
Gayest of Gay Foxes
“gynomorph” is hyper-technical, and that’s what e621 seems to really like these days, extremely scientific, extremely hard to pronounce, words that are not really known or used commonly by the average person – Classic Era e621 was perfectly fine with “Dick-Girl” and “Cuntboi” for years and years, but the Tumblr-ification of the internet caused such “crass, blunt” language to be deemed “Problematic.” But we’re not Tumblr (or E6), and we’re not a science text book… we’re a simple furry porn website whose goal is to explain concepts in the most easy to understand way possible so that you know what it means at a glance. To me “gynomoprh” doesn’t immediately explain what it is… and I would have to go Google it to figure it out.
I’m all for “updating terms” like how Hermaphrodite is no longer used to refer to Intersexed people. But I don’t see any major issues with “Dickgirl” and “Cuntboi” as simple quick descriptions on a furry porn website – you immediately understand what it means without having to google or thumb through a medical / science text book.
I guess if Dgirl and Cboi are too problematic, then “penis_having_female” and “vagina_having_male” could replace them…. and “intersexed” for characters who have mixed (dual) genitalia.
It’s the “splitting hairs” - “over-complication” of stuff that e6 does that kinda makes me scratch my head and ask “why?”
Like for a while they wanted to phase out the term “Cub” and replace it with “young anthro” and “young human” (and they straight up BANNED “young humans” so it’s clear that they let the Purity Spiral / race to please puritans – get out of control). Then they also wanted to get rid of descriptors like “Gay” and “Lesbian” and make them more technical and analytical… but “Gay” to me just describes the TYPE of sex, not really the individual’s specific set in stone orientation – sure, the character themselves could be Bisexual, but the type of sex they’re having, if it’s Male on Male – is gay.