat, just like other tools like pen stabilizers, layers, puppet warp, etc. but because AI is the new demon, anything that appears computer assisted at all will be attacked. allows AI generated and AI assisted mostly because I don’t want artists having anxiety attacks when they post something. It’s not about how a picture is made but how it is viewed. Artwork has always been in the eye of the beholder.
All I ask is anyone who uploads here, be honest about any AI used, and you’re fine. The more art the better.

General Discussion » "Antis" are hypocrites with zero self awareness. » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Cartoon Drawings no more count as “C-P-” than a Vegan Hamburger counts as “dead cow flesh byproduct.”
What things are ACTUALLY made of is what matters the most, not the “idea” or the “concept.” Killing an NPC in a video game is not “murder” – throwing a bunch of grinded up plants together and treating it with seasonings to make it taste like meat is not “animal murder” (no animals were harmed in the production of the product, JUST PLANTS).
Drawing two furry characters YIFFING is not “creating C-P- or Z-P-”
Do you understand the basic logic here? Real is real, fake is fake. Cartoon Animal Drawings, be they anthropomorphic or feral, or cub or whatever… they’re simply NOT real. To call such drawings “C-P-” doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense – because for something to qualify as C-P- (at least in the USA by OUR legal definitions) it must involve a real human person.
Furry characters are NOT equal to real human people. What you are upset at is a “concept.” Like the “concept” of vore, or the “concept” of some Macro Furry stomping through a city and smashing up a bunch of buildings, Godzilla style. It’s not real, it’s just pretend… like video games…. nobody is going to show up to your house to arrest you because you did a Fatality move on someone in Mortal Kombat, nobody is going to show up to your house to arrest you because you beat up a hooker or shawt a cawp in Grand Theft Auto.
It doesn’t MATTER… it’s FAKE….
Do you get this upset about Breaking Bad “normalizing” the sale and manufacture of drugs? Do you get this upset about horror movies “normalizing” chopping people up into tiny pieces? If not, then STFU, you absolute HYPOCRITE.

Site and Policy » Search WITHOUT namespaces! » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
Remember before if you typed harmarist, it would show nothing, so you had to type artist:harmarist?
That sucked.
While this is natural for users coming from Derpibooru or Furbooru, not so much for people coming from e621 and gelbooru. So we have made it so if you search for harmarist, it will bring up artist:harmarist!
What if an oc is named balto but there’s also the character balto?
It will show both tags and allow you to select one of the tags to just show that tag.
Truly a great feature to have.

Site and Policy » Building tag info pages for characters » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
A cool feature with Philomena is the ability to add detailed info and an image for every tag. I think it’s important to do IP characters (not OCs) and series. For artists, we can add their avatar and social links.
Doing this requires a tag editor role. You’d also be able to categorize tags and set details and images for them. You’ll get the staff role label of “Assistant.”
If interested, comment below with why you’d like to do this and your experience in the fandom and with websites.

Site and Policy » Best way to tag non-cis bodies » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
Hello everyone,
I’m working on developing a tagging system that accurately reflects anatomical features, distinguishing between physical characteristics and gender identities. My goal is to “tag what you see,” focusing on anatomical features rather than gender identities.
I aim to avoid terms that have derogatory connotations, such as “futa,” “d*girl,” and “cboy,” as they can be offensive and are often associated with fetishization. Instead, I prefer neutral, descriptive tags that respect all individuals.
Some platforms use terms like “intersex male” and “intersex female.” However, the term “intersex” refers to specific medical conditions and may not encompass individuals who have undergone sex-affirming surgeries.
The current system uses tags like “trans male” and “trans female,” but these refer to gender identities, not anatomical features, and not all trans individuals undergo gender-affirming surgery.
I’m seeking the community’s input to develop a respectful and inclusive tagging system. While this feedback will guide my decision, I am inclined to avoid terms like “d*girl” and “cboy.”
I especially welcome insights from trans and non-binary community members to ensure our tagging system is respectful and inclusive.
Thank you for your input.

Site and Policy » Big 2025 Update! » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
So we went down for a bit and I had to hire a dev to bring us back but we are back online! The base repository for Philomena did some major changes in July and I have been putting off the update but glad we are caught up!
The major change that caused the most problems with the least amount of visible change was changing from Elasticsearch to Opensearch. The reason is more economical as Opensearch is open source and Elasticsearch uses proprietary code and they are making licenses and asking for money….gross.
The most exciting change for you all is if you forget a rating or get another error, you won’t lose the image! So no longer fetching again and losing your tags or having to select the file again.
There’s also lots of changes with SCSS making theming much easier! We now have 9 dark and 9 light themes! Just go to and click on display.
Please let me know if you run into new issues.

General Discussion » Raise your paw if you ever watched Alfred Hedgehog Mysteries.... » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
“There’s a mystery in Gnarly Woods”
“Our sleuthing team has got the goods”
“On the suspect that made them jump”
“When something in the dark”
“Thumped and bumped”
“Did you see that?”
“I can hear it”
“It’s getting closer”
“I smell something”
“That looks like a clue!”
“Alfred Hedgehog finds the turns and twists”
“When it’s serious mysterious”
“He can’t resist”
“Detecting clues by day or night”
“Alfred Hedgehog always sets things right!”

General Discussion » AllTheFallen finally taken out? Future of CubFur. » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
Well they’ve been attacked relentlessly from their domain then to .Moe and now the admin seems just done with it. Honestly, can’t really blame them.
It’s weird that they refuse to use Cloudflare… Regardless of my opinion on the company’s morals, they are reliable and effective.
Do I think we are at risk? No. Here is why.
  1. We already have CloudFlare in place on top of two servers (not counting the CDN which is CloudFlare).
  2. Philomena, this board software, has a proxy server behind CloudFlare that only CloudFlare IPs can access ( This means literally no one can access this server unless I access it via the control panel of my server host, which is protected with an MFA USB key.
  3. We are tiny.. at least for now. I expect as we grow, our popularity will grow, and we might get some antis, but fortunately, we already implemented top tier security so our actual server IPs were never exposed.
I’m not a SysAdmin, which is why I hired one to harden our setup. They actually hate cub art but don’t think others should be denied it or attacked for it. Props to them for seeing beyond their personal beliefs and doing the job they were paid for. We love them, but they asked to be anonymous.
Philomena has recently done quite a few technical upgrades that I have not implemented yet. I’m scared! I’m currently shopping around for a GIT expert to guide me in pushing changes to a fork and doing a pull of the latest code.
Is that you? Shoot me a PM! This would be a paid gig in crypto of your choice so we both remain anonymous.

General Discussion » wtf happened to atf booru right now » Topic Opener

Site and Policy » Contest for prizes? » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
As I’m the main one uploading and tagging, I would like to come up with prizes for top tag editors and top uploads. It would be during a defined amount of time and I would reward the top three positions of each category.
As I want to keep everyone anon, what would be good monetary prizes as shipping something would compromise privacy. I do want to keep them fandom related. We can of course do badges on this site, but that wouldn’t be that valuable. Here are some ideas. Please vote for what you like or let me know something else.

Site and Policy » Should we make a feral booru? » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
I want to use the same engine to make a booru for feral furs as that’s being cracked down on now. Some sites are restricting anthro x feral art (if the anthro is too humanoid), saying it promotes bestiality. What’s next… No knots on anthros? Well that’s what Patreon is saying! No animal genitalia.
I personally would love to see it so I probably will anyways but I’m just gauging interest.

Site and Policy » Let's chat about Rule #4 » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
I am a fan of Rule #4 and it’s one of the strictest rules we have but we feel it’s important
to go with our kink positivity and out of respect to artists and OCs:
Let’s break it down together! =D
If you art that contains themes you don’t like or you can’t legally view it in your jurisdiction, you should add the appropriate tag to your filter. Do not post comments complaining about the content.
I’ve seen a pattern of a few people complaining that there’s girls on this site, humans on the site, adults on the site, etc. Our purpose is to be lenient in what is allowed here due to the restrictive nature of other boorus. This is why we have filters. Many of our filters are common defaults that you should utilize.
If you post a comment complaining about the content or kink of an image, it will likely get deleted. If it keeps up, your account may get restricted. We don’t believe in banning accounts, but we can make it so you can’t comment, vote, upload, etc. and that’s no fun!
Unlike other boorus that ban all negativity and even “creepy” comments, we think that’s stupid. This is an adult site for adults. If you want to post 4 paragraphs about how you want to fuck someone’s OC, that’s okay if the image is sexual in nature. (Obviously keep comments SFW on SFW images).
If you want to critique the art or playfully tease it, that’s fine too. For anything else, see Rule #0 PLUR.
If you think an image goes against our site rules, report it.
This should go without saying but just don’t comment. If you regularly report content that is within our rules, you may get restricted. Because it’s not to your taste doesn’t mean it violates our rules.
Do not use downvotes or the report feature on themes you don’t like.
Explained above, but on down voting… That’s for rating the quality of the art not if it’s your kink or not. Please utilize our amazing filtering and blacklist system so stuff you hate isn’t even shown to you.
My favorite way to restrict is forcing a filter on someone. This is done if they regularly complain about content, down vote content, or it’s clear they don’t quite understand who owns this site. We assume that a user is incapable of understanding our filter system so we help them out.
Thanks for using CubFur!

Site and Policy » "ai enhanced" images... » Topic Opener

AI Director -

i get the point of them, but ultimately i don’t feel like they fit the context of an art archival site
they waste bandwidth and they introduce way too much artifacts to the images they were used on, causing smaller details to looks very mushy and vague
its not really an “enhancement”, it’s like sharpening a blurry image in photoshop! it looks better from far away but as soon as you zoom in you’ll see tons of artifacts that permanently lose information of the original image.
and besides, the tools for upscaling artwork are widely available and free, if anyone wants an upscaled image there’s a good chance they’ll be able to make their own. there’s even sites like
what do you guys think?

General Discussion » I hate "Anti Cub" people and I think they're dumb. » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
The artist “Red Rusker” (creator of Sea Salt the Dalmatian) apparently got “exposed” for drawing NSFW Cub, the hate campaign started by the exposer resulted in RR’s Twitter being suspended. (I hate this shit, RR didn’t even post the images to his Twitter, someone ELSE dug up the art and raised a fuss about it and got their legion of trolls to Mass Flag his Twitter into oblivion, which is the same shit people did to Harmarist too).
Fuck the haters, DRAW WHAT YOU WANT TO DRAW.
Don’t kiss the asses of the Purity Police.

General Discussion » Does anyone besides me remember "WildCritters?" » Topic Opener

General Discussion » Was anyone here on » Topic Opener


It was a pretty awesome forum, started in 2009 i think, and lasted pretty damn long considering most such forums were pretty much gone when it was remaining. Then in the mid-10s it started going completely dead, i remember almost no posts for the last months, and the owners didn’t give a damn about making it more popular, and finally shut it down to instead link to a Discord server which eventually banned me just because the owners didn’t like me for some reason.
Anyway, what other cub-friendly or other yiff forums do you remember? I remember:
Furry Sanctuary, aka Yiffers Unite! ,very long lived, probably late 90s-early or mid 10s, not much to say about it otherwise, never really clicked much with anyone there but it was a stalwart for remaining as long as it did.
Sonic Passion, yeah, it’s notorious for a few threads i never even looked at myself, most of it was pretty decent people.
Unbreakable Bonds / Spiritual Bonds, rather short lived mid-late 00s Invisionfree forums,there’s almost a dozen others but i can’t remember the names of those.

General Discussion » What do you think of AI art? » Topic Opener


And yeah, spare us the “it’s ruining life for us real artists” crap here. It’s mostly normies doing clean art and the most mainstream adult art who complain anyway. Us into more extreme stuff can only gain from it, and i think most of “us” seem to understand that. I just wanna know what you think about it, artistically and overall.
Personally i think a lot of it looks really boring and unattractive due to the specific style it tends to use, but there are ways to get away from that, and i find it just hilarious to make, even if the results aren’t really worth showing to others often.
I don’t have any means to make X-rated art though, i don’t know if there are any tools for that available through the web, or only ones that have to be run locally. Some web versions of Stable Diffusion, especially SDXL Turbo were completely uncensored for a while but it seems they fixed that “mistake” about a month after it was released, the quality was pretty crap anyway, so it’s nothing i would want to show anyone, but it sure was hilarious for a while.
Which brings us to the other thing i wanted to bring up: what do you think about the subject of realistic, you know what, i mean a certain kind, yeah i think you know. I mean, realistic cub furries are one thing, because they can’t really be real, since furries don’t exist, but when it’s another thing, and it’s so realistic you can’t tell if it’s real…. yeah, just wondering what you think about it.

Stories » Anyone using AI writing? » Topic Opener


Anyone here tried using uncensored AI writing for stories and even RPs? is the one to try right now, as it’s technically uncensored, though it may still refuse to do things when it decides to. Just be sure to set it to use “Mistral”, as it seems to be the one with least censoring, though “Cohere” also seems to be pretty unrestricted and might be an interesting alternative.
Don’t know if i should even bother to post any of the things i did with it here. You can read some of my stories (and many by others, don’t get them confused) and a bit about my methods on this thread. Pretty good board to check out, by the way.

General Discussion » An "original song" I made using Suno. » Topic Opener

Shows and Movies » Saban's "Adventures of Oliver Twist" » Topic Opener

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Regardless of if the image is SFW (Clean) or NSFW (Dirty).
This is hilarious to me, it was funny watching the same Pokemon Furries who were praising the NSFW Cub Ban start crying that F.A. was being unfair to them because their PokieManz were too short to be considered “adults” by the uppity, snobby F.A. Mods…. Now it is equally hilarious watching the SFW Babyfurs / ABDL’s cry and complain now that the Sword of Censorship they had once celebrated and applauded has started GOING AFTER THEM….
F.A. just keeps finding new and increasingly stupid ways of “moving the Goal Post.”

General Discussion » How do you use cub art in your fantasies? » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
I am just curious… You can go indepth in a reply but your vote is anonymous. Multiple selections are allowed.
For me it’s pretty much all… Depends on my mood. My favorite definitely has an age of power gap.

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