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General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Post 7

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
InkBunny always had the better User Interface, the better features (Tags and Blacklist are ESSENTIAL for keeping people in their own little bubble so they don’t go harassing people from other Kink Camps!), and way nicer Mod Staff.
But for whatever insane reason, stuck up snobby Baby Furs refuse to use I.B. because of “reputation” – as if e621 didn’t also host the same exact kind of kink art for ENTIRE DECADES…. somehow, InkBunny developed this slanderous reputation as a “pedo website” while e621 was let off the hook, when they pretty much hosted the same things….
The fact that Baby Furs are too fucking stubborn and snobby to use a website that has always been INFINITELY BETTER than Fur Affinity – MAKES NO GAWD DAMN SENSE TO ME….. it’s like choosing to use MS Dos or Windows 3.1 over fucking Windows 7.
It’s like choosing the sound of a caveman banging dinosaur bones against a rock over a nice CD Player….
It’s like choosing a “Ball-In-A-Cup” game over a fucking Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo….
Fur Affinity is absolutely OUTDATED…. not just in terms of the website functions, but outdated in terms of how their Mods view Kink and how they seem to always make up new bullshit rules so they can decide for everyone else what the “New Problematic Thing” will be!
“Problematic” as a word can just go crawl in a hole and die already….

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Post 6

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Post 5

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Post 4

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
2FA Enabled -
Speedo Lover -

Head Administrator
Site Developer
Casper the Mascot
They’ve been trying to sanitize the website since Dragoneer got sick and passed over control of the site… That’s when chibi porn was banned, unless your popular, and people like Zaush were banned for… Existing?

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Post 3

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Post 2

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
It’s alllllllll over Bsky (bluesky is a social media twitter clone) and there are at least several individual journals on FA discussing / protesting the New Ban.
“I love when babyfurs think they are better than us cubs… Then they get schooled by the same bans they were cheering for.”
IKR?????? The irony of it, the painful lack of self awareness! IT’S HILARIOUS TO ME!

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Post 1

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
2FA Enabled -
Speedo Lover -

Head Administrator
Site Developer
Casper the Mascot
Oh they are?? I can’t find any info on it.
I love when babyfurs think they are better than us cubs… Then they get schooled by the same bans they were cheering for.

General Discussion » So FurAffinity is banning ALL "cub/ abdl" artwork... » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Regardless of if the image is SFW (Clean) or NSFW (Dirty).
This is hilarious to me, it was funny watching the same Pokemon Furries who were praising the NSFW Cub Ban start crying that F.A. was being unfair to them because their PokieManz were too short to be considered “adults” by the uppity, snobby F.A. Mods…. Now it is equally hilarious watching the SFW Babyfurs / ABDL’s cry and complain now that the Sword of Censorship they had once celebrated and applauded has started GOING AFTER THEM….
F.A. just keeps finding new and increasingly stupid ways of “moving the Goal Post.”

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