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General Discussion » What is your favorite SNES "RPG" game? » Post 3

Anubian -
Verified OC -

Final Fantasy 3us/6jp, Chrono Trigger & Super Mario RPG are all in my top 5 fave games of all time and they’re all on the Super NES 😎

General Discussion » What is your favorite SNES "RPG" game? » Post 2


At the time, probably A Link to the Past.
Later on, during the 64-bit era, probably Chrono Trigger. It was rereleased on the PlayStation as a pair of anthology collections. I forget which game it was bundled with, but it was probably Final Fantasy V. Anyways, what an incredible story! The idea of going through time to gather strong friends to prevent an apocalypse was almost overwhelming for my tiny brain.
And then Chrono Cross came out, and… my disappointment was immeasurable.
I’ve lately picked up the remakes of the ____ of Mana series and I’m loving the characters and their interactions with one another.

General Discussion » What is your favorite SNES "RPG" game? » Post 1

Verified Artist -
Cat -

voted for secret of mana it holds a very special place in my heart for all the hours I played with my brother! I was popoi always !!!!!!!!!!! But ff3 is also special to me for similar reasons tho we couldn’t really play together

General Discussion » What is your favorite SNES "RPG" game? » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Yes, I count Secret of Mana as an RPG, yes I count Zelda LTTP as an RPG… I know they’re technically “Action Adventure” games, but in my eyes they’re RPGs… you walk around and hit stuff with a sword and you use Magic on enemies… you walk around towns and villages and you talk to NPCs, to me that’s an RPG… lol, heck I’ll still count Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link on the NES as an RPG, even though it’s a side-scroller. It’s still got RPG aspects in it…

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