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General Discussion » If I may, can I rant just a little? (Purity Spiral of Furry Fandom). » Post 2


Knabamanta Esperantisto
As you feel, I feel. I believe that the people who are against us want acceptance more than anything. They know it makes no sense to attack anybody for drawing things that do not exist. They just want to appear better than others and, thus, receive validation. It is virtue signalling.
Someone tried to cancel me before and it failed because I did not have a Twitter account. They knew me, knew where I was blogging and who I was online. But nothing at all came out of it, except for a boost in my popularity, because it is very difficult to cancel someone who is not in the same platform as you. Plus, my presences are not linked to each other, meaning that a thing that happens to one account does not affect the others, even if they do the same thing.

General Discussion » If I may, can I rant just a little? (Purity Spiral of Furry Fandom). » Post 1

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
I’m going to give a longer reply later, but in short, I agree 100%

General Discussion » If I may, can I rant just a little? (Purity Spiral of Furry Fandom). » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
I have been in this fandom for a very - very - very long time… when I got into Furry Fandomn, Napster was still hugely popular and independent and not a corporate owned business. 56-K connection was the primary way to get online. Smartphones weren’t even a thing yet and everyone used one of the “Big Three” chat programs (ICQ, AIM, YM) to communicate with each other, either that or mIRC (I never really got the hang of that)… Telegram App wasn’t a thing yet, so Yahoo Groups and Mailing Lists were how you “Networked” with other Furs and shared art…
The year was 2001 – MTV was still playing the “Sex2K: Plushies and Furries” documentary on repeat, and I had managed to set my little TV/VCR combo to record it… and I was mesmerized by what I saw… possessed, entranced. I was just out of High School and Vocational – and I had known about the Fandom to some degree, I just hadn’t really deep dived very far into it. I started out as just a simple “Safe For Work” Tails Fan, after all (and I was also still trying to convince myself that I was Totally Straight)…
After watching that MTV docu, I went further… I got deeper… I played the “Furcadia” online game and I started my own Yahoo Groups and combed the IFPL (Internet Furry Proximity Locator) trying to find local friends. But alas, I was in Small Town Southern Ohio and everyone lived very very very far away from me…
Eventually I did move to the West Coast, which is way more “Furry Populated” than the Southern Ohio Town I am from…
I’ve been in this fandom for DECADES… I wasn’t there at the BEGINNING, like the O.G. 80s Furries who went to Confurence Zero, but I was there for the early 2000s… the middle 2000s, the 2010s, and now – the 2020s. I’ve watched Furry get big, go global, and eventually reach “mainstream status.” Maybe that “Mainstream Status” was a mistake….
I say this because the more Mainstream and the more “Normie-friendly” and the more “Corporatized” Furry Fandom gets, the more watered down, the more tamed, the less exciting and dangerous and edgy it becomes…
Furry was made BY and FOR outcasts and freaks… it wasn’t made for your average jock bully or your preppy mean girl or your average snobby religious fundamentalist. Furry was made for the pariahs, the nerds, the introverts.
Furry went through a huge cultural shift – and NOW it’s all about “being popular” and having “the correct opinions.”
Now, you have to hate everything your friends hate – instead of forming your own thoughts and opinions. If you go against the will of the angry mob, you’ll wind up like that poor “witch” in Monty Python and The Holy Grail. And it doesn’t matter one bit if you AREN’T a real witch, the mob dressed you up like one – so you ARE one…
People these days attack each other over petty stupid nonsense with no evidence, just rumors and slander. People call each other Pedo and Zoo and make false accusations at each other every other week… that’s the norm for Today’s Furry Fandom.
But it wasn’t like that back in the Mid 2000s… people didn’t have Social Media websites like Twitter or Facebook where everyone has to mingle with everyone. We had our own individualized spaces and forums and chat programs – and people stayed in their own little corners of the internet and they left each other alone…
The Internet of the Middle 2000s was WIDE AND VAST… with space for everybody.
Now it is narrow and confined and claustrophobic – and this creates conflicts.
The Furries of the Middle 2000s didn’t have Twitter and Tumblr to indoctrinate them into an “EVERYTHING IS PROBLEMATIC” mindset… Nobody cared enough to mud sling you because you drew Yiffy Artwork of Tails the Fox from the Sonic games, or Buster Bunny from Tiny Toons, or Kit Cloudkicker from Tale Spin. Nobody cared if you drew Yiffy Artwork of Balto or Lion King or whatever… People back then understood fully that – IT’S ONLY A DRAWING… A DRAWING OF A FICTIONAL CHARACTER WHO DOES NOT EXIST IN REAL LIFE…. So nobody cared. But nowadays? EVERYONE cares, everyone HAS TO care – or they will be attacked, or they will be slandered, or they will be Witch Hunted…. Usually by people who are TOO YOUNG TO EVEN BE LOOKING AT WHAT THEY’RE BITCHING ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE….
And I ask myself – and I ask the other elder members of this fandom: WHY do we allow these belligerent angry little cretins to boss us around and bully us? Oh right… I remember why… Because they have the power to RUIN YOU, they have the loud voices and they have the ability to make up lies that will destroy your reputation within the Fandom…
Piss off one of these angry “Anti Shipper” brats and they’ll immediately sic their legion of psychotic delusional Twitter followers on you. They’ll mass flag your account with False Reports and get you nuked off every platform they find you on. Not because you ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING to them, but because you are “Pro Ship” (meaning you do not care what people draw)… You don’t care about protecting a FICTIONAL character from being besmirched by Rule 34??? Well this makes you worse than Epstein in their eyes… this makes you worse than Hitler in their eyes.
Nobody back in the Middle 2000s acted like this, except for maybe the “Burned Furs” purity police… and those assholes got LAUGHED OUT OF THE FANDOM… but now it’s 2024 and it feels like the Burned Furs never really went away, they just got younger and dumber and a whole lot more violent…
And those whack-a-doos go on to become Mods at Furry Websites… – THEY start to become the arbiters of what is moral and what is immoral to put into your artwork… they start being the ones who decide what art gets saved and what art gets thrown away… it started with Fchan when Sage Nadia took over the website after the original owner stepped down… Nadia pushed the “Anti Cub” agenda hard and banned anyone who dared to question it.
Then the “Fiction Equals Reality” mind virus hopped over to Fur Affinity, the Mods deliberated amongst each other over whether to (A) Ban Cub Entirely or (B) implement a “TAGS AND BLACKLIST” system like what e621 has… Option B would have been GREAT for FurAffinity, but coding it would have been a big process… so instead of putting in that much effort to re-code the website, they just said “Fuck It” and banned cub art…
Later, they would add “Short Pokemon” to the Ban List, because apparently people cannot tell the difference between a Riolu and a HY00MAN CHYYYYULLLD…. to me and everyone else with a functioning brain – weird rules like that don’t make any logical or practical sense…
The “Fiction Equals Reality” mind virus jumped ship to another host, this time to E621, who finally decided to smooch puritan butt and ban Fictional Young Humans from the website (and you know damn well that Cub is next up to get banned, even if the E621 Mods say they won’t do it, don’t believe it – they’re LYING to us)….
Who knows what Big Name Furry Art Archive is next to fall prey to the Never Ending Purity Spiral… maybe Ink Bunny?
I kinda doubt Green Reaper would allow that to happen, considering how Cub Artwork is the bread and butter of I.B.
But I also didn’t believe that E6 would fall either… and they did… so who knows?
I honestly just do not see the POINT, though… whether it’s MORALIZING MODERATORS, Greedy Governments, Pansy Ass Payment Processors or whatever is behind this push to purge Furry Art Websites of everything that some Tumblr Twitter Twat thinks is “PROBLEMATIC” – None of this Art Censorship is going to help ACTUAL PEOPLE, or ACTUAL ANIMALS….
It’s like thinking that if you get Breaking Bad taken off Television, you will MAGICALLY make the Drugs Problem disappear forever… that’s NOT how things work in reality… Banning “problematic” artwork and fictional written stories is not going to suddenly make the VERY REAL PROBLEM OF ACTUAL CSEM AND ANIMAL ABUSE GO AWAY….
The only thing you’re protecting is pixels, or pencil lines on a sheet of paper… And as someone who experienced being SA’d as a kid myself, people comparing what I went through to DRAWINGS OF SONIC AND TAILS FUCKING makes me wanna gouge my eyes out with a meat thermometer…. you are diluting and watering down REAL CRIMES and REAL HUMAN SUFFERING… by equating it to ART OF FICTIONAL CARTOON FURRIES…. despite whatever you saw in that one episode of Sonic X (EPISODE 77, YOU KNOW THE ONE I MEAN), Tails isn’t a Real Person who can feel pain or sadness…
REAL human beings and REAL animals feel pain, fictional characters DO NOT….

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