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General Discussion » Fur Affinity Rumors » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
2FA Enabled -
Speedo Lover -

Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
So as most know, FA’s DNS provider and their twitter/x account got hacked by a KiwiFarms simp. It was apparently called Operation Deadfur or something similar and dumb.
The first question I have is was it a hack? It seems more like someone might have given credentials to someone else to do harm like maybe one of the new admins to take over? This would be stupid but I wouldn’t be surprised.
It also seemed strongly motivated to make the connection from furries to pedophilia just like the pedo panic of the 1950s did to punish the gay community. They did things like linking to an eight year old news article about furries doing crime. (Who would have thought that sometimes furries, like other humans, do crime??)
When Kiwifarms spoke about it in their X account, they didn’t deny it and many people replied with just “based.”
I saw later that someone posted that there was an exploit with the DNS company that any email with the domain of the main URL of the account could reset the password. To me this doesn’t make sense as they would have had to hack the email first. Checking records myself, they use GSuite by Google to handle their email. Surely they had some type of MFA enabled??? MFA makes it really hard to hack an account.
So I’m still leaning towards the mole theory.
PSA! Enable MFA on CubFur!!
Guess how many times InkBunny has been hacked?
Which is crazy impressive considering a lot more people hate InkBunny.
If you’re worrying about us, don’t. I paid a professional server administrator to set this up with CloudFlare protection and a proxy server that serves the content with the work server behind it. Just make sure to secure your account here.

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