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Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Post 16


Despite the site obviously saying ‘cub fur gay’ I’m surprised it allows female/loli here, whilst not my thing I find that a bit silly.
Gay has kind of become a catch all term for the queer community. It just means this is a safe place for queer expression. also leads here.
You can click filters and select Boy Lover to only see guys. It’s what I’m into as well.
I was just confused at the name scheme just that. I don’t dislike loli/female/women at all.
Question about DNP like not posting anywhere else aside the artist profile/social-media, is that overruled here or there’ll be limits as to who can see the posts?
If the artist isn’t listed on OUR DNP, you can post it. Right now, no one has requested to be put on there.
Is there a chance for a website alias that isn’t so ‘cancel-worthy’? It’s way too obvious that if some sensible individual stumbles upon this the whole site could get mega DDoSed or egged on.
I have security put in place by a professional. Changing the domain to something generic won’t stop the antis. I have no shame in the cub term despite it being attacked and after e621 aliased it to “young” like the cowards they are, I’m definitely not distancing from my own identity.
Come at me, bro.
That’s fine. I might start doing some test posting around to check how things work out since I’m a bit rusty on this image booru business after wildcritters shut down 10 years ago.

Art Chat » Creating "Galleries" (this site's version of "Pools" / "Groupings") » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Say for example that you have a Comic that you want to upload, but obviously you don’t want it to just be a bunch of disconnected individual pages, you want them to be “Connected” or “Grouped.”
Back at that other furry website, they called them “Pools” but here they are called “Galleries.”
So how do you do it?
Here’s what I recommend:
(I accidentally double posted a page because I didn’t think it was “taking” when actually, the Filters were auto set when I made my account here, and it was causing the page to not show in my “Uploads” section… because every time I tried to upload anything rated “Explicit” it was INVISIBLE to me, lol….
(02) Get your pages uploaded into the system, that’s the slow part (especially cuz of tags).
I try to tag what I see, but sometimes there are multiple tags that mean the same thing – and sometimes a tag to describe what you see doesn’t exist yet. (I ran into an issue where there were characters that were a Half Dalmatian / Half Fox, and a Half Tiger / Half Fox, I didn’t wanna go through the trouble of tagging that every time, so I just went with “Hybrid Species” – to me, it simplifies it. Also here’s another thing to be aware of – if you try to post a page without a “Rating” it won’t take, so you gotta Add a Rating or it just won’t post it. Safe is clean non-sexual art, Suggestive is “lewd but not quite getting into nudity and exposed genitals yet” and Explicit is outright obvious nudity and sexual activity.
I also advise including a Page Number in the “description” so that you don’t get confused about numbering. Usually most comics will have a visual number in the drawing itself, but if it’s not there, maybe it’s in the File Name?
I use IrfanView for PC to view images in a Full Screen view, so I like to have my pages numbered so that when I tap the Arrow Keys it progresses to the Next Page in the Sequence. An example would be the original Sheath and Knife comic… I would name the file name “SnK_000” for the Title Page (Cover Page), then “SnK_001” for the Actual First Page, then “SnK_002” for the Second Page, and so on and so on….. this makes it convenient because you can look at the File Name and see the page number, and adding the Page Number in the description ensures you won’t forget what page you’re trying to upload if you hit a snag (like when I didn’t know you had to add a Rating before hitting Upload).
(03) Once you’ve got all your pages Uploaded, you can now go to the “Galleries” section and Create New Gallery.
Name your Galllery – add a Description – and also define the content (is it Explicit?)
Unfortunately, the current Visual Structure of the “Create New Gallery” section is a bit confusing. When you create a New Gallery, the only thing you can do is assign a “Cover Page” (this is like the “Avatar” or “Profile Picture” for the Gallery… You cannot Add Other pages directly from the “Create New Gallery” page, instead you have to do it like this – find your Cover Page while browsing in your “Uploads”, click on the little logo of a photograph beside “Galleries” and you’ll get a Drop Down Tab.
Find the Gallery you made and then Click on the Name for it so that it changes from Black to Green, now the page you are on is part of the Gallery. Go back into your “Uploads” again, find “Page 001” and repeat the same process… continue on until all your pages are part of the Gallery you created… Now… LISTEN UP, when you add them in Chronological Order (the order you Uploaded them in)…. they aren’t going to be in the Proper Sequential Order, so find your Gallery again and make sure you Checkmark the box that says “Display Pages In Reverse Order.”
Now the Cover Page will be the Very First Page, and the Ending Page will be the Last Page…
Unfortunately the GREEN that lets you know if a Page is added to a Gallery or not is a little bit hard to see on Laptop Screens, due to the nature of how LCD screens work (I had to tilt my screen down just to see the Green clearly). I would recommend – if possible – that the site owner code in a “Check Box” or a “Quiz Ball / Poll Bubble” that would easier indicate that a Page is part of a Gallery… Cuz to me, the Green is a tad bit dark and difficult for me to distinguish from the Black.

Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Post 12

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Speedo Lover -

Head Administrator
Site Developer
Casper the Mascot
Despite the site obviously saying ‘cub fur gay’ I’m surprised it allows female/loli here, whilst not my thing I find that a bit silly.
Gay has kind of become a catch all term for the queer community. It just means this is a safe place for queer expression. also leads here.
You can click filters and select Boy Lover to only see guys. It’s what I’m into as well.
Question about DNP like not posting anywhere else aside the artist profile/social-media, is that overruled here or there’ll be limits as to who can see the posts?
If the artist isn’t listed on OUR DNP, you can post it. Right now, no one has requested to be put on there.
Is there a chance for a website alias that isn’t so ‘cancel-worthy’? It’s way too obvious that if some sensible individual stumbles upon this the whole site could get mega DDoSed or egged on.
I have security put in place by a professional. Changing the domain to something generic won’t stop the antis. I have no shame in the cub term despite it being attacked and after e621 aliased it to “young” like the cowards they are, I’m definitely not distancing from my own identity.
Come at me, bro.

Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Post 11


Despite the site obviously saying ‘cub fur gay’ I’m surprised it allows female/loli here, whilst not my thing I find that a bit silly.
Question about DNP like not posting anywhere else aside the artist profile/social-media, is that overruled here or there’ll be limits as to who can see the posts?
Is there a chance for a website alias that isn’t so ‘cancel-worthy’? It’s way too obvious that if some sensible individual stumbles upon this the whole site could get mega DDoSed or egged on.

Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Post 10

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Okay, well… I have all 18 pages uploaded (and an accidental double post – update, somebody Merged it for me so that the Double Post is gone now), and I’m trying to figure out the Gallery / Pool thinga-majig, and I don’t really understand it… I can only assign a “cover page” – I don’t seem to be able to add extra pages to this grouping…
I don’t know what I am doing, to be quite honest… u.u
I haven’t quite grasped how to edit the “Gallery” yet…
Here’s what I see when I go to make a “Gallery”
you get to choose a starting page, but…
I see no indication or clue of being able to add
extra pages to the grouping, just “cover page.”
I can try again, but I honestly don’t know what I’m doing.

Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Post 8

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
2FA Enabled -
Speedo Lover -

Head Administrator
Site Developer
Casper the Mascot
Okay, so I figured out that I need to add a “Rating” before an image can be posted, but how do I create a “Pool” for grouping pages that are all a part of the same comic, and how do I give that Pool a “Title?”
While doing the comic:title tag works, you can also make it part of a gallery, which is kind of like a pool. After posting the image, after doing the tags and clicking upload, there’s a photo album icon above the image that says “Galleries.” Click that and create new gallery, title it, then you can add that image to the gallery from the dropdown and subsequent uploads, that gallery will appear there.
I see you’ve done a few uploads already correctly! Just look below the tag block to click tags that apply. There’s a heading called rating.
In the future, I want radio buttons above the tags that you just select the rating.
On E6 they called them “Pools” but I guess I can see how that can get confusing (can you swim in them?)
No, but you can watch cute boys in skimpy swimsuits in them!
PS: Your theme is bright!! I prefer dark themes and you might to. Go here to change to another theme if you want under the Display tab:

Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Post 7

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Okay, so I figured out that I need to add a “Rating” before an image can be posted, but how do I create a “Pool” for grouping pages that are all a part of the same comic, and how do I give that Pool a “Title?”
(the above image does not need to be blown up or made part of the comment, it would take up the entire screen)
I am having some trouble figuring things out.
…. E D I T …..
It seems you had already answered the question as part of a reply to a prior thread, my bad.
I have ADHD and Autism so I can sometimes have trouble remembering things or seeing the full scope.
“Just remember that if you post a comic, make sure to add a tag called “comic:a fool’s gambit” or something similar. That way it will link the sequence together with a tag.”
On E6 they called them “Pools” but I guess I can see how that can get confusing (can you swim in them?)

General Discussion » Can I post art from Artists who have "purged?" » Post 3

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Speedo Lover -

Head Administrator
Site Developer
Casper the Mascot
Yes that’s fine. The only exception is if they filed a DNP after the fact. I’m curious to see this art!

General Discussion » Can I post art from Artists who have "purged?" » Post 2

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
Thank you, and what about Matty Umbra? They drew plenty of Cub Yiff in the past, but at some point they did a total 180 and turned against it, they still use the same name now, even though their art style has drastically changed (for the worse if I might add, their original style was more akin to say – Wolfblade or Cobalt Synapse) and I guess they are Trans now too so they really only draw Female Adult stuff instead of Male Cub stuff like before… (((I don’t really care about them being Trans, that is their life their body and their business, but the big public “good optics” virtue signal rant about how awful and evil Cub Yiff is and how they hate all their older art pieces was super unsettling….)))
If I post Matty Umbra’s old material on HERE, is that okay????

General Discussion » Fur Affinity Rumors » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
So as most know, FA’s DNS provider and their twitter/x account got hacked by a KiwiFarms simp. It was apparently called Operation Deadfur or something similar and dumb.
The first question I have is was it a hack? It seems more like someone might have given credentials to someone else to do harm like maybe one of the new admins to take over? This would be stupid but I wouldn’t be surprised.
It also seemed strongly motivated to make the connection from furries to pedophilia just like the pedo panic of the 1950s did to punish the gay community. They did things like linking to an eight year old news article about furries doing crime. (Who would have thought that sometimes furries, like other humans, do crime??)
When Kiwifarms spoke about it in their X account, they didn’t deny it and many people replied with just “based.”
I saw later that someone posted that there was an exploit with the DNS company that any email with the domain of the main URL of the account could reset the password. To me this doesn’t make sense as they would have had to hack the email first. Checking records myself, they use GSuite by Google to handle their email. Surely they had some type of MFA enabled??? MFA makes it really hard to hack an account.
So I’m still leaning towards the mole theory.
PSA! Enable MFA on CubFur!!
Guess how many times InkBunny has been hacked?
Which is crazy impressive considering a lot more people hate InkBunny.
If you’re worrying about us, don’t. I paid a professional server administrator to set this up with CloudFlare protection and a proxy server that serves the content with the work server behind it. Just make sure to secure your account here.

General Discussion » Can I post art from Artists who have "purged?" » Post 1

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
Hi Kitsu-Negi! Thank you for your amazing post and an important one. Part of the reason I started was because of the antis and how artists are bullied off platforms they once felt safe on. They are often pushed to wipe their account, rebrand, and start over with “twinks” or something. Or they go insane and start doing bara, inflation, vore, or some other awful thing. I know of one artist, who I won’t name here, that turned against cubs, said cubs were his worst customers ever, and swore away cub art. Typically, the most common thing I’ve seen is they just disappear. This worries me.
PLEASE post art from long past galleries. We have a DNP list and no one has been requested to be put on it yet so go ham. We don’t care about the DNP lists on e621 are as many people hate e621 for a variety of reasons, including their overly-aggressive mods that ban anyone who say a character looks sexy.
Per our rules, even if it’s known, do not use an artists new name if they moved away from cub. Tag their original name they went by when they made the piece.
Kit Hawkins actually branched off and made a shota visual novel called Innocent City then promptly vanished. I quite love his works and comics and who knew he’s great at drawing humans too! Just remember that if you post a comic, make sure to add a tag called “comic:a fool’s gambit” or something similar. That way it will link the sequence together with a tag.
SO yes feel free to post from IWIFTP or other sites. Unlike e621, I won’t ban you if the artist later say they want it removed. I will instead remove the posts. Honestly, I doubt that would happen.
The only exception to go ham is if the image itself says reposts prohibited or do not share.

General Discussion » Can I post art from Artists who have "purged?" » Topic Opener

Uploader of the Month -
Fox -

Gayest of Gay Foxes
You folks know what “purging” means, it’s when an Artist goes nuttier than a jar of crunchy peanut butter and they start systematically nuking everything off their E621 and Ink Bunny galleries… Artists usually do this because:
(1) “Antis” (fiction equals reality freaks) harassed them for drawing Cub Yiff and they think purging their past artwork is going to make those Antis leave them alone (sorry, it won’t, Panda Paco purged and people still harass them to this day).
(2) They feel a personal disgust towards their past artwork that is more to do with their own feelings than with Antis.
(3) They are pissed off at a policy at e621 and think that purging their gallery is an effective “protest” against them…. (it isn’t, and high chances are, someone has already saved your stuff anyway).
(4) The artist is going through a re-brand due to personal reasons and they no longer feel a connection to their old art style, or their old art style does not reflect their current identity (a fine and valid reason, but I still hate full-on art gallery purges and I think they’re stupid).
ANYWAYS…. what I want to ask of this brand new website that I have never been to before:
May I please post art from artists who have purged for one reason or another????
Or does this place have what’s called a “DNP” (Do Not Post) list?
Example, I have some saved pages of a comic called “Fool’s Gambit” created by the artist Kit Hawkins, I was able to acquire these pages from an archive called “I Watch It For The Plot” which apparently had a massive Ink Bunny archive, all laid out and listed by Artists in alphabetical order.
What I wanna know is – CAN I post such things, even if the Artist has purged it for X-Y-Z reason????
Or is that against the rules here…
Just wanted to ask before I start uploading stuff.

Site and Policy » Want to help add art to CubFur? » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
Here is a list of galleries we’d love on here. Remember, just put in the link to the post and it will pull the image, description, and artist. All you have to do is add tags. If you want to start working on one, reply below with the gallery so we can mark it as working on.
Please only upload artwork that goes with the site theme: young looking characters. Also avoid comics for now. (no super rough sketches) (partially done, post and newer) (tag all posts as kemoshota and/or kemololi) (non-comics for now) (tag all posts as kemoshota and/or kemololi) [Mavy will do!] (no ref sheets or adoptables) (tag all posts as kemoshota and/or kemololi) make sure it’s not already here: (tag all posts as kemoshota and/or kemololi) (tag all posts as kemoshota and/or kemololi) (tag all posts as kemoshota and/or kemololi) (tag all posts as kemoshota and/or kemololi)

Site and Policy » CubFur.Gay Beta Feedback » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot
Welcome to the beta launch of CubFur.Gay! We are fully operational running across two servers plus CloudFlare support with R2 CDN. Expect some periods of going offline for an hour or so as we push updates.
Here are some quick tips if you’re a regular user of danbooru boards, such as e621. (If you’ve used DerpiBooru or FurBooru, you’ll be right at home as we run the same philomena)
  • Tags should be comma separate, not separated by spaces as tags allow spaces. Operatings like - (minus) still work. So if you want to find clean nudes, you can search for nude, solo, -cum
  • If searching for an artist, you must prefix the tag with artist:, so searching for Iztli works, you would search for artist:iztli
  • Original characters and canon characters are separated, which we find super efficient. All fan-created characters will be prefixed with oc:. So if you’re searching for me, put oc:chaska in the search box.
  • Canon characters have no prefix and usually you just need to type the name, such as Asriel Dreemurr.
  • The default site filter is listed in the top right of the header. It’s called “SFW Furry.” This only includes safe and suggestive images. To enable other ratings, click on Filters and select the filter you want. If you want to customize the tags in the filter, click on “Copy and Customize.” When browsing, you can hover over tags and click on “Watch” to have all images that match that tag appear in your watchlist or “Hide” to add that tag to your blacklist.
Why use Philomena? This has features no other image board has!
  • Duplicate detector: Any images that are similar are automatically reported as a potential duplicate to our mods. We can compare the two images and decide if they’re alternate versions or not and select to mark them as alts or pick the highest quality post.
  • Artist/OC Links: Any member on our site that has an OC and/or is an artist can request an artist link so that their socials appear under their tags when they are clicked.
  • Commission system: Any approved artist can open for commissions and advertise their rates and if they’re open or closed.
  • Adverts: Amazing advertising system and easy to manage by admins. In our beta launch, adverts are super cheap right now. We only accept fandom-related ads.
  • Vast mod features to detect spam, abuse, and a great image reporting system.
  • No archaic rules against “creepy” comments. As long as comments are not disparaging or abusing, we allow them.
We have a feature that no other furry site has. You can post a link to a post (not image) on e621,, Baraag, InkBunny, FurAffinity, DerpiBooru, and FurBooru and it will pull the artist, description, image, sources, and other tags (on some sites). ALWAYS review the tags, especially in cases where the OC posted it, to make sure the right artist is there and that the tags are appropriate.
So what can you upload?? We don’t have a firm rule on this so we will list the things this site will focus on. Just like with e621, we have a quality standard of artwork. Amateur artists are allowed if they put plenty of effort into the piece.
  • Cubs and teen looking furry characters! You can post girls, boys, and everything in-between. This will always be our focus and the content we prefer.
  • Cute adult girls and boys or any adult with a young-looking character.
  • Shota/Loli is allowed on a case-by-case basis. Yes, I know this isn’t helpful. Kemonomimi (human with animal ears/tail) will usually be allowed even up to wearing a fursuit. If an artist that does cub works and they draw some humans, that will be allowed.
Avoid uploading:
  • Anything where the artist says don’t cross-post that was made in the last five years.
  • Any pay content, such as art CDs, Patreon, etc. that is still for sale somewhere. If you have a CD-R you purchased at a convention back in 2016 and the artist is MIA, you can post it! (as always, if you’re the artist, you can issue us a takedown request)
  • Adult humans with no young character in the art.
  • 3D stills.
  • Low to mid-quality AI artwork.
  • Photos of ANYTHING.
  • Screenshots.
Questions, DM me! Complaints and suggestions, please put them below.
We are looking for the following peeps! Please DM me if you’re interested in applying.
  • Assistant: Manage tags (mass editing available), uploading more art, and moderating comments.
  • Designer: Must know SCSS. We want an additional colorful theme and reworking our dark and light themes.
  • Web Coder: Make updates to the code for different features as we need them. Must know Git and Elixir. JS is helpful.

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 14

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Head Administrator
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Casper the Mascot

Chapter 13

Aston’s paw flew into action as he clicked on the message, taking a second to read that text before clicking on any links.
Hey cutie! Daddy finally finished editing all these up. There was a lot of action so it took a while, plus we had other things in the works as well. We’re going to break it up into four videos: the prep video, the pegging video, Daddy’s load video, then the second ride video. I left you a secret link to all of them. Obviously no sharing! They get ripped and spread around day one anyway, but… no helping those pirates! We didn’t really talk about a cut, but I like you, so how’s 20% sound? You’re not going to be rich, but it’ll give you some spending money for a few nice toys and outfits I’m sure.
Anyway, enjoy! The prep video will be out in a day or two, with the free preview uploading to all the sites to lead the sales. I can’t wait to see how much everyone likes it!
Aston wasn’t sure just how much 20% of the sales might be, but at that moment he wasn’t about to argue. His mind was only focused on one thing - clicking on that first link and seeing just how that video turned out. So, without much hesitation, he adjusted his pointer and pushed the mouse button down. It opened up a new tab and slowly loaded some weird site and interface, before that video popped up on his screen.
Right from the start the production was much more than Aston had ever done himself. Title cards, some rocking music, and even some credits with links to both Aston and Nana’s page flashed by, along with some other info about buying more movies. After a few more ‘sponsors’ flashed by, the video kicked in with Nana already sitting on Aston’s belly, teasing him with a soft kiss, and showing her bare ass back to the camera underneath that short skirt. The video detail was amazing, as was the camera work. The shot zoomed in and caught every sloppy drop of spit hanging from their lips as a dazed Aston tried to keep up. The editing was great too as the whole video was exciting, cutting out the most boring bits and focusing in on the action, with fluid transitions and even some light background music, although not nearly enough to drown out the pair’s moans and noises.
Aston never really watched his videos back like this. He usually did enough editing to know them line for line, so this was a new experience for him. Watching his dopey and clearly nervous face and body twitch when Nana pushed her face between his cheeks made him shiver, thinking back on just how good that tongue really felt. The video cut out with the fingering being over, leaving Aston’s glistening rear shining back at the camera, and foreshadowing a part two. Aston quickly switched over to that to see the same awesome quality on the second video, seeing his ass get pushed hard and knotted with his clearly real reaction. He had to admit he looked really cute getting filled like that, and watching from this angle, he could see what others saw in him. He wasn’t quite a pro like the real porn stars were, but there were hints of talent mixed with childish charm. It was a deadly combination. And, even though Aston had just cum hard on stream, he could feel himself getting hard again just from watching.
The other two videos were shorter and not quite as polished, with Nana taking over the camera for one, and the other just being something slow and gentle, not really flashy or showy. They had their own feel to them though, leaving Aston stroking his cock at himself on his screen. He even pulled that toy over and shoved his cock inside just to edge a bit more, still pretending it was Nana in front of him. But, as quickly as the videos had started, they were all over. Aston was too into it to give up now though, thrusting hard a few more times at the memories and cumming once again into that toy. A heavy set of mews dripped from his gasping body as he came down from another mind-tingling orgasm, more than satisfied at what he’d seen.
Once he’d gathered himself and cooled down a bit, Aston thought about what to type back. He stared at the response box for quite a while, thinking of different things to say, before just going with the flow and saying, “Hey Nana, those videos are awesome! I can’t wait to see the reaction, and I honestly can’t wait to see you again to make some more either. 20% sounds like a fine cut to me as you did most of the work. I have a bitcoin thing that I take donations with, so you can probably send stuff there. Really awesome though! I came hard just watching them. And, lately I’ve been practicing my topping too, so maybe I can give you a proper feline breeding next time!”
Aston felt pretty good about that message as his mouse clicked on the send button, and then he went back to save all the videos to his secret laptop folder. He wasn’t going to send them to anyone obviously, not wanting to betray Nana’s trust, but they were some of the best stuff he’d done yet, so he certainly wanted a copy for his records. He was bubbling in excitement, stewing in his own naughty and eager thoughts as the videos played over in his mind, but one look at his laptop clock told him that his parents would be home soon. He let out a strong grumble, but he finally dragged himself away from the computer to get his toy and fur clean, even able to start up a bit of homework before his parents both made it home for dinner.
Aston knew the moment the video was posted, despite not being told exactly when it’d be. Of course it flashed up on the front page of Kinkykub, taking the top spot as most of Nana’s videos did. She might have been used to the attention, but Aston sure wasn’t. His profile had its fans, and he was steadily building up more as time went on, but his followers easily doubled overnight, then continued to surge that following day. Private messages poured in, with most of them starting out ‘I thought I only liked girls, but…’ along with lots of other praise. There were also the boring one line hellos, and the occasional bit of anger that Nana’s new video didn’t have anything huge going up her ass, with the hate somehow directed at Aston.
It took Aston most of his wakeup routine just to get a grip on everything new, not having nearly enough time to go through all the messages in one shot. He didn’t have much time to check them at school either as it was test day in a few classes, and the others had lab demonstrations and group reading that he needed to pay attention to. His phone was burning a hole in his pocket though, and by the time he got home, he noticed even more messages, likes, and donations were piling up - more than he could hope to handle.
He stayed on his computer from the moment he got home until his parents were calling him down for dinner just answering messages, checking out pages, and looking over the comments of the ‘free teaser’ portion of the video. The whole thing was available for purchase at 0.0002 Bitcoin, but the free teaser got the most traffic, with the views growing at a rapid pace even still. Aston soaked up all the attention like a sponge, diving back and forth to his messages and the video comments each time he saw another one pop up. It was exhausting, but it was a rush that he couldn’t help but dive headlong into, feeling his limbs twitching each time he was told he was ‘cute’ or ‘had a nice ass’ or that someone wanted to rail him hard.
That momentum continued on for a few days as Aston tried to capitalize on it, pulling out his large Zephyr and making an effort to knot it himself, both on stream and on a recorded video. Of course he had to plug his new collaboration with Nana more than a few times, and that no doubt helped to keep that video up in the top five on the site for most of the week. To the feline’s surprise, thanks to the ‘training’ he’d done with Nana, or just the motivation from a bunch of new stream watchers and fans, he managed to knot his toy both times. It still wasn’t easy, and it still hurt quite a bit, but the feline pushed through and made it happen. He even put on a smiling face as his young body quivered each time he found his pucker squeezing around that cock base, feeling sore but accomplished.
Confidence flooded through the young feline as he got even more comments, messages, and subscribers from his own videos, and a good bump from when the true meat of Nana’s session was uploaded the following week. Another heavy wave of attention flooded Aston’s way, overwhelming him yet again, and causing him to miss out on any social time he might have had to reply to more messages and eager fans. There was another small bump when Nana’s Dad’s video popped up as well, although that was on a ‘secret’ channel, so there was nowhere near the same rush. And the slow grinding finish was more of a ‘bonus feature’ than a full video, getting a free release on Nana’s page in full, also hitting some respectable but relaxed numbers.
Most of the messages Aston had in his inbox didn’t end up going anywhere though. There were lots of offers from guys who wanted to leave a load inside of him, and even some women that wanted to offer their own toys for him to enjoy, but in the end everyone was too far away or they couldn’t really make it work. Despite the heavy rush of new fans, it seemed that he had the same old problem. Lots of interest, but the logistics just didn’t work out. Still, Aston was determined to see what else he could set up, having a few names and ideas floating around, at least until he came across a new message from a profile he didn’t recognize at first.
Hey boy, remember me? Probably don’t from the profile, but I’m that gorilla who you took so well a month ago. Haven’t seen any of my rooms in your videos lately. A shame you haven’t needed them, or at least come back to say hello to me sometime, but I guess you’ve been busy. Still, if you’re interested in getting that cute ass some use, I know a few guys that would love to meet you. We have a meetup every month or so, and the next one’s coming up soon. I’d love it if you could stop by, as would the guys.
Aston felt the breath freeze in his lungs as he realized who sent that message. His fur stood up along his arms, while feeling a soft shiver rush through him. Aston had mostly forgotten about that ape to be honest, pushing it to the back of his memory, but now everything came rushing back in one quick surge. Despite the shock, it hadn’t been a terrible time honestly. It wasn’t anything he dreaded remembering or anything, but, at the same time, he still felt a little uneasy about how things had happened between them.
Getting his breathing back under control again, he thought about just not replying to the message and forgetting the whole thing. That’s what he did for a day or two, before curiosity forced him to open it up and read through it again. Sure, the Ape might have been a little rough with him, but he was horny and Aston smelled like sex. Plus, it wouldn’t just be him there this time. There would be other guys too… other guys that wanted to meet him. They’d probably be nicer, and maybe the Ape would be too since Aston didn’t need to be ‘persuaded’ anymore. Aston had a few questions though, but getting them answered would mean responding to that first message. He thought about it for another day, before finally coming home after soccer practice and typing out the response he’d been planning for most of that time.
“Hey there. Yeah, sorry, I’ve had a lot going on recently. You have a meetup with other guys who are into cubs like me? How many usually show up? And are there other cubs who show up too? Or do you guys just normally watch porn and drink together or something?”
Aston left it at that for now, waiting on his answers to make any decisions. A day later that message came.
There are tons of guys that love cubs like you, as I’m sure your subscriber numbers back up. Most aren’t brave enough to try things out for real though. There are a few of us that do, between five and ten usually depending on the day. We hope to get those numbers up though, and if we can convince others by having a cutie like you available to try things out on, that’d be the best way to do it. We had one boy interested in coming by before, but he backed out at the last minute. Another did show up, but after some rubbing and stroking, he said he didn’t want to do anything else. I’m sure you’d be a star though. You took me so well, and all the other guys were so jealous when I told them how good you were. They are VERY eager to meet you. Very big fans of yours.
Those words were actually comforting to Aston as he read them over. They hadn’t pushed that one boy to do more than he wanted, so that was a good sign. Feeling the nerves start to fade, and his eagerness and curiosity start to grow, Aston typed a message back.
“Okay, sure, I’d love to meet some more local guys and help them out. When is the meetup?”
Great to hear, little guy. I’ll spread the word and see just how many I can get to show up. I have a feeling it’ll be record numbers to see you! The meeting is this Saturday at your favorite motel. Don’t worry, we’ll be in one of the fancy rooms, I promise. It usually runs in the evening, though we can schedule it around when you’re free.
That left Aston with a problem. He had plenty of time after school as his parents worked late, but during the weekend it was another story. He had soccer games for school, and his parents were usually around the whole time, leaving him less of a chance to sneak away without them knowing. After a little thought about what he could do, Aston suddenly had an idea. He texted Rex to see if he could cover for him this weekend. His parents wouldn’t be calling someone else’s parents to ask about him, they were far too lax to put that much worry into Aston, but it was always good to have a plan. After getting the okay from Rex, Aston typed out his reply.
“Saturday I’ll be busy, but Sunday I’ll probably be free, at least in the afternoon. Does that work?”
Aston didn’t have to wait long to get a reply.
For you, we’ll make it work. We’ll see you here!
Aston was quite nervous leading up to that day, always wondering if he’d made the right decision. He had no idea who’d be showing up, what they wanted to do to him, and just how awkward or gross it might be. Still though, with a whole group of people wanting to meet him, it was almost a guarantee that he’d be taken care of. No one wanted to be the guy to ruin it for the others after all, at least that’s what Aston hoped for. He just had to keep reminding himself that it’d be worth whatever awkwardness and strain he’d have to go through to meet them all. Besides, he was no stranger to groups, thanks to both Rex and some of his friends on the soccer team. He’d do fine being the center of attention… hopefully.
Aston didn’t bother to bring anything along with him as he left the house pretty light. After all, going off to a friend’s house to play games didn’t require him to bring much. Plus, the guys should have plenty of lube and stuff for him there, and his toys shouldn’t be needed. Dressed in just a T-shirt and shorts, the feline started the familiar walk over to the motel. It was a trip he hadn’t taken in a while, and as the scenery changed around him, he felt his nerves bubbling up, leaving his tail swaying back and forth behind him, always at attention along with his ears.
He’d gotten a room number from the gorilla the night before, although Aston had to go around back to find the ‘renovated’ section and rooms. He could tell they were bigger than the normal ones, with the doors more spaced out between them, and having easy access to that pretty dinky pool as well. He thought he saw someone sneak into one of the doors from a distance away, and he could hear a bit of a noisy rumble ringing through the walls as if a bunch of people were gathered up together in that general direction. He soon found himself in front of the right door, confirming it was the one with all the noise behind it. He gulped down a good bit of saliva in his throat before lifting his paw and giving the door a knock.
He waited for a second and nothing happened, making the feline rock on his feet for a moment as those butterflies in his stomach had time to spread. He thought about turning and heading home now that he had the chance, but he knew just how disappointed everyone would be if he did. No, he’d agreed to do this, and he had to go through with it now. With a clearing of his throat, he lifted up his paw and knocked again, louder this time, before a voice quickly shot back, “What’s the password?” through the door.
“Um… Pineapples,” Aston said back, trying to be somewhat loud so his voice would travel through the door. Suddenly, that murmur from inside went nearly silent, then the locks to the door disengaged. With a slow pull open, the wide head of that ape popped out and grinned as he stared down at the feline in front of him. His eyes darted away from the surprised cat in a flash, taking a look around to see if anyone was following the feline, before stepping back and opening the door the rest of the way, showing off the ape in his white sleeveless shirt and casual basketball-like shorts. As Aston hesitated, he got a quick roll of the ape’s hand toward him, urging him to hurry up and get inside. That caused Aston to kick into gear and take his first steps inside the room, hearing the door close with a loud click behind him, and the chain slide back into the lock as well, making sure Aston couldn’t escape.
The boy’s ears and tail were at attention as all the varied scents hit him all at once, leaving him a bit overwhelmed. The pure mix of species caught him off guard at first, with his mind trying to pick out anything familiar. There was also a hint of arousal and sex in the air, as well as beer, cigarettes, and a few other scents the feline couldn’t place, tingling his nose with every deep breath the feline pulled in. Aston froze after just a few steps, watching all those eyes near the doorway turn to face him, before the ape’s large paw landed on his shoulder and pushed him forward. Aston stumbled with a jolt, but he walked deeper into the room and the light, looking around with a nervous fluff to his fur and quick twitch of his tail. Even though most of the guys had gotten quiet in the main room, Aston could hear a few more guys still chatting in the bedroom, with something playing on the TV. Cute moaning sounds and some heavy smacks bounced off the walls, leaving little to the imagination of what it was. However, if Aston wasn’t busy trying to take in everything at once, he would’ve realized those moans were his own.
Everyone kept up the silence for a moment as they all stared at the cute feline, and Aston stared back, finally having enough time to start to soak in some detail. Some of the older guys had masks on to hide their faces, while others seemed to be comfortable and casual out in the open. And, of course, there were a few backed up into a dark corner as if trying to hide, looking uncomfortable but still curious. A kangaroo was the first to meet his gaze, sitting down on the large couch with his tail curled up at his side. His muzzle was covered by a bright yellow and smiling mask, but the shape of his ears and large tail left Aston identifying him right away. Then there was a lion standing not far away from him, with a big bushy mane and no mask, grinning at Aston with the full confidence and hunger of a predator. Off in the corner, seated about as far as he could get away from everyone else, a nervous purple-furred rabbit was half in a shadow, his face covered by a simple black bandanna. A sudden hungry growl caused Aston’s head to twist the other way, meeting a wolf’s glare as the large male leaned up against the faraway wall.
Then of course there was the ape behind him, giving him another push into the center of the lounge room, as Aston slowly raised up a paw and gave everyone a wave. “H…hey everyone,” he said as his ears folded back and his tail drooped between his legs, the normally calm and confident cat suddenly feeling the pressure from all those eyes locked on him, seemingly devouring him even with his clothing still on.
“He’s so cute,” the lion said first, squatting down to get a good eye-level look at the smaller cat. A wide grin spread across his bare face as he added, “His videos didn’t lie!”
“I agree,” the roo shot back with a nod to his head. “Can’t wait to see if he feels as good too. The little guy’s been through a lot recently, so here’s hoping he doesn’t have any troubles with us.”
“Hey guys,” the ape called out louder than the rest of the banter, breaking off the casual comments as he tapped his large paw on one of the walls. The talking from the other room came to an abrupt halt, with the ape taking a bigger breath and aiming his shout toward the bedroom. “The boy’s here. Come out and say hello!”
Aston’s eyes shot to that doorway to see a few more guys spill out. First came a stallion, although not the biggest or most buff of them all by far. His eyes shot wide at Aston’s appearance, although he was quickly pushed aside by a smaller white-furred house cat wanting to get his own look. A hefty boar was the next to follow the line out as the crowd diffused into the entrance room, each one taking a seat on the couch or standing at attention around it. That made room for a large bull to poke his head out last, this one not wearing any pants and letting his half-hard cock swing back and forth as he walked. Aston’s eyes quickly shot to it, gasping at the girth and size of it, which was picked up by the ape as he shot back a chuckle toward the bull.
“You’re scaring him, Apollo!” That got a small chuckle from the rest of the group as the bull found his spot and stood still, with that cock still swaying back and forth between his legs, seemingly all on its own. His top was covered by a flannel shirt, but his pants had long since been removed, allowing Aston to keep his gaze on that thick meat, feeling a rush of worry now trickle down his back in an icy shiver.
“Sorry,” Apollo said in the most insincere tone possible, crossing his arms over his chest, but doing nothing to hide his erection. He seemed to relish the attention, and with a cock like that, and a sturdy frame to hold it on, Aston couldn’t blame him for wanting to show it off. “I was just enjoying his content in the other room. Some hot stuff. He takes it like a champ.”
Aston shot back a little mew at that, shrinking down as the crowd gathered around him, with his ears up at attention and his breathing racing nearly as fast as his heart. “Glad you like it,” was all Aston could say back, forcing out a smile with a nervous chuckle as well. That got a little smattering of noises and whispers among the crowd, but before Aston could pick out anything in particular, the ape gave him another pat on the shoulder, which made him jump and squeal at the sudden contact.
He fell back to his feet with a soft sigh, and a chuckle from most of the guys watching, before the ape leaned down toward him and said, “So, Aston, welcome to the group. We’re all very happy to see you, as Apollo can attest to. But, before we dive right into things, we have a surprise for you.”
Aston’s ears flicked up to attention at the mention of a surprise, with his tail giving a quick whip behind him. He turned his head to stare into the ape’s dark eyes, and after a bit of hesitation he squeaked out. “A surprise?”
“Yeah,” the ape added with a grunt, pulling his paw away and walking toward a pile of clothing on the extended couch. The generous seating wrapped all around the back wall of the room, leaving only space for the entrance door and bedroom door, as well as space for the TV stand and dresser up front. The ape lumbered on over and sent his large arm diving into the pile, moving a pair of pants and a jacket or two, before grunting and lifting up a set of long stockings. They looked like small fishnets as they dangled from the ape’s thick paw, with a darker criss-crossed pattern of lines standing out among the rest of the fabric.
Aston felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight, quickly imagining how he’d look in something like that, before realizing there were actually four sets and not just two - a matching set of arm-length gloves dangled along with them. There were a few murmurs from the audience at the big reveal, or just from Aston’s reaction, as the ape’s wide face turned into an even wider grin as he let those small garments sway in his grasp. “What do you think, little guy? Think you’ll look good in these? I bought them specially for you, specially for today, as my gift to you for coming.”
“I… I think so, yeah,” Aston said after a small pause, cracking a smile as he rocked on his feet. His eyes darted to the other males, watching a few grins fly around the room, at least those that weren’t hidden by masks. Those reactions made his fur stand up on end at the thought of what was going through their minds. “No underwear?”
“No underwear,” the ape agreed with a nod, but as he draped the long items over one arm, he reached down to pick up something else from deep inside the pile. “But, you did have an unfortunate bit of luck. Seems like the guys wanted to have something down there to protect your sensitive bits.” He trailed off for a moment, hiding something in his large paw as he turned to the bull and said, “What was the vote, 8 to 3 or something like that?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Apollo said back with a smirk. “Sorry AJ, you’ll have to suck his dick another time.”
A few eyes darted over to someone, though it was too quick for Aston to pinpoint who they were. As all the eyes snapped back to the gorilla, Aston watched those fingers open and flash that shining metal cock cage back at Aston. The feline gave off a sudden gasp and mew at the sight of it, curling his legs in at his groin, and giving a small dance as he knew what it was right away. He’d seen them plenty in the porn he’d watched, but he’d never really thought about buying one, even if a few people on stream asked if he’d want them to send him one. Still, his curiosity got the better of him as the gorilla showed it off to everyone in the room, getting a few more eager grins out of those uncovered muzzles, and more rumblings of banter between some of the closer members.
“If you REALLY don’t want to wear it,” the ape continued while giving the cage a spin around his finger, “then I guess you don’t have to, but you’d disappoint a lot of the guys here if you didn’t.”
Aston paused for a moment, as if thinking it through, but seeing all those eager faces staring at him with some heavy need, it was clear what he had to say. “I’ll wear it, sure.”
“That-a-boy!” the ape said with a smile, only to take a slow step over to Aston with all the gear draped across his strong arms. “Then why don’t you get us all going with a bit of a strip show? We want to see you nice and naked before slipping into your new outfit.”
Aston gave off another nod as he took in a few deep breaths, looking around the room to see all those eyes locked on him now. Aston hadn’t ever been one to be the center of attention quite like this before. He had no ambitions of giving speeches, playing in a band, or doing anything else up on a stage in front of a live audience. He was comfortable with people, but even he could feel his young heart racing from all those eyes on him. The nervous tingles left his paws tapping at his hips as he tried to decide what to do. He didn’t want to disappoint the guys obviously, but he could still back out of this now if he wanted. Those thoughts left him hesitating, with the guys getting a little rowdy as Aston just stood there, shooting out a few growls and huffs, as well as a few naughty comments, at the lack of action.
Yet, before they could get too intense, Aston reached down for the hem of his shirt and tugged up on it. It was only a few teasing inches, just enough to let his belly fur poke out from underneath it, but he got back a little cheer at that sight. As more and more of his belly spilled out, with a bit of his chest soon joining the party as well, the cheers only grew. When his nipples were out and exposed, he bunched up that shirt as much as he could against his shoulders, giving a quick spin to make sure everyone could see. Then, with a deep breath, he yanked that shirt up over his head, sticking one arm in the air to help it slide off even further, before catching it with his elbow and bringing it back down. Once he was free, he balled that fabric up with both of his paws, and tossed it casually over into the pile of clothing.
With his upper body exposed, he placed his paws on his hips, puffing out his chest and showing himself off with a few sways of his tail behind him. Those cheers and whistles from the display left a growing and confident smirk on his face, letting him know that he’d made the right decision. Getting going was the hard part. Now that the feline was half-way there, and those eager noises were feeding his mind, he felt relaxed and more comfortable, although with those nerves still tingling deep down inside. He could do this. He’d done this for much bigger audiences on his streams, although he couldn’t see their eyes watching. It was a different feeling for sure, but confidence still built up in the cat quick enough. Before even thinking about it, he sent his paws to the waistband of his shorts, and with a shake to his hips, he pushed them down little by little. He was more enthusiastic about this one, taking some time in showing off those tight and brightly colored blue briefs clinging to his hips with each tiny wiggle.
More cheers, more shouts, more comments of, “Take it off, slut!” filled the room, as the feline just smirked back at those words and bent forward a bit. He wasn’t sure who his upturned tail was pointed to, but with a few quick shimmies and wiggles, his athletic shorts found their way down to his thighs, leaving that cute butt shaking back at whoever was the lucky one. Without sliding them down any further, Aston spun on the balls of his feet, sharing the sight with the other males sitting and standing around the room, only to ease down those shorts along his well toned legs bit by bit. They soon pooled at his feet, and he kicked them off one foot at a time as he stood back up to keep his balance. After giving the audience a good look at his butt and bulge, he bent over and touched his toes to pick them up, giving the audience another good sight as he arched his spine like only a feline could really do. After an extended moment of teasing, he bent back up with them in his paws, balled them up, and tossed them along with his shirt into that pile.
“Last bit,” he let slip with a bit of a purr in his voice, rubbing his paws over his chest, stomach, and legs, however avoiding his groin and rear end as he focused on the less sexually charged bits for now. He gave the audience a few more passes, all while an extended mewing purr left his lips, getting a few more calls of, “The cub’s a natural!” and “Fuck he’s so hot.” Each one made Aston smile as he tried to look at whoever said those words, although it was hard to tell through the masks and the other occasional noises in the room. Still, with Aston taking in that praise and letting it fuel him further, he hooked his paws into the waistband of his tight underwear, showing off his bulge and his butt with little bits of pride, before he wiggled them down an inch, just to show off more of his bare groin and hip.
“Such a tease!” someone shouted out in a deep voice, and as the feline’s eyes turned to that bull, he let out a soft gasp as his eyes shot down to that member between his legs. It was now standing at full attention, looking just about as thick and long as Aston’s arm, with one of the bull’s large paws wrapped around it and stroking away. That caused the feline to stumble a bit, although he caught himself with a squeal as his body nearly froze in place. His eyes locked onto that shaft for a moment, not quite believing what he was seeing, although the bull seemed to enjoy showing it off. A few quick pumps from the bull later, along with a soft grunt leaving the bull’s throat, Aston tried to shake that sight out of his mind and pull his eyes away. He swung around, letting his focus dance around the room to a few other males, although even some of the reserved ones had bulging groins waiting for him, which his eyes just couldn’t miss.
Now that Aston focused in on the crowd, he could smell the scents of quite a few aroused males around him. They all flooded into his brain, overwhelming the poor boy, yet they also switched on a few things for him as well. He’d come to associate the scent of an aroused male with arousal itself, whether it was his own cock, or the cock of a partner. It was a weird thing to think about, but it was one of those things you didn’t HAVE to think about. It just happened. No one had told Aston that those scents meant he better get hard himself, but somehow they had that magical touch. As he took in another deep breath of the thick air around him, and held his paws steady on his underwear, he found his own cock firming up in the process. But, it was still only half-hard when the feline tugged down those underwear and let it flop free in front of him with a sudden yank. That reveal got another cheer from the crowd as Aston just smiled, pushing down those briefs all the way to his ankles, before bending over yet again to show off his feline flexibility.
A few guys moved and tilted their heads to get a good look at him in such a position, but Aston didn’t leave them all fighting for a spot for long. He slid those undies off his paws one by one, still bent over all the while, before giving a slow spin on his feet once more, showing off that rear end and his dangling balls to everyone in the room. That got a new set of cheers and naughty words thrown his way, which the feline drank in with a soft fluff to his fur. He slowly rose back up once the cheers died down, now completely naked and balling up his underwear in his paw. He tossed them over with his other clothing before spreading his legs a bit more, adding back his paws to run over his newly exposed balls and cock, flopping them about with a soft chuckle to himself.
“Everybody like?” Aston asked with a smirk and mew. As the cacophony of replies assaulted his ears, he added a few more rubs over his frame, as well as some gentle spins, trying to look at every guy’s groin to see if their pants were bulging. For the most part they were. With a smirk on his face, he could feel the heat and eager need rising, along with those eager scents growing evermore powerful, almost choking him in the moment. The attention however was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before, and although it was different than being on camera for a bunch of text popping up, Aston was quickly getting used to it, and finding he was enjoying himself.
With some applause starting to ring out, Aston gave a few more bows, soaking it all up with a puff to his chest. He was much more relaxed now that the juices had started flowing, with the cat boy mewing and purring at all the hungry gazes circling around him. However, he couldn’t soak it in forever. He’d almost forgotten what he was truly preparing for, but as the ape moved in and handed off those stockings and gloves, he let out an eager grunt of his own before he said, “Such a cute little thing you are. Go ahead, I hope they fit. I tried to eye up your size, but it’s hard getting them so small.”
Aston nodded and took the garments into his paws, looking them over and soon separating them out into their individual components. He figured the gloves would be the easiest to start with, and quickly found an open end to slide his paw through. With a few careful tugs, he inched the glove up and over his arm fur. He could feel the follicles getting matted underneath as he worked that light fabric higher and higher, but after a few wiggles and adjustments, one glove was seated properly. The thicker end band had slid up just past his bicep, with only his middle finger piercing through the other end, holding the fabric stretched tight against his slender frame.
“Looking good so far,” the gorilla called back with a pleased grunt, not bothering to hide the girthy tent in his pants. Aston caught a quick glance at it as he slid on the second glove, the process going a little easier this time as he knew how to work it, but Aston could swear that he felt the heat off the gorilla’s member as he was standing so close. Aston took a small step back for some space, only to test his balance as he lifted up a leg. Comfortable with the position, he reached for one of the stockings and opened it up around his foot, tugging that thin fabric back and up one of his legs. They were a little harder to get on, especially without being able to sit down, but the feline’s natural balance helped to keep him upright for the most part. He only had to catch the ape’s outstretched arm to steady himself once or twice before those stockings got dragged up toward his thighs. All that was left was for Aston to adjust everything and line them up, and after a few quick checks over everything, he stood proud in the new gear.
That got another round of cat calls (no pun intended), as well as a few of the males inching closer toward the feline. That eager circle started to close up around him as the need in all their eyes made them glow and grow wide, with tongues and teeth still drooling with need. Still, the ape seemed to push them all back as he spread out his arms, holding onto that cock cage in one of his palms. “Now, the final bit,” he said with a grin, before bringing down that bit of metal and offering it up to Aston. “Think you can figure it out? First time?”
“Yeah, first time,” Aston repeated with a soft chuckle. His fingers reached out and grabbed the cage from that large paw. He’d never held one before, although it seemed pretty simple to figure out. He took a second to run his fingers over the metal, feeling a little shiver at the cool naughty object in his grasp. He gave the cage a few tugs, soon separating it from the ring base.
“You put that ring around your balls,” the ape chimed in with a quick grunt, “Then you slide that other piece over your cock. This is a cheaper one, so it should just snap together. No fancy locking mechanism or anything. Really just for the look.”
“Got it,” Aston said as he grabbed onto that ring and brought it down to his groin, popping one ball then the other through it with a little squirm. His gasps and whines made a few more whistles and growls ring through the room, but his balls were the easy part. Now he had to push his growing cock through the ring as well. It was a bit difficult to get things lined up, but the more he strained the less hard he became, so it turned into a proper feedback loop as the feline worked on it with a few grinds. With some wiggling and pushing he managed to get it to fit, leading to another quick cheer ringing through the crowd as he showed it off.
“Gotta stop loving the attention and being such a slut,” the ape called back in a harsher tone. It was meant to tease however, and it did shoot a shiver down Aston’s spine to hear it come out like that. Still, he was focused on the task at hand, trying to breathe deep and let his cock soften even more so it could fit it inside the cage. It was a hard thing to do, especially for a young boy with so many aroused males watching you the whole time, but Aston just tried to think back to the missed pass and shot he’d had during his game yesterday. Running it over in his head a few times, with what he SHOULD’VE done instead, gave him enough of a distraction to soften back up. Before he could think too hard about it, he wiggled that cage around his member and pushed it down, hearing the base lock in place with a bit of a snap. It surprised him enough to get a jump and mew out of him.
“Mmm, perfect,” the ape said with a pleased nod to his head, looking down as Aston moved his paws away to show off that tight cage, squeezing his cock into that small space and making the feline dance a bit at the new sensation. He shook his hips back and forth to bounce the cage off his inner thighs, letting everything settle in its proper position. “How’s it feeling?” The ape asked, stopping short of getting a grope of that caged up cock himself, although Aston could tell he wanted to.
“Tight,” Aston replied with a small huff, reaching down to try and adjust the angle of it, which he did after a few small shakes and tugs. “But, it does get the job done, and it looks good, right?”
Aston shot up a smile at the ape, only to get a heavy grunt in return, along with a bit of a nod of that thick head. “You look perfect,” he said with hunger in his voice. “You look like you belong being surrounded by a bunch of horny men. Ready to get that cute little ass of yours used like it should, and your mind melted from more sex than you can imagine?”
Aston wasn’t sure how to take that, feeling himself squirming and crunching into a slight ball with embarrassment, but still shooting back a quick mew and nod. “Well then, mission accomplished I guess? And yeah, I think I’m ready for everyone,” he squeaked back, getting a small chuckle from a few of the onlookers.
“Not yet,” the ape said, sending that paw down to the feline’s shoulder to hold him steady. “First, you’ve got to deal with me, THEN I’ll unleash the floodgates on you. I got sloppy seconds last time, so I’m going in first this time.”
Aston could do little more than mew and squirm at those words, no doubt looking cute, but also a little nervous as he felt the ape push him back a step. The primate then gave Aston another push on his shoulder, urging him to spin around and face the doorway to the bedroom. Another soft push got him marching, with that cage bouncing around between his legs, sending a few new jolts of sensation all over his groin. “Come on cutie, let’s go get comfortable.”
Aston wasn’t sure if that was an invitation for the others to follow along or not, but after Aston stepped into the bedroom, and the ape followed close behind, the others also streamed in, taking up all the available spots along the walls and around the bed in the center. The bedroom was just about as big as the other room, with the bed taking up most of the center instead of the couch wrapped around the walls. There were a few closets and a dresser and such, as well as a big TV on top of it, currently playing something familiar as Aston walked in. However, it took until the feline hopped on the bed to get a good view of it. When he did, he saw his own moaning face staring back at him, with what looked like a big white fox pounding away at his young rump.
“One of your first with someone else, wasn’t it?” The ape said, being quick to slide off his sleeveless shirt and soon yank down his shorts as well. He had no underwear on, with his thick black cock bouncing beneath that belly unhindered at the moment. It was just as big as Aston remembered, with that girth already causing his pucker to tingle at the sight of it, but at least he did have the confidence of taking it once before… although that was with some heavy warm-up first.
Aston stared at that cock for a moment as the ape waited for an answer, before the feline’s eyes turned away to look at the TV, a few memories popping back as he gazed at the scene. “Y…yeah,” Aston answered, before shifting his gaze back to the ape and his cock. That constant attention to his groin made the gorilla grin and grunt, showing himself off with a small thrust to his hips and bounce of his belly. Yet, after his little display, the big male turned to reach over to the night stand, picking up a bottle of lube that was already placed there.
“You just can’t stop staring at older guys and their cocks, can you?” the gorilla said back as he squeezed out a pump into his hand. Another pump left even more of the slick liquid draining from the bottle, before he dropped it down onto the king bed with a small bounce. Cupping the fluid in his palm, he pushed that hand over his throbbing member, slowly spreading the shine around every last throbbing inch. “You really are a natural born slut. And what a wonderful find I must say. You’re about to make a lot of guys really happy.”
The ape added another slow grunt as his paw worked up and down his cock, now staring at Aston with those narrow and focused eyes, almost eating away into his soul. Aston could only squeak and mew, squirming on the bed as the soft sheets rubbed back against his bare ass cheeks, with that cock cage still feeling a little weird pressed up against his groin. “I… I guess I am, aren’t I? I wouldn’t be here otherwise,” he added, answering all those statements with one reply.
“Mmm, good boy,” the ape continued, before sliding one knee, then the other, onto the bed, starting his slide toward the much smaller feline. Aston squeaked out at the lumbering male, but didn’t do much to move away. Instead he let the ape come to him, soon reaching out to push a strong paw against the feline’s shoulder to lean him back. “I took you doggy last time, so this time I want to watch your face as you take it, and watch that caged cock bounce with my thrusts.”
“Yeah… sounds good,” Aston said just to say something in response, not really able to think of a good comeback as he felt the gorilla push him down onto his back. That lubed up hand left a little imprint on his shoulder fur, matting it down even before they’d started, but that was the least of Aston’s worries with that big body looming above him, blocking out almost all the light around the small boy. Aston took a deep breath as he squirmed on the bed, spreading out a little as he had a lot of bed to work with, but not really feeling much safer.
Perhaps it was just instinct to try and claw away from the gorilla, as the small feline tried to find enough grip on the sheets to slide himself back. But, before he could make any progress, that large ape lumbered up between the feline’s feet. Aston was afraid he was just going to shove that thick shaft inside right away, but to his surprise the ape actually brought down his slick fingers and gave a quick rub over Aston’s pucker. The boy felt his eyes go wide, and his throat let out a firm groan, as a thick digit found that hole and pushed inside with a bit of sudden force.
“Mmm, feels like this kitten is ready,” he teased, working his finger back and forth as Aston adjusted to the thickness of it, only to feel a second digit push him apart as it dove in soon after. Aston had been practicing, and had knotted his toy a few times since the last time the ape was inside of him, so even though that sudden push hurt a bit, the sting did fade pretty quick. However, those fingers were pretty thick, so when the ape tried to push in a third one, Aston squirmed away, feeling the burn rising up a bit too quick for him. Thankfully, the ape seemed to take note of Aston’s reluctance, and he kept his assault to just two fingers. Whether or not that would be better for Aston in the end was hard to say. “You ready for the real thing kitty slut?”
“Y…yeah,” Aston said without seeming too convincing. That looming male over him, those other horny guys watching, the big bull standing off in the corner with that huge cock still wanting to get inside of him… it was quite a lot for Aston to take in. But, he’d already gone too far, and there was no turning back now, so Aston just had to hope that he could handle it. The confirmation from the boy was all the Ape needed to hear as he pulled his fingers out of that young hole, and used both of his hands to grab at the boy’s ankles. He gave them a pull apart, holding the feline spread for the onlooking crowd to enjoy. Using his leverage and strength, he lifted the feline’s hips off the bed, causing only his shoulders to really stay digging into those sheets, while that fat cock adjusted its angle and soon poked at the feline’s opening. With a few slides back and forth, the ape finally got himself set, and with a big gasp Aston felt that tip grinding against his rim, soon pushing past his resistance with a jerky pop.
Aston whined and hissed at that first surge, feeling a sharp clench go all the way up his spine as his body tensed up from the sensation. His teeth clamped down tight, and his eyes slammed shut, feeling his paws turn into balls and grip the sheets on either side of him, with claws digging into the fabric. It was intense, and it did hurt deep down, but the feline’s sharp breaths and pleading mews made the ape slow his progress to a crawl. He held the feline steady, letting him move just a bit to work that sting out, while his own groans filled out the room as the feline danced on his cock.
“Mmmph, fuck boy… so much tighter than last time,” he drooled out in a lust filled voice, adjusting his stance on his knees before slipping in just a little more. Aston squealed out at the push, but the worst of the sting had already gone. The gorilla was in, and even as Aston clenched down around him, there would be no more stopping him from going all the way. It was a big cock to handle for sure, but Aston dealt with the strain, catching his breaths when he could during those small adjustments and pauses. Inch after inch of that girthy shaft continued to slip inside, causing Aston to gasp and squirm with each further entry, before he felt the ape’s groin finally pressed up against his ass cheeks. A firm grind of hips to ass made sure that cock was all the way in, making Aston huff and whine, and the ape groan in pleasure yet again.
A wide smile grew across the gorilla’s face as he stared down at the feline, with Aston finally settling enough to crack open an eye and see it. Soon the other eye opened up and joined in as well, looking up at that big ape as he held himself steady, enjoying the boy’s warmth wrapped around him, with the feline continuing to squirm and adjust. Yet, as the boy twitched and bucked on that bed, in front of a dozen or so onlooking males, the sting further faded, leaving his breathing to calm and his body to relax little by little. That was at least until the ape pulled out a bit and thrust back in a bit harder than Aston was ready for. Another shake of tenseness shot through Aston, causing him to mew and squeal back out, but he batted that sensation away as the gorilla gave another slow grind to help dull the strain.
“Mmmph, fuck, you make such cute noises too,” the ape continued, before sliding his grip down from the young boy’s ankles to his knees and thighs, holding him up from there instead. Aston did what he could to keep that angle steady and the strain minimal, tensing his legs and even digging his heels into the ape’s sides. His face was still twisted into a few complex expressions depending on what the ape was doing, but that was to be expected as the ape picked up the pace and let himself pump away. Before Aston knew it, he was taking the ape at near full speed, although the big gorilla was still being somewhat gentle with his new toy. He didn’t want to hurt the poor thing, but he also didn’t want to cum too fast himself.
They settled into a rhythm after a few tense moments, with Aston’s moans soon slipping past his tightly sealed lips, while his body came to terms with just how big the ape really was. Getting comfortable enough with the steady thrusts, and putting his own moans and mews on autopilot, left Aston a little bit of time to rock his head to the side and take notice of a few other things. He looked around the room, seeing all the guys staring and drooling at the sight before them, but when his eyes flashed over to the corner, Aston’s eyes locked directly on the bull’s cock. It was at full hardness as it had been for a while now, and the bull made no effort to hide himself, casually stroking it to the sight of Aston getting fucked. If Aston thought the ape was thick, then he was going to have some trouble with that bull, feeling the sting build back up under his tail as he gave a nervous clench around the ape’s cock at the moment. He couldn’t possibly handle that… could he?
Trying hard to pull his attention away from the bull, It seemed that a lot of the other guys were starting to get into the mood too. As Aston’s body bounced from the gorilla’s thrusts, and the bed squeaked underneath him from the force, Aston’s eyes caught more and more guys sliding off their pants off and passing around a bottle of lube, each one taking a squirt and then working the slick liquid onto their cocks. Aston couldn’t quite see well enough from his position, but it looked like the guys were pretty spread out in terms of sizes, from a few smaller than his toy, up to that size and a bit more. Of course the bull was at the top, although the gorilla wasn’t that far down the list either.
Seeing how he was handling the ape already,, a strange bit of confidence surged through the feline. That strain in his tail was mostly gone, and those thrusts were regular and steady now, with the ape grunting and moaning above him. Aston was even starting to enjoy himself, although he was constantly reminded that his cock was locked up. The pressure around his member as it pushed against that metal cage was enough to get him squealing yet again, feeling the tension rippling through him. It was desperate to force its way free, wanting to grow to its full size, but with no hope of doing so it shrunk back down when the strain became too much, leaving an odd burn racing all over his shaft.
“Mmm, that’s it… good cat slut,” the ape howled out after a moment, leaning over the boy as he dragged Aston back into each thrust. “How’s it feel to be… on display? I’m sure you love it after all the vids you’ve made.”
“I… I do,” Aston admitted with a truthful little mew at the end, squirming up a bit as those words left his lips, but unable to deny that he was enjoying himself so far. He could feel his body getting into it, even if his cock wasn’t allowed to, with his legs tensing and squeezing, pulling back on the ape’s hips to help with his thrusts. His midsection squirmed and twisted, with his face letting off more moans and mews instead of sharp pained breaths. His paws had gone from clenching the sheets in tight pain to more using it as leverage, pushing back against each thrust to make those heavy slaps all that much louder. Aston even started to play it up for the audience, which he noticed creeping closer and closer to the edge of the bed with every passing moment, cocks out and scents quickly overwhelming the young boy. He arched his back and gave off a few firmer moans, digging his feet into the ape’s sides to rock along with him, feeling his cage flopping up and down with each motion. He almost hurt his balls in the process with a few poorly-timed hip pumps, but he quickly found out how to keep each bounce just off-center enough to keep that cage from making full contact against them, working hard to keep everything flowing and steady.
It certainly seemed to do the job as Aston could feel the ape’s thrusts getting ragged and shaky. His body was trying to keep up the pace, even as his need bubbled over to his outer body posture, forcing each thrust to become a bit harder and less focused. “Mmmph, fuck Kid, I’m gonna blow,” he announced to the whole room, before clamping onto the boy’s legs and dragging him into that thick groin, belly bouncing off those thighs. “Gonna take it all?”
“Yes, please…” Aston shot back without even thinking, clenching his insides around that thick member. “Fill me up!”
It was boring and cliche, but in that moment it just felt right to Aston, and probably to all those watching him get pounded. It certainly did enough for the ape as he gave a few final hard thrusts, smacking almost painfully into the boy’s rear, before grinding deep and letting loose, spraying that load inside the boy with a few strong shots. Aston could even feel the warmth flooding through him, sensing just how badly the ape needed to get off, as that huge cock throbbed and jerked inside his tight, young hole.
It was always a relief to feel your partner cum inside. It was almost like Aston was cumming himself as that warm rush took over. He found himself gasping along with the ape, with those large gorilla paws holding him tight as the beast emptied himself into the boy. Soon those moans of passion turned into deeper breaths, and a warm and dopey smile took over the ape’s normal stern and rough exterior. It was quickly matched with Aston’s own satisfied and accomplished smile, along with a small giggle as well. “You cute little fuck…” the ape said through his deep breaths, sliding a hand from one of Aston’s legs to his head, ruffling his hair. Aston shot back a mew and giggled at that again, batting it away with a playful swat, only to get the ape grunting once more, with that smile never leaving his face.
With a small shuffle, the ape pulled himself back, sliding his spent cock out of that open feline hole, and letting a good bit of cum spill out onto the sheets beneath him. Aston shivered at that sensation, feeling the trickle dripping over his tail and ass cheeks, but he didn’t get to enjoy it for too long. As the ape shifted off the bed, and Aston felt it bounce back in rebound, the ape called out, “Alright, have at him boys! Just save a little for me for round two.” As those words were still bouncing off the walls, the bed bowed yet again as a few guys crawled onto the edges. Paws suddenly reached out to rub at him, muzzles leaned in to give him a kiss, and pretty soon a few cocks got to rubbing up against his rear end and legs, battling to be the next to slide inside. As Aston struggled to shoot his focus back and forth between all of them, he knew it was going to be a long night, and he was going to be very busy…

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 13

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Chapter 12

Aston was very excited to see how that video came out with Nana and her Dad. The wait for them to edit it up was excruciating, and it left Aston checking in on his messages and on her page multiple times per day just to make sure he didn’t miss anything. Even with no video news, Aston kept in touch with Nana when she’d reply to his messages. He didn’t want to annoy her or anything, but he still couldn’t get his mind off her, especially after he had some time to process things. He was in awe of her talents, and even in awe of her life. Traveling around the country just to have sex with people, posting videos, making friends… It seemed like the life he wanted for himself. At least it did when he didn’t think too hard about the downsides. And she was cute, sweet, and really good at what she did… Yup, Aston had a crush, no doubt about it.
It was weird to think about as he’d never really felt anything special with anyone else he’d had sex with. He’d enjoyed the sex for the most part, although maybe he was too focused on making videos instead of really getting close? But, with Nana there was something different there. Why? He couldn’t really say. The thought of your ‘girlfriend’ going off to get fucked by every creepy guy across the nation would be enough to turn most people off, but to Aston, that seemed like almost a compliment. Who wouldn’t want a girl that was desired by so many guys? And if she went out and had fun with all sorts of guys, Aston could probably go out and have fun with lots of guys too. Then they could both climb aboard the RV, and her Dad could drive them wherever they wanted to go, while the two of them had even more sex and cuddled together for the ride. It’d be the perfect life!
Aston found himself stroking off to the remembered feeling of her tongue sliding along his pucker more than a few times in the next few days. The way she got him ready, the way she pushed him to his breaking point but kept him from giving up, and the way she caressed and worked his second load out of him… it was all a fantastic blur to the feline, and he couldn’t help but dream about what the next time would be like. What else could Nana and he get up to?
Of course, he had the videos on her page to go by for ideas. Most of them involved her getting fucked or toyed with in the ass, usually by one but sometimes multiple people too. Aston could do that as well! Maybe he’d have to hop on top and show her how good he was next time! Although, he wasn’t fooling anyone. He’d have to practice. Maybe he should get some kind of toy he could thrust into - one of those penetratables or something. That sent him searching the internet for models and makers, but before long he got an even better idea. He hit up Rex and simply asked, “Hey, do you have any penetratable toys or something similar that I could borrow?”
“Sure, what make and model do you want? I’ve got a drawer full.”
Of course, Rex would have a drawer full.
“I dunno, got any skunk shaped asses?”
“That’s an odd request. Got some new kink I should know about? Is someone into being sprayed?”
“Eww No! I swear that’s not it! Just give me whatever then. Doesn’t matter.”
“Yeah, sure… I’ll bring you something at school tomorrow then.”
The conversation left Aston a little embarrassed, but he knew Rex wouldn’t tease him too hard about it. He’d link Rex the video when it came out, and then it’d all make sense. Until then, Aston had some time to practice!

Rex, true to his word, met Aston at the side of his locker the next day. He pulled a brown paper bag out of his bookbag and quickly handed Aston the heavy object, letting it fall into the feline’s paw as the kitsune said, “Here’s your… thing you wanted.”
Aston nearly dropped it from the sudden weight in his paw, with the object being a lot heavier than he was expecting. His nimble feline reflexes did all they could to stabilize it as his second paw caught it just in time. “Hell, I just wanted one!” Aston shot back a little confused at the kitsune.
“That is one!” Rex said with a confident smirk, crossing his arms over his chest after throwing on his backpack again. “It’s one of those full on… um… complete models. The ones that are supposed to lay on a table or something, with lots to grab. A little tail on one end built into the frame and all that. A lot of… um… material goes into building one of those.”
“Gotcha,” Aston said as he heaved the bag up and slid it up into his locker before anyone could see anything suspicious going on. “Thanks!”
“No problem,” Rex said with a casual and confident smile. “Like I said, I have a drawer full. I got about every model they make, just so I can try them all out.”
“Was this one of the better ones?” Aston asked out of the blue, throwing back a small smile to the kitsune.
“Eh, mid-grade, I’d say,” he teased with a gentle chuckle. “Couldn’t find one exactly like a skunk - no stripe over the back and tail - but this one is close. Mostly black with a fluffy white tail tip. Not exactly sure what it’s supposed to be, but… it’s what I had.”
“Thanks,” Aston said a little quieter now, shying away at the mention of skunk anatomy again. He gave an uncomfortable shift on his feet before saying, “And seriously, it wasn’t for the spray thing or anything, honest! I had an experience recently with a skunk, and well… that’s the first thing that came to my mind when you asked.”
Rex chuckled to start, before giving a good hearty laugh as that chuckle ramped up. He actually had to catch his breath and take a moment before he was able to say said, “Relax dude, I was teasing you. But, you do have me interested. A skunk boy, huh?”
“Skunk girl actually,” Aston admitted, half expecting Rex to know instantly who he was talking about.
“Hmmm…” Rex said with a long and drawn out sound, even rubbing his chin for a moment. “A girl? Around here? You?”
“Hey!” Aston shot back with an accusing stare, “I like girls too!”
Rex just nodded with that information, his mind still spinning as he tried to connect the dots, though having a little trouble it seemed. “Still interesting… you got a video coming up soon, or was this on the stream?”
“Video soon… hopefully,” Aston answered, closing his locker and looking at the clock in the hallway. The bell was close to ringing for the next class. “Depends on editing and stuff, you know?”
“Oh, I do!” Rex replied with a chuckling nod. “Guess I’ll see it soon then.”
“I’ll send you a link,” Aston teased, swaying his tail as he took a step and gave the kitsune a small purring rub to the side as he walked by, finding a little spring in his step with some new excitement flowing through him. He couldn’t wait to get home!
Of course, the moment Aston got home, he pulled that paper bag out of his bookbag and discarded the rest of his school stuff onto the floor of his room. He turned the bag over and tried to shake the toy out onto his bed, nearly tearing the brown paper in the process, before that heavy toy flopped and bounced along his sheets, rolling to the far end of the bed. It stopped before it fell to the ground, giving Aston the chance to toss aside that bag, although not before something else flopped out of it and landed on his bed.
Aston reached down to pick up the postcard-sized print of one of Rex’s underwear shoots. The kitsune boy looked sexy with his arms behind his head, bulge pushed out toward the camera, with some fancy name-brand of underwear stretched over his young frame, tagged with the company name along the waistband. Aston half-chuckled at the ad, before turning the card over and seeing something written on the back.
“Don’t get any ideas about topping now. I will still rail that cute ass of yours all night when you come for a sleepover!”
Aston chuckled at the extra little gift, sliding it into his nightstand drawer, before going back to grab that black toy with a reach to the other side of his bed. It was softer than his toy for sure as the feline’s fingers sunk pretty deep into the spongy material. He couldn’t resist giving it a few kneading squeezes, obviously without his claws extending, as he lifted it up and aimed the business end toward his face. Someone had put a lot of time and effort into modeling a shrunken down set of cheeks, an inviting looking pucker, and some kind of puffy tail at the back. The proportions felt off, leading to a bit of awkwardness as the feline studied the details, but it still looked quite interesting nevertheless. The feline’s thumb slid forward as his paw cupped one of the cheeks, curiously pushing into that open hole, and feeling a little resistance as his finger wiggled its way inside an inch or two. The material certainly wasn’t slippery on its own, leading to a little tugging on his finger fur as it popped in, but Aston quickly changed that as he reached for some lube he had sitting inside his nightstand. He dripped just enough over the opening to make it glisten, before sliding his thumb back inside with a little pop.
It went in easy enough this time with that material hugging his thumb nice and tight, although still seeming to give as he pushed in a little deeper with a curious moan. Back and forth his thumb slipped, watching that ass jiggle and that hole flex as he tested it out, suddenly quite aware of why people bought stuff like this. All that teasing had made him eager as well, with his pants getting pretty tight the more he toyed with that pucker. His craving to try it the proper way grew in leaps and bounds, and finally he pulled his thumb out with a little pop, all while admiring the sheen on that springy hole.
It didn’t take long for Aston to place the toy on the edge of his bed, then unzip and work his pants down in a flash. He kicked out one-foot paw from the leg fabric, allowing him to spread his stance, with his bed being just the right height for his groin to line up with that toy. He ground the tip of his cock against the fake rear end, moaning a little at the soft yet supportive sensation while he did. He closed his eyes and just rocked his hips, feeling those tingles dance all over his body, as he spread that little bit of lube and even some of his own pre all over the business end.
Leaning back, he grabbed onto the bottle of lube and laid down a fresh line of the slick stuff over his cock and those ass cheeks in front of him. He didn’t care that he used a bit more than he intended to, even as it began to drip down onto the edge of his sheets. The feline just enjoyed the sloppy sensation as he ground away, blissfully uninterested in the mess he’d have to wipe up later. Both paws soon found their way onto that toy, holding on tight as his cock tip slipped up those cheeks one last time. Then, with one final adjustment, he aimed himself down against that hole and pushed through.
A wave of sensation hit him instantly as the feline drove forward a few inches. That toy squeezed around his cock tip like nothing he’d ever felt before. The pressure sent a wave up his spine, making him gasp and squeal at the sudden rush. His tail went straight, and his ears shot up, with his whole body twitching as he sank in another inch or two, feeling a whining mew leave his lips.
The toy was tight, really gripping around every last bit of his cock. It felt so good that the feline found his hips pushed up against that tail base before he even knew it, holding steady to catch his breath as the warm tingle danced across his groin. That passage caressed his member tighter than Naughty Spotty had, and far tighter than Nana had for sure, letting him experience what it must have felt like sliding into his own tight rear end. With each wiggle he could feel a bit more sensation shoot up his spine, almost making him jump as his cock twitched and shot off a little pre to join that mess of lube. The only thing it was really missing was the warmth as the toy was only room temperature, and even a little chilly from the outside air of his walk. But, that added its own unique sensation to the feline’s member, making him shiver a bit more as he pulled out his cock a few inches and then thrust back in.
Aston gasped again, unprepared for that sudden surge over his body, as the toy was designed to hit every pleasure point it seemed. Mid-range? Aston could hardly believe anything could feel better, leaving his shaking hips getting a little unstable as he pulled back and thrust again. The sensation did start to wane after a few more pumps, at least with the most intense shocks and jolts, but as the feline picked up the pace to a near-proper rutting speed, he could tell that he’d be cumming soon. He slowed down for a moment, trying to savor the time he had with it, but before long he just wanted to go for it. A few harder thrusts and that was it. The feline shot out a quick set of moans and came hard deep in the toy.
He stayed inside for a moment, letting his mind recover, before sliding his spent cock out with a wet slurp. Lube was matted all over his groin, and now it even dripped onto his sheets as well, leaking from both ends of the squishy tube. The feline shot out a little curse at the mess, but he couldn’t deny that this toy was awesome… and that he needed practice. As he hopped in the shower to wash up, he figured it was best not to waste all that lube he’d just used. He took the toy into the shower and started practicing immediately, quite surprised that his body was ready to go again so soon.
A week’s worth of practice, usually multiple times per day, left him at least a little more confident with that toy. It was enough to at least show off with, and what better way to do that than on a stream he’d been neglecting for quite a while now. He’d gotten some messages and even a few donations on boyzclub despite not doing very much on the site, so he figured he owed a few guys that were trying to get in contact with him something special. Of course, he was going to make the stream public so that anyone else could watch too. He wasn’t sure how many to expect, and he was feeling a little nervous as the pressure was now on, but he’d do his best, knowing that most of the guys on that site would go crazy just seeing him naked to start with.
He got home from school and cleaned up on the date he’d set, but didn’t bother getting his rear end ready. He wasn’t planning on using it after all. That shorter setup left him some time to chat with some people as he booted up the stream, still keeping his camera off for the moment, but teasing them with what he was going to show. He had said that it’d be something different, so that both peaked some interest and worried some of his ‘fans’, but Aston assured them it wasn’t anything super weird or gross or anything. Still, he kept his idea close to his chest, only giving them vague hints, until he finally figured it was time to start the show as his viewers hit one hundred.
As the camera popped on, and a few donations started to roll in, Aston gave everyone a wave. He sat cross-legged on his bed in front of his laptop, with only a pair of tight briefs stretched across his hips and groin, and his new toy hiding behind him. He smiled and gave a small puff out to his chest, showing off his boyish definition to tease a bit more, before he said, “Hello everyone, welcome! It’s good to have a chance to do this again. Lately I’ve been busy with stuff, but thanks for sticking with me, and thanks for the donations again! It’s amazing to think that you guys give me money for getting naked.”
He looked down at the chat and read a few messages, before chuckling and saying, “No Boyluver, I didn’t get abducted, and I might have made something interesting showing up soon Spunkymonkey, although I’m not sure it’ll be to everyone’s tastes. Kind of like today I guess. I’m announcing this now, nothing’s going in my tail!”
That sent a few shocked responses flying through the chat, and Aston even noticed the number of viewers drop a bit, although it only made him chuckle again as he enjoyed the chaos. “Oh fine, if you’re nice, I’ll still let you see it though…” he responded, uncrossing his legs and rising up on his knees. He gave a few teasing wiggles of his hips as he stuck his fingers into the waistband of his underwear. “Although, today I thought I’d show off a new toy a friend let me borrow.” He spread his legs and reached underneath them with a paw, rolling that black mass of silicone through them and into view. “Been practicing with this recently, so I figured I’d show off just how good I’ve gotten. Spoiler alert, it’s not great, but… I guess that’s kind of the fun, right?”
A few more people logged off the stream, but the number stayed steady as just as many new ones joined in. Aston’s stream was gaining momentum on the ‘now streaming’ tab of the site ever since his camera went live, so the numbers would only go up from here anyway. “Alright, so… who wants to pick the position then?”
The prompt left a quick scroll of text flying by as Aston’s eyes tried to keep up, tilting his laptop screen up toward his face so he could see it. “I… alright, slow down guys,” he teased, scrolling back up to read down the list. There were a few suggestions, but the one he saw the most was ‘over the edge of the bed’ and ‘show us your ass’, the last one making him chuckle and finally say, “You want to see my ass that bad, then donate!”
Aston got his wish as a few donations rang in, shooting off a teasing mew as he fingers slipped up to his waistband once again. He dug them between his fur and the fabric, before slowly wiggling his underwear down bit by bit, enough to tease everyone in the chat. “Mmm, fine… pervs…” he replied, sliding one knee up and then another to get his underwear down to his calves, before rolling back on the bed and lifting up his legs into the air. He gave a small shake to his ass along with a slow moan, stretching his underwear between his ankles as he tried to spread his legs wider. He reached down to give his own ass a smack, then pulled a cheek apart to really show off his balls and hole, before sliding his paws up his legs to yank those undies over his footpaws, tossing them aside before sitting back up. “There, you happy?” he asked, getting one more wave of ‘thanks’ and donations ringing in.
“Well, on to the main event,” he said, rolling onto his side and then off his bed. He planted his feet on the ground with a bit of feline grace and popped up onto them, before reaching out to pull that toy over toward him, feeling his cock harden up a bit at the effort. He turned the laptop so that the screen was facing him, with the camera aimed down at his groin, yet still catching all of his upper body as well. “How’s that looking?” he asked, making a few adjustments to get everything in line, before the boy put both of his hands over the toy’s body and gave it a grind with his quickly hardening cock. “Mmm, if I could figure out how to get this site to work with multiple streaming views, I’d set my phone up to get another angle. But I figured this one is a pretty nice one. I’m not big enough to poke out the end like some people, but… I’m sure you can imagine,” he continued with a wink, teasing himself now as his growing erection rubbed up against that entrance, leaving him moaning and mewing at the pressure.
Of course Aston played it up for a moment, letting is cock tip crest over that bulging tail with each grind forward. His paws held onto the midsection of the toy, all while he rocked his hips and let out a few cute mews and purrs. He worked out a few more donations from the viewers, although nothing massive as they were all too busy fapping no doubt, and before long Aston reached over to his nightstand to grab onto his bottle of lube. He held the bottle high in his grasp and tried to artfully drizzle down some lube onto his cock and the rear of the toy, although it ended up making more of a mess than really doing much good as his aim wasn’t the greatest, but it was all for the stream, and they seemed to enjoy the show. He added a bit more lube down low at the opening of the hole, just to make sure he had enough, before he closed the bottle and tossed it across his bed and out of frame. His teasing humps grew a little faster now that things were nice and slick, spreading that lube around his cock as much as he could.
“Mmm, how’s it looking guys?” he teased with a small wink and smile. “Want my cock rubbing up against YOUR tail hole? I know some of you do.” He shot off a smirk to the laptop camera, licking his lips just to add to the teasing, before his moans and need got too much for him to resist anymore. “Alright, going in. Gonna count with me? 3…2…1…” he lead, before his paws gripped the toy tight and his hips pushed forward, sinking his cock into the now familiar tightness with a gasp still rushing out of his muzzle.
He had practiced for sure, but a week’s worth of practice wasn’t enough to kill that rush of sensation upon first thrust. The feline still squirmed and squealed, gasping and gritting his teeth as the warm surge flooded through his groin and body. He stopped halfway inside to catch his breath, taking a few deep gasps of air, before slowly pushing the rest of his shaft into that toy. He ground against the cheeks with a firm roll of his hips, before pulling back out and giving a hard thrust against that squishy toy, gasping again as a different surge of sensation shot through him.
“Mmmph, I’m no top,” the feline called out, rolling his hips back and giving another thrust as his young body clenched and rocked, showing off as much as he could, “but I like to think… I can keep up… if I needed to.” He gave a few more firm thrusts into the toy, letting the slight strain keep his need to cum down, and putting on a good show for the camera as he leaned over the toy and put some of his weight behind each pump. “Mmmph, still… donate if you want to hear me talk dirty like a Dom.”
Aston was pretty good with words he had to admit, and his viewers started to raise that donation total steadily as his hips smacked up against that toy, balls bouncing off the edge of his bed as he felt some lube trickle down onto them, adding to the tingling sensation all over his groin. “Mmmph,” he added, feeling a little growl enter his throat as the feline both focused and tried to look casual, humping away as his paws kneaded into that soft flesh above, trying not to squeeze too tight to prevent him from blowing too soon. “Yeah, you like getting pounded by a bitch cat?” he called out, trying to imagine Nana was underneath him, moaning along with each thrust he gave into her rear end. “You like watching me struggle? Putting in all the effort I can just to do… anything you ask me to? You like my… youthful energy? My need to breed? You want to feel my cum dripping from your well fucked hole?”
Aston hadn’t really planned much of that dirty talk, and as corny as it was to hear, at the moment it seemed to work. He was into it, his audience was into it, and he was actually doing a pretty good job in rutting that toy. His thrusts were quick and solid, and his mews and moans were steady. He was planning on adding in a few growls, but to his surprise they came faster and easier than he was expecting, taking over the soundscape as he felt a burn filling both his groin and his legs. That need to cum was growing, but the performance came first, leaving the feline panting a bit more as his head fur glistened with sweat.
It was at that point he found himself fading into a zone, focusing only on the toy beneath him and forgetting all about the stream. He kept his hips going back and forth, wet slaps ringing around the room as the feline’s bed soon began to protest the boy’s need with its own light squeaks. Yet Aston kept up the hard work, pushing his need to cum out of his mind for as long as he could. He even slowed the pace when it was becoming too much, falling into a soft set of groaning grinds around his base, as he tried to reset his mind and drive that need further back. It worked, at least for the moment, but it bubbled up again soon after, sending his hips back into a furious pounding.
Aston had no idea what his donations were up to, or what his audience was saying in the chat. It was just him and that toy, and his own need to finish up. He’d fought admirably, especially for a young and eager boy, but he knew he couldn’t keep it up for long. That toy was too good, and with a few heavy whines he felt himself coming to the end. He grit his teeth, trying to drag out a few more rotations of his slapping hips, but with some deep breaths falling out his open muzzle he said, “Getting close… I’ll try and shoot out the end, but…”
Aston had never been a huge cummer, and with how much he’d drained himself with all that practice, he knew it wasn’t really going to come out the other side. But, it was one final tease to his viewers as the feline really hammered home, letting those hard thrusts both show off his power and fight off that urge with one last bit of strain. Yet, it was only enough to hold him back a few more moments, before the feline thrust forward one last time and gasped out in a dramatic set of gasps and shakes.
He felt his cock spasm and shoot out a few hot ropes of cum into the depths of that toy as the feline leaned back a bit, trying to reach his cock as far inside as he could. Although, as expected, nothing popped out the other end other than a small trickle of glistening lube. Still, watching his body tense up and shake in the throes of orgasm was enough to get the crowd cheering him on, with a bunch of messages shooting by as Aston calmed down from the rush and slumped back forward. His hips lay against the toy on his bed while his head dropped down lower and closer to the screen. He quickly shot out a warm smile to everyone as his orgasm face trailed off, with the feline giving a few final teasing grinds back and forth, before sliding his quickly shrinking cock back out of that hole with a pop. He leaned back to show off his slick and floppy member, and then lifted up the toy to show everyone the well fucked hole. He tilted the toy a good bit, trying to get his cum to leak out that open hole, and even shoved a finger or two in there to try and get it free, but in the end there was only a small dribble of something white leaking onto his fingers.
Aston finally gave up, laying the toy back down onto the bed, before he smiled and gave his floppy cock and balls a few final thrusts to slap them back against his thighs. “Let it be known that I CAN top if I need to,” he teased back, shooting the chat a thumbs up, before crawling up onto the bed to lay on his side. He let the stream play out, adjusting the laptop camera to angle down his naked body so everyone could see him lounging. Yet, as he got busy scrolling up the chat to see what he missed, and replying to a few more messages in chat, he suddenly saw another tab on his browser flashing. Curious, he scrolled over to see what it was, and after clicking on it he let out a soft gasp. He navigated his way back to the stream, only to give off a warm smile and say, “Sorry everyone, but I’ve got to get going. Thanks for watching, thanks for donating, and let me know if you liked it. It’s easy enough to do again - less prep than usual. Anyway, peace!”
With that sudden ending he took his stream offline, only to quickly navigate back to the formerly blinking tab and look at the new message. Nana had finally gotten back to him, and the title of the new message was ‘Here is our Video!”

Stories » Trapped in the Closet by Mikolai » Topic Opener

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot
Naughty Boys Fun at School!
Featuring Special Guest: Aston
By: Mikolai
Early in the morning, a male teen kitsune lays in his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Rex had woken up ten minutes before his usual wake-up time. The silence is depressing in its own way as he looks around his big room filled with toys and electronics. He hates being alone, especially in his bed. Even if his family is wealthy, everything in his bedroom does not replace the one thing he wants from them but can never have. He checks his alarm clock to see that he has a few minutes left before getting up.
Rex goes back to looking up at the ceiling, feeling terrible as troubled thoughts run through his mind, like getting back his test with a failing grade. The science test two days ago was tough, and the idea of getting an A minus terrifies him. He would never hear the end of it from Walter for weeks. Hell, he will be grounded again for “failing” his test. Then Ivan will make his rare appearance to give him a lecture for hours, telling the boy he did not study hard enough and to stop playing video games in his free time.
The kitsune rechecks his alarm clock as he starts counting. “5, 4, 3, 2….1!” As the bedroom door opens, a canine butler walks in before turning the lights on.
“Time to wake up, Master Rex! Breakfast will be served in forty minutes. Please make sure to do your daily morning exercises before your bath,” Walter said with a pocket watch in his hand. Rex lifts his head off his pillow with a deep sigh to show he is awake.
“Yes, Walter! I’ll make sure to do them,” he says, stretching his arms and yawning.
“Excellent, Sir!” The canine says as he leaves the room to let the young Master prepare for his day. Rex gets out of bed, strolls to the middle of his room, and then falls to the floor to begin his pain-in-the-butt chore. Rex does three sets of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats for twenty minutes. At this point, the kitsune is convinced that whoever invented exercising or said it was a good thing to do in the morning is an asshole.
Even with these exercise routines, the kitsune is still horrible at sports. Maybe one day, he will be decent enough not to be terrible at soccer. On the plus side, doing this every morning wakes him up, helps keep his slim body, and makes him hungry as he continues his workout. As he approaches the end, his pajamas are damp from sweat. Rex only needs to finish this last set for his sweet release from this torturous routine. With one final push-up and shortness of breath, he gets off the ground to head to his bathroom.
Rex does not wait as he strips his pajamas and underwear off before throwing them in the hamper on his way past them. His erection is finally free from its imprisonment as it bounces joyfully in the air. The boy chuckles, seeing his excited member as he turns on his shower before getting in.
“Guess I should take care of this before I do anything else,” Rex says to himself as the warm water pours down his sweaty body. He loves this feeling of wanting to be naughty right now. The kitsune uses one of his hands to wrap round his penis. He starts stroking slowly at first. The kitsune knows he will not last long, but why rush his fun? With his other hand, he began to massage his balls, which made him feel better.
As steam fills the bathroom, so do the boy’s sexual moans. He wishes Cole was here, but sadly, his boyfriend was away in another country with his family. But if he is excellent in school, he will see Cole in a week or two. Thinking about his sexy boyfriend’s naked lion body is the thing he needs to finish the deed. A couple more strokes cause him to have his first orgasm today. A large amount of semen sprays out of his dick onto the tile wall. The pleasant feeling washes over his body for a solid moment, then subsides as the last drop of semen leaves his erection.
“I needed that!” With a big smile, the boy cleans himself, washing all the sweat with soap and shampooing his hair. Sometime later, Rex emerges from his shower, grabs a towel, and dries himself off. He then walks over to the mirror, uses his towel to wipe it, and takes a good look at his body. He needed to ensure that he was not fat, even a little, or he would need to exercise more if he wanted to keep his modeling job. He knew he was only hired because of his family’s connections. It did help that he is considered hot. But even then, one mistake and he would be fired like any other model.
Satisfied with what he saw, he gets ready by brushing his teeth. As he rinses out his mouth with water and spits it out, he looks at himself in the mirror again.
“Remember! Be perfect no matter what. That’s what everyone expects from you. Smile, nod, and laugh! Be Perfect!” Rex tells himself multiple times as he takes a deep breath. Once he is all good and calm, he gets back to it. He goes into his walk-in closet and gets dressed. Rex checks the time to see that he has some spare time, so he goes to his backpack to ensure he is prepared for his long day at school. After checking the stuff he packed last night with a satisfied look, he grabs his bag and walks to the dining room to eat.
“Hey Walter, what’s for breakfast this time? French Toast, Croque Madame, Pancakes, or something else?” The young boy says as he sits down at the table.
“You will be having two egg benedicts, waffles, mixed fruits, and orange juice for breakfast, Sir.” The canine told the boy as he laid the food down before the hungry teen. Rex wastes no time as he starts devouring his food. He has been starving since he woke up.
Walter kept track of the time since Rex was on a tight schedule. They only had a few minutes left before the canine needed to take the young boy to school. Rex finished his breakfast fast as he was content for now. The canine handed the boy his lunch as they left the house soon after.
“Please remember that you have your private tutor after school, then your violin practice, and afterward your exercise routines before your free time, Sir,” Walter told the boy as he drove the car.
“Yes, Walter, I will not make you wait.” Rex nodded, even though he would rather hang out with his friends after school than be stuck studying more. But that is the price he has to pay if he wants to remain in his current school and not go to the private school that Ivan wants him to go to. Another reason he hates it is when adults expect so much from him. He is only 13 years old, for the love of God, yet they expect him to be an adult and act like one at all times.
In no time, Rex is at the entrance of his school. He sees his best friends, Keto, a shark, and Ryan, a Shiba Inu canine, talking as other kids pass them by the front doors. The kitsune leaves the car to meet up with them.
“Yo Rex! How is our Prince doing this morning?” Keto said in his favorite heavy metal t-shirt and ripped jeans. They begin walking to their first class this morning, which is Math.
“Keto, you know he hates it when you call him that,” Ryan told the shark. The canine is in his plain striped T-shirt and blue jeans.
“It’s fine, Ryan! I’m well this morning, unlike you, doofus. I bet you were shaking all night about your test results. Right, Keto? Unlike you, Ryan and I will be fine on our tests. Bet your mom will yell at you again when she sees your grades.” Rex teased the boy, hoping deep down that Keto had passed his tests so as not to get his routine sermon.
“Pss…please, I will be okay. I’m pretty sure I got Bs and Cs. All passing grades in my house.” Keto said with a smirk on his face. The boys passed by several other people, some staring at the trio walking by them. The boys tried to talk to themselves about games, but their conversation was interrupted by the conversation of two girls by the lockers.
“Hey, there goes the fag, Rex. I hear he only fucks boys even though he says he is bi. I also heard he has slept with half the boys in school, too. What a whore!” Shouted by a random panda girl who did not try to be quiet at all.
“He is only gay because he doesn’t know what he is missing. One night with one of us, and he will be straight. Even if the rumors are right and he has a small penis. I’m sure we can make him be our bitch once we are done,” the snake girl said before they laughed out loud for all to see.
Everyone in school did not like these two girls but had to deal with them all the same. Rex remains calm as he has heard worse from trash talkers in online video games. What the kitsune failed to consider was what his friend would do next.
“Better to be gay than a couple of miserable cunts,” Keto told them as he flipped the girls off. The other students nearby start laughing at the boy’s rude comment. Right as the girls were going to say something, a teacher came out of the classroom nearby.
“What is going on here? You students need to get to class right now.” The female dragon commanded as the students obeyed. Rex thanked Keto for defending him against those girls. The group went their separate ways to get to their classes.
For the most part, the first two classes were acceptable. The kitsune got his tests back in Math and History. Both had a grade score of 100%, which was only natural since he had spent months studying the materials with his other courses at home.
His third class is Science, which is his worst subject. The boy dreads every second of Mr. Solace, a rabbit, lectures about atoms. As the teacher went on and on, the boy felt like he would have a heart attack. Pure terror raced through him at the mere thought of getting anything less than a perfect score, let alone anything lower than an A minus. After what seemed like hours, the teacher handed everyone their tests face down. Some students groan as they realize they failed their test, while others celebrate passing theirs.
The moment arrives for Rex to see what he got as he slowly turns the paper over. He got a score of 98% on his test. Seeing that A on his paper made him breathe a sigh of relief. He messed up on one of the answers even though he thinks he got it right. Nonetheless, it is pointless to argue his test with Mr. Solace, who is known to be a hard ass when it comes to his exams. The old rabbit only changes a score if you make a valid argument, but you risk getting a lower score if you fail to make your case. He will have to live with the fact that he did not get 100% on the test and face a disappointed look from Walter. He might even have to review the subject again in his private tutor seasons.
Rex went on to his next class, English, where he passed that test with flying colors, too, with a grade score of 100%. The teacher was happy with everyone’s test results and rewarded their students with a free period. The kitsune took the time to complete his homework from his other classes. Then, the bell rings to signal the end of the class. At this point, he is feeling good with the enormous weight off his shoulders. Rex thinks there is no way he did not pass any other tests he had as he walks to the lunchroom.
As soon as he arrives, he sees a cute orange cat boy sitting alone at a table. Now, that’s not fun to be alone during lunch, Rex thought to himself, thinking he might as well keep the boy company while waiting for his friends.
“Hey silly cat, what are you doing all alone? Want some company?” Rex asked as he sat down at the table with the boy. At first, the boy was startled since he was glued to his phone. Aston had not even touched his lunch when Rex arrived.
“Hi, Rex! Yeah, you can sit down. I’m just waiting for my friends to join me.” Aston is surprised the kitsune would sit with him. The boys have been getting closer with their extracurricular activities. But simultaneously, he knew he was not part of the cool kid crowd. That is why the other students gave them a weird look as they passed by.
“What were you looking at on your phone? Still, keeping track of views on your video? Be careful pussy cat, because if the teachers find out, you will have a lot to explain to your dear parents.” Rex took out his bento box from his backpack. Then, he opens it up to show he has cooked pork cutlet on a bed of rice, rolled omelet, and veggies on the side. It smells so good that the kitsune mouth is watery looking at the masterpiece. Walter is a fabulous cook, after all.
“W…What?” Aston laughs nervously as he has been caught red-handed by no other than his partner in crime. “I might have been checking some of my messages from some fans. Nothing wrong with that,” the boy says as he puts his phone back in his pocket. Then, he starts to eat his lunch. The feline notices the kitsune food and wishes he had something other than the bland cafeteria food served today.
“Okay, whatever you say, Aston. Did you have a chance to check the account Lavi set up for you?” Rex asks as he starts to eat his food. Even if the food was not hot, it melted in his mouth. Delicious is the only thing anyone can say when eating his butler’s food.
“No, not yet! I haven’t had time to check it. Thanks again for having Lavi help me with setting all that up. All I need to do is check my new account, and he will take care of the rest?” Aston is grateful that Lavi set up his bank account where his fan’s donations or any money he makes on his videos can go.
“You should have your share of the video with Keto and me. Remember, you are only getting a small percentage since that is part of your punishment. No more secret recordings with me, or next time, I won’t be so nice.” Rex told him with a severe tone at the end. He didn’t want to be mean but needed to ensure his message was clear. The kitsune hated what Aston did but forgave the feline because he knew the feeling of wanting to get people’s attention online. You could say that it’s a form of addiction to get those likes and positive comments from fans. Rex and Aston were the same in some ways, which made the feline even cuter to him.
Aston realized he had messed up when he did that. Rex’s statement showed a side he had not met yet and did not want to know personally. He made a mental note to never do that again or ever to see what the kitsune is like mad at someone.
“Y…yeah! That is only fair, after all. Would be fun to do a live stream with the three of us again.” Aston jests, not taking what he said seriously.
“Mm…. you might get your wish sooner than later, depending on your decision.” This piqued Aston’s curiosity as he listened to what the kitsune said. But before Rex could say anything else, he saw his friends sitting at a table nearby while Aston’s friends were walking towards them.
“Tsk… A shame we will have to pick this back up later pussy cat. Mmm… I cannot wait to see the look on your face. Don’t disappoint me now.” Rex said as he got up and grabbed his stuff to go to his friends. Before leaving, he turned around to give the feline a wink and then continued on his way. Aston blushes from the wink but wonders what the kitsune meant by what he said. Soon, his friends distracted him from thinking about it as they started joking around with him.
Of course, during lunch, Rex is surrounded by other kids who want to get to know him. He was nice to them, remembering every little detail about the students talking to him in case he needed it, and he got to hang out with Keto and Ryan. He felt terrific since he teased poor Aston right before leaving the boy. The feline will not know what the kitsune has planned for them for the next few hours.
The rest of the day is boring for Rex. He got the test results back from each one of his classes with a 100% score on all of them. His last class for the day is home economics. Today, they will watch a document about inventions made in the 50s. Rex has a plan for this period, but first, he needs to get the teacher on his side as he walks towards her desk.
“Hi, Ms. Summers. I’m wondering if I could use this time to study in the library. Pretty please! I need to be ready for the honor roll classes I will be taking this summer,” Rex asked with the most pleading look he could muster to get his way.
Ms. Summers glances at the boy before agreeing to let him go since he is a good student. It’s not the first time she has allowed it, but it’s usually rare for the boy to skip a movie day in class. Rex thanked the teacher and then left the classroom. He walks to the other side of the building, far away from the library. Rex wants some alone time, and the auditorium is the only place to get that. The kitsune knew that part was empty since there were no rehearsals today.
How did he know that fact? Well, let’s say that Rex gave the drama teacher a blowjob and maybe allowed the male to fuck him during lunch a week ago. He isn’t ashamed to do it since it helps him be in the teacher’s favor in drama class. It’s not like he is an actor. He is horrible at acting and drama-related things. He is only in that class to hang out with Keto, who loves that stuff. But at the same time, it’s not like anyone fails drama class since every student knows it’s easy, and the teacher gives A’s out to everyone.
Thinking about all the naughty things he does makes him aroused. Then he got to his destination in the auditorium. The janitor’s closet is where he will have privacy from anyone. He takes a spare key out of his backpack and unlocks the door. Let’s say that the janitor was easier to deal with than the drama teacher. An envelope of cash did the trick for them.
Once inside, he closes the door and puts his backpack down. He scans the room to see that it is small but will serve his purpose. Rex finds a spot to put his cell phone down to take pictures and sets the timer to take a photo every thirty seconds. First, he stands there acting sexy in the first picture. In the next one, he removes his shirt to show his chest. Third, he takes off his shorts to get as he stands in his boxers. In the last picture, he takes his underwear off to show his erection. He has been horny since lunch, and his penis welcomes the freedom. Before stopping, he took a few more to be safe.
Rex reviews the photos as he decides which ones he will use. He had a smirk on his face; now was the time to start his fun.
Rex: “Hey, what are you doing now, Aston?” It takes a couple of minutes before he gets a response. Aston received the text, but luckily, he had his phone on vibrate. He takes it out to look at the message he received from Rex.
Aston: “In class! Why?” The feline looks around to make sure no one notices him texting. He was in the clear for now, as everyone was busy watching a movie in front of the class.
Rex: “I was wondering if you were up to having some fun.” He sends the first picture of him fully clothed.
Aston: “Wait! Where are you at? Are you not in class right now?”
Rex: “Shh…. The details do not matter. What matters now is if you want to have fun making a new video.” He sends the following picture of him without a shirt. Aston starts to feel his penis becoming hard from the mere thought of making another video with Rex. It doesn’t matter that it was at school; that made it more exciting.
Ason: “Y…yeah! I’ve never skipped out on class before through. I don’t believe Ms. Lee will believe I’m using the bathroom for all of class time.” Aston typed, thinking of any excuse he could think of. Most of them were dumb and would only get him in trouble.
Rex: “You’re a boy scout, after all. We will have to change that today. I wonder what you can do to get out. Any ideas?” Rex sends the following picture of him only in his underwear. He is teasing the boy in his way. Aston felt his erection pressed up against his pants.
Aston: “I could fake being sick. Wait! No, that will not work since they will escort me to the nurse’s office. Crap!” Aston is still trying to devise some excuse to get out of class.
Rex: “Mm… come on, you can come up with something better than that. Pussy cat is thinking with his head but the wrong one.” Rex texted as he sent two more pictures of him fully naked. Aston groans, trying to figure something out. His pants are getting tighter by the second. This is torture for Aston as his pants keep getting tighter and tighter around his swollen erection pressing up against it.
Rex: “Joking! Tell Ms. Lee you would like to study with me in the library during this period. Don’t worry about it. She owes me a favor.” Rex texted with a smile on his face. After all, that teacher was easy to convince earlier this week. A simple envelope of cash is all that was required. Several minutes later, Aston texted the kitsune, saying he was in the clear.
“Good, meet me at the janitor’s closet in the auditorium.” Rex sent that text and then placed his phone back on the shelf. Now it was time to get ready as he bent over and grabbed a bottle of lube from his backpack. You cannot say the kitsune isn’t prepared. Boy Scouts did teach him one thing other than fucking all the other boys in a tent and the woods.
He pours the lube over two fingers before putting the bottle down. Rex bends over, leaning against the wall as he pushes his butt up in the air. He takes one of his fingers to find his anus. It was a little hard to do, but he found the entrance. Rex slowly inserts his finger into his butt, then takes it out but not all the way, and repeats the process. He needs to ensure he is ready for fun with the feline. He inserts his second finger a minute later as he continues.
When he is confident that he is lubricated enough, he goes over to his phone, angles it in the correct position, and starts recording. Now, he waits for his guest as he stands back up. Soon, Rex hears a few knocks from the door before him. Without looking, he opens the door quickly, pulls Aston in, and closes the door. Then he takes the feline’s backpack and tosses it to the ground.
“What took you so long pussy cat?” Rex asked as he started kissing the feline. Aston did not resist as the boy pushed his tongue into his mouth, and he did the same thing. The boys kiss each other for some time before Aston can respond.
“I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be followed,” Aston said as they continued kissing. Soon, they were in motion as their bodies pressed together—Rex’s naked body and erection against Aston’s bulge. Those pesky clothes on the cat boy were in the way. Something that would be rectified soon.
“Haha…I think we are in the clear. Ready to make a video for your fans?” Rex asks as he points to the phone recording them. Then he returns to kissing before going down and kissing the feline’s neck. Aston only nods his head in agreement. He is looking forward to seeing his fans react to him having sex at school.
Aston turns his head to the phone with a smile on his face. As this continues, Rex starts unbuttoning the feline’s shirt as Aston unbuttons his pants simultaneously. Eventually, the male got his jeans undone, and they fell to the floor, showing off his underwear. Rex made progress with the shirt as he got the last button undone.
“How would you like to fuck me?” Rex asked as this question made Aston blush bright red. It was a cute reaction that the kitsune was expecting but enjoyed either way. The feline’s cock pulsed with excitement. Aston thinks back on his previous adventures with Rex. He was naïve and shy to talk to the kitsune at first. But now he has had more experience with his videos and meeting other people to have sex with. The feline is now confident he can take control of the situation and boss the kitsune as the male did to him last time.
“Bend over and lean against the wall. I’ll make you scream my name.” Aston responded with a cocky attitude. Now is his time to have his way with the kitsune. Rex laughs at the boy’s answer but decides to allow it this time. But first, he needs to get the male ready as he goes back to kissing but goes down to the nipples. He licks them all over, then continues his journey down the boy’s belly button as he bends down. Without even giving any notice, Rex lowers Aston’s underwear halfway down the boy’s legs.
To say that the feline’s erection is happy to see the kitsune would be an understatement as it bounces up and down happily in front of the boy’s face. Rex takes a whiff of the musk coming from the boy’s member. An elegant smell that the kitsune loves as he lowers his head down more to begin his task. The kitsune starts to lick the feline’s balls as he gets it all nice and wet.
Aston moans as he watches the male. Rex moves his licking up to Aston’s cock. He slides his tongue up and down the shaft, then gives the feline a small break to let him squirm before he continues. All of a sudden, Rex opens his mouth up and devours the feline’s dick while he uses his hands to massage the boy’s balls. Bubbling his head up and down while continuing to lick the shaft causes Aston to moan louder. The feline hoped no one could hear them, but it was hard to contain himself.
This only lasted for a moment till Rex could taste the boy’s pre-cum leaking from their cock. Then he stops what he is doing as he lets the drenched dick escape his mouth. Rex grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some over Aston’s dick. Once done, the kitsune puts the bottle down, gets up, and leans against the wall like the feline wants.
No one needed to say anything at this point because both of them were giving into their lust, even forgetting about the recording. Aston moves a little as he guides his erection to the kitsune’s anus. At the entrance, he teases the male by rubbing his cock along the crack. Leading Rex to moan and soon begging Aston to fuck him.
Wanting not to tease the male any longer, Aston goes back to guiding his dick to the entrance. Once aligned, he pushes in slowly with no resistance from the kitsune. Inch by inch till his whole erection was inside the male. Rex gives a couple of grunts from feeling the male’s dick rubbing against his inner walls, yet he is excited at the same time. Rex’s erection leaks pre-cum onto the floor.
The kitsune was impatient, waiting for Aston to begin suspecting the boy had never been on top before today. Aston froze when his hips touched those ass cheeks, lost in sensation. Rex, on the other hand, decided he was done waiting on the feline. He pushes his butt backward, causing the feline’s butt and back to be pushed up against the door. Aston is shocked by the turn of events as he was not expecting the male to do that. Rex moves his hips forward, then back, as he felt the feline’s dick going in and out at the same time. Now that things were moving, both boys moaned and grunted simultaneously.
Aston had no idea how he lost control of the situation but was simultaneously enjoying it. He thrusts his hips forward whenever Rex pushes back while staying up against the door. His scrotum hit the kitsune’s butt with every thrust.
On cloud nine, the feline stops thinking as he puts both of his hands on the kitsune’s hips and thrusts his dick in harder. Rex starts whimpering Aston’s name as they fuck. The room fills with the smell of musky sex and the moaning of the boys. Neither care at this point if anyone hears them. It was too bad no one was on the other side of that door, or they would have gotten a good show. Thankfully, the camera on Rex’s phone picked everything up in high definition. Aston’s fans are going to enjoy it till the end.
The feline begins fucking the male faster and faster. He knew he would not last long as he longed for sweet release. The pressure built up in his balls with every thrust. Rex’s erection bounced in the air happily, too. More and more pre-cum leaked from it as he, too, knew he would be having his orgasm soon.
“I’m going to cum soon!” Aston said to Rex as he continued to fuck the male. Rex only nods in agreement. Before long, they were both ready to have their climax. Several more thrusts later, Aston slams his dick into the kitsune one more time as he yells Rex’s name as he starts cumming. His dick spraying the boy’s inner walls with his semen. At the same time, the bell rang throughout the school. Rex gives his erection a few strokes, which causes him to have his orgasm, too. His semen covers the wall he is leaning against.
Pure bliss washes over their bodies in that moment. They did not want it to end, but alas, like all good things, it did with the last drop of semen leaving their bodies. Both boys stood still for a minute then Aston gently pulled his spent dick out of the kitsune. Cum drips out and runs downs the backside of the boy’s legs. This was nothing new for Rex as he stood back up.
“That was fun. I bet your fans will love the video pussy cat.” Rex goes over to his phone, stops the recording, and sends the video to Aston for his personal use. Then, he starts getting dressed as he puts his underwear back on.
“Yeah, I had a blast. By the way, why have you been calling me pussy cat?” Aston asks as he gets ready, pulling his underwear and pants back up.
“Oh, my little nickname for you. But if you do not like it, I can use something else. Mm… How about Chester? I give all my good friends nicknames.” Rex finishes getting dressed as he begins putting the bottle of lube back in his backpack.
“I have been called worse and enjoyed it. But why Chester, of all things? Wait, did you say we were good friends?” Aston second-guessed what he heard.
“Chester is a clever and sneaky cat in the fairytales. Reminds me of you. What else would you call us for having sex and hanging out? Sounds like what friends do to me. By the way, do you want to come over one weekend and spend the night? I bet we can have so much fun doing a livestream.” Rex gets up close to Aston and gives him a passionate kiss. Suddenly, Kitsune’s phone started ringing. He stops kissing and answers it. The conversation was short, but Rex was happy with who was at the end of the phone call. His boyfriend Cole wanted to tell him when the lion would be returning to town next week. This made Rex feel terrific as they ended the call.
“Sorry to fuck and run, but I got to get going. Walter is waiting for me. Let me know if you want to sleep over. I cannot wait for you to meet my boyfriend.” Rex tells the boy as he grabs his backpack and runs out the door.
“Yeah…wait…. boy…BOYFRIEND?” Aston yells as he turns around to see the kitsune run away with a shocked expression, leaving Aston all alone and still naked with a half-hard erection in that sex-smelling closet.

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 12

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Casper the Mascot

Chapter 11

Aston had to wait a day or two, as well as poke Green about it a few times, but eventually he got the movie file on a flash drive, handed over personally by the nervous bird at school.After promising not to show anything that could identify Green one last time, Aston managed to walk away with the drive in his pocket, giving off an eager twitch of his ears and tail as he wondered what was on that stick. He couldn’t be sure how the video had come out thanks to the frantic filming, but he knew there was only one way to find out. It took all his restraint to keep from racing home that instant to find out, or just plugging that stick into one of the school’s computers, which he knew would be a bad idea. The small drive burned a hole in his pocket, leaving the feline twitching through the last few periods in school, before finally rushing home and getting the chance to plug it into his computer.
He wasn’t sure what to expect, so he wasn’t exactly disappointed in the footage, but he also wasn’t super thrilled either as he watched through it. There was some action for sure, and some nice shots here and there, but it was a bit of a mess in general.Someone would surely like the raw footage, and he thought about uploading it as a special treat later on, but he knew it’d need some editing to make it onto the front page. Going up against all the prepared, planned, hot and steamy, and even semi-professional stuff that ended up there, this shaky video would have little chance. So, with a few careful taps of his paw on that mouse, he dragged that video file into his editing program and began to work his magic.
The feline had learned a few tricks in the past few months, so with a few careful edits, some image stabilization, and a nice title card, the feline did what he could to make the video look almost professional.It took him right up to when his parents got home for dinner, but he was happy with it as he left his computer alone for a moment.Before bed he gave the video one last watch to make sure it was as good as it could be, and before he could think too hard on the little things, he uploaded it to all the usual places. He’d let the comments roll in overnight, and in the morning he’d wake up with a large list to go through, something he was very much looking forward to. Still, that long afternoon of editing left him exhausted, but almost tempted to pull his phone over for one quick check. He resisted though as sleep carried him away to the land of a few naughty dreams instead.
His plan had worked like a charm, and even on his walk to school he was still sorting through all the likes and faves his new video had gotten. It wasn’t quite as much as a few of his other videos, but it was enough to keep the feline smiling all throughout the day, and quickly checking his phone any time he thought no one was looking. He even pulled Green aside when he saw him in the hallway to show him the stats, although he stopped short of playing him the edited version of the video while at school, much to Geen’s nervous relief.For that they’d need another playdate, which Green was interested in, but certainly needed some time to digest this recent one before trying it again.
That was just fine for Aston as he headed home with a smile still on his face, and a few more PMs to respond to as he flopped down on his bed. Most were pretty much the same, talking about how cute he and his moans were, how well he took a cock, and how exciting his adventures must be.He did his best to keep the lying to a minimum, although always making things sound just a bit better than they really were, but not trying to boast too much in case he was called out on anything. He did live an exciting life he figured, although he was still worried about who really knew his secrets. Just going by the numbers, it would be a pretty rare chance that anyone he knew would stumble upon his videos naturally, but if they were being actively shared around school…
The praise and attention kept his mind off that for now, letting Aston ride that wave of excitement as the reaction rates slowed in the evening, but still kept bubbling up here and there. After dinner a few more messages rolled in, and after replying to most of them, he ended up coming across a new one from someone he wouldn’t have expected.He thought he recognized that icon from around Kinkykub, but it wasn’t until he clicked on the profile that he realized who it actually was.
Nana Skunk was her name, and Aston had seen her around more than a few times, splattering the front page of Kinkykub far more than he had.Pulling up a recent video of her and a burly hog going at it, he was reminded of why.Her production was great, the angles certainly suggested she had a cameraman to help out, and her talents and content were both very arousing to watch as she was really good at getting fucked, and hard. She was the queen of anal around the site, at least as far as the other cub girls with a lot of uploads went, pretty much exclusively focusing on that as her kink.Aston scrolled through her long list of videos, with a new upload seeming to get posted every few days, and just about every one had her taking something in her ass, from large toys to big cocks. That included the hog video that was playing in the background, with the big guy sandwiching her to the bed as he pumped away on top of her. The grunts from him, along with the squeaks from the bed, rung inside Aston’s headphones, only to be punctuated by a few girly moans and deep squeals here and there. It was enough to make him flip back to that tab and watch the action, sitting back and enjoying it for a moment.Before he knew it he had his cock in his paw, and then a few moments later his load was stuffed into a tissue and tossed away, leaving him breathing just a bit heavier.
She was good at what she did, and a big enough star to have most of the site watching her. Her view and fan counts were many times what Aston could ever hope to get, so what did she want with him?Aston wasn’t nearly big enough to satisfy her rather large needs either, even if he had apparently shot her a message back when he was going through his ‘female’ phase a few months ago, only to get no response.But now, here she was, with a message waiting for him in his inbox. And, as Aston finally opened it up, he was hoping it wasn’t some sort of scam or anything to dash his hopes and his growing excitement.
“Hey! Always awesome to talk to another cub that loves to make content. Sorry I didn’t get back to you last time, I was really busy with some stuff. Dad and I will be visiting your area though, so I was wondering if you’d be interested in hooking up this time. We could have lots of fun as you make some great videos too, and my audience would enjoy seeing something a bit different. We’ll be there in about a week, so let me know if you’re free! -Nana”
Aston had a lot of questions for sure, and he read that message a few times over to make sure he was reading it right.His paws hesitated on that keyboard as his mind did a few turns, but his response was quick and to the point when it finally spilled out.
“How do you know where I live?”
Aston wasn’t sure what to expect back.Maybe it was just a general message to everyone on the site or something - some kind of publicity post to get more interest.But, reading back through it one more time, he realized that it was too personal for that. Maybe she was bluffing, or wanted to figure out where he lived through a few more messages for some reason. Still, he was aware that he had given his general location to a few people, so it was possible that information was spreading, much like his videos around school.The thought made his heart race and his mind speed off in many directions, and for a moment he was deathly afraid that a small mob of horny guys would be waiting when he got home from school one day, or worse, that they’d try and break in to kidnap him one night.He got up and locked his window just in case, before he took a few deep breaths to let those thoughts fade, at least to the background of his mind.
He was jumping to conclusions, and although he was nervous, he’d just have to wait to see what kind of a response he’d get. Thankfully it didn’t take long until he saw a new message come back from her, although that also meant Aston couldn’t sleep as he kept checking back in, even pulling up another video or two of hers to watch her talents at work yet again.
“I’m not sure how Daddy does it, but he can find out stuff like that somehow. The more people you play with, the more that info gets out there. I wouldn’t worry too much though - the people that would do bad stuff with that information usually go to jail pretty quick. Although, that’s one reason Daddy and I tour the country in our RV I guess, to stay on the move. But, it’s mostly just so we can visit everyone who wants to see me, and even follow some bands on tour! So, we’ll be in your area soon. You want to play?”
There was no question now that this was the real deal, and that she was being serious with him. No bot or scam would go through that much trouble, and make the replies that personal. Still, Aston had to wonder why she’d picked him to message. Thinking on it for a bit, he typed out a groggy reply, then put the phone down and let sleep snatch him again.
“I dunno, I’m not sure I’m big enough for your needs. You do some impressive stuff. Very hot videos by the way! Your anal talents make me jealous. How’d you decide on going with that as your main kink?”
When he woke up to his alarm the next morning, the still groggy feline picked up his phone to see a reply.
“Oh, thank you!Your videos are pretty cute too, especially that one with the snow leopard. But, don’t worry about being too small. I have something I’ve wanted to try, and my fans want to see too. I have a plan, and I think you’d be perfect! As for the anal stuff, Daddy started me out with that when I was young. He said all the bad girls love it, and I wanted to be a bad girl so bad. It was rough at first, as I’m sure you know, but once you get into it, that rush is like nothing else!”
Left at that, Aston wasn’t sure what to think. A mix of excitement, curiosity, and nervous tingles flooded his body as he slowly kicked off the sheets and tried to get ready for school. An erection hounded him well into the first period of the day as he tried to figure out what to say, finding her words mysterious and exciting as his mind bounced around the possibilities. Eventually, with a small break between classes, he logged in and typed a message back.
“Alright, I guess I’m game for whatever. You are the expert after all. We’ll be making a video out of it I hope?”
He sent that message as the bell rang, but a moment later he realized he hadn’t answered her question. So, settling into his chair for his next class, he shot out another quick message.
“And yeah, I should be free this week sometime. My parents don’t get home until late, so I’m free for a few hours after school.”
“Awesome! We can set up a specific time. Daddy will park the RV in a parking lot nearby, so you just have to show up. Come prepared, and bring whatever you want!”
From then on a few messages shot back and forth with specific details, and after everything was set up, Aston really began to worry. What did Nana have planned for him?She hadn’t ever said, or dropped any major hints during their small talk. Aston assumed she wanted him to fuck her, which would certainly work for the feline. Aston had been fantasizing about getting with another female recently as the mood kicked up again. But, something told him that wasn’t all of it.
Their conversation continued on and off for the next few days, with Aston not really probing too deep into Nana’s background, as was the custom for such illegal things on the internet. However, the way the two of them talked about anal sex, getting prepped, their sex toys, and all that made it seem like she wanted to show Aston a few things, which got him a bit excited too. She was certainly a professional, and Aston could learn a lot from her, but… at what cost? The only way to know for sure was to show up. So, as the day they planned for finally arrived, Aston got himself ready after school and headed over.
A drawstring bag was slung over his back as the feline strolled toward that department store half a mile away. The large parking lot had a good smattering of cars up close to the store, but only a few vehicles were hiding at the distant fringes of the pavement. A semi-truck or two, some broken-down van that had been there for weeks, and right in between them was that large and shiny RV, looking somewhat out of place in such a suburban location. That had to be it! With a nervous grit to his teeth he pushed on, walking up to that front door, taking a big breath, and giving it a soft knock.
He rocked on his footpaws as he waited, looking over the dark RV with tinted windows, kind of expecting a famous rock star or something to be inside. Then again, this skunk girl WAS pretty famous, at least in the right corners of the internet, so it wasn’t too out of place to believe she’d be inside. Maybe Aston could even afford to travel in one of these one day if he got popular enough!That thought made him smile to himself as he waited, before hearing a little shuffle on the inside of the RV, and taking a step back as the door gently cracked open.
A fluff of white and black hair poked around the open edge, along with a pair of flicking ears, and soon a scanning set of eyes as well. Once they saw the feline standing there with a nervous but forced smile, the door opened a bit more, exposing a male skunk in his mid thirties. He had a few piercings in his lip, nose, and ears, but he looked friendly enough as he gave the small cat a warm smile back. “Hey there Aston,” he said in a gentle voice despite his appearance, “come on in. Nana is waiting for you.”
Aston took one more look around, hesitating as he knew he probably shouldn’t, but still taking that first step up, then a second, before hearing the door close behind him. The older skunk led the way up the small staircase, spinning around and brushing his fluffy tail against Aston’s face as he climbed, although after a second of waiting the feline’s path was clear. He climbed up the final steps leading into the fancy looking RV, but before he could get a good look at anything, he saw that eager skunk girl waiting for him not far into the cabin.She was dressed in a black sleeveless top as well as a black skirt, with a pair of studded wrist cuffs on either paw, along with another set of spiked bands around her arms. A black choker around her neck finished off the look. Her dark clothing accented her natural black, blue, and white colors, making the skunk girl both fade into the limited light, and pop out when she flashed a bit more white on her frame, looking much like her Father did in terms of coloring and pattern. Her eyes lit up as the feline took a step closer, lifting up a paw to wave and smile, before she dashed forward and wrapped him in a strong hug.
Those arm bands dug into his shoulder with a little pinch, making him arch and gasp at the sudden squeeze. However, once the initial surprise was gone, a quick mew left his lips as he placed his own paws around her spine, squeezing the slightly taller girl in return. “H…hey there, nice to meet you,” he said with a nervous waiver in his voice, although the loud squeal from the skunk girl hid most of that as she held on for a moment, then slowly pulled away to get a good look at the cat.
“Hey,” she started with a smile of her own, and another excited squeal leaving her as she danced from foot to foot. “You’re just as cute as you are in your videos,” she spat out, making Aston almost blush and hide his cheek against his shoulder.
“Thanks,” he shot back after taking a breath. “You too.Looking good in the outfit.”
“Aww, this thing?” she said, before looking down and running her paws over her chest and skirt in a sexual manner, making sure to hit every bump and curve. It seemed like she was a natural tease, or just had lots of practice making good first impressions. “It’s what most of my clothes look like honestly.Though, you probably haven’t seen me wearing much, have you?”
She added a teasing smirk with that, making Aston chuckle as he shifted his stance and said, “Not really, no.But you haven’t seen me with much either honestly.”
“Once!” she answered with a giggle. “That outfit the fox had you wearing was cute. Not quite my style, but it would contrast nicely.You didn’t bring that, did you?”
“” Aston answered with a nervous chuckle following, swaying on his feet as he tried to push down his nerves.“I didn’t even think about it honestly.”
Nana nodded with a slow sway of her tail behind her, taking a big breath herself to calm down as well, before saying, “Mmm, that’s fine. We’ll both be naked before long anyway.”
“That is the plan, huh?” Aston countered with a small smile of his own. “You haven’t told me much about it.”
“On purpose!” she cried back with a grin pushing through her lips. “It’d be a bigger surprise if I didn’t.Plus, I didn’t want to scare you away.”
Aston gave off a nervous flick to his tail and ears at those words, but he still forced a smile out of his mouth as he said, “Well, I’m here now.Guess it’s too late for that.”
Those words made Nana giggle as she reached out a paw, pressing it against Aston’s hip and giving it a rub, which made him jump from the sudden touch. “I like you - you’re funny.”
“Gotta be more than just a pretty butt to really draw the fans in, right?” Aston shot back without thinking, making the skunk girl nod again.
“I suppose,” she began after a moment of thinking and enjoying the feline’s frame, giving a sway to her own hips as she pulled her paw back. “Not that having a good butt doesn’t help!”
“You would know!”
“And so would you!”
That made Aston squirm yet again, feeling the fur standing up on his body in embarrassment, as he never imagined hearing a girl say that to him.Guys?Yeah, sure, but a girl? That was certainly a new one for him.
“Well,” Aston began after a small moment of silence, “I don’t have too long that I can stay out. Wanna… do whatever?”
Nana giggled and nodded again, before grabbing onto his paw and yanking him toward the back of the RV. “Let’s go pretty boy!”
Aston gave off a sudden mew as he was dragged along, eyes barely able to get a look at anything other than the eager skunk girl in front of him.A few dark posters did catch his attention as he was pulled along though the compact living space, with the feline soon realizing that most of the RV’s walls were covered in some form of band merch.Most of them he hadn’t heard of, and if going by the posters was any indication, they were a bit too heavy for Aston to enjoy.But, the occasional band he had heard of, which at least gave him something he could talk to Nana about after this.
The realization hit him all of a sudden, with Aston feeling that their time together was criminally short. He had so many things he wanted to ask her, and so much he wanted to learn about what she did and how she did it. He really wanted to learn about her in general: just what kind of life she lived, and if she was okay with everything, not to mention getting some tips for his own journey. Yet, a lot of that didn’t come up while they were chatting through the messages, and now both of them were a little eager and excited to get to it, not exactly sitting down for a long chat about things. He wished she were staying in the area, and that he could skip out on school to hang out with her tomorrow, but she’d already said that they were leaving tonight, so Aston would have to wait until the next time she was around to do anything more than chat through messages. At least, he hoped she would want him around again. Who knows how things might go, and they were already moving faster than Aston had imagined.
He had little time to process and store all that info as he was dragged into the bedroom in the back. There he managed to catch a glimpse of the large speakers sitting on the shelf, as well as a few more posters on the wall, and even that spiky guitar sitting in the corner. Yet, he was destined for the bed as Nana literally sling-shot him onto it by yanking on his arm, with the feline landing on all fours after a quick roll to face back at her.
“Man, someone’s eager,” he said with a small chuckle, before sitting up on his knees and slipping the straps to his drawstring backpack off his shoulders.
“Well, yeah,” Nana added with a sway of her hip at the edge of the bed.“Aren’t you?”
“Excited… nervous… petrified…” Aston listed off, before pulling the backpack over between his knees. “Some of those posters are scary.”
“Good!” Nana shot back in a teasing tone, “that’s the idea!It gets the blood flowing.”
“I’m pretty sure a sexy skunk girl is enough to do that,” Aston chimed in with a wink, making the girl squeal at the foot of the bed from his smooth words. He watched as her eyes narrowed from the compliment, and her frame started to crouch down and coil up. Aston was quite familiar with the very feline urge to pounce, so he knew what was coming even before the skunk girl jumped onto the bed and tackled the boy down onto his back.
“Oh, I’m going to fuck you so hard…” she teased with a sway of her hips behind her. Aston gasped at those words, before a glint of light caught his attention behind the girl’s face and tail. His eyes darted away for a moment, just barely catching the flash of her Dad holding an expensive looking video camera in his paw, and closing in on the foot of the bed. That was all Aston saw however before the skunk girl took up all of his vision with a small push forward, grinning down and leaning in close enough that he could feel her breath making his cheek fur sway.
Aston froze up at those words and the girl’s teasing, especially as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips, making his eyes shoot wide as a muffled mew rumbled back out between them. She didn’t hold it for long though, leaving the dazed cat breathing deep as she pulled away, and his erection quickly tenting the shorts between his legs.Nana definitely noticed as she gave her upper thigh a gentle grind into Aston’s groin, only semi-hiding it as she smirked, before pulling back a bit more.Her other leg hit Aston’s bag, and with a curious turn to her head, she reached down to snatch it up and drag it onto Aston’s chest, before opening it and digging a paw inside. “Oh, is this the toy you were having trouble knotting?” she asked, pulling out the object in question with one paw.
“Y…yeah,” Aston answered with a nod as the skunk girl sat on his lap, hiding his erection from that watching camera, even as the older skunk walked up and aimed the camera between the two of them. “I can handle the shaft okay, but that knot… it just doesn’t want to go.”
“Hmm, a large Zephyr, huh?” she added with a curious rub over the shaft and knot with her free paw, while the other held the toy at its base. “Not a small toy for sure, but only a warm up for me anymore.” She gave off a moment of thought, before sliding back off Aston’s lap and onto the bed at his side.With a quick yank to the edge of her skirt, the buttons holding it together popped free, leaving the garment sliding off her hips in one quick motion. Her lack of underwear was quite apparent as her bare groin made Aston’s stare, and with a grin the skunk girl stared back at his face.
“Undies just get in the way. You should get rid of yours too,” she teased, before looking back at the older skunk to catch the bottle of lube he’d suddenly thrown her way. Before Aston could even say anything in response, he watched the skunk girl squirt some out into her paw, then rub it over the toy, before planting the base down against the bed. She held it there with one paw as she spread her legs out and straddled the toy, kneeling over it and letting the tip slide against her inner thigh. She let out a soft moan at the sensation before she leaned back a bit more, dragging that tip over her groin and back beyond it. After a bit more teasing with some gentle slides along her folds and thighs, that cock tip found her tail hole opening and she pushed back, settling down onto it with a slow groaning slide.
Inch after inch of that cock disappeared inside of her in no time as her knees spread wider to show it off. The older skunk leaned over the edge of the bed to catch the action not far from where Aston was laying, causing the feline to shift to the side and make some space as the bed sank in that direction from his weight on it. The feline, the older skunk, and the camera all watched as Nana drove that toy deeper with relative ease. Even as that knot disappeared between her thighs and cheeks she barely slowed down, taking that extended bulge like it was just an extension of the shaft. It was only when a sloppy pop rang out through the room, and the skunk girl jerked for a moment, that everyone knew the knot had gone inside. Nana didn’t seem finished though as she pushed down even harder into the sheets, threatening to swallow up even the base with a few soft bounces and heavy grinds down against it, before her gaze shot back to Aston.
“See?I told you.” She gave another few grinds and bounces on the bed, before sliding up and off that knot with a wet slurp. After freeing about half that now shining shaft, she sat back down with a forceful push until her cheeks bounced off the soft sheets again.“Mmph, I forgot how nice this feels though. I could wear this around all day. I’ll have to see if I have something like it deep in my toybox somewhere. Probably at the bottom.”
“We used to have a large Zephyr,” the older skunk chimed in, making his daughter turn to look at him with a tilt to her head. “I’m pretty sure we traded it in, or left it with a fan though. But we could always get another.”
“Yeah, let’s do that,” she agreed, giggling as she spread her legs a little further, then lifting her frame up along that toy once more. A flurry of bounces came next as that shaft was almost like nothing to her. It slid in and out with little resistance, and that knot barely made any extra noise either. Only the lightest of soft, sloppy pops could be heard underneath the squeaking of the bed and the skunk’s growing breaths, not to mention her naughty moans and groans along the way.
Aston couldn’t pull his eyes away as he watched the toy he’d struggled with for ages get taken so easily. He’d seen impressive things on the internet, but not usually from people his size and age. He had a feeling that some of Nana’s videos with her toys were faked, but now, staring at the real thing happening in front of him, he was a true believer in her talents.His jaw stayed open, gasping at the sight the whole time, until Nana finally settled down against the sheets yet again. She was breathing a little deeper while she leaned forward and planted her paws to the sheets, now almost looming over Aston’s body as she stared him down with a grin.
“Thanks for the playtime,” she said in quite the teasing tone, adding in a little growl under her breath to make the feline shiver.His erection was nearly painful at this point, firm in both amazement and arousal, especially as the hungry skunk’s gaze locked onto him.
“N…no problem,” he said with a stutter, feeling a small twitch shake one of his legs as he looked back at the girl perched on his toy. “You really are impressive.”
She chuckled at that, nodding as she crawled another small step forward, bracing herself on one paw as she lifted the other and put it right down onto Aston’s cock outline.The feline jumped and mewed at that sudden contact, both in surprise and that rush of sensation racing up his painfully hard member. His hips ground up against that paw without even thinking, his need overflowing just from that quick teasing demonstration, as that firm strain turned into electric and pleasured shocks in mere moments.
“Mmm, you feel like you enjoyed the show,” she said again, slowly rubbing her paw up and down over that outline, making Aston’s fur ruffle and his ears flick with each slow, teasing pass.
“Y…yeah..” he admitted, clearly out of his element now as the skunk girl continued to edge him. That was one of the things he was most afraid of, that he’d cum too early and ruin all the fun, and the skunk girl was making damn sure that was a real possibility.
“Well, now that I’m warmed up,” Nana said, lifting her hips up off the bed and letting that toy slip out of her open hole with a wet pop. The heavy shaft tilted to the side and fell flat on the bed with a muffled thud, bouncing once or twice before coming to rest. “I guess it’s your turn.”
With those words out of her lips, the skunk girl crawled forward until both of her paws slid up toward Aston’s waistband. Her fingers locked into the stretchy and sporty fabric, and with a few quick wiggles she yanked both his underwear and shorts down around his hips. His hard cock resisted flopping out on the first drag, instead bending down and tenting that fabric until Nana gave another set of yanks, wiggling those shorts around Aston’s ass, and finally getting them far enough for that human-like shaft to spring up into the air and slap back down against his belly.The force made Aston mew and hiss just a bit, clenching his paws at his side now that his throbbing cock was free, but Nana didn’t dive right for it.
“You see? Undies just get in the way of the action. Go without them - much better for the cameras.” She let her voice ring out with another soft giggle, and kept herself focused on pulling down Aston’s pants around his legs and feet. Once they were off his footpaws, she made a little show oftossing them aside with a gentle twirl above her head. Only then did she slide back up nice and slow, tracing her paws around the boy’s toned legs and thighs, before one set of fingers wrapped around his balls, and the other squeezed around the midsection of his shaft.
Aston let out a loud mew and groaned at the sudden contact, watching his legs shoot apart to give the girl the access she needed, while she slid up between them and took a kneeling seat in front of the feline.She gave a slow and careful stroke to that cock, as well as a slow roll of his balls in her other paw, before nodding and saying, “And you were worried about not being enough for me to handle. I’ve definitely taken smaller ones than this before!”
“T…thanks?” Aston responded as his paws clenched into the sheets at his side, causing his back to arch and lift his hips off the bed for a moment.
Nana let out a small laugh, either from Aston’s words or his tone, as another slow and careful rub slid along his shaft. “Mmm, you’re welcome! It is pretty nice. Looking forward to feeling it inside me. But first…” she said before pulling both paws away and letting the feline’s equipment drop back against his groin, “flip on your belly and hike that ass up!”
“W…what?” Aston added with a slow flick to one of his ears, and a confused tilt to his head. He wasn’t sure if he hadn’t heard her correctly through the strain of holding back, or just wasn’t expecting her to say something like that.
His response made Nana smile, placing both of her paws back on her thighs as she said, “You heard me - face down and ass up cat slut!”
Aston stared back at her for another good moment, still trying to process just what she was asking, with the sight of the older skunk coming in for a close-up making him finally snap out of it. Even still, that roll onto his belly was slow, although a smack to his soon displayed ass cheek was enough to get him up on his knees with a soft wiggle of his tail, mewing out at the tingle.“Like this?” He asked, giving his back a traditional feline arch, and letting his hips sway back and forth like he was about to pounce, feeling his balls bounce off his inner thighs as he did.
“Mmm, like a natural,” Nana responded, before laying another smack on his other cheek, but this time holding her paw there to help spread it to the side. Aston gave off a small whimper at that, feeling some cool air rushing past his now exposed pucker and taint, before a sudden blast of hot breath took its place.
The bed creaked just a bit as the skunk girl shifted forward, with her Father climbing on behind her to get an over-the-top shot of her muzzle diving in between Aston’s ass cheeks. The first contact to his rim with her soft and slick tongue made Aston gasp nice and loud, with his body arching and squirming in surprise.He pulled away in shock from that sudden warm sensation, shifting far enough forward to break contact with that tongue as a strong gasp rang out through his lips. But, Nana wasn’t about to let him escape as her other paw flew to his other hip, pulling him back against her lips, and sealing them around his young hole as that tongue probed in against it. Aston bucked again, feeling his claws extend down into the bedsheets to try and get some traction to pull, but once again Nana adjusted her grip and leaned all her force into driving that tongue through that hole, not even slowing down as Aston tightened up in reflex and tried to keep her out.
It wasn’t a hard battle as Aston soon moaned out at the tingling sensation, his ring of muscle opening up and letting the invader inside with a soft and surprised mew. Nana took that chance to really go for it, pushing pretty hard and making him clench back around the invader, reaching in a good few inches on the first go. That tongue wiggled back and forth inside of him, making the feline gasp and dance with each new twitch sent into his rear end, forcing him to arch his back and clench his eyes, all while his shaft throbbed and slapped up against his shirt and belly in a set of quick bouncing thuds.
Nana didn’t keep her tongue buried in that hole forever though.Needing a breath, she pulled back and slid out, instead letting it flow across the feline’s now extra tender pucker, only to lay a trace of her spit around the rim in a wide circle. She applied a bit more spit to her tongue before driving it up against that rim once more, pushing past the hole to deposit it inside, while a bit more leaked around the edges, slowly soaking the feline’s soft fur.
“I… fuck…” Aston cried out, certainly surprised for sure, but also not sure what to say or do at the assault.He’d been rimmed before, but this was so out of the realm of what he thought was going to happen that his mind wasn’t ready to process it right away. His head shot up, looking at the ceiling, then hung back down between his strained shoulders, with the feline breathing deep and feeling a twitch shoot through him any time that tongue pressed around his rim, which was quite often at this point.
“That’s it Babe,” came the voice of the older skunk from behind as he adjusted his viewing angle, even reaching out and holding the feline’s tail up and out of the way of the skunk girl’s hungry assault.“Really dive in there and let him have it!Just like that pitbull did to you in Florida, remember?”
Aston felt a quick nod against his cheeks as the skunk girl’s face brushed up against his fur, before another heavy assault of her tongue pushed forward, once again slathering inside and around that opening feline pucker as it relaxed from the massage.Or maybe Aston was starting to get used to the sensation, and instead of fighting it he was falling into the pleasure instead. He couldn’t deny it felt good, and as those skunk paws clenched around his hips and butt once more, he let out a huffing moan into the air, crying out as his throbbing cock leaked a steady dribble of pre down onto the bedsheets underneath him.
Nana didn’t want to leave that shaft hanging for too long, and as soon as Aston was stable and set in his position, she released one of her paws from her hips and reached around to get a grasp of it, adding in a slow stroke as her tongue continued to work behind him. It was hard for Aston not to cum earlier, but it was near impossible now, with the feline clenching his teeth hard and squeezing his eyes shut, enough to miss the older skunk getting a good reaction shot over his face as he circled around the bed during the action.
Still, Nana’s assault on his ass wasn’t the only thing she had in mind, and soon enough she slurped a little further down, tracing along his taint with heavy licks until she reached the back of his balls. That unique sensation at least took Aston’s mind off cumming for a moment, and the skunk girl’s shifting focus left her little time to get any real pumps and strokes over his cock in, designating Aston’s load as safe for now, but nevertheless right on the edge of happening.
Still, the sensation felt really good as that tongue played with those dangling orbs, pushing them back and forth, coating them with a quickly evaporating layer of spit.As she sucked one of them into her mouth and wrapped her lips around it, Aston felt that urge to cum bubble up once again, but with a quick clench of his insides he managed to hold it back, only feeling a small dribble of pre leave his cock tip and drip down onto the sheets. Nevertheless, as a little pressure was released from his growing need, he gave a steady set of whimpers and whines. Deep breaths rung out through his panting chest as the poor feline’s head dug down into the sheets, trying to hide both his pleasure and strain from everyone in the room.
It was quite the display, and the older skunk seemed happy to get a lot of footage from it, but eventually Nana pulled back with a few heavy gasps, wiping her chin off with a soft chuckle, and sliding her paw from around Aston’s cock back to his hip, giving his ass another spank in the process. “Mmm, that was fun,” she said with a few more deep breaths leaving her lips. “But now to get you ready…”
Aston didn’t have time to ask what that meant before he felt a cold squirt of lube land down between his ass cheeks. He could feel the liquid start to slide down over his hole, his taint, and then his balls, only to get pushed back up by a pair of small fingers.Aston was able to squeak out another soft mew and huff out a deeper breath before those digits reached his rim once again. Without too much fanfare, they pushed the slick glob through his pucker and deeper into his tunnel, almost falling in with ease as two, then three, then four small fingers quickly pried apart his opening in quick succession.
Aston dug his face into the bed once again, muffling a few cries and moans, as those fingers seemed to know what they were doing. They spread him out wide, pushing at his young hole’s resistance, and making his body shiver at the sensation. Still, as they continued to pump back and forth, pulling on the feline’s rim each time, a soft female voice leaned down over his hips to say, “Relax cutie, enjoy the burn. Let your body open up. It wants things inside it, I can tell. Let it do its thing and open up.”
Aston did his best to try and roll with Nana’s words, taking in a few deep breaths as she slowed her assault for a moment, only to pry her fingers apart wider when she felt she could. That got Aston groaning again, but each further stretch became easier and easier for him to handle, until the skunk girl’s digits slipped back out with a slow pop, leaving his pucker clenching at the sensation of being so empty once again.
“I think he’s ready,” Nana shouted to her Dad, who put down the camera and went to get something from the closet. In the meantime, the skunk girl slid her shirt up and off her young body, showing off her small but cute breasts, but keeping the cuffs and choker on for the moment. “Slide your shirt off Aston,” she replied with a soft tap to his butt, making the dazed feline give off a soft groan while his tail flicked around behind him. It took him a moment, but he was able to lift his upper body off the bed and wiggle himself out of his shirt, peeling out one arm at a time with a careful wiggle.
As he tossed it aside and rose up to his knees, he turned his head to look back at the skunk girl, hearing a soft rustling from behind him. His gaze was pretty much full of Nana’s fluffy tail as she had spun around, with her Father helping her with some leather straps around her hips and groin.It took a moment for Aston to realize what was going on, but when she tightened up that last bright green strap around her hip, she spun around to show off what looked like a thick pair of underwear, although having a firm leather plate up front, with a big metal ring shining bright in the lighting of the room.
“Surprise!” she shouted back with a firm thrust of her hips back and forth, even putting her paws behind her head as she let her groin take most of the focus.
“W…what’s that?” Aston asked, still catching his breath as his cock hung down against his thigh.It was still plenty hard and aroused, but happy for the little break in the action.
Nana giggled at the feline’s reaction, sliding her paws down along her chest and then to the edges of the leather around her hips. “Oh come on, gonna play dumb innocent femboy cat with me? I’m sure you know what this is!”
“I…” Aston started, having an idea, but not sure if he wanted to say anything. He was saved in his hesitation by the older skunk as he grabbed Aston’s toy from earlier and handed it to the skunk girl, causing her to spin to the side and stop her teasing glare toward the feline.
“Here you go,” he said with a chuckle, holding the camera in one paw and handing off the toy with the other. “Slide it through the ring. Maybe base-first?Not sure if the knot will fit.”
Nana’s fingers worked with her groin plate as she tried to handle the slippery toy, having it flop out of her grasp once or twice while both her and then her father tried to figure out how to secure the toy.Aston just watched in awe, half dazed and half confused. Soon he turned his body to face the pair and sat back on his knees and legs to watch the nearly comical ordeal, cracking a smile on occasion as his mind prepared for what he knew was about to happen.
After fighting with the straps and harness for a few moments, that toy was eventually secured inside, holding steady as Nana gave a little thrust to watch that shaft bounce.She giggled, reaching down a paw to give it a supporting hold and stroke, before groaning and saying, “Mmm, I see why you boys like having something like this. It’s so much fun to play with!”
Aston nodded at that as the older skunk pulled back and aimed his camera at the teasing skunk girl, watching her hips pump back and forth a few times, with her paw sliding along the toy. “Mmm, enjoying yourself?” the older skunk asked with a soft chuckle, watching the younger girl nod back with a moan.
“Mmm, should’ve tried this earlier!” she said, before turning her gaze to look at Aston. That predatory and eager smirk on her face only grew as Aston shot up to attention, squeaking out a soft mew as the feline felt a shiver race down his spine, and a nervous gulp forced some spit down his throat.
“As for you slut cat, back into position!” she called out, only for Aston to hesitate a moment, then spin around and get on all fours again. He had enjoyed the little break, but now his shaft was hardening up again as the idea got him more than a bit aroused. He shook his tightening but still slick rear end back at her, with his tail up high and his back in another trademark feline arch to really show off the goods.
“Oh, before you dive in,” the older skunk said once more, shuffling around a little as Aston turned his head around his shoulder to look.He couldn’t quite see what was happening, but something definitely popped into the skunk girl - some kind of plug or something - that left her squealing even more than the knot on that toy had earlier.A shiver shot through her as she clenched back around it, leaking off a gentle moan as it settled, before her father gave her a few taps on an ass cheek and said, “Your good luck princess plug.”
“Mmm, I’ll need it,” she added, slowly shifting forward and now crawling up toward Aston’s rear end, with the tip of that toy dragging along the sheets underneath her. She made it over to him in a few steps, giving his ass cheek one last kiss when her mouth got close enough, before placing a paw on his hip and using it to pull herself up into a seated position. With a little lift of the toy in a paw, she moved it up and over Aston’s tail base, only to release it and watch it smack down between his cheeks. The feline shot back a little mew and moaned, but those moans kept coming as she guided the toy along Aston’s ass crack with a few slow grinds. The camera caught all the teasing action, before she reached for the lube bottle once more and gave the toy a fresh coating from above, making both of them groan and shiver at the sensation.
Aston was ready for it, or at least as ready as he figured he could be. He knew that toy pretty well, but he wasn’t used to having someone else handle it. He pushed back a little bit, aiding in the female’s efforts, and soon felt those slick skunk paws once again grab him by the hips, matting his fur down where they squeezed. “Mmm, the safe word is Black Parade,” she said in quick passing, making Aston gasp and nod as that fake cock pulled back, and that tip rubbed up against his hole.
“Yes… ma’am,” Aston shot back, only to feel the skunk girl squeal at that title, giving her all the more reason to push forward and send that tip surging through Aston’s slick hole, diving into his insides with a rather rough push. Aston grunted hard and let out a hiss under his breath while that cock filled him up, almost half that shaft sliding in with little stopping it thanks to all the extra lube. It poked at Aston’s insides, making him squirm and adjust, before those skunk’s hips leaned into Aston’s ass a bit harder. With some more force, that toy found its way deeper with a gurgling push into his guts, sliding up to near the knot with a strained groan falling from the feline’s open muzzle.
Nana seemed to enjoy the force however, gasping out in surprise as that toy dove inside so ‘easily’, giving her the confidence to pull back on her hips and shove forward again, making Aston’s whole body shake with the force. “Oh wow,” she said back, holding steady for a moment and slapping Aston’s cheek, which made the huffing cat whine out with a little whimper. “This feels awesome! I feel so powerful!” she cried out, squeezing onto his hip again and pulling the cat back after his shift forward from the slap, grinding his pucker against that knot one more time. After a second to steady herself, she pulled her hips back and thrusted forward again, nearly slapping her groin against those ass cheeks, as that feline tail danced around her chest with its spastic thrashes.
“Mmmph, fuck…” Aston cried out, struggling against the strain and sensation as the skunk girl wasn’t exactly gentle.Not being able to feel her thrusts and just how heavy they were left her guessing, and with the amount of experience the skunk girl had in hard and heavy sex, her experience was definitely skewed.Aston only had a few extra rough sessions that got him gritting his teeth and holding on, but he already knew that this was going to be one of them, if not one of the hardest.
He knew things weren’t going to get much easier as his breath was knocked out of his lungs with each deep pump. He could definitely feel the burn racing from his pucker up toward his depths, with each part of that toy really ringing his fleshy tunnel, especially at the control of the energetic skunk girl behind those thrusts. However, his noises and tense position gave the older skunk an idea, and once Nana got into a good thrusting swing, he walked around to catch Aston’s strained facial expression, with Aston only seeing him after a few moments and shooting back a somewhat embarrassed mew.
“Mmmph, take it you little kitten bitch!” Nana cried out, before trying hard to muffle a giggle at those words… and failing. A slight giggle turned into a full on laugh as she had to slow her thrusts to get herself under control, leaning up against Aston’s cheeks and over his spine as she got it all out of her system. She added a smack to Aston’s ass cheek once she was able to grit her teeth and get back into the mood, and she made up for the little break with a few faster and firmer thrusts into his ass soon after. Aston squirmed and squealed, leaning his cheek down against the bed to further hide his face, although that camera always seemed to catch him. Each time he looked up it was right in his face, capturing all the feline’s whines and huffs as they filled the room.
The burn in his tail and passage was pretty intense, but slowly it faded off into the background, with the skunk girl getting a little more steady in her thrusts, and Aston’s deeper insides opening up to the pummeling of that toy.Despite Nana taking it like it was nothing, it was certainly something to the feline, still causing him to hiss and huff whenever that tip hit him wrong, but he was a trooper and held on, even as his hardening cock once again slapped up against his belly.
It was rough, it hurt a bit, but Aston couldn’t deny that he enjoyed the action. Hearing the girl’s heavy breaths behind him as she worked, the slap of her hips against his ass, and even seeing that camera out of the corner of his eye a few times really got him excited, with the feline doing his best to put on a good show, knowing this video will get seen by many more people than his own ever had before. At least he hoped it was all for a good cause as the skunk girl shifted behind him, climbing up and over his frame to lean her body down against the cat’s spine.
“Mmmph, enjoying yourself slut cat?” she called out, planting one paw down at the feline’s shoulder, before leaning her groin over his hips and lower back.She used her free paw to grasp the feline’s cheek, wrapping a few digits around his chin, and then probing a few of her fingers past his lips, hooking his inner cheek to make the feline mumble and drool out his response.
“Good boy!” she called out with a grin and grunt in his ear. “And you thought you’d be worthless to me… I knew you and your tiny penis would have a use!”
Those words made Aston shiver and whine, but he couldn’t deny it made his cock jump as well, even if Nana had to hold back another giggle attack after they left her lips.He’d never really had a partner who spoke to him like that before, and even if he knew it was mostly an act by the skunk girl, he couldn’t help but admit he liked it.It made him squirm and squeeze back around that toy once again, although in this new position it was a bit harder for the skunk girl to get some good thrusts in, resorting to mostly grinding and working those final few inches of shaft back and forth instead of going for all out thrusts.
“Mmm, does the good kitty want to take my knot?” she asked out of the blue, letting go of Aston’s drooling chin and bracing herself with that paw against the bed, relieving some of the strain from her other arm.
“I… mmmph… I’ll try..” Aston cried back, feeling the burn in his tail pick up again at that thought.He knew he couldn’t say no, and he really didn’t want to disappoint the skunk girl, her Dad, or the viewers, but he also knew that he’d had no luck making it fit on his own.Still, with those small breasts grinding against his shoulder blades, and one of the skunk girl’s paws sliding around his chest, then his belly, and reaching down to give his straining cock a firm squeeze, Aston had little room to back out now. He used that attention to his cock to rock his hips, pressing back against that knot and feeling the strain and burn once again race all over his backside, but now the skunk girl was helping him push as well, matching his force with some of her own.It made the feline whimper and whine, having to pull forward and away from the pressure a few times, but the skunk girl was firm in holding the feline in place, making sure he was never far from another attempt.
“Mmm, come on, you can do it,” she called out, losing that edge from her voice she had before, and almost putting on a cheerleader tone instead.Another grind, another whine from the feline boy as the strain and burn built, only for him to have to squirm away again.Then another push, and another failure.He was just about to tap out as his tail end had enough, tears forming in the corner of his eyes from the strain, before one last push forced that knot to pop inside with a sudden surge, straining the boy to a heavy squeal and hiss, and making the skunk girl’s paw squeeze his cock in firm success.
“Yes, there we go!” she cried out, pushing hard to make sure he couldn’t force that knot back out with his spasms and squeezes after.“Good boy!” she called back out, adding some heavy pressure from her hips against his rear, and some serious pumps over his cock to try and relax him.Of course that was easier said than done as Aston felt the burn, both at his pucker and deep inside his guts, desperately telling him to pull that toy out.But, the pumps over his cock were a rather nice way to get his mind off the strain, and soon enough the girl brought up her other arm to wrap around his chest, squeezing them tight together as the feline let a few pathetic mews and deep gasps leave his lips in the process.
He figured she would try and get him off like that, and with the rate her paw was going it wouldn’t take long, but she had one more surprise in store for him.With a slow pull up and back, she lifted the feline’s frame up into the air, bracing it against her own chest as she carried him along. His front paws left the bed as he pivoted on his knees, groaning softly at the pressure that put on his knotted tail hole, but doing his best to keep the strain as manageable as possible.
His shoulder blades ground into a small set of breasts as that arm squeezed tight around his chest, leaving the feline supported by the skunk girl’s frame as he let out a few deep breaths. The knot was still stuck inside, they both made sure of that, but now the skunk girl’s paw was free to pump along the feline’s member out in the open, stroking all that much harder while as the older skunk came in for a few more close-ups of the feline from the front. Aston’s panting face, strained body features, and slowly twitching legs and thighs showed off just how hard he’d been pushed and just how close he was to cumming, and it only took another whisper in his ear for the feline to whine and let loose.
“Come for me, pretty boy,” came the words building from Nana’s slow breaths into his ear, making Aston arch his back one last time and squeeze hard around that knot inside him. His orgasm raced through his body, no strain able to hold that back anymore, as jolts of cum flew out of his cock and across the bed in long airborn ropes. They landed in a spread pattern, streaks painting the bed, with the skunk girl squealing in joy as she helped aim them back and forth. At some point during the feline’s clenches and shakes, that knot was also forced out of his hole, popping back through as those solid clenches rippled through his body. He gasped as that big bulb left him all of a sudden, but it was lost between his other squeals and heavy whines, with the feline soon slumping in the girl’s grasp as his orgasm turned into a steady trickle, with just a few more residual tingles shooting through his spent body.
“Such a good boy!” the skunk girl cried out, squeezing around his chest as her paw slowly milked out the rest of the feline’s orgasm with a few slow clenches and strokes. “Such a good boy,” she repeated nuzzling into the back of his head and giving his cock one final pass before letting it droop from its own weight. She pulled that paw up further, with both now supporting and rubbing his chest, as Aston felt a small purr building underneath his deep breaths. That made Nana smile and giggle again against the side of his head, giving her hips a few slow pulls back and forth just to tease the feline with the toy’s shaft, before saying, “Awww, you’re so cute! I wish all guys purred when they came!”
That made Aston’s fur fluff as he tried to hide his cheek in his shoulder, but there was no hiding when that older skunk was on the case, making sure the whole internet could see his reaction. Aston tried to smile at the camera after realizing he couldn’t hide, not really having anything to say, but letting his purr and a soft mew ring from his muzzle as the skunk’s paws continued to make a mess of his chest fur.
It was a nice moment, and Aston wished it would have lasted a lot longer, but Nana needed a break herself. The skunk’s paws slid back down toward his hips and pushed the cat forward as she pulled back, slowly slipping that toy out of his now open hole. Aston fell back down onto all fours as the older skunk shifted behind him, focusing the camera to catch the moment and sloppy noise all together.
“Mmm, look what you did Hon!” the older skunk said with a pat to Nana’s head as that toy tip bounced only slightly behind that gaping hole, which Aston gave a few soft winks too all the while.
“It’s beautiful,” she added, reaching down and spreading open those cheeks to show off her hard work, before adding one final slap to Aston’s rear to make him jump one last time.
“It certainly is,” the older skunk agreed, although his tone seemed a little more genuine than reactionary, causing Nana to look up at him with a tilt to her head.
“You wanna try?” she asked, pulling back with a shuffle on her knees as Aston’s ears perked up those words.
The curious feline flicked them back to aim behind him as the feline’s deep breath caught in his throat, hearing a long pause before the older voice said, “I do actually, yeah.”
An excited skunk squeal rang in the air as Nana slipped off the bed and a heavier weight got on, leaning Aston back toward the indentation.
“Woo, Daddy’s gonna breed another boy!” she cried out, now grabbing the camera as the older skunk unzipped his pants and slid them down to his knees. He wore no underwear just like his daughter, causing his free erection to slap against the feline’s open and slick pucker as he lined himself up with that crater.“Another video for the secret channel!”
Aston gave off a small mewing squeak as he felt that cock line up, with that thick head prodding at his still winking and sore pucker. But, with the amount of slickness he had leaking out of it, it only took a simple push forward for the skunk male to sink in, diving in deep into the well fucked feline as both males gave off a heavy groan.
“Mmmph, you lucky kitty!” the skunk girl shouted back, before sliding around to the feline’s side so he could get a look at her holding onto the camera and aiming it at the both of them. “Daddy doesn’t fuck many boys.”
“He’s… a cute one…” the older skunk grunted back, his paws holding onto Aston’s hips while that shaft slid through him with a few sloppy and slimy noises, matching his daughter’s fervor in his thrusts. “Takes it really well too… you put on a good show.”
“Mmm, and so are you!” Nana added, sliding up onto the bed once more and kneeling on the edge, with Aston’s toy nearly grinding against his leg as she leaned in for a few more closer shots of his rear end.
“Mmm, thanks Babe,” he called back through his heavy huffs, closing his eyes and smacking his hips against that small feline rear with little restraint in them. “Not gonna last long… was rubbing myself during the whole shoot.”
“Just a little more Daddy,” Nana called out, now causing him to have to hold back and slow his thrusts a bit, while the feline took that big shaft surprisingly well. It was big, but it was still smaller than his toy, and especially smaller than that knot. The human-like shaft was smooth and sleek inside him, pumping away into the areas that Aston had already abused and stretched out. The slick sounds of a wet hole slopping and popping rang around the room with each thrust, countered by both male’s heavy breathing and groaning, making quite the nice soundtrack to the expansive filling.
Aston, feeling a little comfortable and confident now that this cock wasn’t making him strain on each thrust, even pushed back against those slowing pumps as the feline’s soft moans and even purrs soon added to the soundscape. Aston dug his paws into the bedsheets once more, not quite gripping them with his claws, but giving his hips enough energy back into those pumps to make the skunk groan with some strain, a little payback for his daughter pushing him further than he thought he could go. Still, the skunk didn’t last much longer as it seemed he was telling the truth. He struggled for a few more moments, trying to get enough footage to make a reasonable video, before finally leaning into a hot and heavy set of slaps.Balls bounced off balls, leaving Aston squealing as the skunk grunted in heavy breaths above him, before finally shoving in deep and holding there as his seed spilled into the underaged cat boy below.
“Mmmph, go Daddy go!” Nana cried out with another joyful chuckle, holding that camera close and catching her Dad’s cumming face, before sliding down to see Aston’s eyes closed and the boy moaning.The feline opened his eyes as he sensed Nana in front of him, throwing out a soft smile and lifting up a paw into a peace sign, getting Nana to chuckle yet again. “Aston you slut!” she cried out, before pulling the camera to the side and leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips, capturing it all for the world to see. Aston’s ears flicked back at that, surprised at the sudden assault, but as the skunk behind him gathered himself up, Nana’s attention was once again needed behind him. So, as quick as that kiss came, it left, leaving Aston’s muzzle open and panting as the skunk girl scampered behind him to capture that pullout.
It was worth the effort though as that cock slipped out of the young boy with a wet slurp, along with a slow dribble of white cream. Aston’s cheeks were spread open by the older skunk’s paws, leaving the feline boy mewing and moaning as the camera got every drippy detail of that lube and cum mixture dripping down his taint and balls. He arched his back and purred, acting a bit himself now as both sets of eyes behind him looked on, but soon chuckling as he let his frame droop, tired enough to just flop flat on the bed and hide his re-growing erection after the fast and furious fuck.
As the two skunks slid off and mumbled some words to one another, Aston decided not to bother figuring out what they were saying. Instead, he laid out flat on the bed, gathering up his breath, while his mind caught up with what just happened. He didn’t care that he was laying over his own cummy streaks. His fur would need a washing anyway before he made it home, and he was sure Nana wouldn’t mind him hopping in the shower quick. Right now that burn in his tail was one of the things he just wanted to relax and let fade, with the rest of his senses going a little dim and out of reach, at least until a small skunk paw grabbed onto his shoulder and tried to roll him onto his back.
Aston resisted for a moment, but with another yank he found his shoulder up and off the bed, so it didn’t take much more to roll onto his back. Aston let out another huff as he did, with his cock actually having grown a bit during his relaxation (the feel of cum leaking down his taint and balls tingled his mind in just the right way). His shaft flopped against his thigh and then onto his belly, catching the skunk girl’s attention as she hopped up onto the bed along his side. He was kind of hoping she’d come down and cuddle for a moment, with the tired feline eager for a little nap if he could swing it, but when she caught sight of his cock once again, Nana just giggled and sent a paw down to squeeze it, making the feline groan in soreness.
“Still not done, huh?” she teased, making Aston squirm as another pump slipped down his shaft.
“I wouldn’t mind a break…” he added with a deep breath, although his hips seemingly couldn’t resist the skunk girl’s touches, and his body gave a soft thrust up into the attention instead of staying flat.
“Mmm, you did a good job,” she replied, nodding and soon straddling Aston’s belly, pushing that cock tip up against her own slick pucker. “You’ll definitely be a star someday.”
“You think so?” Aston shot back with a groan as his tip and shaft entered that warm hole, certainly not a tight squeeze by any means, but the caress of that warm and slick flesh around his member was just what he needed, feeling her envelope him like a warm glove. He groaned back as she landed in his lap, the skunk girl putting her paws back onto his chest and rocking her hips slow and steady, her legs also a little tired from doing all the work earlier.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” she answered, seemingly not phased by that cock inside her as she didn’t miss a beat during her bounces. “As long as you keep it up.”
“Can we play again… another time?” Aston asked, now groaning and feeling his hips thrust up to match her bounces, with his paws even sliding up to hold onto her hips as he helped her work.
“When we’re back around this way, sure!” Nana said with an eager chuckle, making Aston’s chest burn with some pride and happiness. That’s all he wanted to hear as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, not even caring that the older skunk picked up the camera once again. Aston didn’t want to act, he didn’t want to perform, he just wanted to hold onto the skunk girl and let her bounce on him, with his thrusts pushing her back up. She felt so good inside, and it was just what his already sore cock needed, just a bit more sensation to get back up and over the edge. He didn’t feel the need to hold back or show off. This was his reward for enduring what he had today.
All it took was a few more moments of slow and steady riding, with some gentle bouncing and squeezing around his chest and cock, before Aston was huffing and on the edge once again. He didn’t make a big show of it, instead just squeaking out a quick, “I’m cumming,” at the skunk girl, who was also lost in her own little world of gentle and casual sex. It made her push a bit faster and harder, her insides clenching just a bit more around the deep breathing feline, before he let loose anything he hadn’t given her earlier.
It probably wasn’t all that impressive as the skunk girl had milked him pretty dry, but it was the feeling more than anything that left Aston smiling and purring once more. Before Nana could squirm away again, he slid his paws up toward her sides and then her shoulders, pulling her down until her chest lay against his.From there he let his purr ring through her, nuzzling up against the side of her head, and even throwing a little kiss against a cheek before laying his head back with one last big huff.
Nana played along, giggling with whatever Aston did to her, before returning the kiss to his cheek, then his lips for a quick moment, before pulling back with a soft breath.“You are a cuddly thing, aren’t ya?” she teased back with a gentle giggle.
“Mmm, I’m just… happy you invited me,” Aston said in a dreamy voice, his dopey smile causing Nana to squeal once more as she pulled up to look into his eyes.
“You are just so fuckin’ cute!” she spat back, with that curse word getting a little growl under her breath for emphasis, making Aston chuckle back before another kiss landed on his lips. This one was a bit longer than most, with a little tongue shooting back and forth between them, but Nana did pull back eventually with a deep breath, giving one more bounce on Aston’s shrinking cock before slipping off to the side, forcing his cock out of her with a wet slurp.
“Mmm, it’s getting late though,” Nana said to break the silence at first. “Don’t you have to be home soon?”
Aston lifted his head off the bed and looked over to any clock display he could see, giving off a firm groan at the time as pushed his elbows down and lifted his back off the sticky mattress, feeling a few bits of fur still trying to cling to the soiled sheets. “Mmmph, yeah… I need a quick shower though if that’s okay.”
“Got anything left for a quick shower scene?” Nana teased, and although Aston considered it, he shook his head as he slid his feet off the edge of the bed and stood back onto wobbly legs.
“I don’t think so… sorry,” he said back to counter her teasing, leaving her giggling as he stumbled his way toward the bathroom.
As Aston got out and was toweling himself off, he was greeted with Nana holding up his clothes and his bookbag, with his toy stuffed back inside. “I washed your toy for you in the kitchen sink - it should be good to go.”
“Thanks,” Aston said with a smile as he handed her the towel and took his clothes, sliding them on with just a hint of feline tease back at the skunk girl, who watched him closely the entire time. After slipping on his backpack, and brushing his hair out of his eyes, he reacted just in time to the skunk girl diving in for another kiss to his lips with a soft gasp and mew, muffled by her for another quick moment, before she pulled away.
“You were awesome,” she started with a smile.“I had so much fun!”
“Same,” Aston shot back, not really sure what to add.
“I’ll message you the details about when your video will get edited and posted, and send you links to all the secret stuff,” she continued with a happy bubbling tone, having gotten a little rest while Aston showered to recover some energy.
“Awesome, I can’t wait,” Aston replied with a nod to his head.
“It’s gonna be big, I can feel it!” Nana squealed back with a happy bounce from foot to foot. “Unique content like this doesn’t happen often, and even if it’s not someone’s exact fetish they like, uniqueness sells really good! Everyone’s too interested not to buy it!”
“And I get my cut, right?” Aston teased, kicking out his hip and letting his tail sway behind him.
“Sure, we can set something up,” she blurted out. “We can discuss percentages and stuff later.”
“Just let me know when you’re back in town,” Aston shot back pretty smoothly.“How’s that for a deal?”
“Deal!” Nana said with one final giggle as she wrapped her paws around Aston’s neck and gave him a hug. “Now, don’t be late getting home. Wouldn’t want you getting in trouble,” she teased.
Aston nodded, feeling her pulling away from his frame, and then lifting a paw to give a wave to the older skunk changing the sheets on the bed. He gave Nana one final smile before turning and heading down those tight stairs out of the RV. His body was still tingling, and his mind was still catching up with everything that had happened, but there was a warm glow still throbbing in his chest.
‘I can be a star…’ she said!

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 11

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Speedo Lover -

Head Administrator
Site Developer
Casper the Mascot

Chapter 11

Aston had to wait a day or two, as well as poke Green about it a few times, but eventually he got the movie file on a flash drive, handed over personally by the nervous bird at school.After promising not to show anything that could identify Green one last time, Aston managed to walk away with the drive in his pocket, giving off an eager twitch of his ears and tail as he wondered what was on that stick. He couldn’t be sure how the video had come out thanks to the frantic filming, but he knew there was only one way to find out. It took all his restraint to keep from racing home that instant to find out, or just plugging that stick into one of the school’s computers, which he knew would be a bad idea. The small drive burned a hole in his pocket, leaving the feline twitching through the last few periods in school, before finally rushing home and getting the chance to plug it into his computer.
He wasn’t sure what to expect, so he wasn’t exactly disappointed in the footage, but he also wasn’t super thrilled either as he watched through it. There was some action for sure, and some nice shots here and there, but it was a bit of a mess in general.Someone would surely like the raw footage, and he thought about uploading it as a special treat later on, but he knew it’d need some editing to make it onto the front page. Going up against all the prepared, planned, hot and steamy, and even semi-professional stuff that ended up there, this shaky video would have little chance. So, with a few careful taps of his paw on that mouse, he dragged that video file into his editing program and began to work his magic.
The feline had learned a few tricks in the past few months, so with a few careful edits, some image stabilization, and a nice title card, the feline did what he could to make the video look almost professional.It took him right up to when his parents got home for dinner, but he was happy with it as he left his computer alone for a moment.Before bed he gave the video one last watch to make sure it was as good as it could be, and before he could think too hard on the little things, he uploaded it to all the usual places. He’d let the comments roll in overnight, and in the morning he’d wake up with a large list to go through, something he was very much looking forward to. Still, that long afternoon of editing left him exhausted, but almost tempted to pull his phone over for one quick check. He resisted though as sleep carried him away to the land of a few naughty dreams instead.
His plan had worked like a charm, and even on his walk to school he was still sorting through all the likes and faves his new video had gotten. It wasn’t quite as much as a few of his other videos, but it was enough to keep the feline smiling all throughout the day, and quickly checking his phone any time he thought no one was looking. He even pulled Green aside when he saw him in the hallway to show him the stats, although he stopped short of playing him the edited version of the video while at school, much to Geen’s nervous relief.For that they’d need another playdate, which Green was interested in, but certainly needed some time to digest this recent one before trying it again.
That was just fine for Aston as he headed home with a smile still on his face, and a few more PMs to respond to as he flopped down on his bed. Most were pretty much the same, talking about how cute he and his moans were, how well he took a cock, and how exciting his adventures must be.He did his best to keep the lying to a minimum, although always making things sound just a bit better than they really were, but not trying to boast too much in case he was called out on anything. He did live an exciting life he figured, although he was still worried about who really knew his secrets. Just going by the numbers, it would be a pretty rare chance that anyone he knew would stumble upon his videos naturally, but if they were being actively shared around school…
The praise and attention kept his mind off that for now, letting Aston ride that wave of excitement as the reaction rates slowed in the evening, but still kept bubbling up here and there. After dinner a few more messages rolled in, and after replying to most of them, he ended up coming across a new one from someone he wouldn’t have expected.He thought he recognized that icon from around Kinkykub, but it wasn’t until he clicked on the profile that he realized who it actually was.
Nana Skunk was her name, and Aston had seen her around more than a few times, splattering the front page of Kinkykub far more than he had.Pulling up a recent video of her and a burly hog going at it, he was reminded of why.Her production was great, the angles certainly suggested she had a cameraman to help out, and her talents and content were both very arousing to watch as she was really good at getting fucked, and hard. She was the queen of anal around the site, at least as far as the other cub girls with a lot of uploads went, pretty much exclusively focusing on that as her kink.Aston scrolled through her long list of videos, with a new upload seeming to get posted every few days, and just about every one had her taking something in her ass, from large toys to big cocks. That included the hog video that was playing in the background, with the big guy sandwiching her to the bed as he pumped away on top of her. The grunts from him, along with the squeaks from the bed, rung inside Aston’s headphones, only to be punctuated by a few girly moans and deep squeals here and there. It was enough to make him flip back to that tab and watch the action, sitting back and enjoying it for a moment.Before he knew it he had his cock in his paw, and then a few moments later his load was stuffed into a tissue and tossed away, leaving him breathing just a bit heavier.
She was good at what she did, and a big enough star to have most of the site watching her. Her view and fan counts were many times what Aston could ever hope to get, so what did she want with him?Aston wasn’t nearly big enough to satisfy her rather large needs either, even if he had apparently shot her a message back when he was going through his ‘female’ phase a few months ago, only to get no response.But now, here she was, with a message waiting for him in his inbox. And, as Aston finally opened it up, he was hoping it wasn’t some sort of scam or anything to dash his hopes and his growing excitement.
“Hey! Always awesome to talk to another cub that loves to make content. Sorry I didn’t get back to you last time, I was really busy with some stuff. Dad and I will be visiting your area though, so I was wondering if you’d be interested in hooking up this time. We could have lots of fun as you make some great videos too, and my audience would enjoy seeing something a bit different. We’ll be there in about a week, so let me know if you’re free! -Nana”
Aston had a lot of questions for sure, and he read that message a few times over to make sure he was reading it right.His paws hesitated on that keyboard as his mind did a few turns, but his response was quick and to the point when it finally spilled out.
“How do you know where I live?”
Aston wasn’t sure what to expect back.Maybe it was just a general message to everyone on the site or something - some kind of publicity post to get more interest.But, reading back through it one more time, he realized that it was too personal for that. Maybe she was bluffing, or wanted to figure out where he lived through a few more messages for some reason. Still, he was aware that he had given his general location to a few people, so it was possible that information was spreading, much like his videos around school.The thought made his heart race and his mind speed off in many directions, and for a moment he was deathly afraid that a small mob of horny guys would be waiting when he got home from school one day, or worse, that they’d try and break in to kidnap him one night.He got up and locked his window just in case, before he took a few deep breaths to let those thoughts fade, at least to the background of his mind.
He was jumping to conclusions, and although he was nervous, he’d just have to wait to see what kind of a response he’d get. Thankfully it didn’t take long until he saw a new message come back from her, although that also meant Aston couldn’t sleep as he kept checking back in, even pulling up another video or two of hers to watch her talents at work yet again.
“I’m not sure how Daddy does it, but he can find out stuff like that somehow. The more people you play with, the more that info gets out there. I wouldn’t worry too much though - the people that would do bad stuff with that information usually go to jail pretty quick. Although, that’s one reason Daddy and I tour the country in our RV I guess, to stay on the move. But, it’s mostly just so we can visit everyone who wants to see me, and even follow some bands on tour! So, we’ll be in your area soon. You want to play?”
There was no question now that this was the real deal, and that she was being serious with him. No bot or scam would go through that much trouble, and make the replies that personal. Still, Aston had to wonder why she’d picked him to message. Thinking on it for a bit, he typed out a groggy reply, then put the phone down and let sleep snatch him again.
“I dunno, I’m not sure I’m big enough for your needs. You do some impressive stuff. Very hot videos by the way! Your anal talents make me jealous. How’d you decide on going with that as your main kink?”
When he woke up to his alarm the next morning, the still groggy feline picked up his phone to see a reply.
“Oh, thank you!Your videos are pretty cute too, especially that one with the snow leopard. But, don’t worry about being too small. I have something I’ve wanted to try, and my fans want to see too. I have a plan, and I think you’d be perfect! As for the anal stuff, Daddy started me out with that when I was young. He said all the bad girls love it, and I wanted to be a bad girl so bad. It was rough at first, as I’m sure you know, but once you get into it, that rush is like nothing else!”
Left at that, Aston wasn’t sure what to think. A mix of excitement, curiosity, and nervous tingles flooded his body as he slowly kicked off the sheets and tried to get ready for school. An erection hounded him well into the first period of the day as he tried to figure out what to say, finding her words mysterious and exciting as his mind bounced around the possibilities. Eventually, with a small break between classes, he logged in and typed a message back.
“Alright, I guess I’m game for whatever. You are the expert after all. We’ll be making a video out of it I hope?”
He sent that message as the bell rang, but a moment later he realized he hadn’t answered her question. So, settling into his chair for his next class, he shot out another quick message.
“And yeah, I should be free this week sometime. My parents don’t get home until late, so I’m free for a few hours after school.”
“Awesome! We can set up a specific time. Daddy will park the RV in a parking lot nearby, so you just have to show up. Come prepared, and bring whatever you want!”
From then on a few messages shot back and forth with specific details, and after everything was set up, Aston really began to worry. What did Nana have planned for him?She hadn’t ever said, or dropped any major hints during their small talk. Aston assumed she wanted him to fuck her, which would certainly work for the feline. Aston had been fantasizing about getting with another female recently as the mood kicked up again. But, something told him that wasn’t all of it.
Their conversation continued on and off for the next few days, with Aston not really probing too deep into Nana’s background, as was the custom for such illegal things on the internet. However, the way the two of them talked about anal sex, getting prepped, their sex toys, and all that made it seem like she wanted to show Aston a few things, which got him a bit excited too. She was certainly a professional, and Aston could learn a lot from her, but… at what cost? The only way to know for sure was to show up. So, as the day they planned for finally arrived, Aston got himself ready after school and headed over.
A drawstring bag was slung over his back as the feline strolled toward that department store half a mile away. The large parking lot had a good smattering of cars up close to the store, but only a few vehicles were hiding at the distant fringes of the pavement. A semi-truck or two, some broken-down van that had been there for weeks, and right in between them was that large and shiny RV, looking somewhat out of place in such a suburban location. That had to be it! With a nervous grit to his teeth he pushed on, walking up to that front door, taking a big breath, and giving it a soft knock.
He rocked on his footpaws as he waited, looking over the dark RV with tinted windows, kind of expecting a famous rock star or something to be inside. Then again, this skunk girl WAS pretty famous, at least in the right corners of the internet, so it wasn’t too out of place to believe she’d be inside. Maybe Aston could even afford to travel in one of these one day if he got popular enough!That thought made him smile to himself as he waited, before hearing a little shuffle on the inside of the RV, and taking a step back as the door gently cracked open.
A fluff of white and black hair poked around the open edge, along with a pair of flicking ears, and soon a scanning set of eyes as well. Once they saw the feline standing there with a nervous but forced smile, the door opened a bit more, exposing a male skunk in his mid thirties. He had a few piercings in his lip, nose, and ears, but he looked friendly enough as he gave the small cat a warm smile back. “Hey there Aston,” he said in a gentle voice despite his appearance, “come on in. Nana is waiting for you.”
Aston took one more look around, hesitating as he knew he probably shouldn’t, but still taking that first step up, then a second, before hearing the door close behind him. The older skunk led the way up the small staircase, spinning around and brushing his fluffy tail against Aston’s face as he climbed, although after a second of waiting the feline’s path was clear. He climbed up the final steps leading into the fancy looking RV, but before he could get a good look at anything, he saw that eager skunk girl waiting for him not far into the cabin.She was dressed in a black sleeveless top as well as a black skirt, with a pair of studded wrist cuffs on either paw, along with another set of spiked bands around her arms. A black choker around her neck finished off the look. Her dark clothing accented her natural black, blue, and white colors, making the skunk girl both fade into the limited light, and pop out when she flashed a bit more white on her frame, looking much like her Father did in terms of coloring and pattern. Her eyes lit up as the feline took a step closer, lifting up a paw to wave and smile, before she dashed forward and wrapped him in a strong hug.
Those arm bands dug into his shoulder with a little pinch, making him arch and gasp at the sudden squeeze. However, once the initial surprise was gone, a quick mew left his lips as he placed his own paws around her spine, squeezing the slightly taller girl in return. “H…hey there, nice to meet you,” he said with a nervous waiver in his voice, although the loud squeal from the skunk girl hid most of that as she held on for a moment, then slowly pulled away to get a good look at the cat.
“Hey,” she started with a smile of her own, and another excited squeal leaving her as she danced from foot to foot. “You’re just as cute as you are in your videos,” she spat out, making Aston almost blush and hide his cheek against his shoulder.
“Thanks,” he shot back after taking a breath. “You too.Looking good in the outfit.”
“Aww, this thing?” she said, before looking down and running her paws over her chest and skirt in a sexual manner, making sure to hit every bump and curve. It seemed like she was a natural tease, or just had lots of practice making good first impressions. “It’s what most of my clothes look like honestly.Though, you probably haven’t seen me wearing much, have you?”
She added a teasing smirk with that, making Aston chuckle as he shifted his stance and said, “Not really, no.But you haven’t seen me with much either honestly.”
“Once!” she answered with a giggle. “That outfit the fox had you wearing was cute. Not quite my style, but it would contrast nicely.You didn’t bring that, did you?”
“” Aston answered with a nervous chuckle following, swaying on his feet as he tried to push down his nerves.“I didn’t even think about it honestly.”
Nana nodded with a slow sway of her tail behind her, taking a big breath herself to calm down as well, before saying, “Mmm, that’s fine. We’ll both be naked before long anyway.”
“That is the plan, huh?” Aston countered with a small smile of his own. “You haven’t told me much about it.”
“On purpose!” she cried back with a grin pushing through her lips. “It’d be a bigger surprise if I didn’t.Plus, I didn’t want to scare you away.”
Aston gave off a nervous flick to his tail and ears at those words, but he still forced a smile out of his mouth as he said, “Well, I’m here now.Guess it’s too late for that.”
Those words made Nana giggle as she reached out a paw, pressing it against Aston’s hip and giving it a rub, which made him jump from the sudden touch. “I like you - you’re funny.”
“Gotta be more than just a pretty butt to really draw the fans in, right?” Aston shot back without thinking, making the skunk girl nod again.
“I suppose,” she began after a moment of thinking and enjoying the feline’s frame, giving a sway to her own hips as she pulled her paw back. “Not that having a good butt doesn’t help!”
“You would know!”
“And so would you!”
That made Aston squirm yet again, feeling the fur standing up on his body in embarrassment, as he never imagined hearing a girl say that to him.Guys?Yeah, sure, but a girl? That was certainly a new one for him.
“Well,” Aston began after a small moment of silence, “I don’t have too long that I can stay out. Wanna… do whatever?”
Nana giggled and nodded again, before grabbing onto his paw and yanking him toward the back of the RV. “Let’s go pretty boy!”
Aston gave off a sudden mew as he was dragged along, eyes barely able to get a look at anything other than the eager skunk girl in front of him.A few dark posters did catch his attention as he was pulled along though the compact living space, with the feline soon realizing that most of the RV’s walls were covered in some form of band merch.Most of them he hadn’t heard of, and if going by the posters was any indication, they were a bit too heavy for Aston to enjoy.But, the occasional band he had heard of, which at least gave him something he could talk to Nana about after this.
The realization hit him all of a sudden, with Aston feeling that their time together was criminally short. He had so many things he wanted to ask her, and so much he wanted to learn about what she did and how she did it. He really wanted to learn about her in general: just what kind of life she lived, and if she was okay with everything, not to mention getting some tips for his own journey. Yet, a lot of that didn’t come up while they were chatting through the messages, and now both of them were a little eager and excited to get to it, not exactly sitting down for a long chat about things. He wished she were staying in the area, and that he could skip out on school to hang out with her tomorrow, but she’d already said that they were leaving tonight, so Aston would have to wait until the next time she was around to do anything more than chat through messages. At least, he hoped she would want him around again. Who knows how things might go, and they were already moving faster than Aston had imagined.
He had little time to process and store all that info as he was dragged into the bedroom in the back. There he managed to catch a glimpse of the large speakers sitting on the shelf, as well as a few more posters on the wall, and even that spiky guitar sitting in the corner. Yet, he was destined for the bed as Nana literally sling-shot him onto it by yanking on his arm, with the feline landing on all fours after a quick roll to face back at her.
“Man, someone’s eager,” he said with a small chuckle, before sitting up on his knees and slipping the straps to his drawstring backpack off his shoulders.
“Well, yeah,” Nana added with a sway of her hip at the edge of the bed.“Aren’t you?”
“Excited… nervous… petrified…” Aston listed off, before pulling the backpack over between his knees. “Some of those posters are scary.”
“Good!” Nana shot back in a teasing tone, “that’s the idea!It gets the blood flowing.”
“I’m pretty sure a sexy skunk girl is enough to do that,” Aston chimed in with a wink, making the girl squeal at the foot of the bed from his smooth words. He watched as her eyes narrowed from the compliment, and her frame started to crouch down and coil up. Aston was quite familiar with the very feline urge to pounce, so he knew what was coming even before the skunk girl jumped onto the bed and tackled the boy down onto his back.
“Oh, I’m going to fuck you so hard…” she teased with a sway of her hips behind her. Aston gasped at those words, before a glint of light caught his attention behind the girl’s face and tail. His eyes darted away for a moment, just barely catching the flash of her Dad holding an expensive looking video camera in his paw, and closing in on the foot of the bed. That was all Aston saw however before the skunk girl took up all of his vision with a small push forward, grinning down and leaning in close enough that he could feel her breath making his cheek fur sway.
Aston froze up at those words and the girl’s teasing, especially as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips, making his eyes shoot wide as a muffled mew rumbled back out between them. She didn’t hold it for long though, leaving the dazed cat breathing deep as she pulled away, and his erection quickly tenting the shorts between his legs.Nana definitely noticed as she gave her upper thigh a gentle grind into Aston’s groin, only semi-hiding it as she smirked, before pulling back a bit more.Her other leg hit Aston’s bag, and with a curious turn to her head, she reached down to snatch it up and drag it onto Aston’s chest, before opening it and digging a paw inside. “Oh, is this the toy you were having trouble knotting?” she asked, pulling out the object in question with one paw.
“Y…yeah,” Aston answered with a nod as the skunk girl sat on his lap, hiding his erection from that watching camera, even as the older skunk walked up and aimed the camera between the two of them. “I can handle the shaft okay, but that knot… it just doesn’t want to go.”
“Hmm, a large Zephyr, huh?” she added with a curious rub over the shaft and knot with her free paw, while the other held the toy at its base. “Not a small toy for sure, but only a warm up for me anymore.” She gave off a moment of thought, before sliding back off Aston’s lap and onto the bed at his side.With a quick yank to the edge of her skirt, the buttons holding it together popped free, leaving the garment sliding off her hips in one quick motion. Her lack of underwear was quite apparent as her bare groin made Aston’s stare, and with a grin the skunk girl stared back at his face.
“Undies just get in the way. You should get rid of yours too,” she teased, before looking back at the older skunk to catch the bottle of lube he’d suddenly thrown her way. Before Aston could even say anything in response, he watched the skunk girl squirt some out into her paw, then rub it over the toy, before planting the base down against the bed. She held it there with one paw as she spread her legs out and straddled the toy, kneeling over it and letting the tip slide against her inner thigh. She let out a soft moan at the sensation before she leaned back a bit more, dragging that tip over her groin and back beyond it. After a bit more teasing with some gentle slides along her folds and thighs, that cock tip found her tail hole opening and she pushed back, settling down onto it with a slow groaning slide.
Inch after inch of that cock disappeared inside of her in no time as her knees spread wider to show it off. The older skunk leaned over the edge of the bed to catch the action not far from where Aston was laying, causing the feline to shift to the side and make some space as the bed sank in that direction from his weight on it. The feline, the older skunk, and the camera all watched as Nana drove that toy deeper with relative ease. Even as that knot disappeared between her thighs and cheeks she barely slowed down, taking that extended bulge like it was just an extension of the shaft. It was only when a sloppy pop rang out through the room, and the skunk girl jerked for a moment, that everyone knew the knot had gone inside. Nana didn’t seem finished though as she pushed down even harder into the sheets, threatening to swallow up even the base with a few soft bounces and heavy grinds down against it, before her gaze shot back to Aston.
“See?I told you.” She gave another few grinds and bounces on the bed, before sliding up and off that knot with a wet slurp. After freeing about half that now shining shaft, she sat back down with a forceful push until her cheeks bounced off the soft sheets again.“Mmph, I forgot how nice this feels though. I could wear this around all day. I’ll have to see if I have something like it deep in my toybox somewhere. Probably at the bottom.”
“We used to have a large Zephyr,” the older skunk chimed in, making his daughter turn to look at him with a tilt to her head. “I’m pretty sure we traded it in, or left it with a fan though. But we could always get another.”
“Yeah, let’s do that,” she agreed, giggling as she spread her legs a little further, then lifting her frame up along that toy once more. A flurry of bounces came next as that shaft was almost like nothing to her. It slid in and out with little resistance, and that knot barely made any extra noise either. Only the lightest of soft, sloppy pops could be heard underneath the squeaking of the bed and the skunk’s growing breaths, not to mention her naughty moans and groans along the way.
Aston couldn’t pull his eyes away as he watched the toy he’d struggled with for ages get taken so easily. He’d seen impressive things on the internet, but not usually from people his size and age. He had a feeling that some of Nana’s videos with her toys were faked, but now, staring at the real thing happening in front of him, he was a true believer in her talents.His jaw stayed open, gasping at the sight the whole time, until Nana finally settled down against the sheets yet again. She was breathing a little deeper while she leaned forward and planted her paws to the sheets, now almost looming over Aston’s body as she stared him down with a grin.
“Thanks for the playtime,” she said in quite the teasing tone, adding in a little growl under her breath to make the feline shiver.His erection was nearly painful at this point, firm in both amazement and arousal, especially as the hungry skunk’s gaze locked onto him.
“N…no problem,” he said with a stutter, feeling a small twitch shake one of his legs as he looked back at the girl perched on his toy. “You really are impressive.”
She chuckled at that, nodding as she crawled another small step forward, bracing herself on one paw as she lifted the other and put it right down onto Aston’s cock outline.The feline jumped and mewed at that sudden contact, both in surprise and that rush of sensation racing up his painfully hard member. His hips ground up against that paw without even thinking, his need overflowing just from that quick teasing demonstration, as that firm strain turned into electric and pleasured shocks in mere moments.
“Mmm, you feel like you enjoyed the show,” she said again, slowly rubbing her paw up and down over that outline, making Aston’s fur ruffle and his ears flick with each slow, teasing pass.
“Y…yeah..” he admitted, clearly out of his element now as the skunk girl continued to edge him. That was one of the things he was most afraid of, that he’d cum too early and ruin all the fun, and the skunk girl was making damn sure that was a real possibility.
“Well, now that I’m warmed up,” Nana said, lifting her hips up off the bed and letting that toy slip out of her open hole with a wet pop. The heavy shaft tilted to the side and fell flat on the bed with a muffled thud, bouncing once or twice before coming to rest. “I guess it’s your turn.”
With those words out of her lips, the skunk girl crawled forward until both of her paws slid up toward Aston’s waistband. Her fingers locked into the stretchy and sporty fabric, and with a few quick wiggles she yanked both his underwear and shorts down around his hips. His hard cock resisted flopping out on the first drag, instead bending down and tenting that fabric until Nana gave another set of yanks, wiggling those shorts around Aston’s ass, and finally getting them far enough for that human-like shaft to spring up into the air and slap back down against his belly.The force made Aston mew and hiss just a bit, clenching his paws at his side now that his throbbing cock was free, but Nana didn’t dive right for it.
“You see? Undies just get in the way of the action. Go without them - much better for the cameras.” She let her voice ring out with another soft giggle, and kept herself focused on pulling down Aston’s pants around his legs and feet. Once they were off his footpaws, she made a little show oftossing them aside with a gentle twirl above her head. Only then did she slide back up nice and slow, tracing her paws around the boy’s toned legs and thighs, before one set of fingers wrapped around his balls, and the other squeezed around the midsection of his shaft.
Aston let out a loud mew and groaned at the sudden contact, watching his legs shoot apart to give the girl the access she needed, while she slid up between them and took a kneeling seat in front of the feline.She gave a slow and careful stroke to that cock, as well as a slow roll of his balls in her other paw, before nodding and saying, “And you were worried about not being enough for me to handle. I’ve definitely taken smaller ones than this before!”
“T…thanks?” Aston responded as his paws clenched into the sheets at his side, causing his back to arch and lift his hips off the bed for a moment.
Nana let out a small laugh, either from Aston’s words or his tone, as another slow and careful rub slid along his shaft. “Mmm, you’re welcome! It is pretty nice. Looking forward to feeling it inside me. But first…” she said before pulling both paws away and letting the feline’s equipment drop back against his groin, “flip on your belly and hike that ass up!”
“W…what?” Aston added with a slow flick to one of his ears, and a confused tilt to his head. He wasn’t sure if he hadn’t heard her correctly through the strain of holding back, or just wasn’t expecting her to say something like that.
His response made Nana smile, placing both of her paws back on her thighs as she said, “You heard me - face down and ass up cat slut!”
Aston stared back at her for another good moment, still trying to process just what she was asking, with the sight of the older skunk coming in for a close-up making him finally snap out of it. Even still, that roll onto his belly was slow, although a smack to his soon displayed ass cheek was enough to get him up on his knees with a soft wiggle of his tail, mewing out at the tingle.“Like this?” He asked, giving his back a traditional feline arch, and letting his hips sway back and forth like he was about to pounce, feeling his balls bounce off his inner thighs as he did.
“Mmm, like a natural,” Nana responded, before laying another smack on his other cheek, but this time holding her paw there to help spread it to the side. Aston gave off a small whimper at that, feeling some cool air rushing past his now exposed pucker and taint, before a sudden blast of hot breath took its place.
The bed creaked just a bit as the skunk girl shifted forward, with her Father climbing on behind her to get an over-the-top shot of her muzzle diving in between Aston’s ass cheeks. The first contact to his rim with her soft and slick tongue made Aston gasp nice and loud, with his body arching and squirming in surprise.He pulled away in shock from that sudden warm sensation, shifting far enough forward to break contact with that tongue as a strong gasp rang out through his lips. But, Nana wasn’t about to let him escape as her other paw flew to his other hip, pulling him back against her lips, and sealing them around his young hole as that tongue probed in against it. Aston bucked again, feeling his claws extend down into the bedsheets to try and get some traction to pull, but once again Nana adjusted her grip and leaned all her force into driving that tongue through that hole, not even slowing down as Aston tightened up in reflex and tried to keep her out.
It wasn’t a hard battle as Aston soon moaned out at the tingling sensation, his ring of muscle opening up and letting the invader inside with a soft and surprised mew. Nana took that chance to really go for it, pushing pretty hard and making him clench back around the invader, reaching in a good few inches on the first go. That tongue wiggled back and forth inside of him, making the feline gasp and dance with each new twitch sent into his rear end, forcing him to arch his back and clench his eyes, all while his shaft throbbed and slapped up against his shirt and belly in a set of quick bouncing thuds.
Nana didn’t keep her tongue buried in that hole forever though.Needing a breath, she pulled back and slid out, instead letting it flow across the feline’s now extra tender pucker, only to lay a trace of her spit around the rim in a wide circle. She applied a bit more spit to her tongue before driving it up against that rim once more, pushing past the hole to deposit it inside, while a bit more leaked around the edges, slowly soaking the feline’s soft fur.
“I… fuck…” Aston cried out, certainly surprised for sure, but also not sure what to say or do at the assault.He’d been rimmed before, but this was so out of the realm of what he thought was going to happen that his mind wasn’t ready to process it right away. His head shot up, looking at the ceiling, then hung back down between his strained shoulders, with the feline breathing deep and feeling a twitch shoot through him any time that tongue pressed around his rim, which was quite often at this point.
“That’s it Babe,” came the voice of the older skunk from behind as he adjusted his viewing angle, even reaching out and holding the feline’s tail up and out of the way of the skunk girl’s hungry assault.“Really dive in there and let him have it!Just like that pitbull did to you in Florida, remember?”
Aston felt a quick nod against his cheeks as the skunk girl’s face brushed up against his fur, before another heavy assault of her tongue pushed forward, once again slathering inside and around that opening feline pucker as it relaxed from the massage.Or maybe Aston was starting to get used to the sensation, and instead of fighting it he was falling into the pleasure instead. He couldn’t deny it felt good, and as those skunk paws clenched around his hips and butt once more, he let out a huffing moan into the air, crying out as his throbbing cock leaked a steady dribble of pre down onto the bedsheets underneath him.
Nana didn’t want to leave that shaft hanging for too long, and as soon as Aston was stable and set in his position, she released one of her paws from her hips and reached around to get a grasp of it, adding in a slow stroke as her tongue continued to work behind him. It was hard for Aston not to cum earlier, but it was near impossible now, with the feline clenching his teeth hard and squeezing his eyes shut, enough to miss the older skunk getting a good reaction shot over his face as he circled around the bed during the action.
Still, Nana’s assault on his ass wasn’t the only thing she had in mind, and soon enough she slurped a little further down, tracing along his taint with heavy licks until she reached the back of his balls. That unique sensation at least took Aston’s mind off cumming for a moment, and the skunk girl’s shifting focus left her little time to get any real pumps and strokes over his cock in, designating Aston’s load as safe for now, but nevertheless right on the edge of happening.
Still, the sensation felt really good as that tongue played with those dangling orbs, pushing them back and forth, coating them with a quickly evaporating layer of spit.As she sucked one of them into her mouth and wrapped her lips around it, Aston felt that urge to cum bubble up once again, but with a quick clench of his insides he managed to hold it back, only feeling a small dribble of pre leave his cock tip and drip down onto the sheets. Nevertheless, as a little pressure was released from his growing need, he gave a steady set of whimpers and whines. Deep breaths rung out through his panting chest as the poor feline’s head dug down into the sheets, trying to hide both his pleasure and strain from everyone in the room.
It was quite the display, and the older skunk seemed happy to get a lot of footage from it, but eventually Nana pulled back with a few heavy gasps, wiping her chin off with a soft chuckle, and sliding her paw from around Aston’s cock back to his hip, giving his ass another spank in the process. “Mmm, that was fun,” she said with a few more deep breaths leaving her lips. “But now to get you ready…”
Aston didn’t have time to ask what that meant before he felt a cold squirt of lube land down between his ass cheeks. He could feel the liquid start to slide down over his hole, his taint, and then his balls, only to get pushed back up by a pair of small fingers.Aston was able to squeak out another soft mew and huff out a deeper breath before those digits reached his rim once again. Without too much fanfare, they pushed the slick glob through his pucker and deeper into his tunnel, almost falling in with ease as two, then three, then four small fingers quickly pried apart his opening in quick succession.
Aston dug his face into the bed once again, muffling a few cries and moans, as those fingers seemed to know what they were doing. They spread him out wide, pushing at his young hole’s resistance, and making his body shiver at the sensation. Still, as they continued to pump back and forth, pulling on the feline’s rim each time, a soft female voice leaned down over his hips to say, “Relax cutie, enjoy the burn. Let your body open up. It wants things inside it, I can tell. Let it do its thing and open up.”
Aston did his best to try and roll with Nana’s words, taking in a few deep breaths as she slowed her assault for a moment, only to pry her fingers apart wider when she felt she could. That got Aston groaning again, but each further stretch became easier and easier for him to handle, until the skunk girl’s digits slipped back out with a slow pop, leaving his pucker clenching at the sensation of being so empty once again.
“I think he’s ready,” Nana shouted to her Dad, who put down the camera and went to get something from the closet. In the meantime, the skunk girl slid her shirt up and off her young body, showing off her small but cute breasts, but keeping the cuffs and choker on for the moment. “Slide your shirt off Aston,” she replied with a soft tap to his butt, making the dazed feline give off a soft groan while his tail flicked around behind him. It took him a moment, but he was able to lift his upper body off the bed and wiggle himself out of his shirt, peeling out one arm at a time with a careful wiggle.
As he tossed it aside and rose up to his knees, he turned his head to look back at the skunk girl, hearing a soft rustling from behind him. His gaze was pretty much full of Nana’s fluffy tail as she had spun around, with her Father helping her with some leather straps around her hips and groin.It took a moment for Aston to realize what was going on, but when she tightened up that last bright green strap around her hip, she spun around to show off what looked like a thick pair of underwear, although having a firm leather plate up front, with a big metal ring shining bright in the lighting of the room.
“Surprise!” she shouted back with a firm thrust of her hips back and forth, even putting her paws behind her head as she let her groin take most of the focus.
“W…what’s that?” Aston asked, still catching his breath as his cock hung down against his thigh.It was still plenty hard and aroused, but happy for the little break in the action.
Nana giggled at the feline’s reaction, sliding her paws down along her chest and then to the edges of the leather around her hips. “Oh come on, gonna play dumb innocent femboy cat with me? I’m sure you know what this is!”
“I…” Aston started, having an idea, but not sure if he wanted to say anything. He was saved in his hesitation by the older skunk as he grabbed Aston’s toy from earlier and handed it to the skunk girl, causing her to spin to the side and stop her teasing glare toward the feline.
“Here you go,” he said with a chuckle, holding the camera in one paw and handing off the toy with the other. “Slide it through the ring. Maybe base-first?Not sure if the knot will fit.”
Nana’s fingers worked with her groin plate as she tried to handle the slippery toy, having it flop out of her grasp once or twice while both her and then her father tried to figure out how to secure the toy.Aston just watched in awe, half dazed and half confused. Soon he turned his body to face the pair and sat back on his knees and legs to watch the nearly comical ordeal, cracking a smile on occasion as his mind prepared for what he knew was about to happen.
After fighting with the straps and harness for a few moments, that toy was eventually secured inside, holding steady as Nana gave a little thrust to watch that shaft bounce.She giggled, reaching down a paw to give it a supporting hold and stroke, before groaning and saying, “Mmm, I see why you boys like having something like this. It’s so much fun to play with!”
Aston nodded at that as the older skunk pulled back and aimed his camera at the teasing skunk girl, watching her hips pump back and forth a few times, with her paw sliding along the toy. “Mmm, enjoying yourself?” the older skunk asked with a soft chuckle, watching the younger girl nod back with a moan.
“Mmm, should’ve tried this earlier!” she said, before turning her gaze to look at Aston. That predatory and eager smirk on her face only grew as Aston shot up to attention, squeaking out a soft mew as the feline felt a shiver race down his spine, and a nervous gulp forced some spit down his throat.
“As for you slut cat, back into position!” she called out, only for Aston to hesitate a moment, then spin around and get on all fours again. He had enjoyed the little break, but now his shaft was hardening up again as the idea got him more than a bit aroused. He shook his tightening but still slick rear end back at her, with his tail up high and his back in another trademark feline arch to really show off the goods.
“Oh, before you dive in,” the older skunk said once more, shuffling around a little as Aston turned his head around his shoulder to look.He couldn’t quite see what was happening, but something definitely popped into the skunk girl - some kind of plug or something - that left her squealing even more than the knot on that toy had earlier.A shiver shot through her as she clenched back around it, leaking off a gentle moan as it settled, before her father gave her a few taps on an ass cheek and said, “Your good luck princess plug.”
“Mmm, I’ll need it,” she added, slowly shifting forward and now crawling up toward Aston’s rear end, with the tip of that toy dragging along the sheets underneath her. She made it over to him in a few steps, giving his ass cheek one last kiss when her mouth got close enough, before placing a paw on his hip and using it to pull herself up into a seated position. With a little lift of the toy in a paw, she moved it up and over Aston’s tail base, only to release it and watch it smack down between his cheeks. The feline shot back a little mew and moaned, but those moans kept coming as she guided the toy along Aston’s ass crack with a few slow grinds. The camera caught all the teasing action, before she reached for the lube bottle once more and gave the toy a fresh coating from above, making both of them groan and shiver at the sensation.
Aston was ready for it, or at least as ready as he figured he could be. He knew that toy pretty well, but he wasn’t used to having someone else handle it. He pushed back a little bit, aiding in the female’s efforts, and soon felt those slick skunk paws once again grab him by the hips, matting his fur down where they squeezed. “Mmm, the safe word is Black Parade,” she said in quick passing, making Aston gasp and nod as that fake cock pulled back, and that tip rubbed up against his hole.
“Yes… ma’am,” Aston shot back, only to feel the skunk girl squeal at that title, giving her all the more reason to push forward and send that tip surging through Aston’s slick hole, diving into his insides with a rather rough push. Aston grunted hard and let out a hiss under his breath while that cock filled him up, almost half that shaft sliding in with little stopping it thanks to all the extra lube. It poked at Aston’s insides, making him squirm and adjust, before those skunk’s hips leaned into Aston’s ass a bit harder. With some more force, that toy found its way deeper with a gurgling push into his guts, sliding up to near the knot with a strained groan falling from the feline’s open muzzle.
Nana seemed to enjoy the force however, gasping out in surprise as that toy dove inside so ‘easily’, giving her the confidence to pull back on her hips and shove forward again, making Aston’s whole body shake with the force. “Oh wow,” she said back, holding steady for a moment and slapping Aston’s cheek, which made the huffing cat whine out with a little whimper. “This feels awesome! I feel so powerful!” she cried out, squeezing onto his hip again and pulling the cat back after his shift forward from the slap, grinding his pucker against that knot one more time. After a second to steady herself, she pulled her hips back and thrusted forward again, nearly slapping her groin against those ass cheeks, as that feline tail danced around her chest with its spastic thrashes.
“Mmmph, fuck…” Aston cried out, struggling against the strain and sensation as the skunk girl wasn’t exactly gentle.Not being able to feel her thrusts and just how heavy they were left her guessing, and with the amount of experience the skunk girl had in hard and heavy sex, her experience was definitely skewed.Aston only had a few extra rough sessions that got him gritting his teeth and holding on, but he already knew that this was going to be one of them, if not one of the hardest.
He knew things weren’t going to get much easier as his breath was knocked out of his lungs with each deep pump. He could definitely feel the burn racing from his pucker up toward his depths, with each part of that toy really ringing his fleshy tunnel, especially at the control of the energetic skunk girl behind those thrusts. However, his noises and tense position gave the older skunk an idea, and once Nana got into a good thrusting swing, he walked around to catch Aston’s strained facial expression, with Aston only seeing him after a few moments and shooting back a somewhat embarrassed mew.
“Mmmph, take it you little kitten bitch!” Nana cried out, before trying hard to muffle a giggle at those words… and failing. A slight giggle turned into a full on laugh as she had to slow her thrusts to get herself under control, leaning up against Aston’s cheeks and over his spine as she got it all out of her system. She added a smack to Aston’s ass cheek once she was able to grit her teeth and get back into the mood, and she made up for the little break with a few faster and firmer thrusts into his ass soon after. Aston squirmed and squealed, leaning his cheek down against the bed to further hide his face, although that camera always seemed to catch him. Each time he looked up it was right in his face, capturing all the feline’s whines and huffs as they filled the room.
The burn in his tail and passage was pretty intense, but slowly it faded off into the background, with the skunk girl getting a little more steady in her thrusts, and Aston’s deeper insides opening up to the pummeling of that toy.Despite Nana taking it like it was nothing, it was certainly something to the feline, still causing him to hiss and huff whenever that tip hit him wrong, but he was a trooper and held on, even as his hardening cock once again slapped up against his belly.
It was rough, it hurt a bit, but Aston couldn’t deny that he enjoyed the action. Hearing the girl’s heavy breaths behind him as she worked, the slap of her hips against his ass, and even seeing that camera out of the corner of his eye a few times really got him excited, with the feline doing his best to put on a good show, knowing this video will get seen by many more people than his own ever had before. At least he hoped it was all for a good cause as the skunk girl shifted behind him, climbing up and over his frame to lean her body down against the cat’s spine.
“Mmmph, enjoying yourself slut cat?” she called out, planting one paw down at the feline’s shoulder, before leaning her groin over his hips and lower back.She used her free paw to grasp the feline’s cheek, wrapping a few digits around his chin, and then probing a few of her fingers past his lips, hooking his inner cheek to make the feline mumble and drool out his response.
“Good boy!” she called out with a grin and grunt in his ear. “And you thought you’d be worthless to me… I knew you and your tiny penis would have a use!”
Those words made Aston shiver and whine, but he couldn’t deny it made his cock jump as well, even if Nana had to hold back another giggle attack after they left her lips.He’d never really had a partner who spoke to him like that before, and even if he knew it was mostly an act by the skunk girl, he couldn’t help but admit he liked it.It made him squirm and squeeze back around that toy once again, although in this new position it was a bit harder for the skunk girl to get some good thrusts in, resorting to mostly grinding and working those final few inches of shaft back and forth instead of going for all out thrusts.
“Mmm, does the good kitty want to take my knot?” she asked out of the blue, letting go of Aston’s drooling chin and bracing herself with that paw against the bed, relieving some of the strain from her other arm.
“I… mmmph… I’ll try..” Aston cried back, feeling the burn in his tail pick up again at that thought.He knew he couldn’t say no, and he really didn’t want to disappoint the skunk girl, her Dad, or the viewers, but he also knew that he’d had no luck making it fit on his own.Still, with those small breasts grinding against his shoulder blades, and one of the skunk girl’s paws sliding around his chest, then his belly, and reaching down to give his straining cock a firm squeeze, Aston had little room to back out now. He used that attention to his cock to rock his hips, pressing back against that knot and feeling the strain and burn once again race all over his backside, but now the skunk girl was helping him push as well, matching his force with some of her own.It made the feline whimper and whine, having to pull forward and away from the pressure a few times, but the skunk girl was firm in holding the feline in place, making sure he was never far from another attempt.
“Mmm, come on, you can do it,” she called out, losing that edge from her voice she had before, and almost putting on a cheerleader tone instead.Another grind, another whine from the feline boy as the strain and burn built, only for him to have to squirm away again.Then another push, and another failure.He was just about to tap out as his tail end had enough, tears forming in the corner of his eyes from the strain, before one last push forced that knot to pop inside with a sudden surge, straining the boy to a heavy squeal and hiss, and making the skunk girl’s paw squeeze his cock in firm success.
“Yes, there we go!” she cried out, pushing hard to make sure he couldn’t force that knot back out with his spasms and squeezes after.“Good boy!” she called back out, adding some heavy pressure from her hips against his rear, and some serious pumps over his cock to try and relax him.Of course that was easier said than done as Aston felt the burn, both at his pucker and deep inside his guts, desperately telling him to pull that toy out.But, the pumps over his cock were a rather nice way to get his mind off the strain, and soon enough the girl brought up her other arm to wrap around his chest, squeezing them tight together as the feline let a few pathetic mews and deep gasps leave his lips in the process.
He figured she would try and get him off like that, and with the rate her paw was going it wouldn’t take long, but she had one more surprise in store for him.With a slow pull up and back, she lifted the feline’s frame up into the air, bracing it against her own chest as she carried him along. His front paws left the bed as he pivoted on his knees, groaning softly at the pressure that put on his knotted tail hole, but doing his best to keep the strain as manageable as possible.
His shoulder blades ground into a small set of breasts as that arm squeezed tight around his chest, leaving the feline supported by the skunk girl’s frame as he let out a few deep breaths. The knot was still stuck inside, they both made sure of that, but now the skunk girl’s paw was free to pump along the feline’s member out in the open, stroking all that much harder while as the older skunk came in for a few more close-ups of the feline from the front. Aston’s panting face, strained body features, and slowly twitching legs and thighs showed off just how hard he’d been pushed and just how close he was to cumming, and it only took another whisper in his ear for the feline to whine and let loose.
“Come for me, pretty boy,” came the words building from Nana’s slow breaths into his ear, making Aston arch his back one last time and squeeze hard around that knot inside him. His orgasm raced through his body, no strain able to hold that back anymore, as jolts of cum flew out of his cock and across the bed in long airborn ropes. They landed in a spread pattern, streaks painting the bed, with the skunk girl squealing in joy as she helped aim them back and forth. At some point during the feline’s clenches and shakes, that knot was also forced out of his hole, popping back through as those solid clenches rippled through his body. He gasped as that big bulb left him all of a sudden, but it was lost between his other squeals and heavy whines, with the feline soon slumping in the girl’s grasp as his orgasm turned into a steady trickle, with just a few more residual tingles shooting through his spent body.
“Such a good boy!” the skunk girl cried out, squeezing around his chest as her paw slowly milked out the rest of the feline’s orgasm with a few slow clenches and strokes. “Such a good boy,” she repeated nuzzling into the back of his head and giving his cock one final pass before letting it droop from its own weight. She pulled that paw up further, with both now supporting and rubbing his chest, as Aston felt a small purr building underneath his deep breaths. That made Nana smile and giggle again against the side of his head, giving her hips a few slow pulls back and forth just to tease the feline with the toy’s shaft, before saying, “Awww, you’re so cute! I wish all guys purred when they came!”
That made Aston’s fur fluff as he tried to hide his cheek in his shoulder, but there was no hiding when that older skunk was on the case, making sure the whole internet could see his reaction. Aston tried to smile at the camera after realizing he couldn’t hide, not really having anything to say, but letting his purr and a soft mew ring from his muzzle as the skunk’s paws continued to make a mess of his chest fur.
It was a nice moment, and Aston wished it would have lasted a lot longer, but Nana needed a break herself. The skunk’s paws slid back down toward his hips and pushed the cat forward as she pulled back, slowly slipping that toy out of his now open hole. Aston fell back down onto all fours as the older skunk shifted behind him, focusing the camera to catch the moment and sloppy noise all together.
“Mmm, look what you did Hon!” the older skunk said with a pat to Nana’s head as that toy tip bounced only slightly behind that gaping hole, which Aston gave a few soft winks too all the while.
“It’s beautiful,” she added, reaching down and spreading open those cheeks to show off her hard work, before adding one final slap to Aston’s rear to make him jump one last time.
“It certainly is,” the older skunk agreed, although his tone seemed a little more genuine than reactionary, causing Nana to look up at him with a tilt to her head.
“You wanna try?” she asked, pulling back with a shuffle on her knees as Aston’s ears perked up those words.
The curious feline flicked them back to aim behind him as the feline’s deep breath caught in his throat, hearing a long pause before the older voice said, “I do actually, yeah.”
An excited skunk squeal rang in the air as Nana slipped off the bed and a heavier weight got on, leaning Aston back toward the indentation.
“Woo, Daddy’s gonna breed another boy!” she cried out, now grabbing the camera as the older skunk unzipped his pants and slid them down to his knees. He wore no underwear just like his daughter, causing his free erection to slap against the feline’s open and slick pucker as he lined himself up with that crater.“Another video for the secret channel!”
Aston gave off a small mewing squeak as he felt that cock line up, with that thick head prodding at his still winking and sore pucker. But, with the amount of slickness he had leaking out of it, it only took a simple push forward for the skunk male to sink in, diving in deep into the well fucked feline as both males gave off a heavy groan.
“Mmmph, you lucky kitty!” the skunk girl shouted back, before sliding around to the feline’s side so he could get a look at her holding onto the camera and aiming it at the both of them. “Daddy doesn’t fuck many boys.”
“He’s… a cute one…” the older skunk grunted back, his paws holding onto Aston’s hips while that shaft slid through him with a few sloppy and slimy noises, matching his daughter’s fervor in his thrusts. “Takes it really well too… you put on a good show.”
“Mmm, and so are you!” Nana added, sliding up onto the bed once more and kneeling on the edge, with Aston’s toy nearly grinding against his leg as she leaned in for a few more closer shots of his rear end.
“Mmm, thanks Babe,” he called back through his heavy huffs, closing his eyes and smacking his hips against that small feline rear with little restraint in them. “Not gonna last long… was rubbing myself during the whole shoot.”
“Just a little more Daddy,” Nana called out, now causing him to have to hold back and slow his thrusts a bit, while the feline took that big shaft surprisingly well. It was big, but it was still smaller than his toy, and especially smaller than that knot. The human-like shaft was smooth and sleek inside him, pumping away into the areas that Aston had already abused and stretched out. The slick sounds of a wet hole slopping and popping rang around the room with each thrust, countered by both male’s heavy breathing and groaning, making quite the nice soundtrack to the expansive filling.
Aston, feeling a little comfortable and confident now that this cock wasn’t making him strain on each thrust, even pushed back against those slowing pumps as the feline’s soft moans and even purrs soon added to the soundscape. Aston dug his paws into the bedsheets once more, not quite gripping them with his claws, but giving his hips enough energy back into those pumps to make the skunk groan with some strain, a little payback for his daughter pushing him further than he thought he could go. Still, the skunk didn’t last much longer as it seemed he was telling the truth. He struggled for a few more moments, trying to get enough footage to make a reasonable video, before finally leaning into a hot and heavy set of slaps.Balls bounced off balls, leaving Aston squealing as the skunk grunted in heavy breaths above him, before finally shoving in deep and holding there as his seed spilled into the underaged cat boy below.
“Mmmph, go Daddy go!” Nana cried out with another joyful chuckle, holding that camera close and catching her Dad’s cumming face, before sliding down to see Aston’s eyes closed and the boy moaning.The feline opened his eyes as he sensed Nana in front of him, throwing out a soft smile and lifting up a paw into a peace sign, getting Nana to chuckle yet again. “Aston you slut!” she cried out, before pulling the camera to the side and leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips, capturing it all for the world to see. Aston’s ears flicked back at that, surprised at the sudden assault, but as the skunk behind him gathered himself up, Nana’s attention was once again needed behind him. So, as quick as that kiss came, it left, leaving Aston’s muzzle open and panting as the skunk girl scampered behind him to capture that pullout.
It was worth the effort though as that cock slipped out of the young boy with a wet slurp, along with a slow dribble of white cream. Aston’s cheeks were spread open by the older skunk’s paws, leaving the feline boy mewing and moaning as the camera got every drippy detail of that lube and cum mixture dripping down his taint and balls. He arched his back and purred, acting a bit himself now as both sets of eyes behind him looked on, but soon chuckling as he let his frame droop, tired enough to just flop flat on the bed and hide his re-growing erection after the fast and furious fuck.
As the two skunks slid off and mumbled some words to one another, Aston decided not to bother figuring out what they were saying. Instead, he laid out flat on the bed, gathering up his breath, while his mind caught up with what just happened. He didn’t care that he was laying over his own cummy streaks. His fur would need a washing anyway before he made it home, and he was sure Nana wouldn’t mind him hopping in the shower quick. Right now that burn in his tail was one of the things he just wanted to relax and let fade, with the rest of his senses going a little dim and out of reach, at least until a small skunk paw grabbed onto his shoulder and tried to roll him onto his back.
Aston resisted for a moment, but with another yank he found his shoulder up and off the bed, so it didn’t take much more to roll onto his back. Aston let out another huff as he did, with his cock actually having grown a bit during his relaxation (the feel of cum leaking down his taint and balls tingled his mind in just the right way). His shaft flopped against his thigh and then onto his belly, catching the skunk girl’s attention as she hopped up onto the bed along his side. He was kind of hoping she’d come down and cuddle for a moment, with the tired feline eager for a little nap if he could swing it, but when she caught sight of his cock once again, Nana just giggled and sent a paw down to squeeze it, making the feline groan in soreness.
“Still not done, huh?” she teased, making Aston squirm as another pump slipped down his shaft.
“I wouldn’t mind a break…” he added with a deep breath, although his hips seemingly couldn’t resist the skunk girl’s touches, and his body gave a soft thrust up into the attention instead of staying flat.
“Mmm, you did a good job,” she replied, nodding and soon straddling Aston’s belly, pushing that cock tip up against her own slick pucker. “You’ll definitely be a star someday.”
“You think so?” Aston shot back with a groan as his tip and shaft entered that warm hole, certainly not a tight squeeze by any means, but the caress of that warm and slick flesh around his member was just what he needed, feeling her envelope him like a warm glove. He groaned back as she landed in his lap, the skunk girl putting her paws back onto his chest and rocking her hips slow and steady, her legs also a little tired from doing all the work earlier.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” she answered, seemingly not phased by that cock inside her as she didn’t miss a beat during her bounces. “As long as you keep it up.”
“Can we play again… another time?” Aston asked, now groaning and feeling his hips thrust up to match her bounces, with his paws even sliding up to hold onto her hips as he helped her work.
“When we’re back around this way, sure!” Nana said with an eager chuckle, making Aston’s chest burn with some pride and happiness. That’s all he wanted to hear as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, not even caring that the older skunk picked up the camera once again. Aston didn’t want to act, he didn’t want to perform, he just wanted to hold onto the skunk girl and let her bounce on him, with his thrusts pushing her back up. She felt so good inside, and it was just what his already sore cock needed, just a bit more sensation to get back up and over the edge. He didn’t feel the need to hold back or show off. This was his reward for enduring what he had today.
All it took was a few more moments of slow and steady riding, with some gentle bouncing and squeezing around his chest and cock, before Aston was huffing and on the edge once again. He didn’t make a big show of it, instead just squeaking out a quick, “I’m cumming,” at the skunk girl, who was also lost in her own little world of gentle and casual sex. It made her push a bit faster and harder, her insides clenching just a bit more around the deep breathing feline, before he let loose anything he hadn’t given her earlier.
It probably wasn’t all that impressive as the skunk girl had milked him pretty dry, but it was the feeling more than anything that left Aston smiling and purring once more. Before Nana could squirm away again, he slid his paws up toward her sides and then her shoulders, pulling her down until her chest lay against his.From there he let his purr ring through her, nuzzling up against the side of her head, and even throwing a little kiss against a cheek before laying his head back with one last big huff.
Nana played along, giggling with whatever Aston did to her, before returning the kiss to his cheek, then his lips for a quick moment, before pulling back with a soft breath.“You are a cuddly thing, aren’t ya?” she teased back with a gentle giggle.
“Mmm, I’m just… happy you invited me,” Aston said in a dreamy voice, his dopey smile causing Nana to squeal once more as she pulled up to look into his eyes.
“You are just so fuckin’ cute!” she spat back, with that curse word getting a little growl under her breath for emphasis, making Aston chuckle back before another kiss landed on his lips. This one was a bit longer than most, with a little tongue shooting back and forth between them, but Nana did pull back eventually with a deep breath, giving one more bounce on Aston’s shrinking cock before slipping off to the side, forcing his cock out of her with a wet slurp.
“Mmm, it’s getting late though,” Nana said to break the silence at first. “Don’t you have to be home soon?”
Aston lifted his head off the bed and looked over to any clock display he could see, giving off a firm groan at the time as pushed his elbows down and lifted his back off the sticky mattress, feeling a few bits of fur still trying to cling to the soiled sheets. “Mmmph, yeah… I need a quick shower though if that’s okay.”
“Got anything left for a quick shower scene?” Nana teased, and although Aston considered it, he shook his head as he slid his feet off the edge of the bed and stood back onto wobbly legs.
“I don’t think so… sorry,” he said back to counter her teasing, leaving her giggling as he stumbled his way toward the bathroom.
As Aston got out and was toweling himself off, he was greeted with Nana holding up his clothes and his bookbag, with his toy stuffed back inside. “I washed your toy for you in the kitchen sink - it should be good to go.”
“Thanks,” Aston said with a smile as he handed her the towel and took his clothes, sliding them on with just a hint of feline tease back at the skunk girl, who watched him closely the entire time. After slipping on his backpack, and brushing his hair out of his eyes, he reacted just in time to the skunk girl diving in for another kiss to his lips with a soft gasp and mew, muffled by her for another quick moment, before she pulled away.
“You were awesome,” she started with a smile.“I had so much fun!”
“Same,” Aston shot back, not really sure what to add.
“I’ll message you the details about when your video will get edited and posted, and send you links to all the secret stuff,” she continued with a happy bubbling tone, having gotten a little rest while Aston showered to recover some energy.
“Awesome, I can’t wait,” Aston replied with a nod to his head.
“It’s gonna be big, I can feel it!” Nana squealed back with a happy bounce from foot to foot. “Unique content like this doesn’t happen often, and even if it’s not someone’s exact fetish they like, uniqueness sells really good! Everyone’s too interested not to buy it!”
“And I get my cut, right?” Aston teased, kicking out his hip and letting his tail sway behind him.
“Sure, we can set something up,” she blurted out. “We can discuss percentages and stuff later.”
“Just let me know when you’re back in town,” Aston shot back pretty smoothly.“How’s that for a deal?”
“Deal!” Nana said with one final giggle as she wrapped her paws around Aston’s neck and gave him a hug. “Now, don’t be late getting home. Wouldn’t want you getting in trouble,” she teased.
Aston nodded, feeling her pulling away from his frame, and then lifting a paw to give a wave to the older skunk changing the sheets on the bed. He gave Nana one final smile before turning and heading down those tight stairs out of the RV. His body was still tingling, and his mind was still catching up with everything that had happened, but there was a warm glow still throbbing in his chest.
‘I can be a star…’ she said!

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 10

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot

Chapter 10

No one decided to take things any further than they had already. Jason played the game for a while before getting frustrated and handing the controller off, only for it to make the rounds with the group. It ended up with Aston getting it after everyone else had their try, but just when he was about to show them all how it was done, Shane’s parents texted him to come home for dinner. With one person leaving, everyone else rode the momentum and left in one big wave as well. As Aston waved the group off, he still had a smile on his face… only to let out a small groan as he realized that hadn’t set up a camera to catch the action. Although, a secret bit of recording didn’t exactly work with Rex the first time… or had it?
Nevertheless, even though he didn’t have a video to back it up, Aston typed out a good recap of what happened to post as a journal on Kinkykub. He kept it mostly accurate, although he did embellish a few things here and there, like his oral proficiency and just how hung his friends were. Still, he awoke the next day to quite a few comments, and he enjoyed another burst of action after a bit of an absence, which the feline quickly absorbed and responded to.
He took another day off just to let his body recover, but after that it was finally toy time. Not distracted by anyone or anything this time, he hopped on Boyzclub and did his best to give the people a show. However, it didn’t go as well as it had the first time with Etis honestly. The feline was a little more focused on his task of knotting that big boy rather than being as showy as he should’ve been, so the ‘action’ suffered as a result, but he did make a few good attempts to take that toy thanks to the persuasion from his viewers. Still though, that toy defeated him yet again, and he tapped out without feeling that knot pop inside him.
A few more days and Aston was back into the swing of things, uploading the occasional solo video, but wondering just what he’d do for his next exciting adventure. Interest was starting to wane on his solo stuff, as it usually did between his big planned videos, so Aston was quick to dive into his PMs and see if anyone was available. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t seem like it was in the cards for anyone at the moment, with a few getting back to him and saying ‘sometime soon hopefully’ at best. It left Aston a little nervous that he’d lose the momentum he had, but Aston tried not to worry about that too much. Attention was addictive for sure, but he wanted to have fun as well. Still, fate had a funny way of showing up just when he needed it.
It was a pretty normal day at school, with Aston kind of catching back up on topics he’d been slacking on to make some videos, when someone unfamiliar ended up leaning against his locker during a class break. Aston heard the metal rattle as he was busy picking out the right notebook, and he looked up to see an older crow looking down at him, one of the upperclassmen that shared the combined middle and high school. He looked a little nervous as his feathers fluffed out, and his beak gave a small chatter, yet his eyes were looking directly at Aston, only to shoot away once Aston looked back. The crow took a quick glance around, as if to see if anyone was listening in, before he aimed his gaze back down at the feline and said, “Hey, you’re Aston, right?”
“Yeah,” Aston said with a slow and careful reply, tilting his head to the crow’s question, and feeling his ears flick in curiosity.
“Cool,” he shot back, almost eager to end it there as his feathers gave another rustle. But, before the awkwardness could really settle in, the crow gave off a throaty avian noise as if he was clearing it, before leaning in closer to say, “You post those naughty videos online, right?”
That made Aston’s tail stick up straight and his ears flick back, forcing the breath to catch in his throat with a sudden surge. But, after remembering to breathe, it was the feline who now looked around to see if anyone was listening in, before nodding with a reply. “Y…yeah.”
“Cool,” the crow said back, looking a little uncomfortable and awkward yet again. “They’re… pretty good. A friend showed me a few.”
“A… friend?” Aston added, now closing his locker and leaning up against it, feeling that nervous tingle shooting up his spine from where this was going.
“A school friend,” the crow added, trying not to sound shady, but also not doing a very good job at it. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone else, I promise.”
“How many people already know?” Aston responded after a moment, feeling his fingers and toes tingling as his nerves fired off at the news. His mind ramped up as it tried to think of anyone that might know, besides Rex and Keto, that he made videos. It wouldn’t be like Rex to go blabbing about that sort of thing, and Keto was probably on the same page, so he was pretty sure that someone must have found them by searching. The fact that they knew, or at least thought it was him and not any other house cat, made him both nervous and a little excited. He wasn’t overly popular at school, but he wasn’t a shadow either. Lots of people at least knew of him, so it really could be anyone. And it seemed that the news was spreading by the second.
“I dunno,” the crow continued with a soft and honest shrug. “But, um… I’d like to play with you… if that’s cool. If not, that’s cool too. But… I’ve been kind of curious, and… well…”
Aston could see the crow visibly squirming as the words dropped out of his beak, with the feline taking a second to process all this new information. There they both stood in that awkward silence, brains both firing off with uncertain thoughts and urges to just turn and run, before Aston gave off a small sigh to calm his nerves. “Sure,” he shot back with a gentle nod. Then, after taking a deep breath, he added in, “We could even make it into another video if you want. I’ve been meaning to upload something new.”
“Yeah, maybe,” the avian said with a weak smile spreading across his face. “Mind if I get your number so we can talk more?”
“Sure,” Aston agreed as he pulled out his phone, checking the time and seeing it was close to the bell ringing anyway. “What’s your name and number?”
“The name’s Green,” the crow said with another quick chirp ringing out through his voice, and once his number was in Aston’s phone, Aston sent him a text so he could save Aston’s number into his.
“Hit me up,” Aston said with a nervous smile, before walking away toward his next class, still breathing deep. The realization that other students were now watching his videos was kind of thrilling, but also terrifying, as he knew that one wrong slip would get him in a lot of trouble. All throughout the rest of the day he thought about what to do. He flopped back and forth between the desire to delete all his profiles, or, on the other hand, go crazy and post the links all over school so that everyone could follow him, while still floating over every option in between. All that thinking and fantasizing solved nothing as he was no closer to an answer by the time Green’s first real text flashed through his phone, interrupting his busy mind while on his walk home.
“Sorry for being so nervous, but I’ve never done that before. You are pretty sexy though, and you really look like you know what you’re doing in your videos, so I thought you’d be a good one to lose my virginity to.”
Aston had to take a moment to digest that as well, not sure whether it was a creepy way to come on or not. But, in the end, his fingers ended up typing out a solid response.
“Well, I’m honored to be your first. And yeah, I’ve done some stuff. Please keep it all quiet though. I really don’t need anyone important finding out about it. I could get in SO much trouble. If you agree to that, then we can play.”
He got a text shot back almost instantly as his phone buzzed again.
“Yeah, of course, no problem! I get it! Just between us.” Then, after a small pause, another message came through. “So, how do we do this?”
Aston chuckled at that, feeling the avian’s nervousness over his text, which let the feline actually relax a bit.. He was the grizzled old veteran it seemed, and with a bit of confidence he typed back, “Well, today is a little sudden, but tomorrow we could head to my place after school. My parents don’t get home until late, so we’ll have enough time to do whatever.”
“Where do you live?”
Aston shot back his street and general area, before getting another quick response back. “Darn, I live the other way entirely. And I can’t take too long getting home or my parents will say something.”
“Just say you’re hanging out with a friend.”
“Not that easy unfortunately.”
“Well then, I can come over to your place I guess.”
“Not gonna happen. My uncle lives with us and is always home.”
Aston gave out a little grumble as he flopped onto his bed once he got home, thinking for a moment, before typing back, “I dunno then. You’re not giving me too many options.”
“How about that small park off Wooly Street?” came a rather strange response, leaving Aston’s breath catching in his throat again as he read it over a few times.
“Like… in public?” Aston typed back, ready to veto the idea right away, but he stopped himself to let his brain think about it, actually finding it a bit arousing. He’d seen videos like that around the internet - of people having sex in places that other people could catch them. It would be a thrilling rush, and with Aston fresh off ‘fantasizing’ about being known as a slut by the whole school, it was making his desire grow even more to think that it could actually happen.
“Yeah. I used to play there all the time. There are some hidden spots by the creek. Some guys go there to drink or whatever at night, but I think we could steal a spot after school before anyone gets there. Really dense woods should hide us, and it’s pretty close to my house, so I can run home after.”
Aston had to admit that a change of scenery from that motel room and his own room would be good for sure. That was definitely one way his videos were getting a bit stale. Still though, it’d be a risk, especially in the daylight. But, Aston couldn’t shake the thrill of trying something new, and having an exciting video to upload shortly after. “Alright, we can try it. Tomorrow after school then?”
“Yes, sounds good!”
“You looking to do anything special? I’ll be ready to take you if you just want to do something quick.”
“Quick is good,” the avian shot back, leaving Aston about to drop the conversation and pull out his books for a little homework, before he got another sudden reply. “You have pretty nice footpaws too. I wouldn’t mind playing with those.”
That text made Aston stare at it for a few moments, certainly not expecting to read that. He’d gotten a few requests for pictures of his feet, and even a request or two while streaming to show them off… which he did as he liked keeping his audience happy, but he didn’t think much of it with all the other odd requests floating around. He knew people liked that sort of thing, but it never really got him excited exactly. Still, it seemed easy enough, so Aston found himself typing back, “Sure, I’ll give it a shot. What do you mean by playing exactly?”
“You know… rubbing, stroking, sniffing… maybe you could give me a footjob or something? I dunno, I guess we’ll see.”
Aston tried not to think too hard on the subject, not sure where those thoughts would get him. He was no stranger to trying new things after all, and this seemed harmless enough, so he figured he’d stay positive for now. “Sure, I guess we will see. Let’s meet up at the end of school and we can walk over.”
“Awesome, I can’t wait!” Green sent back, and with that Aston put his phone down and let out a heavy sigh. He had so much to think about, ranging from who might know about his illegal actions at school, to what about his footpaws made people like them. A few internet searches might be in order on that last one, as it was certainly something he could sink his teeth into. But, once again, few actual answers came to him in his deep thoughts. After a while of going nowhere, he rolled back over on his bed and stared at the book waiting for him, with those math problems trying to push him away. He shook all his dirty thoughts out of his head with a big sigh, and groaned as he reached for a pencil to start working on his homework. He’d have to wait until tomorrow to hopefully get a few answers.
School flew by the next day, with a few quick messages from the crow confirming that they were still on for their little adventure. Aston hesitated to really commit, with his rational mind starting to kick in and say that this was a bad idea, but he had prepared that morning before school, so he figured it was now or never. He met Green right where he said he’d be waiting at the end of school to start their walk over, with both being somewhat quiet on the way. It was clear that Green was nervous as his feathers were fluffed quite a bit, and the chattering of his beak only grew whenever he tried to say something. Aston wasn’t exactly confident in himself either, trying to put on a brave face, but knowing that his ears and tail betrayed him with their sharp sways and twitches. He kept his senses on full alert, taking stock of how many people were out, what they were doing, and just how busy traffic was this way, running the odds in his head of being found out. Yet, after ten minutes of walking, that park came into view, with both boys darting across the street and trying to look casual as they passed by the old and nearly overgrown sign giving the small plot of land a name.
“Alright, back here,” Green said as he stepped off the path and down toward the creek running through the middle of the park. He had to push past some slightly worn down shrubs to make it to the bank, but there was some semblance of a path there. Aston followed, and after a short excursion up and along the creek edge, Green turned and headed back into the woods, coming to a small clearing deep in the brush.
It was obvious that some older boys had made this into a hangout spot. There were beer cans and various other bits of trash scattered about, as well as a few fallen trees that were rolled into a somewhat circle around the clearing. An old and beat down foldable chair was just barely hanging on as well, and in the middle of everything was a small rock-ringed circle, having some ash and a half-burnt tree branch lingering inside. It was hard to say when the last people had hung out at this space, but it didn’t seem like the kind of place that anyone came to during the day. The road wasn’t far away, with the sounds of cars rolling by still rumbling through the trees, but the foliage was dense enough to block anything visual from coming through. It would be risky for sure, and Aston felt a little tingle shoot down his spine as he considered it. “You sure no one will come around here until later?”
“Yeah,” Green said, sliding off his backpack and sitting down onto one of the logs, with his tail feathers fanning out and lifting up to stay off the dirt around him. “People don’t usually show up until dark. I can hear them from my house, although I can only see them when they light a fire, which isn’t often. It usually gets the crowd busted,” he added with a soft smile.
“Guess we should be good then,” Aston continued with a nervous chuckle, sliding off his backpack and taking a seat not far away from the bird. “So, since you don’t have much time, what do you want to do first?”
“I want to see your paws,” Green shot out with a nervous chuckle, making Aston jump at the sudden certainty in his voice, but also smile at his eagerness.
“Well, okay,” Aston agreed, before turning and leaning back on that log. He reached down to his sides and dug his claws into the bark of the tree, pulling and wiggling himself into position, so that he was right in line with the bird. Using his natural feline balance, he lifted his foot paws off the top of the tree and into the air. He gave a small clench to each one, showing off the pads on his feet, and the claws hanging out at the tips of his toes. He smirked as the avian watched mesmerized, wiggling in his seat as the bird’s breath caught in his throat. Aston gave a few more teasing clenches and soft kicks, only to release his hold on the tree beneath him and send his paws up to hold onto his legs. He squeezed one paw underneath each knee, giving another teasing clench of his toes together, amazed that it was working so well on the bird. “Sorry if they’re a little dirty from the walk.”
“All the better,” Green shot back, before hesitating another long moment, still staring at those upturned feet. However, the hesitation broke soon enough as his arms shot forward to grab onto the top of one of those paws, pulling it up toward his face and leaning forward at the same time. With a surprised squeak, the feline had those soft pads grinding against the bird’s smooth beak, giving Aston an interesting sensation to say the least. It forced out a little mew and squeal from his throat as the feline’s body wiggled on the log. He was still able to keep his balance, but he felt a strong shiver shoot through him with the first few rubs.
“You… like them?” was all Aston could really say, a bit out of his element now. But, Green didn’t have to say anything back to get his point across. Aston watched the bird relax as he nuzzled into those soft pads, cradling the top of his foot with his fingers, and the bottom with his beak and downy cheeks. “What got you into paws?” Aston added in to help break up that soft moaning silence from the avian.
“Mmm, just saw a few videos and pictures online,” was all Green eventually spit out, nodding and taking in a few breaths as he closed his eyes, only to give his fingers a few squeezes around the top of that foot. He dragged those digits up and over Aston’s ankle, sliding up his shin and calf, before tracing back down once he got to the knee, seeming to be in some kind of zone at the moment. After a few rubs and passes, the avian pulled his beak back a few inches, just enough to softly chirp out, “Just… I dunno… I found that I really liked how they looked, and probably how they felt. I guess having rough feet of my own, I tend to like mammal paws. Very soft, and yours are really nice. I can feel the power in them, and just how ready they are to strike. You play on the soccer team, right?”
“Yeah,” Aston added with a slight nod, shifting and almost giggling as a few hot breaths rained down against his sensitive pads. A little twitch tapped one of his toe claws against the bird’s beak, but he didn’t seem to mind. “They get a lot of use I guess.”
Aston wasn’t sure if that was sexy to say in the situation, but it made the crow squawk out a bit more with a nod, lost in that sensation as that paw pressed back down over his beak. But, before long, his arm shot down to grab the other foot paw as well. He carried it up with a slow and gentle caress, before shifting his beak out of the first paw and sliding it between the pair instead. Once again, the tickling of that hot breath made Aston squirm and nearly giggle once more, but he was able to hold it back and shoot off a soft moan instead, as the attention really did feel good. He lowered his arms away from his legs as the avian had them supported well enough, and he dug his claws into the bark of the tree, getting a nice and firm support so he could start rubbing those paws back and forth in slow motions. “I… I did get ready before school for other things too… when you’re ready. Should be good to go.”
That got a nod from the avian, although it was more absent-minded than anything concrete. Still, with Aston’s paws starting to move on their own, Green let one of his hands drop to his groin, unzipping the fly to his pants, before he reached inside. After a little fishing, Green had what he wanted in his grasp. He pulled it out to reveal that pretty thick and uncut human-like cock to the open air, mostly hard now, and falling against his thigh under its own weight as those avian fingers let it drop. Aston tried to peek around his hip to get a good view, but the bird’s fingers and arm kept it hidden for the moment.
“Nice,” Aston said with a smile on his face, even if he’d only caught a quick glance at that member. But, as the bird’s fingers slid out of the way and back up to caress one of Aston’s foot paws, it was revealed to him in all its glory. Aston took a moment to scan it over, before shooting back a quick mew and purr, watching that member bounce and throb on the avian’s thigh with each rub of those foot paws against his beak. “Quite big… for a bird.”
“Haven’t gotten to use it… yet,” Green replied, his words muffled a bit by Aston’s paws, but only for a bit longer before he pulled them both away and got a few deep breaths of air. “You’ll be the first.”
“I’m happy to hep,” Aston said with a soft mew leaving his throat at the same time, smiling up at the clearly excited avian, while his feet gave another small clench. A quick tingle crept through them as they were left untouched, simply hanging in the air for a moment. But, that didn’t last long as the avian helped to drag them down toward his groin, softly placing one on each side of his cock, and letting Aston figure out the rest. It didn’t take the feline much thought to push them together, now sandwiching that cock in between them, although having to slide back a bit on the rough log to leave his knees bent at a decent angle.
Green let out a hot moan and shiver, as well as a fluff to his feathers at first contact, and Aston could certainly feel his member spring up at his touch. It twitched even more as the feline got to work, sliding his paws up that shaft along with the skin around the member, and working back down with a gentle pull, not wanting to hurt the avian if he went too fast or far. The reality was far from it though. As if by some stroke of luck, Aston seemed to be a natural, or maybe Green just wasn’t that picky if Aston really was his first. The bird’s feathers ruffled in a few heavy moans, and he leaned his head back with a heavy enjoying shiver as Aston’s fancy footwork continued.
Aston had certainly pleasured a few cocks in his time, although none uncut and human-like such as this one. Nevertheless, Aston’s soles and toes seemed to know what to do, giving the avian the exact stimulation he needed with those gentle squeezes and pumps. Soft moans fell out of the avian beak, and Aston could even feel a dribble of pre leaking out the top, soon smearing between the soles of his feet as Aston kept the pumps going. He picked up the pace a bit, seeing just how far he could take it until either he or the avian tapped out. However, it seemed like Green craved even more, humping his hips up into those paws to make the sensation that much more explosive for him.
Still, the angle was a little awkward for Aston, and after a few moments he had to pull his paws back and let them rest on the ground, catching his breath and shaking off some of the strain in his knees and hips. Green gave him a curious look at first, before his pleasure-soaked brain got the hint with a small jolt. “Hold on, let me…” he started, before finishing off the rest just by doing it. He slid himself off the edge of the log, and then made quick work of his shorts and underwear, pushing them down past his knees with a wiggle. Once he was free, he fell forward, kneeling on the ground in front of the log, and let his erection bob and bounce under its own weight. Aston got the hint as well, and he slid back up into a seated position. He lifted his feet up after he’d gotten settled and placed one firm footpaw back onto that cock, now at a more comfortable angle for him.
“Better?” Green asked with a smile and another huff as Aston’s toes split that cock, with his sole caressing that sensitive tip, and the digits rubbing at the sides.
“Better,” Aston agreed with a smile, feeling even more pre leak out onto his paw pads in the process, making them a little slicker and easier to move along that cock.
“Mmmph, good,” Green replied with a deep breath. “Can you get your cock out too? I wanna see it in person.”
“Sure,” Aston said, sending his paws to his shorts and grabbing onto the edges. He had to pull his foot away from that cock as he lifted himself up, but only for enough time to slide his pants down and around his ankles, kicking one foot out of them so he could spread his legs again. Aston wasn’t fully hard at the moment, but when his own cock flopped out, it was enough to get Green excited. Those avian hands slid up and wrapped around the base, giving off a slow and teasing stroke. That attention was enough to get Aston moaning and arching his back, letting out a deep huff into the air while his cock shot up to full hardness in no time at all.
“Mmm, hold on,” Aston added before the bird could pick up the pace too much. He sat back down before reaching back toward his backpack and opening one of the pockets on the side. He grabbed that small bottle of lube and twisted back around to hand it off to the avian. “Pour some of that on my dick. And you can use some on yours too if you want.”
Green seemed mesmerized by the liquid at first, holding the bottle and reading the generic name on the front, but soon his fingers popped the cap open and he dribbled a good bit down onto the feline’s cock, which was still in his scaled hand’s grasp, making Aston gasp at the cold sensation. “Mmmph, wanna be sloppy?” Aston teased with a groan and chuckle, thrusting his hips up into that clenching paw to help smear the liquid across both.
“Sloppy is good,” Green added, before tilting and pouring the bottle onto his own groin, making him gasp as well at the sensation. Aston took that moment to push his right foot back against that now slick cock, feeling the liquid soak into his fur bit by bit.
“I’m not going to disagree,” Aston teased, all while using his toes and soles to rub that lube all across that member, and then pumping a bit harder. That made Green shiver and moan even more as he put down the bottle in the dirt and brought his hand up to rest on top of Aston’s foot. It helped Aston get an idea of what felt good for the avian, feeling him twist and turn that foot paw so he could grind his member wherever he wanted to. Aston took some notes as he kept his foot moving, feeling the crow’s own pumps on his cock starting to pick up as well, with each motion turning the two bodies into a small moaning mess.
The lube definitely helped as Aston could feel his foot actually sliding over that skin instead of just pulling on it, making his pumps all that much more productive. Once Aston got an idea of what the crow was after, he took over and led the charge, pushing that cock back towards the crow’s belly and leaning into it, giving that cock some pressure from his powerful leg muscles. It was even enough to get Green to stop pumping Aston’s own member, taken over by the sensation, with feathers fluffing in a noisy shuffle each rub. Of course, with the extra lube came the extra mess, and both the boys were a bit damp around their groins and paws with matted fur and feathers. Yet, each one was moaning out nice and loud, with Aston arching his back and digging his claws further into the bark, and Green closing his eyes and falling off into the sensation of the moment.
As much as they wanted to, they both knew they couldn’t go on forever like that. Aston was pretty good in fending off those strokes from the avian’s paw, feeling like he could keep going a while, but Green was clearly nearing something exciting, with his deep breaths and ringing squawks fluttering through the brush around them. “Mmmph, hold on,” Green finally said, using his free hand to push away on Aston’s legs, freeing that member from the grip of his paws. “I’m gonna… cum in a second… if we keep doing that. I need a breather.”
Aston felt his chest puff out at that, nodding and following that warm rush of confidence flooding through him at those words. He hadn’t even thought much about doing this until very recently, and here he was about to make someone cum from it. He didn’t want to get cocky, but he couldn’t help but be a little smug, grinning back down at the avian as he watched that panting beak with a weak smile over it. “Guess I was doing a good job, huh?” he spat out without even thinking, although the avian’s reaction to his efforts gave him some backing to do so.
“Mmmph, you’re awesome,” Green answered with a small chuckle, before squeezing his beak tight with a heavy groan racing through his body. Green’s pumps on Aston’s cock had stopped as well, and now his fingers pulled back, letting that feline shaft flop back onto the feline’s belly, while Green pulled his hand back and wiped off the extra lube on the side of his hip. “I don’t wanna cum too early though.”
“Well, you do have to get home,” Aston shot back, lifting his legs up for a quick stretch, and showing off those shimmering paws to the crow one more time. “We can just skip to the big finish if you want to try fucking me. Or, you can finish on my feet I guess. We still need to make a video too.”
“Shit,” Green shouted back with a quick slap to his thigh, before reaching back into his pocket and pulling out his phone. “I forgot all about that. Mmmph, alright,” he continued, looking over at Aston’s feet, then down to his rear end and wiggling tail. “Lean back on the log and I’ll fuck you,” he said after hitting the record button on his phone camera. He held the phone sideways as the bird slowly stood up and got a good view of Aston’s feet, as well as getting that thick crow cock in the shot as well. He used his free hand to reach for one foot, bringing it in to grind against his slick cock once again, only to have Aston let the other paw join in and rub along the side of that cock.
“Deal,” Aston agreed with a small chuckle, doing his best to hold on with his claws digging into the bark of the tree, wobbling a bit as he didn’t have much area to sit on, at least none that was steady and flat. “Although, we’ll have to do this long-ways on the log. Don’t think I can balance if you start thrusting like this.”
“Fine,” Green said, letting go of that paw, while having Aston spin and lay his back against that log once more. As he got settled and balanced, he dug his claws back into the bark, and his feet rose up to once again tease that throbbing and needy avian shaft in front of him. Of course Green kept the camera on him the whole time, getting all of the feline’s fluid movements in the shot. Aston just chuckled at that, playing to the camera with a smile and even flashing a peace sign as he lay on his back, toying with that crow cock.
“Mmm, damn you look good,” Green said as he pulled his cock back while aiming his phone down at Aston’s legs and ass. He made sure to get a few clear shots of that displayed pucker and even those balls sandwiched between his legs, all while he helped push Aston’s legs back a bit more. The feline reached up and grabbed onto his knees again, mewing and moaning as he showed off his ass, with a cute wiggle of his tail to lure any viewers down toward the base.
“Bet you say that to all the boys you’re about to fuck,” he teased, watching his words make the bird’s feathers fluff, as Green used his free hand to give his slick cock one final stroke. He grunted in reply, far too eager to get started instead of coming up with something snappy to say back. Soon enough the bird kneeled down to grind his slick cock tip over that welcoming pucker, causing a few more soft squawks and chirps to ring through the air as Green lined himself up. He reached over to grab the lube bottle he’d left in the dirt a moment ago, only to open it back up and give a fresh helping down around Aston’s taint and tail, rubbing it in with the tip of his pretty large cock. That now familiar attention made Aston squirm and whimper with another cute mew leaving his lips.
It was only then that Green replied to the feline, giving off a soft grunt as he tested the feline’s hole with a slow grind against it, adding a bit more pressure with each careful push. “Mmm, I will from now on.” And, with that, he ground hard against Aston’s resistance while holding onto the base of his cock. Soon that resistance gave way and that thick member pushed on through, sending a few inches of hot shaft into the feline’s warm opening.
Both boys gasped quite a bit at the initial plunge, with Aston’s body shivering and his back arching. The crow leaned over him and pushed pretty hard, forcing almost all that cock inside on the first go, unable to hold back with his excitement. It was a girthy challenge for sure, and Aston felt the burn, but he tried not to ruin the moment for the avian, letting the camera catch his surprised and strained expression, as well as a few hard breaths leaking from him. “Mmmph, fuck you’re big,” Aston squealed out through his deep breaths, with his claws now deep in the log underneath him, as his feet lay up by the avian’s shoulders.
The bird was lost in a few deep gasps himself as he took in that sensation, gritting his beak with another squawking caw as he tried to keep that phone pointed at Aston, with his own shaking body trying to adjust and get the angle just right. “And you feel… amazing. Holy shit.”
“Thanks,” Aston shot out with a small smile and groan, gulping down some spit left in his throat as he leaned his head back and felt the strain spread across his rear end. “Just… go slow at first. I have to warm up.”
“Y…yeah, sure,” Green added, adjusting his stance again as he slid forward on his knees, making Aston hiss just a tiny bit under his breath. “Sorry…” he shot back, before holding still for a moment and getting a good view through his phone screen. He moved the focus up to Aston’s face, making the feline smile and wave at the camera once again, before sliding down over his body, around his mostly hard cock laying against his belly, then down to where their bodies met. Slowly the avian pulled back, just enough to show the base of his cock peeking out from between Aston’s cheeks, before a gentle push connected groin to ass yet again.
A few more caws and squawks rang out as Green certainly enjoyed the sensation, with the phone visibly shaking in his paw as the sound of fluffing feathers rang in the background. Aston’s ass was quickly catching up with the girth of that cock however, and with only a soft groan at the next pull out and push in, the feline said, “You can speed up a bit, I’m doing okay.”
“You’re more than okay,” Green replied, trying to wrap his arms around Aston’s legs as his footpaws pressed up against his shoulders. “You’re awesome.”
“Quite the glowing review,” Aston squirted out between moans, with a small chuckle chiming in after.
“You deserve it,” Green huffed back out, now starting to slide his hips back and forth in a somewhat steady pace, but still going slow as Aston could tell he was fighting the urge to cum right away. “No wonder you have so many friends.”
“Some more friendly than others,” Aston agreed, leaving it there as his moans took over for his words, with both him and Green happy to have it that way. As the pace picked up, adjustments were made as Green seemed to struggle holding onto that phone in his paw, always shifting and nearly dropping it a few times as he tried to fight through the pleasure. Finally, he had enough of fighting with it, and he opened his beak to stick it inside. He was careful not to hit any buttons along the edges, but it seemed like he’d done this before as he nestled the phone into a secure spot along his beak edges, with the camera still mostly pointed toward Aston. That let him grab onto both of Aston’s legs and adjust once more, getting a good hold onto the feline as he and leaned back, With the new angle, he could watch as his cock disappeared into that young slutty kitten in front of him, stretching that tiny pucker open nice and wide with each drive.
It was quite the sight, and Aston didn’t think he’d ever gotten a closeup like that before, even if it was a bit shaky and only occasionally in focus. Yet, with the loud grunts from the avian, the slutty mews from the feline, and the rustling of feathers just behind the camera, it all worked to make the movie much more than just what was on screen. It was the heat of the moment, a heavy set of passion, while the two boys were going at it like they didn’t care if anyone saw them. The woods only finished off that natural and beautiful background behind them, adding in a soft leaf rustling and the distant bubbling of the creek to the mix, as well as the occasional passing car which reminded the viewers they weren’t far away from being caught.
Of course, good things don’t last forever, and with Green’s eagerness to cum before, he was seriously having trouble holding back now. Aston could feel it at this point, seeing the strain on his face, and watching him work harder to ‘prove’ himself instead of just enjoying his first time. So, Aston was quick to tap one of his toes on the avian beak to get his attention. “Hey, if you’re ready, you can cum anytime. Don’t hold back, just enjoy it!”
That got a quick grunt back from the avian, obviously not able to reply, but his body language did soften and loosen up, letting him focus back on his pleasure. His moans grew louder, and Aston could tell he was almost there, while the feline squeezed back around that slick cock to make sure he couldn’t hold back. A few heavy pumps later and the avian’s hot gasps probably maxed out that microphone on the phone, with his caws and squawks ringing just as loud. His hips smacked up against Aston’s rear end for a few final thrusts, and then he ground into that soft rump just as hard, shooting that seed into it with half a dozen hard pumps from his cock, coating the cat’s insides in another layer of thick warmth.
Aston gasped along with him as the feline’s own cock jumped and throbbed at that sensation, with the cat always feeling as much pleasure as the one cumming inside him. It was such a great triumph, and such a satisfying thought to know that he could help someone cum like that, and it made the feline feel another warm rush through him - this one not driven by any fluids, at least none that weren’t his own already. His own twitches and moans came along with the avian’s, with the feline pushing his upturned feet against the sides of his head, drawing every last bit of need he could from the avian to milk him dry.
He got a good few more small pumps, a lot of deep breaths, and a little bit of drool leaking out around that phone that ended up on his belly, as the avian finished himself off with some slow grinds. But, with a sudden surge of energy after his mind caught up from that orgasm, Green was quick to drop a hand down from Aston’s leg toward the feline’s own cock, wrapping it up and giving it a few quick strokes. A soft grunt around the phone was the cue for Aston to cum too, and with a moaning smile he figured he’d follow his own advice. It didn’t take him long to get up to his own orgasmic need, and he did nothing to fight it, thrusting up into that pumping hand which could’ve used a little more lube, but it was still enough to get the feline over the edge. With a few hot gasps of his own, and some clenches around that cock still wedged inside of his ass, the feline’s cum splattered up and onto his chest and belly, aimed by the bird to make a good mess over the feline’s shirt and fur.
“Mmmph,” the avian said through his full beak as he watched the feline make a mess of himself, soon reaching up to remove the phone, and getting a few close-up shots over the feline. He panned down from smiling face to messy chest and belly, spent cock in his paw and the feline’s still stuffed rump, and eventually ending up at those upturned footpaws still dangling in the air, gently squeezing and twitching as both boys caught their breath.
“That was… amazing,” Green said as he shut off the recording, laying his phone down on the ground next to him, and just taking in the moment along with Aston, a dopey smile plastered across his face.
“Definitely a new experience for me,” the feline added with a small groan and chuckle, giving one final squeeze to that cock as it softened inside of him. With a sudden gasp from Green, that cock was pushed back by Aston’s flex, leaving an audible pop ringing through the clearing, and a small dribble of cum leaking back down and onto the edge of the log. Aston’s pucker winked a few times right after, and then closed shut with one final squeeze.
“Mmmph, fuck,” Green said, eyeing up his softening cock for a dazed moment, before finally letting go of Aston’s legs and cock. That allowed the feline to slide up and sit normally on the edge of that log, with rough bark grinding against his sore rump for the moment.
“We did, yeah,” Aston shot back, getting a quick glance from the avian, before the bird just shook his head in response.
“You’re funny,” Green shot back, still somewhat dazed, but awake enough to pick up his phone and stand up, tugging his pants back up and around his groin.
“I am lots of things apparently,” Aston agreed before doing much the same: standing up, stretching out, pulling up his pants, and trying to wipe the lube off his foot paw pads so he wouldn’t slip while walking home.
“You are… fuck…” Green replied, at a loss of words as he just stared at that confident feline, seeming none the worse for wear after such an intense session.
Aston chuckled at that remark, before nodding and crossing his arms over his chest. “Send me that video when you can, alright? Are you cool with me posting it places? I can totally blur out your face and stuff if it’s in there.”
“Y…yeah,” the crow responded, not quite thinking clearly at the moment. “That’s fine.”
“Sweet,” Aston agreed, leaning in for a gentle hug to the avian’s side, trying not to get any of the cum from his shirt onto his feathers. “So, yeah, hit me up whenever. I’ll be down to do this again.”
“Totally,” Green shot back, giving a small chirp at the hug before pulling away. “I do have to get going though. You know the way out?”
“I think I’ll manage,” Aston said with a chuckle, nodding and swaying his tail behind him. “Birds don’t have the best sense of smell, right? I’d say take a longer walk to air out a bit, but that’s your call.”
Green chuckled at that, giving Aston a quick smile as he said, “Thanks. Learned advice?”
“Kinda,” Aston replied with a nod, before turning to pick up his backpack. “See ya!”
And, with a wave between them, Aston headed off back down toward the stream. He stepped into the cool water to wash his feet clean of the lube, and then started the journey home, hoping he’d have an interesting video and experience to post about in the coming days. He was overdue for something exciting after all, and this session should tingle a lot of his fan’s needs.

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 8

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Chapter 8

Aston froze in his position, tail and ears up and at attention, ready to run at a moment’s notice. Only he couldn’t. He was left staring at the towering and pudgy gorilla, wearing a tacky Hawaiian shirt and some cheap beige slacks for pants, while a few deep breaths ran through his chest. The young boy’s eyes scanned up and down that gigantic frame, mostly frozen in fear, but also a little curious about how he knew, all while his mind tried to think of what to do.
“I… haven’t done anything in your motel,” he came back with, not exactly convincing in his tone. “I mean, I’m just visiting a friend. But I really have to get home now.”
“I’m sure you do,” the gorilla replied with a soft chuckle, the deep bass of his voice making Aston’s fur stand on end. His prominent belly wiggled with each hearty chuckle, and as his beefy arms crossed his broad chest, the ape continued with, “But, like I said, we have something to discuss first. Shouldn’t take too long,” he teased with a growing grin, making Aston shiver yet again.
“Maybe next time,” Aston countered, feeling his feet start to pull away from their icy lock to the ground. But, before he could make use of his new freedom, the gorilla grunted back at him.
“Might not be a next time if your parents find out about what you’re doing here,” he said with a more serious tone, losing his joking confidence as those eyes narrowed on the smaller feline. “Now, are you going to come into my office so we can talk, or do you want the whole world to know? Then again, you post about it regularly, so maybe you do want the world to know…”
Those words, along with the growing grin across the gorilla’s face, left Aston little choice. He knew his charade was up, and he could feel his shoulders slump as a heavy sigh left his chest. “Alright, fine,” the feline said back, almost through grit teeth. Against his better judgment, especially as his mind was screaming at him just to run, the feline inched forward. He took one step, then another, and soon enough the momentum carried him past where the gorilla was standing, feeling a few nervous twitches shoot through his tail.
The ape nodded and grunted with approval, turning to watch the feline walk past him and into the main office, before he pushed off the doorframe to follow along. Once inside, the ape reached back to yank on the door, slamming it closed from the force from his powerful arm. That noise was loud enough to make the nervous feline jump a few inches into the air. The gorilla grinned a bit more at that reaction as he approached the boy from behind. That big shadow loomed over the small cat, with the fur on Aston’s neck prickling up at the feeling of something getting close, but the lumbering male made his way around the now static feline frame with little incident. He continued his walk until he was behind the welcome desk, before opening a door to the office beyond. He turned back to the young boy and shot him a softer smile. “Come on, in here.” Aston hesitated for a good while, before feeling his feet move to follow along.
He walked into that office like it was the Principal at school he was going to see: glum and defeated, knowing he was in trouble, slouched and shuffling with each step. He looked down at the floor, averting his eyes from the ape as he walked past that large frame once again, only for the older male to close the door once Aston and the ape shuffled inside. It was a pretty spacious office for such a low-grade motel, as the gorilla no doubt needed the extra room to get around. That left Aston plenty of space to hide near a corner as the gorilla took his place behind the desk at the center of the room, and reached out to turn the flat computer monitor to face the feline. Aston looked up slowly, making a good guess of what he’d see on that screen before his eyes ever locked onto it.
It turned out he was right. There, staring back at him, was the feline’s own ass, while in the process of slurping down a big fox member in his muzzle. “I’d know my own shitty motel rooms from anywhere,” the gorilla began, his smirk growing ever wider as the feline shot back a little grumble in his chest. “That tacky coloring scheme, the way things look like they are falling apart, those hideous paintings I got from thrift shops… not to mention that I remembered a few of these ‘guests’ checking in too.” He clicked over to a different tab, showing a thumbnail of the feline and the dragon from just moments before. There were already a few comments on the ‘archived’ stream, although Aston was too far away to read them.
Aston said nothing, growling under his breath as the feline rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, now looking back down at the floor.
“Don’t worry,” the gorilla began again in a softer tone, “I promise not to reveal their names or anything like that. You have my word that they’ll be safe, as long as you keep what we discuss here to yourself.”
That got a slow nod from Aston as he let out a deep breath, at least happy that they wouldn’t get in trouble for what he had set up.
“But, I am a bit jealous honestly,” the big ape finally said with a wide smile. “To think, there’s such a sexy and eager boy, using my motel to be lewd in, and he never invited me to join in? What a naughty boy. Good thing…” he leaned in closer to the feline as he almost whispered “…I like naughty boys.”
Aston shot back a small huff at that, now even crossing his arms over his chest and giving his tail an annoyed wag. He looked up at the gorilla’s face, meeting his eyes with one quick dismissive glance, before sending them back down at the floor again.
“I forgive you though,” the big ape continued. “I just wasn’t looking in the right places I suppose. But now, we have a chance to fix that.”
“I’ve got to get home…” Aston blurted out, before giving off another growl and gritting his teeth.
“I’m sure you do, Kid,” the gorilla replied with a grunt of his own. “So let’s make this quick. What if I offered you a free room, whenever you needed it, so you can do your thing? Hell, we have a few suites here as well. You might not believe me with the condition of the other rooms, but these are recently renovated, and actually semi-decent. Rarely used too, as few people who come here are looking for ‘luxury’.”
“The catch is,” Aston shot back suddenly, interrupting the gorilla as he took a small pause, “You want to fuck me, right?”
“Smart kid,” the gorilla responded with a small nod himself. “I’m as big as I look too, trust me,” he continued with a proud grunt, soon sliding off his open shirt and tossing it aside to flex his arms and chest for the feline. “But, I think someone of your skills could handle it. I’ve gone back and watched your early stuff up until now.” He clicked rapidly through several tabs showing different videos he had up. The boy’s entire lewd journey flashed by in rapid fire. “You made some impressive progress. I think you’re just about ready for a true challenge.”
Unphased by the gorilla taking a step away from the computer and closer to him, the feline inched his way toward the door, taking a quick look at it and trying to figure out if the ape had locked it or not. “I’ll think about it,” Aston replied, almost as an afterthought, as his eyes glanced back up at the beast looming over him. “But now I really have to go.”
The gorilla didn’t seem to like that answer, and although the beast was big and lumbering, he was also pretty fast too. With a large yet quick step, he ended up within striking distance of the small feline, and he shot out his lengthy arm to grab the boy by his shoulder and hold him in place. Those fingers were strong as they dug in, making Aston gasp and twist at the pressure. It was more out of surprise than pain, but the urge to run quickly bubbled up in the feline’s frame. Yet, he felt stuck once again, both in surprise and from the big ape holding him in position.
“There’s one more thing I need from you before I can let you go,” the ape said with a voice drooling in need. Aston tried to squirm out of his grasp, but he already knew it was useless. The big gorilla took another step forward, and brought his other massive hand down onto Aston’s other shoulder, holding him steady as the mewing feline could do nothing but shiver. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way… and I think we can both agree that neither would enjoy the hard way. I’m not a rapist, but I know what I need right now. I tuned in for your first stream you know. I was watching you ride that dragon and getting your cute little ass destroyed. I know you’re warmed up and slick for me now. So, bend that ass over my desk, show it off, and beg me to destroy you even more. Then, I’ll let you go home.”
Aston’s fur fluffed up at those words, feeling his eyes shoot wide and his ears raise up to full attention. He tried to wiggle free again, but with both hands holding his shoulders there was no chance he could. That left the cat little choice but to huff and groan back, while his eyes made the slow crawl up that large frame to meet the ape’s own. “You… promise?”
“I promise,” the gorilla said with a firm nod, with enough strength in his voice for the feline to believe him. “And whenever you need a room, just let me know. I’ll be happy to warm you up for whoever it might be. But right now, I can’t let you go without trying you myself. Not after the show you just put on. God damned you’re a slut! Such a cute, fuckable slut.”
Aston felt another strong shiver shoot up his spine. The dragon had left him sore, and he could still feel the burn in his tail that those ridges had provoked, but he was going to have to fight through that pain just to make it out of here. “Fine,” he said with a weak little grunt, and almost instantly felt those fingers lessen their grip on his shoulders. It wasn’t enough for the feline to break free and run, but it was enough for him to show intent. The boy pushed forward to take a step to the side, toward the desk back in the middle of the room, and that was enough to get those fingers to fully release.
Aston thought about running at that point, but with the gorilla blocking his way to the door, he knew he couldn’t make it. He was stuck here with him, and as Aston took another step toward the desk, he felt those strong hands reach down and give his ass cheeks a grope, making the feline jump and gasp just from the force of it. “Mmmph, I’m… really sore,” Aston said back with a little whimper, stopping at the edge of the desk after that tight grip released his young ass, but the gorilla was already in his own little world. Not even really listening, the big beast brought one hand up to push against Aston’s shoulder blades from behind, pressing just above where Aston’s laptop was resting on his back.
The force of that push folded him down against the desk with a heavy grunt. Aston reached out to brace himself with his arms and paws, getting them in front of him just in time to lessen the blow on his chest, as well as trying to soften it for the computer in his backpack as well. “Ow… hey…” Aston cried out with a squirm and a little kick of his foot back as he adjusted, but once again it fell on deaf ears. That one paw held him down, pressing his chest against the desk with a good bit of weight, while the other slid around a hip and grabbed onto the hem of the feline’s shorts. With a firm yank that caused Aston to squeal and mew again, he felt the button pop off the front of his pants and go flying across the ground, loosening the waistband enough to slide it down around his ass. It only took a few more pulls to get them completely down his legs, although his underwear still clung to his cheeks thanks to all the cum and lube sticking his fur to them.
That was quickly remedied by the gorilla as well with those thick fingers sliding in between Aston’s fur and the elastic. A quick yank, along with a few small ripping pops from the fabric, and Aston’s bare butt was exposed in that office.
“Mmmm, little slut was going to leak all the way home, huh?” The ape teased, leaving those pants pooling around Aston’s ankles, and those undies stretched just over his thighs. “Think your parents couldn’t smell the scent of another male on you? Think they don’t know what’s going on?”
It was clearly dirty talk the ape was trying to spit out, and not anything he knew for sure, but in the moment Aston couldn’t help but gasp and whine at that thought. He could feel his tail smacking against the ape’s big belly, the last little thing the feline could actually do to fight back, before that too was suddenly squeezed and hoisted up, breaking down his last line of defense.
“Mmm, they should be proud of you though,” the ape continued to tease, taking a gander at that ass for a moment, before letting go of that tail to reach down and undo his own pants. A few loud clings of the buckle, and the heavy rustling of fabric, let Aston know that the ape’s groin was just as bare as his. “Such a talented boy you are, so eager, so dedicated to giving guys like me something to fantasize over. And what a beautiful ass you have,” he continued with a grunt, soon freeing himself and grinding something very thick back against one of Aston’s cheeks. The feline gasped at the sensation, squirming a good bit as he thought it was the ape’s arm at first, only to feel that warm pre leaking through his fur, letting him know that his fears were true. “It’s beautiful watching it in action too,” the gorilla continued, sliding his paw back over an ass cheek, then diving a thick digit into the feline’s slick tail end with an unceremonious plunge.
Aston hissed and grunted as the feline wasn’t lying about being sore. His ass had been constantly tingling and burning from the dragon’s treatment with each step he’d taken, and here his hole was getting plundered again with barely any time to recover. It sent a surge of sting all the way up to his tail tip, with the shock also bouncing up to his head and making him arch his back with a squirm. Yet, the gorilla only slowed a little bit, driving the rest of the finger in with a solid push, then adding a second, spreading the feline as wide as some of the cocks he’d taken in the past. It stung, it made him dance, but his young hole took it, opening up and slurping tight around those firm digits despite his whines and noises of protest.
“Mmm, nice and slick, just like I expected,” the gorilla added with a grunting smile, giving his hips a grind against Aston’s ass. That thick cock slid over his ass cheek as that belly rubbed against his back, making the feline buck under the pressure of that paw holding his hip firmly in place.
“G..gentle…” Aston spit out with another small hiss and growl, “I’m… really sore,” he said once more, but yet again the gorilla either didn’t hear it or chose not to. He made no mention of it, nor did he slow his advances. Yet, after a few more pumps and curls inside Aston’s sore rear end, the ape’s thick fingers slid free of his ass, giving the boy a second to catch his breath, before they wrapped around the girth of his own cock. After a few slapping taps to each cheek, and a small grind in between them, the gorilla led that tip down Aston’s ass crack and toward his warm and waiting hole.
“Mmmph, grit those teeth kid,” the gorilla growled out as he pushed his hips forward, letting that blunt human-like tip stretch the feline’s poor pucker even more, relying on just a light helping of pre and the lingering slickness inside the feline’s rear to help it get inside. Thankfully the dragon had leaked quite a bit inside of him, and Aston was slick enough to make the entry not too taxing on his insides. What really got him though was the girth. The gorilla didn’t seem to be super long, but he was thick, thick enough to make the burn in Aston’s ass shoot up another few notches as that member ground against him. It didn’t seem to want to go at first, leaving Aston squirming and squealing against the desk, but once that head got some traction and found that opening at just the right angle, the cock shot inside with an audible pop.
With the momentum of those hips behind it, that shaft slid a good few inches into Aston’s rear, making him hiss loud, adding to the rush of air leaving his lungs at the surge of pain. “Ow oww…” he cried out through grit teeth, with the feline’s claws digging into the ape’s desk, as his body tensed and tried to push that thick member back out. “Pull back… it hurts…”
“Almost got it all in,” the ape responded with an oblivious grunt himself, adding another little push to get the girthiest bit of that cock through Aston’s pucker, only to slap his heavy balls and groin against the boy’s rear end a moment later. That made Aston squeal again with a few more twitches and pained gasps, but once that girthy middle part was through, Aston could almost rest against the base, feeling a little less sting than during the insertion process. “See? There you go… fits perfectly inside such a slutty ass.” The gorilla continued with a few pleasured groans, enjoying the warmth and sensation of the squirming feline around him. “It feels even better than I imagined… holy shit.”
With those words, the ape grunted and began pulling back, sending another tingling surge through the feline’s rear end, but honestly it wasn’t as bad as the first. Aston’s butt had been through a lot, and it caught up quick when being pushed hard, with that pain being turned into a bit of a strained burn this time, and fading with each spread and squelching sound ringing out because of that member. It was still far from easy though, leaving the feline grunting hard as the weight of the ape’s thrusts gave his ass little time to prepare. He started off slow at first, half trying to enjoy it himself and half trying not to break the poor kid as those strained hisses still rang out on occasion. But, as the gorilla’s hips sped up, the driving force soon threatened to break through the flimsy desk with each hard smack into the feline’s sore ass.
Still, Aston’s pleas had stopped, knowing they were useless, and he focused on gritting his teeth and paws to endure each brutally hard thrust from the eager ape behind him. Slowly but surely that burn began to fade, leaving Aston gasping for breath each time the ape pushed in. It still kind of hurt, but it was such a rush to feel his insides so full with that girth, and so empty without it. He’d felt it with other partners too, but this gorilla’s cock just had the right shape to really maximize the difference. Each full thrust left his body shaking and his mind swimming in a sea of strain and pleasure, with the boy’s insides clenching and twitching all on their own. Each part of his body was doing what it needed to do in order to take it, and much to Aston’s surprise, they were working well together.
Aston never got to the point of actually thrusting back either. Not that he could, with the strong gorilla holding him in place, and those thrusts pressing his groin right up against the edge of the desk. It barely even left any space for his slowly hardening cock to bump up against his belly, with the feline feeling surprisingly aroused by this situation now that his ass had calmed down from all the initial strain. It wasn’t easy, but that wasn’t the point. It was a rush, a test, something for the feline to endure and come out better in the end… and he was passing it so far. He could take this, even if he didn’t want to at first. He could handle a girthy cock even after he’d already had one. That realization kept him going, and maybe even got him to enjoy things a bit more. He was strangely proud of himself as the cat heard those heavy grunts ringing out from above him.
“Fuck boy…” the gorilla grunted after only a few moments of leaning into the boy’s rear end, “how does anyone last… that long inside this perfect ass? I’m getting close… you ready?”
On the one hand, Aston was ready. His ass still burned and hurt, even if it was pushed off to the back depths of his mind. He knew he needed to get home, and the pressure against his stomach and groin was making his legs go numb as the gorilla’s heavy mass cut off circulation. He was happy the big guy didn’t last too long. But… something else inside of him wanted the big guy to continue. He wasn’t sure just how big he really was, but he FELT big, and the fact that Aston could take him was impressive to the feline. He wanted to go on longer, to see when he would truly have to tap out. But, as the big ape grunted and pushed hard for those final thrusts, Aston knew the end was coming. He could feel the desk crack and start to buckle under him, and felt the ever growing strain on his hips and groin, suddenly feeling relieved that the ape was close as those last thrusts kicked up the sensation to the max.
“Mmmph… fuck Kid…” the gorilla cried out as his belly slapped hard against Aston’s back and tail base, those thick thighs ramming home with hits loud enough for other hotel guests to hear. It was intense, making Aston’s breath catch in his throat with each meaty slam, but the feline held on until those heavy grunts from the ape reached his ears. Aston could feel that thick cock pulsing inside of him, even if a part of his insides had gone numb from the assault. The gorilla added more pressure on his back as he leaned forward and ground hard, reaching as deep as he could. That big gut lay against Aston’s tail base, with that cock wedged throughout the feline’s tight passage, shooting out heavy and warm ropes of cum to join the dragon’s own fluids swimming in his guts. Aston actually moaned along with what little breath he had to spare, although the noise was swept away in the bliss of the other guy orgasming. He even felt a small rush of pleasure flood through his brain himself, taking away all the pain and strain for the moment, to leave him happy and proud that he’d been able to get another guy off.
Of course that blissful feeling didn’t last long. With the ape thoroughly satisfied, and starting to slump over the young boy even more, Aston struggled to catch his breath. “P.. pull back…” he squeaked out of his strained throat and lips, with the feline tensing up every part of his body just to try and not get crushed under that titanic weight. “Can’t… breathe…”
Thankfully, the heavy panting gorilla heard those words at least, taking a second to adjust his stance, before lifting his belly and groin off the boy’s hips and ass. That let Aston get a deep set of gasping breaths in himself, feeling his legs twitch and tingle as blood once again rushed into them, making him mew and shiver as that pins and needle sensation danced over his whole lower body. That cock stayed inside of him for another moment or two as the gorilla savored the feeling, but as quick as he’d grown to his massive size he shrunk back down. Not being super long, his cock soon flopped out of that young hole, sending a small splattering of cum and other fluids leaking down onto the cheap carpet underneath him, as his poor hole started to really burn now that the sexual rush was leaving the feline’s body.
“Sorry Kid,” the gorilla began in a softer voice now that he’d gotten his needs taken care of, the beast taking a full step back to allow Aston to move unhindered. “I can get kind of carried away, and your ass is just… magical.”
Aston only partially heard what he said as he tried to stand back up, but felt his legs not ready to support him quite yet. He flopped back onto the now bowed desk, no doubt a bit cracked and splintered underneath the venire and paperwork scattered about the top. After a few deep breaths, and on his second attempt, he managed to peel himself away from the desk with a firm push of his arms against it. As he rose up, he arched his back for another stretch, feeling his body yelling at him for multiple things, most of which he brushed off in the moment. With a deep breath, he got himself steady on his legs, before pulling his underwear up over his semi-hard cock. Hearing the dazed gorilla grunt back once more at the sight, he did the same with his pants, although he had to hold them up with one paw as both the button and zipper were busted.
“Like I said,” the gorilla continued, hiding his groin back in his own pants, “If you ever need anything, come see me. And if you want another challenge, come see me. I’ll spread that ass any time.”
“Thanks,” Aston said after clearing his throat, not knowing what else to really say at the moment.
“You can go now,” the gorilla added with a dopey smile, giving a soft wave of a hand at the door. “But come back soon cutie. I’ll be waiting.”
Aston didn’t say anything in return as he pushed himself away from the desk and around the large gorilla. He quickly threw open that door, and then sped his way through the lobby, only to find himself outside in the cool night air once again.
It was there that he froze for a moment, unsure of what to do. He knew he needed to get home, but with both the ape and the dragon’s scent all over him at this point, he knew he couldn’t just walk in, especially since his parents would be home by the time he got there. He’d be late, but he really needed a shower at the very least. Probably a new pair of underwear and pants too. Still, as that lingering burn in his tail only crept up more and more, making him squirm by simply standing still, the boy hesitated for a little longer. He still didn’t have a solid plan, but one thing he knew he needed to do was pull out his phone and shoot off a quick text to his parent’s group chat.
“Hey, I got a little caught up at a friend’s place and lost track of time. I’m going to be home late tonight. Not sure when yet, but I’ll let you know.”
With that out of the way, and his parents most likely sedated, Aston let out a small gasp as a few neurons fired off in his brain. Etis! Each motel room had a shower, and after that, Aston could head home. So, with the start of a plan, Aston made his way back up those stairs, with each one making him wince as both his legs and rear end complained. Soon enough, he made it to that familiar door and gave it a few strong knocks. He waited for the dragon to show up and open it, giving off another slight twitch and squirm as he felt more cum dripping down his leg, but after a while nothing happened. He gave another firm knock and waited some more, but once again he was greeted by silence. He pulled out his phone, making sure he had the right room number, and after double checking he knocked a third time, this time saying, “Etis, this is Aston, I need to come in and use the shower quick.” Still nothing, and after a fourth knock and a loud, “Hello?” shouted through the door, Aston finally gave up with a sighing slump once more.
Maybe he’d left, or maybe he was in the shower himself? It was hard to tell through the curtained window with the lights off inside. Still, that left Aston with little else he could do other than shoot back a sad and defeated mew. Then, another idea shot into his mind. He wasn’t super close to his house, but Rex lived not too far from here. If he could stop in there…
The phone in his paw shot back up toward his face as Aston searched for their conversation. Pulling it up, his still shaking paws typed out, “Hey Rex, can I stop by for a bit? I need a shower, maybe some new underwear and pants.”
Thankfully, the kitstune started typing back almost instantly, replying with a quick, “Sure! Lose them in a gangbang, or get them torn off by a needy fan? Or a werewolf? I’ll let Walter know. I’m currently at my violin lesson.”
That at least left Aston smiling as he gingerly walked back down those stairs and started his walk toward that large house on the hill. Once he got to Rex’s mansion, he pressed the call button at the front gate, happy to give a break to his sore legs and tail end from the walk as he waited. In seconds, the gates opened up for him, allowing him to stroll through the grounds and up to that large house.
He reached out and was about to ring the doorbell, but before he could the door opened up on its own. The lights flashed on in the entranceway, and in front of him was someone that he had never seen before; a 6-foot-tall, muscular Doberman dressed in a suit and tie. The dog looked scary, with a huge scar over his left eye, and Aston felt the breath catch in his throat as their gaze met.
“You must be Master Aston,” the canine said with a calm and controlled tone, although Aston could feel the rough energy brewing just underneath. If the canine wanted to push it out, he could turn vicious in a second, there was no question about that. “Please Sir, follow me. I have a fresh pair of clothes ready for you. Master Rex will meet you shortly.”
Aston could only nod and make his way inside, shepherded by the canine toward Rex’s room. There was a new set of designer clothing waiting for him on the edge of Rex’s bed, which Walter had instructed were his to use. The large bathroom was also open to him, and without a second thought Aston jumped into the shower, ready to scrub the scent of those two males off him.
“So, you were raped?” Rex asked again, with the same surprise in his voice lingering since the first time he asked.
The now naked feline just rolled his eyes at the comment as he strolled out of the shower, his fur still wet, but that towel doing its best to get the drops of water off the tips of each follicle at least. “It’s not REALLY like that,” Aston replied yet again, giving off a sore grunt as he let the towel drop and ran it between his legs. “I agreed to it just to get out of there.”
“That’s still rape,” Rex added with a concerned voice. “You didn’t want to do it, and yet he forced you to do it.”
Aston just kind of shrugged, tossing the towel over to the bed and giving off another stretch of his naked body. “When I think of rape, it’s usually, like, really bad. This wasn’t that bad. Kind of hurt, sure, but that’s because he was big and I was sore. I did it though! Kind of wish my phone could’ve captured it actually. I’m sure it looked amazing from the right angle.”
Rex slowly shook his head as he looked up at the feline, flicking his ears a bit as he whined. “You’re just still in shock I’m sure. Fighting off the feeling with naughty ideas clouding up how you truly feel. You know, I can make his life hell if you want. I have connections! Walter could totally…”
Aston actually mewed and gasped at those words, stopping the reach for his new pair of borrowed underwear before turning to face the kitsune. “No, don’t do anything!” he cried out, with his gaze narrowing a bit. “He knows all the people I met there… he could do some seriously bad stuff, and I’d feel horrible if anything happened to any of them…”
Rex paused for a moment, as if he was thinking, before he said, “I’m sure we could come up with ways for that not to happen, trust me. I know some very good people at doing specific things. They can erase files, even plant evidence…”
“No,” Aston interrupted, before adding in, “no, no, no, no. Don’t even think about it!”
“But… look what he did to you!” Rex replied, flattening his ears a bit against his head.
“I’m fine, honest,” Aston said with a small smile and shake to his rump. “Gonna be sore for a few days though I think. That dragon is mostly to blame… did you see those ridges?”
“Yeah,” Rex replied with a slow nod, not wanting to give up the concern, but feeling as if he was forced to based on the cat’s attitude. “You did pretty good for your first stream honestly. You are a natural.”
That made Aston’s chest puff out as he finally did reach for those undies, slipping them on before adding the new pair of pants as well, then a new shirt to finish off his look. “Mmm, thanks! I take after you,” he teased with a gentle chuckle and mew.
“Been doing some research, huh?” Rex asked, finally brightening up his tone a bit as his ears flicked back up and tail gave a lazy wag behind him.
Aston was about to reply with some more teasing, but before he could he heard his phone buzzing on the other side of the bed. With a quick jolt over to pick it up, he saw the screen clearly display ‘MOM’ on it, forcing the feline to pick it up with a quick slide of his paw.
“Hey Mom,” he said, before holding up a paw to keep Rex quiet as he talked.
“Aston, where are you?” she asked with a half worried and half confused tone. It wasn’t normal for Aston to be out this late, but it also wasn’t normal for his Mom to call him and ask where he was either.
He took a big breath and let it out in one long sigh, making sure a good bit of it got into the phone speaker, before he responded with, “I’m sorry Mom, I got really side-tracked. Played too many games, then had to finish up homework. Just as I was going to leave, Rex asked if I wanted to stay for dinner, and I didn’t want to be rude.”
There was a small pause in the conversation as Aston could mentally see his Mom relaxing a bit on the other end, before her voice continued with, “That’s fine Aston. Are you on your way home? It’s getting very late.”
“Just about to leave,” Aston shot back with a small smile over at the kitsune. “Should be home soon.”
“Alright, just careful walking back this late. Stay on the lit streets,” his Mom advised, making Aston roll his eyes again.
“I will, see you soon. Love you.”
With that he hung up the phone and shot a small smile over to Rex, before the feline said, “So… can I get a ride home? Maybe something to eat on the way too? I’m starving….”
Rex chuckled and nodded, swinging his feet off the edge of his bed as he said, “Sure, whatever you want.”
Aston smiled back, before walking over and leaning down to give the kitsune a quick kiss on the lips. “Thanks for the help, and also caring about my well being.”
“Someone has to do it,” Rex replied, before hopping up onto his feet. He pushed another quick kiss into Aston’s lips to counter the one he’d gotten, before smiling. “Come on sexy, let’s get you home before you get into any more trouble.”
That made Aston burst out laughing, and even give a teasing little growl afterward, as he followed the kitsune out of his room, spanking his rump at least once along the way.

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 7

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Chapter 7

There was no next stream, much to Aston’s relief, as he was still a little sore from the double teaming. The boys did all stay naked though as the after-stream continued on. Aston felt a little uncomfortable at first, but soon he grew just as comfortable as the other two while they all dove into some video game. But Aston couldn’t stay forever as he knew his parents were getting back soon. He gave both Keto and Rex a solid hug, and he got a spank for his efforts, before sliding on his clothing, waving goodbye to those still watching on the stream, and heading home.
He’d already texted his parents that he was out at a friend’s place today, so he didn’t have to rush home to beat them this time. He figured the walk and the breeze would clear the scent of sex off him, with the feline even taking his shirt off to enjoy the cool night air for part of the walk down the hill. As everyone sat down to dinner, he seemed to be right about that, with neither of his parents seeming all the wiser.
He had no video to edit this time, which gave him some free time to finally paw off and get a decent video of that instead. Boy was it an intense orgasm as Aston had to bite his lip to keep himself quiet, feeling that release surging out of him and onto his belly in heavy spurts, matting down his fur in long streaks. But, as his parents had gone to sleep, he didn’t care about the mess at that point. He was quick to edit up the video on his phone and post it, having a little something to keep his fans happy for now.
The following day he woke up to a few new messages on Kinkykub thanks to the new video, but one message stood out among the others. It wasn’t the usual praise or suggestions for new things to do, but a guy calling himself Lavi that wanted to help in another way.
‘Hey Aston, Rex told me to get in contact about setting up your own stream and donation account. If you’re interested I can do that for you. All you’d have to do to make a withdrawal is ask Rex, and he should be able to get the money to you. You’ll have full access to both accounts. If you want to change the password to something private you can, but then I won’t be able to help if you have any issues. Let me know.’
Aston was quick to text Rex just to confirm this was legit, and after hearing back from the kitsune, he shot Lavi a message back with the go-ahead. Soon enough he had an access link to boyzclub.torr waiting for him in his messages, as well as a link for some kind of crypto thing he didn’t really understand. He saved both in his favorites, and figured he’d look into the streaming site after school.
Aston was getting pretty good at setting up profiles by now, and he had a good wealth of pictures and videos to pull from as he uploaded some example videos, banners, teasing pictures, and even a few other streaming bits like a chat background and all that. He used Rex’s profile page, which he found with a quick search, as a template. He did his best to match it as closely as he could, even putting his new donation link on his front page. Funny enough, Rex was currently streaming as Aston was browsing, so he decided to check it out. As he logged in, he saw a few familiar camera positions circling around the kitsune’s bed, with Keto bound by all his limbs to the posts of the bed, and Rex bouncing up and down on him hard enough to shake the frame.
He watched for a bit, even starting to casually paw himself off at the scene, before deciding to put his cock away and focus on his own page for a bit more. He sent a friend request to Rex before finishing a few things up, and then he called it a night.
He was excited about doing his first stream, although he was also a bit nervous. He wasn’t sure he could put on a show like Rex could, and although he was no stranger to seeing a few ‘stream recordings’ in his porn travels, he was far from an expert on the small details of how they went. How long should he go before getting naked? Could he just ride his dildo and paw off, or did they want to see more intense and interesting things? How many people would watch his first stream, and how could he get more viewers?
Just making his profile and posting some promo material had gotten him a few fans right off the bat, and with Rex soon mentioning him in a post as ‘the cat that was in that one stream last week’, he got even more subscribers and messages without having to do a single stream. It was a good start for sure, and he was already chatting with a few curious and interesting people, even getting his first donation in the process. He was still a little weary of doing a full on stream though, not being fully confident in what he would totally do, and wanting to watch Rex’s and a few others first to get some tips. However, the next day he woke up to a rather strange message.
‘Hello Aston. You are a beautiful and spunky kitten, and I’m so happy to see someone like you ready to perform for us eager perverts. If you’re ready to start your streaming career off with a splash, I’d be more than happy to help you out. I have some connections, and I can be anywhere in the world within a few days, so just let me know where you are and we can make it happen. I can offer some camera gear if you’re unsure about having a good setup, and I can offer you a partner that most will not forget any time soon, including you. I will send some pictures if you like so you can see for yourself. Looking forward to talking with you. -Etis’
Aston had talked with quite a few people in the few months he’d been doing what he was doing, and even if some came off a little creepy or unnerving, they usually ended up being fine in the end. That message certainly had a few flags that fluttered about for Aston, but he pushed through the discomfort and replied, not able to pass up such an opportunity.
‘Hey! Glad you like what you see so far. I am new to streaming, so if you have some experience, it would probably help out a lot. Some extra gear would be nice as well. I’ve made a few videos, but mostly on my phone. And yeah, I love to see who’s pawing to my stuff! Send those pictures over!’
After sharing his approximate location as well, Aston hit send and went about his day, only to get a message back a few hours later.
‘I can be there tomorrow, or any day after that works for you. Just let me know in advance and we can set up a meeting. As for the pictures, attached are a few good representative ones. Don’t be frightened by my appearance. I may look intimidating, but I assure you I’ve given pleasure to those much less experienced than yourself. I’ve also left those more experienced with an intense night they’ll never forget, so if you’re ready for a challenge, we can tailor things to your needs.’
Aston read over the message, but then his focus instantly shifted to the attached files, with the curiosity burning inside of him like a raging inferno. He gasped as he opened the first one, with that blue furred… dragon loading in, showing a fully body shot including his face, which was rare for these kinds of things. The creature was staring back at him with a smirk, with one paw on his canine/human hybrid-like, although many ridged cock. Those ridges ran all the way down from his tip to even past his knot, each one looking big enough to tear at the feline’s poor pucker… or maybe feel good as they pulled and pushed past instead? It was really hard to tell, but Aston could see why some might be scared away from that picture. Aston, however, was now even more curious. He opened up a few other pictures, seeing more solo ones of that cock being stroked and hanging out. In most of them, those ridges looked flexible enough as the paw pulled and pushed at them with what looked like ease. But, it was the last picture that really caught his attention.
Opening it up, Aston was surprised to see the same blue furry dragon, but this time with a young raccoon girl. He was holding her over his groin by her waist, and she’d sunk down at least a few inches over that shaft, swallowing the rather large member into the beginning of her pussy. Perhaps she was just small, or maybe the dragon was really big, but it looked like quite the effort to make it fit. Yet, she didn’t look as distressed as Aston might have thought someone would in her position. She seemed to be enjoying it, even moaning maybe, as she slid along that shaft. It was hard to tell from a still picture, but Aston’s mind filled in the details, seeing the fluids coating that cock and knowing that they hadn’t just started or simply posed for that picture.
That was all Aston needed before shooting back a message.
‘It looks intense, but I think I can handle it. Would definitely be an interesting sensation. That girl looked like she was handling it just fine though, so I take it the ridges are pretty soft? I’m kinda looking forward to trying it and finding out. You said you could be here any day? How about… in two days? There’s a motel that I’ve recorded some stuff at. I’ll send you a link and you can book a room. We can bring all the stuff there. I’ll only have a few hours after school though, so hopefully that’ll be enough.’
Aston felt a tingle under his tail the moment he sent that message, and he wasn’t sure whether it was just in response to the action, or if his mind was protesting against what that interesting cock was going to do to him. Still, as that eager tingle raced up and all over his spine, it made him want to pull out his dildo and go for a ride. He’d got himself cleaned up and ready before checking his messages one more time, seeing a reply already.
‘So it shall be done. You are a brave boy Aston, and your bravery will be rewarded. I’m looking forward to the day, and promise to only keep you there as long as you can stay, and only push you as far as you’re comfortable with.’
With the dragon’s cock still fresh in his mind, Aston made sure to give his dildo a good session, pushing all the way to the knot and grinding away against it. He was still short of taking it, but he could feel progress being made every day, knowing that one day it’ll finally happen. He knew that the dragon’s cock would feel nothing like his toy, but all he could do was work with what he had and get confident with it, and that’s what the boy strived to do, wanting to impress both the dragon and his new streaming fans.
It wasn’t long before the day arrived, and Aston hurried home from school to get himself ready. He didn’t even bother taking the back way to the motel anymore, with his worries about people seeing him quickly fading the longer he went without getting caught. Instead, he was determined to be direct. He wanted to use every last minute he had, or at least have them available if he needed them. He strolled right down main street with a firm pep in his step, watching the orderly buildings turn older and more run down the longer he walked. At least on the main street Aston felt safe, unlike some of the side streets he’d taken before. And it was a good thing too as he was carrying more than just some lube and a toy today.
He’d posted on Boyzclub that he was going to do his first stream tonight, and gave all his new followers a rough time when it would start. He only realized later that he’d given out his time zone and general location on the globe with that announcement, but what was done was done, and he couldn’t worry too much about it. Aston wanted to keep to that schedule, and as such he had to hurry, with his prep taking a bit longer than normal today, and even his journey back home from school being slowed to talk with a friend for a few moments.
He and Etis had shared cell phone numbers, much like he’d done with his other partners, so they’d been in communication all day. Funny enough, Etis hadn’t given him much information like the others had, keeping any flights or arrivals secret. Aston even had to text him on the way over to make sure he’d made it, getting back a confident message, a shot of the dragon’s cock as he lay back on that crummy motel bed, and a room number. He was certainly an odd person, maybe with a lot to hide, but that mystery left Aston almost too curious for his own good as he approached the familiar motel. He headed right past the office and shot up those stairs, knowing the room layout well enough by now. He paused in front of the correct door, took a deep breath, and reached up to knock, barely having time to brush back his head fur before he heard a “Come in,” ring back in a hard to place accent.
Aston gave a small push to the door to find it unlocked, and with another deep breath he pushed it open wider, creeping over the threshold and into the lit up room. He wasn’t sure what to expect with the picture he was sent, but as his eyes fell onto the bed, he noticed the dragon fully clothed and sitting on the edge, wearing some casual business attire. Well pressed slacks, firm leather belt, and a button up shirt gleamed back at the kitten as he closed the door behind him, only to smile as he saw a few fancy looking cameras set up on a couple of tripods, as well as a lighting rig off in the corner.
“You are even cuter in person,” Etis said before the feline could open his lips, with the dragon standing up and getting soft squeak of thanks from the old bed in exchange. Etis wasted little time in walking over, stopping a few feet away from the feline to take him all in. Aston smiled at that compliment, shooting out a quick mew under his breath. His nerves bubbled up once again, only to be pushed down with a little gulp of the spit in his mouth as he looked over the fancy creature as well. “Thanks,” he responded before taking a small pause, letting his eyes and brain try to process everything. “You look good… and ready too. Weren’t you just naked though?”
“I was, yes,” Etis replied with a soft grin spreading over his face. “But that is no way to start a stream. Perhaps I’m a bit overdressed, but I do know the value of making a good impression.”
Those words made Aston look down at his own clothing, his simple T-shirt and shorts combo keeping him quite casual, before he shot back a weak chuckle and said, “I… um… well… I’m gonna be naked soon anyway, so whatever!”
That made Etis chuckle a bit, with a slow rumble from his chest almost filling the room, before he added, “Perhaps, although I do hope you have on some tight fitting underwear at least. That is a perfect way to tempt the audience.”
“That I do!” Aston replied with a quick burst, before sliding his bookbag off and pulling his laptop out. “But first, we should do this. I… um… I hope all these cameras can connect.”
“I’m sure they will,” Etis added with a small nod. That gave Aston enough confidence to turn on his laptop and open up the settings, where Etis helped him secure the wireless connections to all the cameras around, getting a simultaneous display with just a few more clicks. With all that out of the way, he pulled up the website and logged in, navigating to the ‘start stream’ area, and making sure all the views showed up in the preview. Casting his laptop screen to the TV in the room, which only worked thanks to a cable Etis had brought with him, let Aston watch the chat and see the live feeds on a bigger screen, just like at Rex’s house. With everything set up, the feline gave a few final clicks on the mouse pad before letting out a long shivering breath.
“So, um… should we just… start?” Aston said with a few soft noises leaking out between his words, while his tail and ears flicked with a few nerves racing through them. “All casual and clothed and stuff? Or should I get in my underwear? How about you?”
The feline turned to look at the dragon, who hadn’t stopped smiling the whole time he was close to Aston. “Well, I imagine you could start in your undies. It’s your first stream - no reason not to start big! I will strip as needed,” he continued, pulling away from Aston and going to sit on the bed, crossing his legs in the middle and centering himself on the sheets. “Set the countdown for a minute, then join me on the edge. You are the star, I’m just the support. Come meet your fans, lure them in, make them want you, and make them wish they could be here in my place.”
That dirty talk made Aston shiver as his heart raced in his chest, pumping that fresh finger-tingling blood all throughout his body, including his groin. That left his underwear bulging as they soon came into view for the dragon. He bent over a bit, turning around and wiggling his rump, which also got him an approving growl for his efforts. With a bit of the ice broken, the feline slid off his shirt and ran his paws through his fur, fluffing out what he could as that countdown on the screen raced to zero. With only a few seconds left, Aston hopped up onto the edge of the bed, before getting adjusted by Etis’ paws to both hide the dragon behind him and center the feline in the view of the main camera. Then, with a small flash on the screen to let him know he was live, Aston’s first stream had officially started.
The crowd size was nice and large in the corner of the screen, rolling in the mid 60’s, as Aston shot his gaze up at it, then reached up a paw to give the camera a wave. “Hello everyone,” he said with a soft smile, doing his best to puff out his chest and look confident. He pulled it off well enough as he gathered his breath, bouncing a bit on the edge of the bed as a few nerves tingled in his toes. “Welcome to my first stream! I… have no idea what I’m doing, but it’s really awesome to see all of you here. I’ll try my best to keep an eye on the chat and stuff, and reply when I can, but… I do have someone here who might take most of my attention.” He released a playful giggle before turning his head back to look at the dragon, getting a small nod but also a quick gesture to turn back and face the camera. Aston got the hint pretty quick as he spun back around and said, “I mean, I wish I could give all of you the same attention to be honest. I wish you were all here right now, lurking behind me, ready to do all sorts of unspeakable things to a tiny but eager kitten. Maybe you’ll get your chance some day!”
He finished with a smile and another small bounce on the bed, not exactly having planned that speech, but also putting a little thought into what he’d say over the past few days. Still, with that out of the way, he tried to lean in and read some of the comments which were now starting to flood the screen. They were hard to read on the poor quality display of the motel’s TV, but he managed to make out most of the important words, as well as a few of the big default emojis that weren’t all too subtle in what they meant. “Thank you, thank you everyone for the compliments,” he shot back after a moment, seeing lots of ‘cute’ comments and other nice things fly by, which made him feel all the more confident. “I hope this is a regular thing, but we’ll see what I have time for, and what I can do for you all.” It was then that Aston heard his first money noise, seeing a 0.001 bitcoin donation come in. He had no idea how much that was, but his eyes lit up and he gave another excited bounce, feeling his breath catch in his throat for a moment. “Oh wow, thank you to… Big.Mr.P for the donation! That feels so weird to say honestly. Like anyone would give me money just for sitting here in my underwear…”
That seemed to do the trick as a good few of the others followed along with that, causing a steady stream of donations big and small to rain down in the chat. Each noise made the feline giggle and squirm, bouncing quite a bit as he let out a slew of happy mews and purrs at the noises. “Oh man, thank you all so much! I… have no idea how much that is in normal money, but seriously, thank you for anything!” With confidence and a smile flowing all over him, the feline soon turned back to the dragon lurking in the shadows behind him as he tried to whisper, “Should I… get naked now? I’m getting donations, and the chat wants to see it.”
“Not yet,” Etis replied, reaching out a paw to softly place it on the boy’s shoulder. “But perhaps you should show off a little more. Kneel on the bed, make it your performance space, tease them like only a feline knows how.”
That was good advice to Aston who nodded and mewed at that, spinning back around to focus on the main camera., “You guys heard that, right? Want me on all fours, mewing like a stray cat that might follow you home?” Aston’s dirty talk was iffy at times, but it seemed to get the job done as a few more donations rained in, and the mix of chuckles, cute comments, and more dirty talk flooded the chat. Aston chuckled at a few of the things he read, but as Etis slid back up against the headboard of the bed to give him the space, sinking further into the shadows, Aston hopped up onto all fours on the edge of the bed. He arched his back, pushing his rump out to a camera looking on from behind, as he stared with a fierce hunger into the camera in front of him. As his tail shot up in the air and began to drape over his side, he turned his head to look at the tip, pushing out a few solid mews toward the main camera as his expression calmed and he focused on that wiggling tip. He waited for just the right moment before reaching up a paw to bat at it a few times, trying to play up the cute angle.
“Man, I really need a ball and string to chase around,” he teased once more, playing into stereotypes hard, just as he’d seen in a lot of porn. That seemed to do the trick as a lot of people responded with some variant of ‘my dick’ in response to the string comment. “Mmm, you guys are naughty,” the feline shot back, clearly taking the role of a streamer quite well, and almost being a natural in the spotlight. Leaving his tail alone for now, the boy lifted up onto his knees, spreading his legs, and reaching down a paw to give his growing bulge outline a few soft rubs. “Look what you’re doing to me already! You know, this is kinda fun,” he said with a chuckle, giving another quick swipe of his paw at the camera, and then even a soft growl as he stuck out his claws just enough for them to be seen, teasing further with a lick to his lips.
That seemed to get the donations flowing in pretty quick now as Aston could barely keep up. His audience was also growing from somewhere in the 60’s to now over 100, and it was still rising fast as word spread around. He tried to read some of the comments, but they blew by too fast, leaving him giggling as he said, “Alright, I can’t see what anyone is typing, but I appreciate it all. Keep those donations coming!” It was at this point he slowly spun around, wiggling his rump to the main camera, before he got on all fours again. Another feline back arch, this time really shaking that tight rump of his with those deep blue and yellow stitched briefs of his clinging to his young and tight ass cheeks, was all he needed for another quick donation surge. He continued to sway his hips back and forth in time with his tail as he gave off a horny, growling mew, not even needing to hold it back or fake it. He was arousing himself faster than he was arousing the crowd so it seemed.
He had barely noticed the dragon near the headboard as Aston’s gaze initially shot to one of the cameras instead of the dark figure, but as his eyes darted away at a sudden movement, he saw that Etis had taken off his shirt and had loosened his belt. That made Aston smile as he tried to whisper, “Doing good so far?”
“Great,” Etis responded as he leaned down close, giving the feline a soft scritch to the chin for his effort. “Getting closer to the action for sure. Why not start lowering your undies a little, begging for donations as you go? That’ll really get them rolling in.”
Aston nodded and purred at those words, feeling a naughty rush shoot over him. He used his core muscles to hold himself in position while his paws shot back, each one grabbing the waistband of his undies as he looked to one of the side-facing cameras. “Come on, just a little bit more, and maybe I’ll show you what you want to see. I know you can do it!” With a few more donation sounds, he wiggled his underwear down just past the bulge of his hips, showing off a little cheek and under tail as he continued to shake his rump back and forth. “A little more,” he added, arching his back and mewing out, before adding a rub over his now fully hard erection at the front of his underwear, although it was hidden by his legs for the most part. That seemed to do the trick, and with a few more noises Aston pulled the fabric down even further, now feeling his underwear lessen their grip on his balls as they dangled half-freely along the inside. His tail was up, and his pucker was showing, leaving a heavy rush of comments he couldn’t see at the moment, but after a few more donations he finished off the job. With a quick yank, he pulled his underwear down over his thighs, then around his knees, before lifting up a leg to slide them down past his knees, calves, then paws. As he held onto his undies for the moment, he shot a smirk and a wink back at the main camera. He let everyone get a good look at his bare rump and back, before he bent over once more and spread his legs out with a quick mew. That managed to show off everything as he gave his hips a slow sway. His butt, and now even his balls and cock showed freely as they each bounced side to side with his motions.
He let off a strong giggle as he heard a lot more donations and other noises shooting out of the TV, making his face twist into a surprised and excited expression. The feline felt that warm tingle shoot through him, the same one he’d felt the first time he’d uploaded a picture, then a movie, then met someone else for sex. This was the rush he was after, and this is what drove him, pushing him forward to raise that tail and show off what people wanted to see. He kept it up for a few moments, looking back and spreading his legs a bit wider, before a strong blue paw came down to help hold him open. “Show it off, kitten, be proud,” he whispered to the feline, who nodded and lowered his head even more, offering his rump to the whole internet now as more tingles and shivers of naughtiness flooded through him, especially as those fingers began to circle around his pucker and rub at his taint.
That caused the boy to mew out with a strong shiver, making his cock jump and smack him up against the belly, as a little jet of pre dribbled down in a long streak toward the bed. “Mmm, they’re all saying you’re a natural,” Etis’ words rang in the feline’s ears. “That you belong on your paws and knees in front of them. You think so too?”
“Y…yes,” Aston shot back with a small whine, getting another rub over his hole for his response.
“Mmm, I think so too,” Etis responded with a growl leaving his chest. “If you could only see yourself, and just how happy you’re making everyone watching… It’s something to really take pride in, you know.”
“I… I do,” Aston replied, still kind of whispering to the dragon, but knowing the cameras probably caught their conversation as well
“I can tell,” Etis said before suddenly letting go of the feline’s rump, letting his young and tight cheek snap back into place. “How about we go even further then?”
Aston barely had a moment to catch his breath as he looked up at the dragon before him, hearing a small shuffling as those pants and belt slid down to his knees, leaving that rigid shaft proudly poking on out, throbbing not far away from Aston’s face. He could feel the initial wave of the dragon’s heat, getting a good whiff of his musk as it first hit his nostrils as well, seeming almost spicy and magical as it made his head spin in such a different way than usual. He’d never seen a dragon in person before, much less been with one, but he imagined they were special creatures. This one certainly was as Etis smiled and leaned back, giving his interesting cock a stroke with his own paw, and showing just how light and flexible those scary looking ridges were.
“Mmm, a little warm up for both of us?” Etis said, finally speaking loudly and showing himself off to the cameras as he crawled his way into the light. “How about a 69 then? You on top kitten, me on bottom?”
“S…sure,” Aston shot back with a smile, watching as the dragon laid down beside him and kicked off those pants the rest of the way. As soon as they were off, that paw went back to stroking, making Aston stare at that large and imposing member before him. Aston hesitated for a bit, mesmerized by the sight of it, before getting a tap on his thigh with the dragon’s other paw, reminding him that he had something to do. With a cute mew leaving his lips, he spun around to line himself up with the dragon’s shaft, straddling his body with a little hop over top of it, and wiggling his rump back toward that muzzle, while his own paw reached out to take the dragon’s place over his member.
It took a bit of convincing for the dragon to release the grip on his cock, but Aston’s smaller paw was persistent, pushing and soon sliding that larger paw off the tip, leaving the feline in control of that big and beautiful member. The cock felt firm to Aston’s curious squeezes, but the ridges were soft and springy, leaving quite the tingle and interesting sensation as Aston’s paw pads slid up and around them, before pushing them flat once more on the way down. Up and down he slid his paw, mewing at how those ridges felt popping, pulling, and playing with his paw pads, with the only thing snapping him out of his new trance being the dragon’s tongue suddenly pushing against his pucker.
That warm grind under his tail made the feline gasp and shiver, arching his back and feeling his tail go straight while the new pleasure raced up his spine. He let out a few moans at the contact before rocking his hips back against that muzzle, but as the sudden surge of electric energy faded with each successive pass, it became more of a reminder to get him moving than it did anything else. With a few more pumps up and down the now quite slick shaft, he pulled his paw away and edged forward, drawing the dragon’s head and neck along with him. Soon enough the feline bent down with that tapered tip right at the edge of his lips, with the feline giving a thumbs up to the camera in front, before opening up and swallowing that head with a mewing moan. It was decently big, causing his jaw to spread pretty wide, and that tingling taste assaulted his tongue the moment he sucked on the first bit of pre, tasting almost spicy and burning as Aston stopped dead for a second. Yet, as that sensation surged around his mouth, it did start to fade into the background, leaving Aston’s tongue plenty of time to wrap around that head and get a few groans from the dragon shooting under his tail. With that magical tingling fading even further into his taste buds, he shook his head back and forth before pushing forward a little more. He felt the first of the ridges pop into his lips, only for the curious feline to pull back off, just to see what they’d feel like pulling out the ‘wrong’ way through his lips.
It was an interesting sensation for sure, with that ripple and extra tug sending a good bit of spit loose from his lips, causing the fluid to dribble further down that cock. Yet the dragon replaced that lost spit with more pre, leaking quite heavily and leaving Aston’s whole mouth and throat tingling before long. He tried to push harder to get more of that cock into him, but the angle and their sizes just didn’t allow it, leaving Aston to work on the first few inches with a few hungry bobs up and down, all while arching his back and mewing as the dragon really started to dig in under his tail.
He’d been so focused on the cock and the strange sensation it left in his mouth that he’d barely even noticed the tongue tracing around his hole. It felt great for sure, just like the other rimming he’d received, but when those fingers joined the party Aston certainly tensed up and took notice. They started with just a few rubs around the rim, pulling it open a little with some testing tugs, before the thumb from one, then the other paw, managed to pop into his slick hole. They were certainly sizable digits, leaving Aston’s eyes jolting wide with each insertion, but Aston had been practicing a lot, and he was quite proud that even both thumbs didn’t cause him too much strain. They took their time to settle in, giving the feline a moment to adjust, which Aston was grateful for. He could certainly feel the burn of the stretch, but that was quick to fade as well. Only when they began to pull apart slowly did the burn return, causing the feline to squirm and squeal a bit, but he stood firm and held his tail up, not wanting to close up his hole if he could help it. A moment later, once there was a little space between the digits, that tongue invaded between them. Aston’s bobs on that cock stopped and he groaned at the extra pressure, not feeling it hurt exactly, but certainly feeling the stretch as the dragon really put him to the test.
“Mmmph, good kitten,” the dragon replied as his tongue slithered back out for a moment, but his fingers stayed inside, not pulling as hard but still holding the cat open. “Gotta make sure I can fit though… I’m no small creature, so another tug is coming soon.” With that warning, Aston gave a weak nod, and soon felt the fingers pulling him apart a little harder and wider. As Aston mewed and groaned around the tip of that cock, the dragon’s tongue pushed inside to lash around the first inch or two of kitten passage, half quenching the burn and half adding to it with that saliva leaving its own tingle behind. Still, it was only a few moments of assault before Etis pulled back for a break again. A few more times that cycle shot off, leaving Aston open pretty wide on the last one, before the dragon popped his fingers out of that hole and let it recover for a moment, only to gasp for breath as the dragon leaned his head back.
“Mmm, I think you’re ready,” he shot off after a few deep breaths. “I know I am. Why don’t you climb on and go for a ride? It’ll help things from getting too intense, and I’ll help when you get tired,” he continued, slowly petting Aston’s haunch with a paw and then giving it a decent slap, making the feline jump and pull off that cock with a loud mew racing through his lips.
“I… okay…” Aston said as he caught his own breath, slowly rolling off to the side before spinning around and looking up at that grinning dragon. He seemed confident as his paw slid back onto his own cock, spreading the feline’s spit all along that ridged shaft, although the dragon certainly had enough pre to drown out even Aston’s own fluids around it. The tingling taste still lingered in Aston’s mouth as he crawled up and straddled the dragon again, this time facing him as he placed his rump on the dragon’s belly, and his knees at his side. He gave a quick rub of that textured cock under his tail, grinding the tip along his hot hole to shoot off a few moans and mews, before the dragon’s paws slid to the feline’s hips, angling him just right to sit over the cock.
“Reach back and aim it up into yourself. Take your time, go slow if you want. I don’t want to hurt you. But I want to make a mess of your insides. Very badly right now.”
That was all Aston needed to hear as he nodded and reached back, grabbing onto that thick and imposing cock as his rump lifted off that groin, pretty far up to get the tip to press to his opening. He held it there for a moment, teasing with a rub and shake of his hips, before starting to push back, feeling that tapered head slide through with a firm but careful push, forcing a strong gasp to leave the feline’s throat.
Etis had certainly done a good job warming the feline up as Aston sank further along that shaft than he was planning, gasping again as the tip and ridges sunk one by one into his pucker with small pops. The intense sensation left him tensing up at the surprise, stopping any more of the cock from coming through for the moment. “Mmm, good kitty,” Etis said with a happy sigh, holding onto the feline’s hip and urging him down a little further. Aston hesitated, squirming at the pressure, but with enough of a tug to his hips he pushed back a little more, swallowing another ridge or two with a surprised and twitching groan.
“That’s it,” Etis added with a pat to his hip, holding off on pulling anymore to let Aston catch his breath. “Now go ahead and slide up, slowly. See how it feels.”
Aston nodded with a huff and placed his paws down onto the dragon’s chest, bracing himself as he took a deep breath and lifted his hips. He felt a bit of strain, almost as if he shouldn’t pull too much harder, but then a sudden release roared through him as that ridge popped through his pucker. It made the small feline gasp and shake as his body clenched around that shaft in response. He took a small break to get another breath in, before sliding up and off the next one, feeling the same pressure, pop, and release. The last few were less intense as the ones closer to the tip got smaller, leaving him sliding up to the very head, but not pulling off completely.
“Mmm, good boy,” Etis said with a pat to the feline’s hip. “Now back down, my cock is getting cold.”
That made Aston smile through his slightly strained face, but the pressure on his hip grew as Aston was half forced back down, swallowing those ridges that just escaped through him with relative ease, only to slide back up a bit faster, this time feeling them popping out in a sequence as he didn’t stop along the way. The sensation took the breath from his lungs for sure, although that thick cock didn’t slouch on that fact either. The whole process left his tail hole tingling and burning, but with a few more slow and careful bounces, the feline worked up to a steady pace, letting those sloppy noises ring out around the small room.
It was definitely intense, one of the more interesting sensations Aston had ever felt. It hurt a little more than normal, but that extra burn and strain made him feel as if he was doing something almost good for his hole. What hurt today would become impressive tomorrow, when he could take it with less effort, so that’s how he viewed this cock. It might sting a little more as those ridges pulled and pushed against his pucker, but it was some extra sensation he had to endure in order to get better. And, even as Aston picked up the pace and bounced a bit faster, he could already feel the progress taking hold.
He had little hope of engulfing that cock completely, both of them knew that, but Aston was going to push to that knot if he could. He’d gotten that far on his toy, and that was only a bit smaller than the dragon trying to thrust up into him now, so Aston felt as if he could do it. Those ridges definitely added in an extra challenge, but Aston loved a good challenge, pushing aside the extra strain and focusing in on the mechanics of his bounces. He tried to keep his hips steady and the angle going into him the same as he closed his eyes and dragged his claws against the dragon’s chest.
Aston had completely forgotten about the stream by this point, not that he could see the TV or his laptop screen anyway, But, the sounds of donations kept rolling in as Aston’s hips bounced on the dragon’s lap, feeling more of the dragon’s pre make everything slicker and somewhat easier the more the boy worked. Those lewd and loud noises from the ridges plucking at his pucker fill the room along with the boy’s deep breathing, only adding to the excitement for those watching, and causing the donations to skyrocket.
“Mmm, Aston… you are a natural,” Etis said with a growl in his chest. “You are such a good boy. You are made for this life, you are made for riding big cocks like mine. Never stop being so sexy, promise me?”
“I promise,” Aston shot back through his deep breaths, opening his eyes and looking down at the smiling dragon beneath him, feeling some pride bellowing in his chest as HE had put that smile on the dragon’s face. That was all him and his hard work, and it was quite the payoff to see just where it all had led. It only pushed the boy on further, getting him to grit his teeth as he bounced a little faster, using those soccer-playing legs to his advantage as he rode up and down, feeling the burn all over his body.
His deep breaths soon rung out in the crappy motel room as Aston felt a good layer of sweat beading on his fur tips. It even dripped down onto the dragon’s belly, meeting the boy’s own hard and slapping cock, combining to make the dragon’s fur and scales glisten in the strong light. The feline’s cock leaked out a good bit of pre, but it was nothing compared to the dragon’s cock. He could feel each squelch as he drove in, that slick fluid squirting out around his abused little hole, with the dragon’s balls and thighs glistening just as much as his belly, and Aston’s fur all matted along his rear end and tail. Aston wanted to thank him for all that lube, as it was the only thing keeping his ass going. Those ridges would’ve been the death of him as they made his poor pucker ripple and pop louder than ever. But, with the dragon providing enough slickness to keep the friction down, Aston was able to keep working, feeling the dragon squirm underneath. He knew he couldn’t thank him verbally as Aston’s breath was already all accounted for, so Aston had to settle for making him cum instead, something he was well on the way to doing.
Thankfully, Etis seemed to see Aston’s strain and effort fading, and he helped the feline pick up the pace to do just that. He wrapped one large paw around the cat’s hip to lift him up and down, before soon sliding the second one over as well. It left the feline with a few harder pulls down than he was expecting, making him whimper and even hiss a few times as his poor ass felt the stretch and strain of kissing that knot, but the cat always bounced back with a few renewed pumps afterward, helping to keep the sensation on the dragon’s cock flowing.
“Mmmph, getting close,” Etis soon said, which was music to the feline’s ears as he felt the burn literally across his entire body. Being on top was hard, even for an in-shape small boy like himself. He had no idea how people did it for hours in some of the porn movies he’d seen. He’d certainly have to practice his endurance a bit, but right now he was just happy to hear that he’d almost gotten the dragon off. “Ready for a big finish?” Etis asked the feline, looking up at him with that warm smiling face.
“Y…yeah,” Aston said with a grunt and groan, feeling his paws slide down to the dragon’s sides to better get a grasp of his flesh. “Cum in me… I want to feel it!”
“Hold on kiddo,” Etis rumbled back with a groan, before his paws and hips began to match their motions, impaling the feline with some thrusts faster than he’d handled yet, and even harder than he was expecting. Aston grit his teeth, holding back a few hisses and growls at the burn, hoping it wouldn’t be too long for the dragon to finish up. Thankfully, with a few hard grunts, and one last pull down against the knot of that cock, Aston felt those ridges extend out and push against his sore insides. It kind of hurt, making the feline squirm and hiss, but it was certainly clear that the dragon was cumming inside of him, even before those hot grunts and breaths left the dragon’s lips.
Aston tried to squirm off that cock as the sudden strain was a bit much for him to handle, but Etis held him down firm, making the cat now unleash those growls and hisses that he couldn’t hold back anymore. One big pump, then half a dozen, then a full dozen, and only then did that cock and those ridges fall soft once again, allowing the feline enough wiggle room to pull up to half mast, letting his poor tail hole get a break from the assault.
“S…sorry…” Etis said as he loosened his grip on the feline’s hips, “I get… pretty into it when I cum. Didn’t warn you about the… ridges flaring out either. Was enjoying it too much to think.” That warm smile from the dragon only made Aston smile in return, the sudden strain mostly gone from his tail end, although that long after-burn quickly settled in. “Go ahead and pull off, but show them what a properly fucked cub hole looks like,” he added, giving Aston a nod as he lay his head back into one of the pillows on the bed. Aston was quite happy to do just that, slowly sliding his rear end higher and higher, teasing with each ridge that popped out of his pucker, only for the last few along the tip to slide out at once, letting the cock flop down onto the dragon’s belly as a small waterfall of cum leaked out of that open feline hole.
Before Aston could reach back and spread his cheeks open, Etis did it for him, using both of his large paws to pull his ass apart. It left Aston’s puffy and well used pucker gaping back for the camera, drooling out a few fresh drips of cum that leaked down his taint and balls. It was definitely a shot to save, especially as it winked in time with his deep breathing, with Aston hearing the rush of donation noises ringing out once again. Yet, even after such a hard fuck, and with a wide cock to work it over, that pucker soon clenched back as tight as ever, showing off his youthful recovery as the open hole quickly turned back into a creamy dent, with the occasional trickle of cum still leaking out of it.
Soon enough Etis’ paws dropped from that ass, and he gave Aston a pat on the hip before saying, “Go ahead and say goodbye to everyone. Make sure to thank them for your donations too.”
Aston nodded at that as he slowly stretched out and slid off the dragon’s groin, showing off his own hard cock in the process, which was now starting to shrink after the dragon’s orgasm. It was weird how that worked, but Aston felt as if he came when the dragon did, even though he hadn’t. He gave a wave to the main camera as he gingerly sat on the bed, throwing back his hair with a paw, before taking a deep breath and saying, “Well, thank you everyone for watching and donating. I had a lot of fun, and I will be sore for a few days probably, but I hope you enjoyed my stream. Hopefully the first of many! Come see me soon!” With that, Aston got up off the bed, walked over to the laptop, and noticed just how much money he’d made.
“I don’t know how much 0.015 bitcoin is, but thank you everyone!” He added one final time, before he hit the button to end the show, taking one final deep breath and letting out a small shiver from his ear tips to his tail.
“You did well,” Etis said from the bed, lifting up his head after a little rest. “I wasn’t expecting to make it so intense for you. It’s rare to find anyone that can take me down to the knot like that.”
Aston smiled at those words as he felt another trickle of cum leak past his pucker, trailing down his thigh, and forcing a naughty shiver to follow. He puffed out his chest with pride and threw back his hair with a whip of his head, slowly adding, “It was all the practice I did I guess. One day I’d like to take your knot too, but I couldn’t today. Still working on it.”
“You gave them one hell of a show,” Etis said with his own warm smile. “I meant it when I said you’re a natural. You have a real talent for directing a crowd, and then making good on your promises. I think you’ll make a great porn star, exotic dancer, or whatever you’d like to be when you get older and legal.”
“You think so?” Aston asked with a slow tilt to his head and flick of his tail.
“Oh yes,” Etis replied, sitting up now as his cock slowly shrunk back into his slit. “I’ve seen many boys and girls your age grow up to be fantastic adult entertainers with skills like yours. It doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan of course, but if you like, you certainly have what it takes. Ever think about it?”
Aston felt his fur fluff out at those words, folding his ears back with a shy smile as his tail wagged behind him. “I… maybe a few times,” he said with a soft mew leaving soon after. “If soccer, or whatever college stuff doesn’t work out.”
“I’m very much looking forward to it,” Etis said with a low rumble in his chest.
Aston gave a small bow as if finishing a show, before standing back up and giggling. “Well, stay tuned! I hope to do a lot more stuff… at least until I get in trouble.”
“Stay smart and you won’t,” the dragon added as he slid off the edge of the bed, stretching, then walking over to give Aston a hug. The feline mewed and purred back, before catching a glimpse of the clock in the room. He shot out a small squeak at the time as he pulled away.
“I’ve got to get going,” he said with a hurried rush in his voice, walking over to his laptop to shut it down, then working to find his pants. “Fuck, I need a shower too… you made me a mess,” he said with an accusing look up at the dragon, who only chuckled in response. “I don’t have time though… unless you can drive me back home?”
“I’m afraid I don’t drive,” the dragon replied with a soft shake to his head.
“How’d you make it here?” Aston asked as he regretfully pulled the underwear up his legs and over his soaked butt, feeling his fur cling to them already with an uncomfortable tug. He was going to have to spray them down with a lot of de-scenter so his whole laundry basket didn’t smell like spicy dragon cum. They were going to be soaked by the time he made it home.
“I have my ways,” Etis replied with another gentle smile, causing Aston to look at him funny.
“What, did you have a private helicopter drop you off?” he asked with a laugh before sliding his head through his shirt hole. “You do seem… well connected. Are you, like, a European Prince or something? I know dragons have been royalty in the past - you’re actually the first I’ve seen honestly.”
Etis chuckled at those words, giving a slow nod as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Something like that, yeah,” he said with a soft few words leaking from his lips.
“That kind of explains things,” Aston continued as he slid his laptop into his bag, then threw it onto his shoulders. “Guess this isn’t your first time indulging in this, huh?”
“Not at all,” Etis said back, becoming a man of few words now, as he stepped forward to give Aston another hug. “So if you’re ever in need, let me know, I’ll do my best to make things happen.”
“Noted,” Aston added with a small purr, before pulling away and giving the dragon a wave as he walked out that door in a rush. He took the stairs two at a time, bouncing down them like a kangaroo, only to hit the floor and keep the pace high, knowing he had to get home before his parents did. But, as he walked by the main office to the motel, he saw a large and imposing gorilla standing outside, leaning his back up against the doorframe.
Aston took a step to the side in order to give that body a large berth, trying not to make eye contact as the boy rushed away. But, with a loud clearing of his throat, a deep rumbling sound came out of his chest, making Aston stop and turn his head to look. “Boy,” the big ape said suddenly, “come here. We have something to discuss.”
“I… I don’t think we do,” Aston squirted out as his breathing grew quick and nervous, feeling the urge to run spring up in his tired legs, but also feeling them get glued to the ground as the gorilla pulled himself off the wall. Aston’s tail shot up straight as his ears folded back against his head, watching that shadow inch toward where he was standing, but not coming close enough to send him into full flight mode.
“Oh, but I assure you,” he said with a wide smile growing across his face, “you’ll want to hear what I have to say. Either that, or I can call the police now and report what you’ve been doing in my motel.”

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 5

Founding Cub - Joined during beta launch Jan 2023.
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Casper the Mascot

Chapter 5

Finding a girl he could do stuff with was just as hard as Aston remembered. He’d found the site and started browsing it for the specific purpose of finding a girl his age after all. But, with his lack of luck, he ended up going down a much different path. Not that he was complaining as he did enjoy all the things he’d done so far. However, now that he had a craving in his head, he was the type that needed to see it through. His mind was focused on finding someone feminine - anyone feminine for that matter - but there really wasn’t much to go on. He’d gotten some good exposure with his pictures and movies, and had made a few friends and contacts on the site, so he figured it would be a bit easier this time. He was wrong.
At first he dove back into his old PMs to try and find any female he’d talked to previously. There were a few here and there, but most of their conversations were short and had long since faded to inactivity. Still, a few renewed messages ushered in a few responses, but nothing got him anything concrete like he was hoping. There was barely any advice from them either, just some wishes of ‘Good Luck’ and ‘I wish I could help’ before the responses stopped coming in at all.
He figured he’d try and message a few of the other content creators to see if they’d respond. He had content of his own now, so he thought they might take him a bit more seriously. Yet, as he hit up his favorites, only two of them actually replied. One of the responses was definitely from their Guardian of some kind, with the other possibly being the cute bear girl in question. But, after a bit of back and forth, both were too far away to make anything happen.
Aston didn’t give up though. He came up with another plan, much like his original plan, to make some content catered to women and have them come to him. He stopped posting things with his butt and his toys, and focused on his own dick for a change. A few pawing videos, a few pictures in teasing poses, and even a video of him grinding and humping a pillow made its way onto the site, with varied levels of success and interest. Aston made a few posts calling out for any female help at the same time, but as he waited for the PMs to roll in, only a slow trickle of general interest and comments showed up - nothing he could use to get at what he truly wanted.
Still, Aston took every lead with slowly-dying enthusiasm. Each time he got a new notification his ears perked up and his paw was quick to click on their profile, although usually it was bare and empty, giving him little to go on. The conversations were often just as bare, with him being called ‘cute’ more times than he could count, but that being the extent of the interaction. It was still nice to hear for sure, and it gave him a boost of confidence, but everything was ultimately crushed when he asked if they could meet up. Either they stopped messaging, or he was told that they were too far away, or couldn’t come see him for any number of reasons.
Aston got pretty used to such rejection before long. He was seriously contemplating just going back to Rex and taking his offer to screw him for his first top role. Something inside the feline was still burning with a need though, and gay sex just didn’t tickle him like it had in the past. He held out a bit longer, hoping that someone might come along or that something might change, but the feline was slowly running out of hope. Not to mention his fans were getting anxious for new content like he had been providing, so the occasional toy and butt pictures needed to start flowing once again to appease them too.
Even when a new message popped up in his inbox, after he posted another pillow humping video, he didn’t feel the enthusiasm he once had as he scanned over yet another blank profile. ‘NaughtySpotty’ was the name, which didn’t add any new information, other than the user possibly being a dalmatian or a cheetah or something. With a sigh, Aston just casually responded to the “You are so cute!” line with his own, “Thanks”, fully content to leave it at that.
However, when he got a message back, he was more than a bit surprised.
“Sorry about the last message. I was a bit drunk when I sent it. I had so much I wanted to say, but my brain turned to mush, and I didn’t get any of it out. Hell, I can’t believe I even sent that honestly. I deleted all the drabble I wrote out, and I thought I hit the back button instead of send, but… oops.
Thanks for responding though! You are really cute, and I’ve been following you for a while. I noticed that lately you’re turning into a little Stud, aren’t ya? I think you make an excellent top, even if you have an excellent ass as well! I mean, you’re pretty excellent all around.
Sorry if that sounded creepy, I just don’t know what to say really. I’m pretty nervous, even just typing this out. I’ve never done this before, and I can’t have anyone finding out what I’m looking at, no offense to your awesome content of course. It’s just… you stirred something inside of me when I saw you, and I was wondering if I could help you out with your current quest to hook up with a female. I’m female, and I’m a snow leopard as well, so I think we’d be a good fit for one another. I’m not sure if we’re even close or anything, but I figured I’d at least let you know that I’d love to share a bed with you at some point.
Anyway, um, sorry for the massive message, and I’m sorry if I scared you away, but it does feel so much better to say all that. Thanks no matter what happens. -NS”
Aston had to read that message a few times in order for it all to sink in. It was far more than he got from most others, and it took some time to process. But, despite his excitement shooting through the roof, in the back of his mind he knew that she could be across the globe and far out of reach. Still, it was with slightly twitching fingers that he typed a message back.
“Awesome, glad to hear it, and thanks for the compliments. You’re not creepy at all, though a few others around here set that bar pretty high! I would love it if you could help out! It’s been a pretty frustrating search honestly, and I don’t know what it is, but I just really want to lose my female virginity after I’ve done all this gay stuff. I dunno if that sounds creepy or not, but I haven’t done this much either. The question is, where are we both located?”
Aston went ahead and typed out his general region before nervously hitting the send button. This was his best lead in a while, and he kept nervously checking back, hoping more than anything that the leopard would be right down the street. He knew that was crazy, and he knew better than to get his hopes up, but he did his best to cross his fingers and pray, feeling his cock start to stir in his shorts the more he thought about it.
Unlike some others on the site, he didn’t have to wait long for a response. He got the notification on his phone while he was in class, and the feline snuck it under his desk to open it up and start reading it.
“Really? No way! I’m not exactly close, but I’m not exactly far either. A few hours trip. Gosh, you have me shivering just thinking about it, but I think I can make it work honestly. That is, if you’re cool with it and really want to do it.
Ugh, I’d really want to help you record something too, but I can’t have my face on the web like that. Hmm, maybe I can wear a mask or something, and keep the cell phone facing you? I think that’ll work. It’ll give the scene a very personal touch too. Think I can adjust my voice or something? Or maybe I can just stay quiet. I dunno! Too many thoughts all at once.
Sorry if this is creepy, but I can’t stop rubbing myself at the thought. I’m so wet. I wish you were here right now! Hell, what’s wrong with me? I shouldn’t be doing this, but damn is it a rush. I assume you feel the same way when posting one of your videos?
I’m sorry if I’m droning on. But… to the point… yeah, I want to come and visit. Can we use that same motel the white fox had you in maybe? Your outfit was so cute in that, and you took him really well!
Arg, I’m so conflicted! On one end, I want you to be my Stud. I want you to whisper naughty things in my ear as you slide between my legs and breed me like only an enthusiastic young boy can. On the other hand, I want to dress you up like that again and peg the living daylights out of you, until you’re mewing in a dribble of fluids…
Mmmph, I need to stop this. My poor heart is going to explode if it won’t stop racing. Still, sorry I droned on again. Hit me back and let me know what days will work for you. I will try and make it happen. -NS.”
Aston read that message as much as he could get away with during class, feeling his own erection tenting his shorts more often than not throughout the day. He did his best to hide it, but his friends eventually noticed, or at least noticed that something was up with the way he was acting. Aston tried to play it off as being nervous for a big soccer game over the weekend, although he wasn’t sure they believed him. Either way they let it drop, and Aston had time to think what day would really work for him.
It’d have to be sometime during the week as his parents were around on the weekends. No way he could sneak off for something like that. He could always bike over after school like last time, although he’d been pretty close to coming home late, not to mention smelling of someone else without a chance to shower. Plus, Strings had been waiting for him for a while, doing nothing but being nervous most of the day. He could always take a day off from school, and that idea did start to tickle his fancy, but Aston had never done anything like that. He was a good boy at heart, and he never played hooky for any reason, much less for something so illegal.
Those thoughts swam around inside his mind until he got home. After a good fap, which he was too pent up to even catch on camera, he had a slightly clearer head to think. After a few minutes of staring at his screen and that blank reply prompt on the site, he began to type.
“Haha, I wouldn’t want your heart to explode. At least not before you saw me in person. My cuteness has been known to do that to a few unlucky people, but thankfully their insurance covered it.
You sound even more needy than me, which I didn’t think was possible. Not that it’s a bad thing though. I like the enthusiasm, and we definitely have to make something happen. I’m not sure we have time for everything you want to do, although I’d really love to try it all honestly. But yeah, it’d have to be some time during the week I think. Weekends are too busy for me.
We can use the same motel for sure. I can’t be out too late, but I was thinking of maybe skipping school that day so we can start earlier. Little did you know that you were getting such a bad boy to hook up with, right? Hah. Let me know if that works.”
With his own heart pounding, and his erection starting to come back, Aston sent that message with a click, and then proceeded with another round of porn hunting and fapping to calm himself back down. A few hours later, after he’d eaten dinner, he checked again to find another message waiting for him.
“During the week, huh? Hmmm… I think I can swing that. A random day off of work for me would need a good excuse, but… the idea is making me a bit of a wreck. In more ways than one I’ll have you know! I’m not sure I could handle switching back and forth from sub to dom that quick either, but I’ll try and figure out what I need the most by then. Next week maybe? Gives us both time to prepare.”
Aston was quick to send back one last message before bed confirming everything, and even sending her the link to the motel booking page. He was rewarded with a message waiting for him when he woke up. It was a nice thank you for everything so far, along with a small surprise as well. Attached was a picture of her groin with her legs spread. One of her paws was slick with her fluids, showing the stringy strands clinging between each digit as she fanned them out just above her wet folds. Aston had to paw off thanks to that before school, doing his best to send a private picture back to her of his cock as he did. From then on the teasing bounced back and forth as a few more ideas and discussions began to take hold between them.
Before either of them knew it, the day they’d set up had finally arrived. They were both quite nervous as Naughty started her drive over not too long after Aston woke up for school. It felt weird to go through his normal routine of getting ready, knowing that he wasn’t going to school that day. He made sure to sneak a few things into his book bag that he wouldn’t normally bring, and then with a twitch to his tail, he began the walk as usual. Half way there the feline looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was following him, only to make a sudden turn and start walking the opposite direction. He tried to be sneaky, making his way down all the smallest streets and back alleys, until the nice suburban part of town began to turn into a more run down and older section.
He had considered a few things to do as he waited, with the feline eventually finding a decent looking bus stop to take a seat at before pulling out his phone. He tried to keep his mind off what he was about to do, because any time he thought about it, his cock would shoot up and leave an eager bulge in his pants for his trouble.. Watching a few videos, playing some mind numbing but addictive mobile game, and taking a short walk around the neighborhood kept him busy enough, with only the occasional erection forcing him to take some deep breaths and relax. He tried to stay off Kinkykub as much as possible, trying to avoid getting aroused yet again, but responding to a few PMs got him looking at the leopard’s teasing shots she’d taken for him once more, gritting his teeth as he resisted groping his groin in public.
It seemed like forever, but as the feline was making his way back toward the motel, he saw a car pulling up into the mostly deserted parking lot. He ducked between a few close buildings, keeping an eye on who might get out, and he felt his heart flutter as he saw a rather tall snow leopard close the door behind her. She looked calm in general, but he could tell by the twitch of her tail that she was on guard as she walked into the main office and picked up the key card. Aston waited for her to walk back out, pick up a bag from her car, and then head toward her room before he so much as moved. He wasn’t totally sure that was her as he’d never seen a face, much less a full picture of her, but soon enough he felt his phone vibrate in his paw.
“I’m here,” the simple text said, causing Aston to gulp down some spit in his muzzle as his breathing got a little deeper. This was it, she was here and wanted to see him. This was the chance he’d been waiting for.
Yet, his fingers stumbled over his response, having to go back and erase the same words multiple times as even auto-correct wasn’t on his wavelength at the moment. With some effort, he managed to send back, “Will be there in a few minutes. What’s the room number?”
With the response coming back shortly, Aston did his best to use his phone camera as a mirror, adjusting his hair and matting his fur down with his paws, grooming himself as best as he could before starting his walk over. He continued playing with his looks until he was in front of that door, still smoothing out the fur on his tail, only to take one final breath and raise a paw to knock.
He was wearing nothing out of the ordinary, just a simple pair of shorts and a T-shirt along with his backpack, but that casualness made him seem confident as well, something he desperately needed as that door began to crack open, and a female’s face began to peek out the crack. “Aston?” she said in a slightly deeper tone than he was expecting, causing the boy to nod a few times as he looked at the half shadowed face.
“Naughty Spotty?” he responded, doing his best to tilt his head with a small smile at his question. That caused her to smile as well as she pulled the door open wider.
“Yes,” she said with a simple nod, not stepping out into the light, but urging the boy in with a quick wave of her paw. “Get in here, cutie.”
With a chuckle Aston pushed himself forward, having to turn sideways to squeeze into the crack of that door, and just barely having enough time to pull his tail out of the way before it slammed shut behind him. Some dim lights were on, but all the windows had the shades pulled down, forcing Aston’s eyes to adjust for a second. As his contrast came in, he looked up to see the snow leopard staring back at him, neither one knowing quite what to do for a brief moment.
She eventually made the first move, sending her large paws down to grip onto Aston’s waist, before tugging him in for a strong hug. A few nervous twitches flew through both of them as their bodies pressed together, fur and clothing rubbing against one another. Aston squirmed at the touch, feeling a soft purr already beginning to leak out of his throat, and his erection jolting up as his muzzle landing in between her decent sized breasts. “H…hey there…” he whimpered out with a soft muffled tone, pulling his head back just enough to get a sightline up to her chin.
She gave another squeeze around his midsection with her paws, almost forcing a puff of air out of him with the pressure, as she took in one deep breath herself and let it out with a small shake. “Heya small guy,” she finally said, pushing back the quiver in her voice as her grip lessened on the boy. She took a step back, looking down and over him, before saying, “Gosh you’re handsome. I mean, I knew you were, but… my expectations have been exceeded already.”
Aston shot back a small mew at that, having to look down and let out a weak chuckle as his tail whipped around behind him and his ears folded flat at the comment. But, he sprung back up with a smile as he turned his gaze toward her and said, “Awww, thank you. You’re very sexy as well! Your pictures didn’t really show off just how strong you are. Bet you could lift me with ease.”
She chuckled at that as she pulled her paws back and placed them on her hips for a moment, adding in, “It comes with doing some manual work every now and then. And, well, let’s see if I’m as strong as I look.” It didn’t take her long to reach over and grab Aston around the chest, using his armpits as a firm paw hold, before lifting him up and off his feet with a quick yank into the air. That left his foot paws kicking and squirming, causing the boy to dangle in front of her like a ragdoll for the moment.
“Yeah, pretty easy,” she shot back with a smile. She lifted Aston up even higher, holding him face to face, before leaning in and giving him a quick kiss to the cheek. That caused the boy to mew and squirm a bit more, whipping his head back and forth along with his tail, before focusing in on the grinning leopard. Once he steadied himself from his reaction, he pushed forward, meeting her lips with his own in a sudden and confident drive.
It was only supposed to be a quick kiss, but neither of them pulled back right away. In fact, her paws pulled him in closer, holding the dangling feline against her chest, offering him no escape even if he wanted to pull back. With their lips locked, and neither one wanting to give in, Aston’s arms wrapped around her shoulders to hold himself up while their tongues began to push together. Soon Aston had even wrapped his legs around her hips, clinging to her like a monkey, and settling in for a long and drawn out set of muffled moans and small twitches. Both of their eyes closed as they swapped some spit back and forth during their teasing battles for control, with each one gaining an advantage, and then losing it a moment later. Each rough tongue took a turn probing the other’s mouth, with the boy eager to show off his kissing skills, and the leopard being somewhat amazed, but very much enjoying the boy’s forwardness.
They shared a good long moment between them before Aston pulled away for a few deep breaths, with the leopard staring at him as she caught her own breath. “Mmmph, you are just… fuckin’ perfect, you know that? Sorry, language, don’t repeat what I say.”
“Yes Mommy,” Aston shot back as a bit of a tease, adding a giggle shortly after. Although, that word caused her eyes to narrow and glare at Aston.
He thought he was in trouble at first, gulping down some extra spit in his mouth, before she growled back, “Mmmph, keep this up and my heart really is going to explode. I still haven’t figured out if I want to turn you into a purring puddle, or if I want to give you the chance to do that to me. And you’re not making the choice easy!”
She put him down with a little huff as they detangled from one another, and the leopard tried to play it cool as she caught her breath and shook off her slightly sore arms. Despite being firm and steady on the outside, Aston could see her mind racing through her eyes as she scanned all over him, taking him in with extreme detail, and trying really hard to pick a direction to go.
Aston didn’t have much to say to that besides shooting back another cute mew, rocking on his feet as the older lady looked him over, with the boy doing much the same to her. From hips, to breasts, to muzzle and tail tip, he couldn’t believe what he was looking at. This wasn’t what he’d planned at all when he’d first started his hunt, but he could already feel a tingle running up his tail and spine that told him this was going to be an adventure - and a fun one at that. An older woman for his first time? That would be something to brag about to his friends! Or, at least to his internet friends who he could brag to.
“Alright,” she finally spat out, clearly tiring of her mental gymnastics and giving up trying to decide. “You’ve never been with a woman before, right? And you were looking for some tips and pointers?”
Aston nodded and shot back another mew at that, adding in, “Mmm, yeah, that was the idea. You don’t mind, do you?”
That caused the leopard to lean down and grin nice and wide, shaking her hips behind her as she said, “Oh, not at all. In fact, I think it’s quite fun to break new partners in. I’ve certainly done that with a lot of the girls I’ve been with, but this is the first time I’ve done it with someone like you. It’s a russsshhhh…” she added with a very deep breath, almost like it was a hiss, letting those words flow across Aston’s cheek fur as she leaned in even closer to nuzzle a cheek against him.
His tail wasn’t the only thing that was twitching as Aston squirmed on his feet, nodding with a gentle whimper. “G..good. Not that I’d need a lot of help I’m sure. Just, ya know, some little things.”
“Haha,” the leopard said with a nod as she pulled back. She reached out a paw to pat the top of Aston’s head, before sliding down to give his chin a little scratch soon after. “I’m sure that’s exactly it you little Stud. Still, it doesn’t hurt to get started off on the right foot. You said you brought that collar along?”
Aston nodded quick as he hadn’t even had a chance to slide off his school backpack, although now he swung it around in front of him and opened up that zipper with a slightly shaking paw. That collar was right up top, just as he’d packed it this morning, and with a victorious pose he yanked it out of his bag, showing it off with a big jingle of the bell on the front. He smiled at the noise as he dropped his bag off to the side, before placing the collar over both of his paws, and holding them out for the leopard to inspect the contents.
“God, you’re such a bottom,” she teased with a chuckle at his posture, before reaching out to grab that collar in her own paws, giving it a few twists and turns to inspect it. “How am I going to train you to be the boy Stud I was looking for? I might as well get the strap-on harness out now and save myself the trouble.”
Aston wasn’t sure how to take that teasing, but he found a somewhat threatening growl in his throat and pushed it out, adding to it with, “I might take a cock better than you, but I swear I can give it too!”
That made her eyes shoot open with a curious reaction, although a wide smirk grew over her face as she said, “Spunky though, I like that. It’ll serve you well. Come here cutie, chin up!”
Despite Aston’s little outburst, he couldn’t help but follow the female’s commands, taking a step forward and lifting his chin up, with a little growl filtering through to show her he wasn’t a complete pushover. She chuckled at that noise as she slid the collar around his neck, securing it in place with a set of experienced fingers, before giving a small tug on the ring up front and hearing the bell jingle yet again.
“Mmmph, you are just… evil,” she shouted back in a teasing tone, but with a strong purr leaving her chest as she gave the boy another scratch to the chin. “Dangerous even,” she continued, before whipping herself around to begin her walk to the bag lying on the end of the bed. It didn’t take her long to dive in and pull out a leash, wrapping it around her paw a few times before turning around to show the dangling clasp to Aston. “I knew I had one that matched your collar, it just took me a bit to find.” With a few steps she closed in on the stationary feline, swinging that leash clip up into her free paw, and snapping it on the ring hanging from his neck
She gave it a slight pull just to test that it was secure, before giving it some slack and letting the feline stand back upright. “Now handsome, I’m going to lead you where you need to go, but when you get there, I need you to give me everything you’ve got, deal?”
Aston gave off a muffled mew and squirmed as he was tugged forward by that leash, but when he straightened himself out, he puffed out his chest and gave off a small growl once again. “I promise I will!”
“Good boy,” the leopard replied with a smirk. “But, before that, I want to see you. To REALLY see all of you. Shirt and pants off, leave those undies on for now, as long as they show you off well.”
Aston nodded as he felt the end of that leash get forced down the neck of his shirt, with the leopard feeding it down until the handle popped out from the bottom. She reached down with her free paw to give it a yank and draw in the slack, lifting Aston’s shirt up in the process. The sudden motion made Aston jump in surprise, but it was easy to know where to go from there. After a quick flurry of squirms and shuffling motions, he managed to slip that shirt up and over his head, tossing it away as if it was on fire. He shook his head fur to get it all back into place, before shooting a teasing smile back up at the older feline.
He puffed his chest out again now that it was bare and free, before putting his paws on his hips and showing himself off with a quick spin. Once he was stationary again, hearing a little growl coming from the closely watching leopard before him, he slid one paw to the front of his pants. He undid the button with a dull pop, and with a little pressure to his waistband, he soon felt them sliding down his legs, leaving only his tight white briefs clinging to his groin and rear. They were simple, but they did the job nicely, allowing his bulge up front and cheeks behind to be shaped by the tight fabric.
The leopard let out an appreciative purr at that sight of the feline in only those tight undies, making him spin around again with a slow tug at his leash, then again as her paw reached down to pass over both his groin and his rump in a slow circle. “Mmmph, you are a gorgeous little thing, aren’t ya?” she added with a deep huff as she looked down at the kitten, letting that one free paw travel over his chest and ruffle some fur, before sliding back down to his thighs and legs, then up toward his already tented groin. “Super eager too, just as I’d expect a boy to be. It’s really cute!”
Aston’s fur ruffled as he flicked his ears and tail, half ashamed he couldn’t hold himself back, and half wanting to thrust up into her paw and show off his manliness to prove himself as a real man. It was a confusing mix for the feline, leaving him squirming and dancing on his feet, leaking out small noises with each twitch that surged through him.
She didn’t let him go easy either as her large paw worked around the outline of his cock. A few slow passes just to feel the edges, with her delicate fingers giving a few tiny squeezes, before a stronger and more complete clamp around that shaft made the boy’s tight underwear even tighter. With a hot gasp leaving both of their muzzles, she stroked along his member with a gentle but focused touch, teasing the poor boy and making yet more noises dribble out of him, much like the fluid leaving a small but growing wet spot on the front of his undies.
“Mmmm, gosh, so eager…” she added, continuing to tease his erection through his underwear. She let go of her firm grasp around it, going back to just tracing a single finger under and around that bulge, even adding in the sharp pressure of a claw to really focus the pleasure down to a point. It was great fun watching him squirm and whimper with each pass along the underside, feeling that wet spot at the tip get bigger with each jolt. It left the leopard purring and grinning, a deadly combination as her eyes only narrowed in more on her prey.
“N… not my fault… you’re so sexy!” Aston shot back, trying to go on the offensive. But, his outburst only made another happy growl leave the leopard’s throat, as the boy grit his teeth to try and push some of his need back down into his depths. Thankfully, she had a good idea of how far she could push someone, and her paw backed off that outline after a few more strokes, letting the feline catch his breath and gather himself up.
“You are just… amazing,” she soon said with a chuckle breaking the words apart. “Mmmph, God,” she continued, letting a shiver shake her entire body as she visibly rocked back and forth. It was at that point she reached down to her own pants, undoing the button and letting them fall with a shake of her hips. Aston watched eagerly as those pants fell, and those tight green panties stuck close to her groin, matted between her legs along with her own fluids. She kicked off her pants and then started on her shirt, tugging the white and blue working shirt off her frame, and leaving her breasts exposed in the same green bra to match those panties. With a flick of her head to get her hair to settle, she gave a hungry growl down at the boy as she teased, “Like what you see? Want to see more?”
“Y…yes Ma’am,” Aston whimpered back, completely mesmerized by the nearly naked girl in front of him, swallowing his spit with a heavy and noticeable motion as his cock outline gave another throb.
“Good boy,” she teased with a flick to her hips, before reaching out to grab one of his paws and leading it to her hip, where the strap to her panties lay tight. “Go ahead and pull, but slowly. Savor it.”
Aston nodded with a weak whine leaving his lips, adding his other paw to the other side as well, before starting to wiggle those straps down over her hips, matching the motion of the leopard’s sways with his tugs. Inch by inch those panties began to peel away, with the middle still stubbornly sticking to her groin as he got down low enough. It took until Aston was pulling down on those strings before that groin patch let loose with an audible slurp, peeling off and falling under its own weight. She let out a small gasp as it did, with the heavy center dropping down fast and pulling the rest of those now slack strings down her thighs and knees. The sudden release caused the boy to let go of them so they could fall the rest of the way to the floor, landing with a soft thud onto the carpet between her legs.
He looked at that matted fur and the edges of those wet lips in front of him, taking in a stronger scent of arousal that was much different from other males, but still sent his mind dribbling and drooling as the pheromones worked their magic on him. His cock was soon throbbing with a fresh rush of need as those chemicals did their thing, with the boy rocking his hips to try and grind his erection against his undies, although not having much success as another needy whimper shot through him.
“Mmmph, why are you so adorable?” she asked after stepping out of her panties, spreading her legs a bit, and giving her own folds a much needed stroke with her paw, twitching and gasping at that fresh rush of sensation. She’d been watching the boy’s face the whole time, seeing him go through a heavy range of emotions, and enjoying how his eyes shot wide and he seemed overwhelmed with what he was doing. “You are everything I was hoping for and more, you know?”
That caused Aston to smile up at her yet again, folding his ears back as he meowed in response. That got him another small scratch to his chin, with the same paw that had just given her own mound some much needed strokes, marking him with her scent as he took it in with a few deep breaths. “Still got a few things to find out though,” she teased, pulling her paw back and reaching behind her to unhook her bra. With a quick snap it came loose, sliding off her arms as she wiggled out of it, leaving her breast free to hang against her chest. That got Aston’s attention once again as he’d never really seen any breasts in person, feeling his paws start to rise up to touch them, before sliding back down to his sides with a quick snap.
“So eager, I love it,” she responded with a chuckle, now standing nude before the feline. She leaned over a bit to let her breasts hang toward his face before she said, “Want to touch them?”
Aston nodded with a few quick motions to his head, feeling his breath catch in his throat for a moment, before those rapid breaths found their way out and rang from his chest. “Y…yes, can I?”
The leopard pulled back a bit, teasing him even more, as she brought her free paw up to her chin to rub it and fake thinking for a bit. “Hmm, I think you should have to earn it,” she finally answered, before spinning around and batting his side with her tail as she gave his leash a tug. “Come on gorgeous, and remember what I said about giving it all you got.”
“Y…yes!” he squeaked out before the tension on his neck caused him to follow her to the edge of the bed. He watched her turn around and sit down, before sliding herself back toward the head board. Once she was comfy, she spread her legs and tugged on that leash once again. With a few curls of the lead around her paw, that leash got mighty short, forcing Aston to slide up with her and crawl closer. In no time he ended up between her spread legs, staring in awe at her open folds, only to shoot his gaze back up at her when she cleared her throat to get his attention.
“Undies off cutie,” she shot back with a bit of a grin, clearly playing with the boy now. “I want to see how your hips and rump look from this angle.”
Aston didn’t even hesitate as he reached back both paws to peel those damp underwear off. He gave a little groan as his cock sprung free, bouncing up and at attention almost painfully hard as he wiggled the fabric down his thighs, legs, and eventually kicked them off and to the side with a few shakes of his feet.
“Mmm, good boy,” she said with a soft purr at the sight, lifting his neck and upper body with a pull to his leash, getting a quick glimpse of that cock dangling underneath his belly, throbbing hard with a cute little wiggle as the boy shook his hips. “You’re so cute when you’re horny, you know that?”
Aston just gave a small nod and swish of his tail, feeling that leash tension lessen as he was pulled back down to all fours in front of the female.
“So, step one of keeping a girl happy is learning how to eat her out properly. I take it you never have before?” she said in a firm, but almost motherly tone to him.
He was quick to shake his head in response.
“Figured,” she continued with a warm smile. “So, there’s lots to work over down there. Outer folds are nice, inner folds are better, paws rubbing over thigh flesh is amazing, so don’t forget that. The opening is fun to play with, and that clit is just like your cock. Work it like you would another boy’s, but more gentle as it’s more sensitive. Got it?” She stared down at Aston with an intense but curious glare, with the tension on that leash growing as she inched Aston closer to her groin, not wanting to wait.
“Y…yes,” he said with a strong flick of his tail behind him. “I… I think so.”
“Then show me,” she replied, before yanking that short leash lower, and pulling the feline’s chin against her groin.
He shot back a sudden yelp at the forceful tug, feeling his chin bounce against a wet outer fold, before he sprung back far enough to hold himself at bay. Aston hesitated for a second as he stared at those folds close up, but he pushed most of his thoughts out of his mind as he tried not to think too hard about things. He had been preparing for this for weeks now, and had seen enough videos to know more or less what to do. So, as his paws wrapped around the outside of the leopard’s legs, and he pulled himself into alignment, he stuck out his tongue and pressed it to those folds, giving them a long slurp from base to the top.
The first pass made her squeal and gasp as the boy’s rough tongue hadn’t been exactly gentle, and she hadn’t expected him to just dive in like that either. Nevertheless, with another long slurp and lick, Aston felt that paw drop the tension on his leash and instead gently push his forehead back. That was all Aston needed to know as he adjusted his slurps to the tension, with the following slurps getting somewhat softer, but also starting to fall quicker in succession.
“Mmmph, that’s it,” the leopard soon added in between her soft moans and rumbles to herself, “you’ve got it gorgeous. Nice and light - only push harder when you need to.” She used that paw on his head to give him a few scratches between the ears, causing Aston’s tail and ears to flick at the sensation, as he adjusted his grasp to her thighs and leaned into those licks a bit more. He was far from an expert, but enthusiasm certainly won the day as his tongue poked just about everywhere, taking in that slightly tangy flavor and not seeming to mind it much as he kept going back for more.
Once he got himself settled in he began to explore, sliding that tongue tip down toward her entrance and circling around that hole, before driving in for a few probing pushes. He tried to follow her noises, seeing how each drive and wiggle left her responding, and working to get those moans and deep breaths as heavy as he could. He certainly didn’t unlock the miracle treatment that would leave any woman unable to resist, but as more and more fluid matted down his chin and cheeks, he felt like he was doing a decent job. He drove forward still, trying to reach deeper into her depths, sending his tongue far enough to gag at the strain on the beginning of his throat. Even as his noises rang out between the leopard’s own, his effort got him a cute pet to the head again as she seemed to enjoy the boy’s eagerness to please.
“Mmmph, such a good job,” she whispered out, giving his hair a little squeeze to help pull his muzzle back an inch or two. “Higher though… suck on my clit like it was your friend’s cock.”
That certainly put a mental image in Aston’s mind as his tongue searched for that small bump at the top of her folds, finding it pretty quick with a few probing passes. From there he tried to figure out how he’d actually suck something so small, but a little bit of trial and error got his head tilted to the side, and his lips making a good enough seal around her flesh to make it happen. He tugged in his cheeks to pull some pressure on that nub while letting his tongue flick and grind over it, trying to be gentle at first, but still hearing those squeals and hisses flowing from the first contact. He thought he was being too rough, but as that paw on his head pulled him in tighter, he quickly figured out that he was on the right track, even feeling those thighs squeeze around the sides of his head as the feline continued his work.
“Mmmph, that-a-boy. Keep it up,” she moaned back as Aston felt her hips grind back against him, forcing his jaw and chin to fight back against the much stronger set of muscles. He couldn’t hold out for long as the boy desperately needed a breath, with his nostrils ground deep into musky groin fur barely getting enough air to keep him from feeling dizzy. He held steady and endured for as long as he could, but with a few strong pulls back on his head, he felt the leopard release her grasp on him and give him a much needed break.
His eyes were still closed at the moment as the feline panted for breath, feeling all sorts of fluids dripping down his chin and cheeks. A mix of her fluids and his own spit clung to his fur, matting it down in a mess that only a good wash would be able to straighten out. Nevertheless, the boy gulped down whatever was in his mouth, before finally cracking open his eyelids once again. As he shot his gaze up from those wet folds, he found himself staring into the back end of a phone, with those lenses pointed right at him. He should’ve been ready for that, but instead he gave off a surprised squeak and squeal, nearly ducking his face back down to hide it below the leopard’s groin.
“Mmm, what’s the matter my little internet star? Getting shy on me?” she teased before sliding her paw down from his head and grabbing his leash once more. She pulled his neck and face toward her groin with a soft yank, shooting back a small grind of her hips against his cheeks, while letting the cute feline mew and squirm at the attention. “You were so confident in all your other videos,” she continued, making the boy’s fur puff out in slight embarrassment. Yet, in response, Aston stuck his tongue out, showing it off to the camera, before he gave her outer lips a wide pass yet again.
“Mmmph, that’s better,” she added with a soft mew and moan, bucking her hips up gently to make sure Aston didn’t miss a spot. “Such a good job for your first bit of female oral though. That tongue still needs a bit of training, but for your first time… I’ve had way worse experiences. Maybe there is a little Stud underneath that cute exterior, just lurking to come out.”
Aston nodded, diving in for a few more lapping and nodding passes as a soft growl came out of his throat, spurred on by her words and now feeling eager to show off.
“Mmm, you’re so adorable,” she said with a chuckle, lifting her leash-holding paw up to give him another scratch to whatever part of his cheek she could reach. “But, enough oral. I’m worked up and ready. Hell, I’m more than ready. I was ready when my eyes first saw you honestly. Gonna prove to me that I wasn’t wrong in trusting you with this? Going to show me that Stud you have lurking inside?”
Aston nodded a few times, adding a few final slurps to her lips, before pulling back and getting another deep breath or two in. “Yeah,” he finally said as his paws began to uncurl from the outside of her thighs, sliding himself up and onto his knees between her legs. As he filled his lungs with fresh air, the boy reached down a paw to give himself a teasing stroke, mewing at the first contact in a long and much needed while. “Mmmph, look what you did to me,” he replied, trying to tease the leopard back with a gentle thrust to his hips.
“You did that to yourself,” she shot back with enough of a bite to make Aston gasp and stop for a second, then whimper as his paw continued to rub over his cock.. “Come on,” she added after a moment, adjusting her face behind the camera as she said, “Let’s see what you’ve got. Show the whole world who’s ready to breed!”
Aston felt a gulp slide down his throat as he heard that b-word leave her lips, but he pushed it away as just a bit of teasing while his paw got a firmer grip over his shaft. He thrust forward into it, feeling his balls swing and smack against the edge of his grasp as he did his best to get his hips rolling. With a few more moaning pumps, he showed off his youthful body with a growing bit of spark and a playful smile, hoping that he didn’t look too silly in front of the camera, or the lady either, as he grit his teeth and slowly pumped back and forth.
“Mmm, there’s the Stud I was looking for,” she teased with a soft chuckle. “So eager, so ready, so hung…” With those words, she brought her free paw over to grasp at that cock tip, shooing the boy’s paw away for the moment. Aston had to bite his lip and muffle a few whines at the first contact, already trying hard to hold himself back from cumming, as he tried to push his mind off to somewhere else. It was a technique he’d seen mentioned lots of times, but right now it was only working slightly, as thinking about his next soccer game wasn’t doing too much to keep that need to cum down.
Still, the leopard could tell by his noises and squirms that he was sensitive, so she pulled back her paw after only a few rubs and gave him a quick breather as she let out a small series of moans. That same paw went to stroke her own folds and clit, probing into her opening as she made sure she was ready, before finally pulling back and reaching for Aston’s leash. It was a gentle tug that drew him in closer, making the cat boy inch in on his knees, with his bouncing shaft only getting closer to that groin with each successive yank.
“Mmm, don’t be shy big guy,” she teased, figuring she gave him enough time to relax and back away from his imminent edge. “It’s ready for you. All you have to do is line up and slide in.”
“I’m ready too,” Aston answered, although with enough waver in his voice to make most people doubt that, including the leopard in front of him. But, it did bring a smile to her face as she nodded.
“Well then…” was all she needed to add as she spread her legs a bit more, giving Aston all the room he could need.
Aston stared down at that groin, then at the camera with her face behind, and tried to give it a confident smile as he inched closer. He put one paw down on the bed at the leopard’s side, while he used his other paw to grab at the base of his cock, holding it steady as the tip slid against the feline’s slickness. She moved the phone a bit higher, getting a better angle of the penetration, all while Aston pushed forward, soon sliding into that opening with a careful yet eager drive of his hips.
A loud moan escaped his lips as his cock was instantly wrapped in warmth and pressure. The sudden jolt made him stop for a moment, not expecting such a rush, but before long he continued to push, using that slickness to drive deeper into her. The sensation was intense, making the boy yelp and shiver when his balls made contact with the snow leopard’s groin, giving her a few grinds back and forth as he settled in. While his mind raced and his body twitched, drops of fluid began to leak down his balls, tickling them in response, soaking through his fur and onto bare skin beneath.
“Mmmph, good boy,” she said between a few moans as Aston nearly fell forward, reacting to a reflexive squeeze as the leopard clenched down on him. He was able to catch himself with his other paw, shooting it away from his groin and onto the other side of the leopard, leaving him straddling her with his upper body. He tried not to move for a moment, letting his body calm down and relax, as that initial sensation just felt… right. This is what his cock was designed to do, this is why he had it, and it felt right at home inside someone else like this. Of course he’d learned to enjoy the strange sensation of something inside him as well, but now he understood why everyone was happy to fill him, realizing just how good it felt.
It was way different from his own paw. The feeling was so total, so complete around him, and not just a few zones of pressure here and there like his paw could provide. Not to mention the warmth, the slickness, the quick pulsing of both their heartbeats ringing out almost in unison. It felt wonderful, just like that pussy was designed to make a boy cum as quick as possible.
Of course he was trying to avoid that, going so far as to bite his lip as his hips hesitated in limbo, pushed all the way against her groin yet hesitant to pull back out. Nevertheless, she didn’t seem to mind, taking a good few moments in the pause to capture Aston’s quickly changing face and expressions, leading to a few squeals and quick clenches of her own around him. “Did I tell you just how adorable you are?” she said once again. “Gosh, your face… that first time you’re feeling all that sensation, it’s amazing, isn’t it?”
“Y…yeah,” was all Aston could come back with, laying his hips directly onto hers for a moment, and grinding in as deep as possible as he prepared himself to pull back out eventually.
She chuckled at his response, with that phone shaking in her grasp as another strong shiver shot through her. “Mmmph, adorable, absolutely adorable. Take your time, hun. Don’t rush it. I want you to enjoy it like I am.”
Aston took her words into consideration, but he knew he couldn’t stay still forever. Soon, he put more weight onto his paws as he began to pull back his hips, feeling that sensation tingle all over his cock, forcing his body to shiver while a cute mew escaped his lips. But, before another comment could come out of her muzzle, the feline drove himself back in, slapping against her wet groin with his own, only to grunt at the sensation. One pump turned into two, then three, then a small flurry of them as the sensation dulled with each one. Sure it still felt great, but that initial surprising surge was now gone as his cock and mind settled into the task at hand, at least partially ready to do what he came here to do.
“Mmmph, that focus… that determination,” she added after a moment of soft moans between them, “you are so precious, you know that? My little Stud!”
Aston wasn’t sure which parts were really praise and which were teasing, but at this point Aston didn’t care. Her words caused his ears to flick as he heard them, but he didn’t really process them more than that as his hips smacked along into her, keeping steady for the moment, but slowly growing in confidence with each smack that rang out. It wasn’t the physical effort that kept him focused as his young body could handle that with ease, but those tingles all over his cock, spreading deep into his groin, his balls, and even up his spine to his brain, made the feline’s resolve waiver. It was hard work to hold back, having to constantly clench down and try to think of something to keep him unfocused. His eyes shot up to look around the room, seeing the tacky paintings on the walls, the cheap furniture scattered around, the color of those awful bedsheets underneath them… using anything he could use to trick his mind into losing some focus.
Yet, it all only worked for a bit, with that need always bubbling up inside him after his mind had run out of things to think about. He slowed his thrusts as that sensation built up yet again, getting less sensation to help fuel that engine, but that only caused the leopard’s paw to slide down his back and pull him in further. Her legs soon started to curl around his hips as well, almost swallowing up the smaller feline in her grasp, with the boy using those squeezes and strain against his frame to hold out just a bit longer. The strong purrs that were ringing from both of their chests, as well as the moans and mews flying between them, filled the room and echoed around the hard and wet slaps that also flew fast and furious now. Aston had done about all the holding back he could, and with a cute whimper and huff he said back, “Gonna… cum soon. I can cum… inside?”
“Yes, please,” she begged, with her own needy moans and deep breaths breaking up her words. “Give me everything you’ve got, Stud Kitten. Don’t hold anything back.”
Those words, as cheesy as they were, pushed Aston on. He nodded his head and then lowered it, not even looking at the camera now as his focus was down on the leopard’s bouncing breasts, trying to use them to hypnotize himself and get his mind off the need of his groin. But, they only seemed to make things worse as the boy’s hips gave off a few more hard slams into that groin, causing her to squirm and squeal, squeezing around him hard as his seed erupted out of the end of his cock.
Aston gasped and thrusted deep, grinding his way into her with a few final twitching thrusts, as his balls tightened and sent everything they had into the older woman. Both of them arched their backs and cried out, with the leopard’s own hips grinding back against him, sending some pleasure through her as her clit ground against his groin. That rush lasted for a brief few seconds, but it did seem like an eternity to the boy before the thought of what he’d just done surged over him. He’d asked if it was okay to cum in her… didn’t he? They’d discussed it before and she said it’d be okay, but… what if he did end up making a cub? He wasn’t ready to be a father…
Those thoughts slowly raced through his head as the leopard released him from her clenched legs, but used the paw on his back to pull him down flat against her. He let himself fall with only a hint of grace, feeling his arms giving out as he succumbed to the leopard’s wishes. With a thump onto her belly, his muzzle ended up between her breasts, nuzzling in with his loud purr, as the older feline’s synched up with his own. “Mmmph, just… I have no words,” she said through her deep breaths, taking each one nice and slow as they made the cat boy rise and fall. “That was amazing, and you’re just the best,” she teased, patting him on the head and scratching his cheek, getting Aston to purr and mew back at the attention with a few wags of his tail.
“I… I tried,” Aston squeaked back, smiling as his chin rested in the valley of her chest, looking up at both her and the phone for another moment. Then, with a few button pushes, and a few still photos taken, she stopped recording and pulled the phone away, leaving him to stare straight up directly at her excited and pleased face.
“You did good,” she replied, with her paw coming down to give the feline a few more scratches on the cheek. “Really good.”
“Good,” he answered with a nod, lifting his chin up for the scritches, then laying it back down between her breasts as her paw fell away.
“Mmmph, just… let’s lay here for a moment,” she continued, with her wide eyes looking at Aston, and Aston’s eyes staring back up at her. With another nod he silently agreed, using her chest as a pillow as his head turned to the side, with her gentle strokes along his back making him feel relaxed. His own paws wrapped around her sides, squeezing her a bit as they shared even more purrs together, with each one melting into the other and just enjoying the close company. It was a much needed rest for the boy as his breathing began to slow and his core muscles dealt with their burn, making him feel caressed and supported by the older woman’s body. It was so relaxing that Aston felt his eyes closing, just wanting to enjoy the moment a bit longer in silence, and not even realizing that he drifted off to sleep a moment later
She must have done the same as the two cats shared similar needs, because when Aston awoke from his cat nap, he rose up from her chest with a jolt. That seemed to make her stir as well, with the two naked felines giving off a quick stretch before Aston scrambled from between her legs. “Crap… what time is it?” he called back as he slipped off the bed, feeling his fur still matted from their combined mix of fluids, as he crouched down and reached into his discarded pants to pull out his phone.
He saw the time just as the leopard gave off a small yawn and said, “7:30 it seems. Must have gotten a good nap in.”
“Fuck,” Aston shouted back, quickly finding his underwear and sliding them on, not even bothering to clean off his groin first. “I’ve got to get going - my parents will be home soon!”
That worry in his voice caused the leopard to sit up and slide off the bed as well, gathering her own clothes as she said, “I can drive you back if you want - should be quicker.”
“Please?” he asked, not even thinking about how she’d know exactly where he lived now. His mind was focused on other things as he got himself dressed, sliding off his collar and leash, grabbing his bag, and getting ready to go.
She did much the same with a small chuckle, keeping pace with Aston to make sure he wasn’t waiting on her, and getting her clothes on as she commented, “You’re so adorable, you know that?”
“Yeah, adorably late,” he shot back, although with a hint of a smile as they both hurried to the door, with Aston busting out first. The leopard wasn’t far behind, smiling to herself as she led the boy to her car, working quick but trying not to seem too suspicious as he hopped inside. From there on it was a relatively quick drive back to his neighborhood, with the two of them sitting in mostly silence besides the directions, neither one really sure what to say. It was only when the leopard turned onto Aston’s road that he finally said, “Hey, just… thanks for everything. It was amazing.”
“Oh, don’t mention it,” she added, slowing down as she came up to the corner he told her to stop at. “Thank YOU for everything! It was beyond my wildest dreams,” she admitted with a soft chuckle to herself. “You stay adorable, and don’t get yourself in any trouble, you promise me? I want to come see you again soon, and I can’t do that if you’re grounded… or under FBI surveillance. I’ll send the video over to you after I look it over so you can post it too. I think a lot of people will love it.”
“I hope,” Aston added as the car came to a stop, and then he leaned over and reached up, meeting the leopard for a quick kiss on the lips before he jumped out the door. He gave her one last wave as he started his way down the sidewalk, hearing her car make a U-turn in the crossing before driving back off toward the motel.
He had just enough time to get home and hop in the shower before his parents arrived, knowing they would smell a female’s scent on him if he didn’t. He sprayed his clothing down with whatever fur spray he had around as well to try and hide the scent there, but all the scents from his laundry hamper would mix in soon enough, leaving him not too worried at that point. After drying off and saying he’d been playing a quick pickup soccer game, his parents didn’t seem to think anything of it as they sat down for dinner, leaving Aston off the hook once more.
Naughty Spotty sent him over the video a few days later, having edited it down herself into a few parts to post separately, drawing out the whole scene into a bit of a saga. Still, Aston didn’t have to do much other than upload them straight away and wait for the comments to roll in. They were mostly supportive, which he was kind of worried about as it wasn’t his usual type of video, with plenty of naughty ideas floating around in response. He even got to talking with another female, one that was semi serious about coming out to meet him too, although it seemed like she would have to wait a bit to make it work. That was just fine with Aston honestly. He had done what he wanted - he had lost his topping virginity, and even came inside a pussy! But now, that toy underneath his bed was most definitely starting to feel lonely, and with his mission accomplished, he figured he’d give it another ride soon, not wanting his tail end to tighten up too much. There were still plenty of people after that, and once one of them got in his area, he knew he needed to be ready. After so much time focusing on his own dick, he was even a bit excited to give his tail a hard session once again.

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 4

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Chapter 4

Aston got home not too long before his parents did. He only needed to stop once on his ride to give his increasingly sore butt a bit of a break, which was less than he expected. He had just enough time to stash his toy, lube, and new outfit in his hiding spot, as well as change his underwear after all that cum leakage, before he heard that car pulling up. He wanted to grab a shower, but with his Mom getting home a bit early, he had to throw on some fur spray to hide the scents on him and hope she didn’t notice.
She didn’t seem to, and neither did his Dad, as they all sat around the table for dinner. Little did they know that upstairs Aston’s phone was still transferring over that huge video file, as well as a few pictures and videos Strings sent over from his phone. Aston wouldn’t have time to start editing them tonight, but he made sure everything was good and ready for when he got home from school the next day.
It was hard to sit through school as Aston was feeling the strain all throughout his body the next day. His uncomfortable squirms, constant fidgeting, and his need to stay standing all the way through lunch left a few of his friends asking if he was okay. His excuse was that he tripped going down the stairs and his butt landed on one of the edges, which was a good enough excuse to take the heat off, if not adding a little chuckle at his expense. Aston laughed along too, realizing just how stupid that sounded, but he was a good enough actor to convince them it was true.
Strings texted him all the way home, finally making it back to his place and having a really good jerk to the memories of their session - one which Aston saw copious pictures of. He wanted to meet again already, but both he and Aston figured that it might be a while as trips were both risky and expensive. Strings sounded a lot more nervous about the video now that he had a clearer head, but Aston assured him that he’d blur out everything but the good bits, zooming in when he could, and blocking things when he couldn’t. He even told Strings he could have a first look at the video to approve it, and with all that Aston managed to secure the go ahead.
Of course, Aston was far from a movie making pro. He could do a few simple things with the built-in apps on his phone, but this was going to be a serious test of his patience and prowess. So much so that, after a few minutes of messing around with the basic video editor that came with his computer, he was downloading a more professional version from the dark web. Getting that installed and working, as well as figuring out how to do what he needed to do, took almost all night, with the feline staying up late just to feel like he was making some progress.
But, Aston wasn’t one to give up too easily. He pushed through a tiring day at school the next day, and he got home to finish the job. He’d stitched together a bunch of pictures that Strings took along with his own video, adding String’s own shots of the pull out and cum dribble to the end. The quality wasn’t the greatest as the room was pretty dark, so zooming in to block out most of String’s body made everything look extra grainy. He had to throw in some black bars to hide String’s face as well, with Aston reading that the blur feature was easily undone. That made the video look more than a little crude and unprofessional. Still, for a day of learning and working, Aston had something he could upload. He posted it as a private video on the site and sent Strings the link, just in time for the feline to relax and enjoy the weekend. He was still a little too sore to toy, so he used the time to hang out with a few friends instead, catching up on some stuff he’d missed from being ‘busy’ the past few weeks.
He couldn’t wait to share his video, already craving that burst of attention he knew he’d get. He was pretty tempted just to release it as it seemed alright with him, but he didn’t want to upset someone who’d helped him out so much. After a day of poking the fox about it, he finally got the go ahead from Strings, with a few compliments to his weak editing skills making his chest puff out in pride. All Aston had to do was change the video to public and it was good to go. With one final click it was released onto the internet, and the wave of views and comments could rush in to sedate his growing needs.
Aston wasn’t sure what to expect, but his video quickly shot to the top viewed videos on the site, being displayed on the front page and everything. Even though the quality was underwhelming, so was the quality on a lot of the videos around the site, so no one seemed to mind all that much. Rounds of praise were thrown onto Aston and his secret co-star, with the feline’s eyes glued to that view counter as it rose and rose. He was quick to respond to every comment as well, no matter how cringy and creepy, so the text trail down below the video became quite the madhouse. His PM’s exploded, his followers doubled in almost no time at all, and the feline couldn’t stop looking at his phone and computer for almost all of Sunday.
Another tiring morning hit him on Monday as he didn’t sleep much, both from checking the video’s progress and chatting with a bunch of new people. But, as the day wore on, and he got home for a much-needed nap, the flow had slowed to a trickle. By now most people who frequented the site had at least watched the video, and the attention began to fade, giving the feline a semi-needed break to focus on some homework and dinner for a change, not to mention catch up on his sleep.
A few days later and things were back to normal, with just a few new PMs to follow along with, and the straggling comments and views trickling in. Aston posted a few more nudes, and even showed off his new outfit with a brand new set of pictures, playing with his toy all the while. It kept the buzz going and kept Aston’s need for attention surging as he was growing to be one of the most popular stars on the website, but there was still one thing most were calling for - more actual sex.
Of course, those that wanted it the worst weren’t willing to come visit him like Strings did. He did have a few conversations about the prospect, but most of them either trailed off or didn’t go anywhere. Few were willing to do what Strings did, and even fewer could actually make it happen. So, as more and more plans fell through, Aston began to think of any other way he could get some fresh and exciting content.
Everyone at school, at least to his knowledge, had no idea what he was doing. To keep himself out of trouble, it was probably better that way. He knew just how fast rumors and info like this could spread, and all it took was one wrong person finding out to get him into some deep stuff. He couldn’t even trust his friends with something like this, although none of them would be interested in helping he didn’t think. Although, there was one person he knew that might be interested…
Aston wasn’t super good friends with Rex, but Rex was kind of friends with everyone. It was hard not to like the dark furred kitsune. He was smart, quick-witted, confident, and he had a bit of a rebellious spirit, which made him both exciting and fun to be around. It didn’t hurt that he was rich either, and had lots of toys to play with. It was an open secret that Rex had sex with a few boys before, although he never told anyone exactly who they were. Rex seemed trustworthy enough that he could keep a secret if asked, although Aston wasn’t sure if that would extend to being naked in front of a camera, with everything posted on the internet.
He went back and forth on it for a while, thinking over the next few days, wondering if he could really just come out and ask. But, in the end, Aston knew he couldn’t. There was just too much on the line at this point. Yet, he did have a plan. It was a little shady and disingenuous, but what feline wasn’t known for being a little sneaky at times? He didn’t want the wrong people to know that naked pictures and videos of him getting screwed by adults were out there on the internet, but he wouldn’t mind so much if people knew he had sex with another guy, at least he didn’t think so. Rex got a little teasing for it on occasion, but no one was seriously trying to hurt his feelings. Aston could easily survive that level of teasing, so if that’s all Rex knew, and that’s all that leaked out to his friends and classmates, then Aston could live with that. But, that also meant that Aston couldn’t tell him he was recording…
Aston was quick to mess around with some secret camera hiding spots as he built up the confidence to ask Rex about coming over. The money that Strings had given him was enough to buy a pair of lower quality, but still decent cameras from the pawn shop, so Aston just had to find a good place to put them. He needed to hide things as completely as possible, but he still needed to get a decent view of his bed, so the setup was a bit tricky as he tried various places and positions. Still, after moving a few things, and stuffing the camera behind a plush cat on one of his shelves, he figured it was hidden well enough, and would give him a good view of the bed.
Aston tried out that camera positioning with a show by himself, dressing up and playing with his toy again, pretending someone was ‘watching’ him through the door as he did. His roleplay did well when he uploaded the video, and the comments made it seem like it was a good position to see the action from, so now all Aston had to do was actually ask Rex. That would be the hardest part so far, and the one that made Aston’s fur bristle up at the thought.
Aston wasn’t usually shy, but the last few weeks had certainly seen him well out of his comfort zone. He never imagined he’d be asking another boy to have sex with him when he first started, so he didn’t really know what to do to prepare. Aston had gone as far as talking to himself in the mirror, trying to figure out what he was going to say. He ran through the conversation in his head many times, trying to play out every angle he could think of. He never felt ready, but he knew that when he got the chance, he had to act. Solo content was only going to appease his new fans for so long, and even now a drop in views and comments on his last few uploads left the feline with a bit more motivation.
The day finally came when Aston saw Rex alone in the hallway, a rare sight for sure as he was always talking to someone. As Aston gulped down some spit in his muzzle and tried to steady his sudden deeper breathing, he walked over and tried to act friendly as he shouted out, “Hey Rex, got a second?”
The kitsune’s ears flicked up before he spun around, shooting a small smile back at the feline, before he leaned up against his locker and said, “Yeah, what’s up? Aston, right?”
“Yeah,” the feline chuckled with a nervous flick to his ears and tail, hoping Rex didn’t catch that. “We worked on that water cycle project together last year.”
Rex nodded in return, giving his mind a second to think, before he said, “Yeah, the one that Jeremy decided to bail in the middle of.” That got a few chuckles and nods between them before Rex continued with a fake snobby tone, “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
His voice caused Aston to smile yet again, before the nervously shifting cat stepped a bit closer, hushing his voice as he said, “I… wanted to ask you about something. I’ve heard some rumors that you’ve… had sex with a few boys. I was wondering if, maybe, you’d like to help me practice? I’m not a virgin, but there’s still a lot I have to learn.”
Aston wasn’t sure what Rex’s response would be, but the kitsune remained steady and focused on his gaze, not letting his eyes shoot wide in surprise or judging in their narrowing. It was almost like Aston had said nothing of consequence at all, although the feline’s insides tingled and his fur bristled up, betraying just how nervous he was about asking. But, in stark contrast, Rex seemed as calm as ever. It only took Rex a second to process what Aston had said, before the fox boy just nodded and said back, “Sure, I can help. Want to exchange numbers so we can talk?”
That was it? Was it that easy? Aston couldn’t believe it as his jaw dropped a bit, and he gave the kitsune a wide-eyed stare. Aston’s expression made Rex smirk, but Aston didn’t let it linger for too long as he quickly gathered himself and said, “Y…yeah, sure.” Before he could even comprehend what was going on, both phones were out, and a quick text was sent between them. Soon enough they were set, with Rex texting Aston right after school to ask if he was still serious.
“Yeah, I’m serious. Thanks for making it easy. I was really nervous asking.”
“No reason to be nervous. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors. I can’t comment on how many are true, but you came to me for a reason.”
“Yeah, I guess I did. Like I said, I’m not a virgin, but I did want to try things with other people.”
“What have you done so far?”
“Well, I sucked dick, which I think I need the most practice at. I got rimmed which was awesome. And I got fucked which was intense as he was pretty big.”
“A stallion? Hippo? Dragon?”
“A fox actually, haha. But a big one!”
“We get pretty big sometimes. I’m not that huge honestly, but I hold my own.”
“I could use someone smaller to practice with.”
“That’s good then. We can keep it slow and easy if you want.”
“Not too slow! Like I said, I’m no virgin. I’ve got a pretty big toy I’ve been working with.”
“Fine then! Not too slow. So when do you wanna come over?”
“I think I’d be more comfortable at my place. My parents don’t get home until late, so there’s plenty of time after school if you’re free.”
“I’d just have to check in with my Guardian before I go. Probably not today or tomorrow, but Wednesday?”
“That works. I have Soccer practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I’ll have more time on Wednesday.”
“Awesome, see you then!”
Over the next few days they exchanged knowing smiles and nods as they passed in the hallway, not to mention texting a few more times back and forth, until that day finally arrived. Aston was a bit nervous as he got home from school and got himself ready, suddenly having the urge to reveal his whole plan to Rex. He seemed like he’d be cool with it honestly. But, at the same time, he had the hiding places already set out, and the cameras charged with fresh SD cards inside, ready to capture the action. Some pressure from the online realm, and a few teasing messages he’d sent to some of his followers in his DM’s, meant that he needed some real good content this time. If Rex wasn’t cool with recording, then Aston would be stuck, and he’d disappoint a lot of people expecting something good. It was a tough call, and he did feel a little bad about it, but as the text from Rex saying he was on his way flashed onto his phone, Aston made his decision.
Aston kept an eye out his window as he waited, doing his best to only tease his erection with a paw, not wanting to cum too early. He’d seen Rex’s cock in a message or two, and it didn’t look nearly as big as String’s, but there was still plenty to handle as Aston felt a little tingle under his tail just thinking about it. When he spotted the kitsune strolling down the sidewalk, he turned on each camera and hit record, stuffing them back into their hiding spot and hoping they were centered. With a few final corrections and adjustments to his hiding places, he heard his doorbell ring.
Aston raced down the stairs with all the youthful energy he had, bouncing up to the door and smiling as he invited Rex inside. With a soft mew the feline pulled the kitsune into a hug, squeezing him tight, before letting him go. “Hey there, welcome! Come on, my room is upstairs.”
“You definitely seem eager,” Rex replied with a chuckle and a calm tone to his voice, but he soon followed the energetic feline up the stairs and into his room. Aston burst through his door and jumped onto his bed, landing with a little squeak of the springs, before waiting for the fox boy to catch up and pop his head in.
“Nervous and excited,” Aston admitted once he caught sight of the kitsune, shooting back a grin as he began to slide his shirt up and over his head. “You just wanna… get to it?” he asked, flicking his ears and shaking his head to force his head fur to fall back into place.
“We could if you want,” Rex replied with an amused smile. “Hopping right to the fun stuff, huh? I thought you said we had lots of time before your parents got home.”
“We do,” Aston called back, already starting to push his pants down around his hips, taking his underwear with them. “But… I said I was excited…” Aston’s half hard cock flopped out and onto his thigh as those pants slid down his legs, before the feline kicked them off his feet and slid a paw up to give his cock a little grope. “See?”
Rex chuckled at that, putting his paws on his hips as he looked over the naked feline on his bed. “I see…” Rex continued with a slow nod to his head. “Good thing you’re pretty hot looking, or else I might be scared away with your eagerness. You said you’ve done this before, right?”
Aston’s tail paused its wagging as his ears folded back against his head. That thought hadn’t occurred to him as the feline boy stopped and stared, looking over the kitsune with a confused look. He was nervous for sure, and that left him coping with a bit of hyperness to his actions, but he never really thought it might scare someone away. “What, too eager?” he squeaked out of his lips, tilting his head to the side with a soft mew.
Rex chuckled and sent his own paw down to his pants, starting to peel and push them down as well as his undies, before stepping out of them with a few slow kicks. “I’m just teasing,” he came back a second later. “You are very… playful though. I guess it’s a cat thing.”
“Just wait until you see me with a string!” Aston teased back, leaning into stereotypes with a chuckle, and feeling that bubbly and teasing energy flood back into him after taking a deep breath.
“Well, I don’t have a string,” Rex replied, “but I do have this!” It was clear that Aston’s mood was rubbing off on Rex as he hoisted his own human-like cock up into the air, with the member growing from each little throb of his heart as it filled up his small paw.
Aston chuckled at that, shooting back a mew and a little purr as he shifted onto his side. He continued turning until he was on all fours, and then started to crawl and stalk the fox’s member as he inched toward the edge of his bed. “Mmm, looks like as good of a plaything as anything else. Careful I don’t pounce on it!” he added with a wiggle to his hips and tail.
Rex chuckled again as he gave himself a little stroke, watching the cat creep closer, but stopping a foot or two away from the kitsune. “You’re silly,” he shot back with a smile, looking down at the curiously prowling feline.
“Sometimes,” Aston replied with a little wink, before moving his paw up toward that cock and asking, “Can I… touch it?”
Rex let his paw fall away from that member as it bounced under its own weight, now mostly hard but still with a little growing to do. “I guess that’s why I’m here, right?” he teased, giving his hips a little shake to further tempt the feline toward the moving member. “Go ahead,” he answered, before taking a pause and continuing with, “You sure you’re not a virgin? You’re acting like one. An eager one who’s watched lots of porn, but never actually did anything.”
Aston did his best to pretend he was offended, which he kind of was. It was true that he did watch lots of porn, but he had done stuff as well! More stuff than he wanted to reveal to the kitsune, at least for now. Aston was quick to get defensive as his fingers wrapped around that cock and gave it a few quick strokes, trying to hammer his own words in with each pump. “I’ve done this before! Granted, it was only with one other person, but… yeah, I know what I’m doing! I play with myself all the time.”
“Mmm, just one other person, right,” Rex replied, holding his hips more or less steady as the feline’s paw slid back and forth over his member. “And it was a fox… a well-hung fox too… hmmm… I have a few guesses who it might have been then.”
“You’ll never guess,” Aston added with a wink, before leaning in to lay a small kiss to the head of that cock in front of him.
“Oh, so it wasn’t anyone at school, huh?” Rex replied with an accusing grin. “Interesting…”
Aston felt his fur ruffle up at the kitsune’s glare, but after giving that cock tip another small kiss, he looked up to say, “I’m not telling you any more than that.”
“Mysterious… I like it,” Rex called back with a small groan at the attention to his cock. “I, too, am somewhat mysterious.”
“I know,” Aston added with a small smile, before pushing his lips over that tip and sliding his paw back to give his mouth some room to bob. He rocked his head back and forth a few times, before popping off with a little gasp, finding it much easier to handle than String’s cock for sure. “Good thing you’re sexy though, or else I would’ve been scared away!”
Rex chuckled a bit at that, using one of his paws to pat the feline’s head between his ears, before he said, “I’m only scary when I want to be, and you seemed like you needed more help than anything else, so no reason to pull out the kinky stuff… yet. Save that for our second date.” Rex’s grip on the feline’s head fur got a little stronger, and he pulled him in, letting that cock slide against his cheek with a soft mew leaving Aston’s lips. “Now, you said you wanted practice sucking, so here’s what I’m gonna do. I’ll let you do it at your own speed, as good you can, but if you’re slacking or could do better, I’m gonna grab and pull, got it? If you start to gag and struggle, I’ll let off. After that, you can ask me, or better yet, beg for me to grab you again and pull you down, got it?”
That shot of dominance from the kitsune left Aston shivering, with his tail flicking behind him while his fur bristled around his neck and shoulders. He shot back a little whimper and mew as he nodded his head, feeling Rex push him back far enough so he could look up into the kitsune’s eyes. As their eyes locked for a moment, and Aston saw the firmness and determination in Rex’s gaze, Aston nodded and said, “Yes Sir!”
“Maybe you’re not a virgin after all,” Rex teased, letting go of the feline’s fur and dropping his paw to his side. “Alright then, it’s all yours kitty. Go for it!”
That’s all Aston needed to hear as he laid his hip down onto the bed and used his new stability to push his upper body forward. He grabbed the base of that cock with his paw and drew his lips around the head once more, slurping down more than half of it on the first go. With that feeling settled in his muzzle, the feline pulled back and pushed a bit harder, getting deep enough to feel a tickle at the back of his throat, before adjusting and keeping the depth equal on each further bob, working until that tingling sensation became normal.
Rex seemed to enjoy it as he clenched his paws into small balls, releasing a few soft moans and deeper huffs of breath as the feline got up to speed, matching the cat’s own heavy slurps with noises of his own. “Mmm, not bad,” Rex added with a small smile, resisting the urge to grab the feline and pull him down further. “You’ve done your research at least, though I’m still not convinced you’ve done this before.”
With a teasing chuckle leaving Rex’s lips, Aston gave off a muffled growl and pushed deeper, feeling a gag well up in his throat as that cock tip pushed against it. But Aston was quick enough to pull back before it actually hit. He tried again to swallow that whole cock down to the base, but was met with the same sensation, this time getting a muffled cough out of him as that cock slid back. It didn’t stop him though as the feline continued to slide back and forth, sometimes managing to keep himself stable, and other times unable to resist another throat-clearing cough.
Rex was patient with the feline, giving a few growls and rumbles whenever Aston hit a snag, but soon he felt his paw unable to resist digging into the feline’s head fur. At first it was just for support, laying it there and adding a few scratches for a job well done. But soon those fingers began to curl through the thicker fur and pulled the feline down with each bob, getting faster and more firm each time he moved. Aston held on for a bit, but he finally lost control and let out a throat clearing gag and cough, having to slide off that cock to catch his breath with a few pants.
As that member throbbed in front of him, Rex pushed his hips forward and ground the wet tip into Aston’s cheek fur, getting a soft purr and nuzzle out of the housecat for his effort. Still, as Aston caught his breath, Rex was quick to say, “Not bad… for a virgin.”
That got Rex a firm stare from Aston’s large and watering eyes, before the feline shot off a throaty growl back at him.
Rex chuckled soon after to let Aston know he was teasing, along with a pat to the head and a rub to his chin for good measure. “Mmm, I’ve got a few tips though. Definitely more tongue. I know you felines have a rough one, but just a little bit here and there would make a great addition. Also, don’t forget the balls - most guys love having those rubbed or at least held. The noises were cute, but feel free to really purr and mew and moan over it. It adds some sensation too.”
Aston nodded as he used the back of his paw to wipe off some spit from his chin, before opening his mouth to say, “Gotcha.”
“If you like,” Rex replied before Aston could move another muscle, “I can show you what I mean.”
“Sure?” Aston answered with a curious inflection and flick to his ears, not quite sure what Rex had in mind, but happy to learn anything at this point. He could see right away that Rex knew what he was talking about, and the feline was eager to learn all he could from such an ‘expert’.
That answer made Rex smile wide as he stepped back away from the edge of the bed, then dropped down onto his knees. “Awesome. Slide up to the edge of the bed. You can stay on your side if you want.”
Aston wasn’t quite expecting the kitsune to kneel down in front of him, but Aston’s curiosity made his hips move into position. His own hard cock, throbbing and bouncing with a soft stroke from the feline’s paw, leaned over the edge like a beacon, calling the kitsune in. Rex didn’t make Aston wait long as he swooped in and wrapped his paw around the base instead. As Aston’s paw fell away, dropping over the edge of the bed, Rex moved his lips up to that tip, swallowing it with a warm push forward. That sudden surge caused Aston to gasp at the warmth and pressure around his sensitive member, not quite ready for the burst that shot through him at that instant.
A few more quick moans and mews left his lips as the fox pushed his muzzle almost all the way down in the blink of an eye. The fox pulled back and went down again, causing a little twitch to rush down Aston’s tail then back up his spine on the second drive. That tongue circled and slurped around that member as he worked, taking particular care to caress the feline’s human-like head, cradling it in a warm blanket of tingling sensation. Aston could feel his toes curl and his eyes go wide from the extra pressure, feeling his breath catch in his throat each time the fox slid over a sensitive part of his cock. He’d stroked himself off plenty before, but it never felt anything like this. No wonder the guys in videos loved getting blowjobs! It seemed kind of weird to Aston at first, and not all that pleasurable just from the thought, but it was so much better than his own paw!
After a few more bobs back and forth, Rex’s paw slid from the base of Aston’s cock in between his legs, digging out the feline’s balls from his thigh fur, and cradling them in a gentle caress as well. That added a warm tingle to them, especially as the kitsune’s fingers began to rub behind them, making Aston’s already struggling breathing turn into gasps and huffs. His body bucked and twitched at the combination, with one of the feline’s paws even sliding down to press against the kitsune’s head, trying to push him away. It made the fox slow a bit, but he kept the suction up on the feline’s cock, making Aston mew quite a bit as he felt his cock tip tingle at the pressure.
“S…stop…” Aston finally had to say as his non-verbal cue wasn’t working. “I’m… gonna cum if you keep going.”
Rex felt a wide smile grow over his muzzle at those words, and with a gentle pull and pop he let that cock fall out of his grasp, doing much the same with Aston’s balls a moment later. “Isn’t that the idea of a blowjob though?” he asked with a little flick of his ears, his smile quickly growing into a smirk instead.
“Y…yeah, I guess,” Aston said through his deep breaths, “But I don’t want to… at least not yet. I have to stay needy the whole time to keep me going.”
Rex chuckled as he pulled back, wiping off his own chin with a paw as he nodded and said, “I guess that’s one strategy. You don’t love having sex with boys enough to cum multiple times and just keep going for more?”
“I… I don’t know yet,” Aston answered with an inexperienced response, feeling his fur bristle in embarrassment. “I haven’t tried that much. Usually when I cum I’m done for a bit.”
Rex chuckled again, reaching out a paw to give the feline’s still throbbing member a stroke, and hearing a little moan in the process. “Some people are like that. But, I wouldn’t expect a virgin to know how to cum multiple times in one session.”
That smile afterward let Aston know he was teasing, but it still got a firm growl from the feline as he batted the fox’s paw away from his member. Before he could grab it again, Aston shifted onto his belly, hiding his cock in the sheets and letting his head and shoulders hang off the end of the bed. “Mmmph, I’m no virgin!”
“Right,” Rex replied as he stood up, and gave Aston’s cheek a small smack with his hard cock for good measure. “You’ve already sucked my cock once, so let’s see what you’ve learned.”
Aston took that as a challenge, and he did love a good challenge, as he reached out a paw for the kitsune’s balls. He was a little firm in his grasp, causing the fox to shake and jerk as his fingers squeezed around them, but Aston soon calmed himself after he pulled the fox closer by them. He aimed his lips where that cock tip would soon be, and with some good aim he enveloped that member between them as he continued to tug on the kitsune’s balls, pulling him in even deeper.
Aston tried to use what the fox had shown him as he swirled his tongue over that cock tip and shaft, getting another little squeal from Rex as a paw soon found Aston’s head, not to pull him in this time but to push him back a bit. “Easy…” Rex called out with a few deep breaths. “Rough tongue, go easier than I did… just gentle pressure. I’ll have to find you a feline to show you how it really feels.”
Aston nodded as he began to relax the pressure, easing his tongue back but still keeping it pressed against the underside of that shaft, all while his fingers gently rolled and caressed those balls in his grasp, much like Rex had done to him. With a little effort and control, the feline soon had the kitsune moaning with each bob, and this new angle allowed Aston’s throat to open up, not restricting him as much as before, so that tip could poke deeper without making him gag. He was almost getting the whole thing, and with a few brave pushes he did kiss the kitsune’s groin with his lips, but only for a moment before he needed to pull back. Drool leaked down his chin, matting his fur as he worked, but the feline was now a bit more determined. He pushed harder and faster, feeling his brain starting to shake at the force, with each quick bob making him a bit dizzy. He held on for as long as he could, but another big gag left him sliding off that cock and panting to catch his breath, all while the kitsune’s paw stroked his head fur and chin in soft, praiseful passes.
“Mmmph, a quick learner!” Rex said with a smile. “That’ll serve you well if you like this sort of stuff.”
“I think I do,” Aston said with a smile, giving that cock in front of him a long, slow, rough lick, feeling the kitsune shake from the intense sensation. It made Rex’s paw squeeze into his hair and yank him back for that, making Aston giggle and smile as his eyes shot back up to his. “I’m much better at anal though I think.”
“A weird thing to say,” Rex added with a deep huff, letting that sensation drain from his cock and body for a second. “Usually, people find that harder. A lot easier to suck a cock than to take it up the butt.”
“I guess,” Aston said with a soft shrug, feeling Rex’s grasp on his head fur release, allowing his head to return to a normal angle on his shoulders. “But my butt doesn’t have to breathe, it doesn’t gag, and it doesn’t have teeth to hold out of the way.”
“Fair point,” Rex agreed with a small nod. “So, wanna do that now then? Get enough oral practice?”
“I think so,” Aston replied with a small nod, before starting to twist over on the bed. With a roll he ended up on his back, and with a few more shuffles he slid himself up the bed, leaving Rex a bit of room to climb on. Once he was in a good position, Aston lifted up his legs to show off his balls, taint, and pucker, pulling them back with his paws to make his hips rise off the bed. “I ride my toy all the time, and I’ve been fucked on my side before. Let’s try it like this.”
“Your wish is my command,” Rex answered with a chuckle, before twisting his shoulder and letting the draw-string backpack slide off his arm. He caught the strings in his paw before whipping it around in front of him, opening it and sliding a paw inside. With a bit of digging he pulled out a couple of condoms, tossing them over to Aston’s side. He chuckled at Aston’s surprised reaction as his paw shot back into the bag and pulled out a large purple dildo as well, wiggling it a few times in the air, before tossing that beside Aston too. “Although,” he began with a smile, “It never hurts to get warmed up or be safe.”
Aston watched the little display with wide eyes, although once his surprised faded, he shot back a soft chuckle. He gave his legs a wiggle in the air as he said, “I think I’m plenty ready. As for the condoms, I don’t think we need them. I’m not getting pregnant, and I don’t have anything bad, unless you do.”
“I do not,” Rex added with a chuckle as he let the empty bag fall onto the floor. “And I wouldn’t expect a virgin to either,” he teased before he grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it over his head.
“I’m not a virgin!” Aston called back with a little growl in his throat, shaking his hips as if it was some kind of proof. “Would a virgin be so eager?”
Rex could only chuckle at that outburst as he stood naked in front of the feline, giving a small rub to his cock as he did. With a nod, the kitsune lifted a knee up onto the edge of the bed and pushed himself onto it, crawling over to Aston and slid in between his legs. “Virgins are usually the most eager,” Rex teased, taking a hold of one of Aston’s legs in each paw as he spread them even more. “Cats are pretty flexible, right?” he asked, looking down at Aston to see if he was straining as the fox pulled his legs wider and pushed them further back.
“Yeah,” Aston answered, feeling a little strain in his legs as they split, but not enough to get him to resist. “Gonna twist me into a knot?”
“Unfortunately for you I have no knot,” Rex teased in reply as he leaned over Aston’s belly and chest, letting his slick cock drag against the feline’s pucker and ass crack along the way. “But I can still bend you into something.” As Rex settled in and gave a small thrust to grind himself against Aston, he added, “Got any lube?”
“I may have already squirted some inside before you showed up,” Aston teased with a little wiggle of his hips back against that cock. “And I gave you plenty of spit I think.”
“You’re a little slut, aren’t you?” Rex teased again, pushing his muzzle closer to Aston’s as that cock tip lined up with his hole, the head grinding against that warm opening with enough force to spread it just a bit.
“Slut or virgin, make up your mind,” Aston teased back, starting to breathe a little quicker from the position and weight on his legs and belly, but still able to shout back loud enough for the kitsune to hear.
“This’ll tell me real quick,” Rex responded, before giving his hips a slow thrust forward and sinking his cock into Aston’s rear end with a pop.
Aston gasped at the sudden spreading sensation as Rex didn’t exactly go easy, shifting his weight forward and driving his whole cock into the feline with one slow but steady thrust. There was a bit of a burn and tingle, but Aston’s deep breaths made it fade in no time, leaving him smiling back up at the fox as they both settled in. With a few further groans and wiggles, Aston soon decided to wrap his legs around Rex’s hips, squeezing and pulling him in further as he found the breath to say, “So… what do you think now?”
“Slut,” Rex added with a groan, adjusting and then giving the feline a soft thrust, slapping his hips and balls off the feline’s rear end. “Total slut. You win this one. Most other boys struggle, even with my size. You seem… ready.”
“Told ya,” Aston added with a giggle, giving his legs another firm squeeze to hold the kitsune against him. “You’re a really nice size though - not too big to hurt, but you feel really nice.”
“Thanks,” Rex responded, setting his paws on either side of Aston and giving his hips another thrust. “You feel pretty good too.”
“Thanks,” Aston replied back with a moan, only to lean his head back and close his eyes.
Strings had been too big for Aston to really get into things, and using his toy on himself was only half the fun of having someone else to play with, so Aston hadn’t had a really solid experience yet. But, with Rex’s size, and the slow way he built up his thrusts, Aston really began to feel what it was like to have sex, not just endure something for endurance sake. That burn faded away to nothing after only a few pumps, allowing him to squeeze around that member in time with each push. It was reflexive at first, but when he found he was doing it, Aston added a good squeeze to each drive forward, causing Rex to gasp harder with his thrusts. His slow pace didn’t last too long either as Rex felt like he could let loose, speeding up to a steady slapping pace as Aston’s bed creaked and groaned in protest.
Those weren’t the only groans filling the room as both the feline and kitsune closed their eyes, enjoying the sensation of hips slapping against rear ends, and sending jolts of pleasure and sensation through the both of them. Aston’s legs squeezed tighter around the kitsune’s hips as they got into it, although they let the kitsune pull back to hammer home again, flexing in time with the thrusts and matching their combined breathing. Aston’s hard cock bounced with each hit as well, slapping against his belly as his hips shook from the force of impact. The motion added an extra little wet slap to the noise in the room, especially after a good bit of pre leaked out to mat down the fur around his tip.
Aston had been through a lot of things recently and had many experiences, but just being able to lay back and enjoy something was yet another new one for him. He’d been so worried about getting the right camera shot, or pushing hard enough to make something fit, that he hadn’t had a moment to truly enjoy what he was doing. Rex was giving him that privilege now as the talented kitsune knew just how to thrust and what angle to hit at to make the feline jump and mew, without being too intense for him to handle. Rex was certainly a professional, and all the stories he’d heard were probably true. Aston’s mind began to melt away, feeling the tingles and letting his brain soak in the pleasure, all while the heavy panting and grunting of the kitsune on top of him rung in his ears.
Rex kept up the pace for a steady while, but with a sudden shift he adjusted his angle to lay a little closer on Aston’s belly. He fell down onto his elbows to keep his thrusting fresh, now hitting inside Aston at a deeper and closer angle. That caused Aston to shoot back a few gasps and mews at the new sensation, feeling that cock tip grinding over his prostate and forcing out new waves of pre, with all of it smearing between their grinding bellies. It was at that point that Aston opened his eyes again, seeing Rex’s muzzle only a few inches from his own. Aston felt his body act without even thinking.
The feline lifted his head off the bed and brought his lips up to meet Rex’s, surprising the kitsune as his thrusts faltered for a moment, but then picked back up as he also pushed back into the kiss. A strong wrap of Aston’s paws around the male’s back made sure neither of them had to strain too much as Aston held himself against the kitsune’s body. As those hips continued to pump away, Aston focused in on the kiss, digging his tongue into the kitsune’s mouth, and using what Strings had taught him to impress Rex yet again.
Rex was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place now, with his cock lodged in the feline’s rear end, and the feline’s tongue grinding against his own, with a hungry mew leaving Aston’s muzzle and invading the fox, tingling his own tongue and throat from the sound waves. For the first time in a while, Rex had to settle himself and fight to stay in control of his body, adjusting and laying flat on the feline to give his arms a rest. He slid his paws around Aston’s shoulders, holding him tight as well, as those hips continued on autopilot, slamming home and making them both leak with drive after drive.
It was a race to see who would break first, but with a hot gasp Aston finally pulled back from the kiss, panting along with Rex as they both needed a few breaths of fresh air. Both cubs were a little dazed from it all, with each one staring blindly at the other for a moment. However, those thrusts continued, all while spit and drool leaked between the two. Most ended up on Aston’s face, matting down the fur from the weight. “Mmmph, fuck,” Rex squeaked with a small shiver causing his tail to whip around behind him. “Fine, you’ve done this before… but you still need some dick sucking practice though,” he teased, sliding back to lay on his elbows once again for more thrusting power.
“Guilty…” Aston added in with a huff of his own, squeezing both his hips and rear end around that cock to get another groan from Rex. “Next time though… right now I want your cum.”
“Do ya?” Rex continued with a small smile, before pushing himself back up onto his paws, then leaning up so he was kneeling between Aston’s legs. He had kept his cock inside the whole time even though the thrusts had suddenly stopped, wrapping one paw around Aston’s hip to hold the feline against his groin, while the panting kitsune said, “In that case, you have to cum first. Those are the rules.”
Without giving Aston too much time to prepare, Rex’s paw reached over and found that flopping kitty cock drooling against the feline’s belly. He lifted it up in his grasp and began to pump, matching his paw strokes with his hips to stuff the feline full once again. The combination left both of them oozing out long, strong groans, with Aston’s heavy squeals raining down in between.
“Mmmph, promise you’ll cum… soon after I do?” Aston asked with a whimper, already feeling his urge to do so growing.
“No promises,” Rex teased, before upping his game and working harder, making the feline mew and squirm in the process. Yet, there was little that Aston could do now that he was back in the kitsune’s clutches. He just had to accept his fate and grind his hips against him, adding to the hard slaps as he tried to keep his mind off cumming. But, try as he might, the young and eager feline boy failed. Soon he was gritting his teeth and hissing out in one last strain to hold back, before feeling his hips thrust up into that paw to send streaks of cum shooting up into the air, with most landing back down onto his belly in heavy wads and groupings.
“Mmm, good boy,” Rex added with a few huffs, working out the last of that cum from the feline’s now spent cock with some squeezes from his paw, before he simply held onto the base and used it as a handle to get his thrusts going that much harder and faster. The post-orgasmic burn in Aston’s system began to flood in, especially with how much harder the kitsune was thrusting into him, but Aston pushed the strain off to the side as he could feel Rex getting close himself. With a few twitches and hard gasps, that seed shot into his rear end with just as powerful of an orgasm as Aston had, spraying the feline’s insides with hot streaks of cum. The fox continued to thrust as his orgasm faded, slowing to a grinding stop shortly after while that afterglow spread over his face and body.
Rex gave off a small shiver and some heavy pants as Aston did much the same, with the feline loosening his grip over the fox’s hips with his legs, and soon letting him slide back and drop free of the feline’s well-bred hole. “Mmm, you took it like a champ,” Rex said with a small rub to a clean part of Aston’s belly, before sliding back off the bed to stretch his legs.
Aston was more than happy to lay there purring, both before and after the rub, as he looked over to watch the kitsune grab a tissue and start to clean his cock off. “Mmm, you were pretty good too,” Aston shot back with a gentle chuckle, before lifting himself up into a seated position on the bed.
By that point Rex was busy finding his scattered clothes on the ground, slipping on his underwear and then his pants, as he replied with, “Lots of practice.” He took a pause to lift up his shirt and slide it over his head, before adding, “You sure you only got fucked once? Seemed like more than that to me.”
“Twice now,” Aston called back with a wink, adding a small lick to his lips as he stared at the kitsune.
“Well, might be the first of many if you can take it like that,” Rex replied with a smile. “Although, who knows, maybe next time I’ll let you top instead. I do like to switch it up sometimes.”
Those words froze Aston as his mind latched on to what they meant. He had started this journey looking for girls to have sex with, and here he was with an ass full of cum and loving it instead. All the while, throughout all the steps, he didn’t seem to mind not being the one doing the fucking. He hadn’t even realized how far he’d gone down this road, and although he didn’t regret anything, it was still a bit of a shock to realize he hadn’t actually stuck his cock into anything other than a muzzle yet. He looked down at it, seeing his limp and spent member gently twitch against his thigh, before looking back up at Rex and saying, “Yeah, maybe…”
Rex chuckled at those words, taking his eyes off his phone he’d just yanked out of his pocket, and looking over at Aston as he said, “Just dripping with Top energy, are ya?” He chuckled, getting a little laugh from Aston too as he averted his eyes for a moment, before the kitsune continued with, “I’m going to have to get going though - my Guardian is asking where I am again. Was fun though! Maybe next time we can do something at my place. I’ve got lots of stuff we can use.”
“Sure,” Aston said with a smile, perking up before shooting a quick glance over to his hidden camera. “Maybe we can even be more kinky next time.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Rex said, before walking up and giving Aston a kiss on the lips, then spinning around and shaking his tail at the still naked feline. “You have my number - text me anytime.” With that, the fox strolled out of Aston’s room, leaving him all alone and naked on his bed, only to get lost in his confused thoughts.
The video had turned out better than Aston had expected. One camera didn’t catch much of the two honestly, with some body part always hiding any good action, but the other one had some pretty clear shots of what went on. Not to mention the back and forth between them was really natural, something a lot of porn lacked. It took another two days of editing to get something worth uploading, and it was a lot harder to hide Rex in this one as their two bodies were pretty close. Aston did result to using a blur for most of it, just blocking out his face, as he didn’t have many other options. Still, when that video finally dropped, Aston was ready for the shot of attention he’d been craving.
Loads of comments, likes, and more PMs surged into his inbox, leaving the feline a bit addicted over the coming few days. He did his best to respond to everything, seeing his video shoot up to the main page again and net him a whole new wave of subscribers. It was everything the feline was hoping for and more as it was even more popular than his video with Strings, leaving Aston checking the site almost every ten minutes just to keep up with it all. Still, as all things did, the wave soon died out, and it left Aston with a gaping hole of need inside him, already craving another rush.
He saw Rex a few times in passing, giving him a friendly smile and nod and usually getting one back, but so far there weren’t any plans to do anything again. Aston still couldn’t bring himself to ask the kitsune if he’d want to be recorded for a porn site, so he wasn’t sure what the next time between them would bring. But, going by Rex’s comment before he left, Aston had a new focus for his next video. He wanted to be on top for once - maybe even with a girl if he could make it work. The question was, who might he find to help?

Stories » Curiosity Killed the Cat by Aston Colby » Post 3

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#Chapter 4
Aston got home not too long before his parents did. He only needed to stop once on his ride to give his increasingly sore butt a bit of a break, which was less than he expected. He had just enough time to stash his toy, lube, and new outfit in his hiding spot, as well as change his underwear after all that cum leakage, before he heard that car pulling up. He wanted to grab a shower, but with his Mom getting home a bit early, he had to throw on some fur spray to hide the scents on him and hope she didn’t notice.
She didn’t seem to, and neither did his Dad, as they all sat around the table for dinner. Little did they know that upstairs Aston’s phone was still transferring over that huge video file, as well as a few pictures and videos Strings sent over from his phone. Aston wouldn’t have time to start editing them tonight, but he made sure everything was good and ready for when he got home from school the next day.
It was hard to sit through school as Aston was feeling the strain all throughout his body the next day. His uncomfortable squirms, constant fidgeting, and his need to stay standing all the way through lunch left a few of his friends asking if he was okay. His excuse was that he tripped going down the stairs and his butt landed on one of the edges, which was a good enough excuse to take the heat off, if not adding a little chuckle at his expense. Aston laughed along too, realizing just how stupid that sounded, but he was a good enough actor to convince them it was true.
Strings texted him all the way home, finally making it back to his place and having a really good jerk to the memories of their session - one which Aston saw copious pictures of. He wanted to meet again already, but both he and Aston figured that it might be a while as trips were both risky and expensive. Strings sounded a lot more nervous about the video now that he had a clearer head, but Aston assured him that he’d blur out everything but the good bits, zooming in when he could, and blocking things when he couldn’t. He even told Strings he could have a first look at the video to approve it, and with all that Aston managed to secure the go ahead.
Of course, Aston was far from a movie making pro. He could do a few simple things with the built-in apps on his phone, but this was going to be a serious test of his patience and prowess. So much so that, after a few minutes of messing around with the basic video editor that came with his computer, he was downloading a more professional version from the dark web. Getting that installed and working, as well as figuring out how to do what he needed to do, took almost all night, with the feline staying up late just to feel like he was making some progress.
But, Aston wasn’t one to give up too easily. He pushed through a tiring day at school the next day, and he got home to finish the job. He’d stitched together a bunch of pictures that Strings took along with his own video, adding String’s own shots of the pull out and cum dribble to the end. The quality wasn’t the greatest as the room was pretty dark, so zooming in to block out most of String’s body made everything look extra grainy. He had to throw in some black bars to hide String’s face as well, with Aston reading that the blur feature was easily undone. That made the video look more than a little crude and unprofessional. Still, for a day of learning and working, Aston had something he could upload. He posted it as a private video on the site and sent Strings the link, just in time for the feline to relax and enjoy the weekend. He was still a little too sore to toy, so he used the time to hang out with a few friends instead, catching up on some stuff he’d missed from being ‘busy’ the past few weeks.
He couldn’t wait to share his video, already craving that burst of attention he knew he’d get. He was pretty tempted just to release it as it seemed alright with him, but he didn’t want to upset someone who’d helped him out so much. After a day of poking the fox about it, he finally got the go ahead from Strings, with a few compliments to his weak editing skills making his chest puff out in pride. All Aston had to do was change the video to public and it was good to go. With one final click it was released onto the internet, and the wave of views and comments could rush in to sedate his growing needs.
Aston wasn’t sure what to expect, but his video quickly shot to the top viewed videos on the site, being displayed on the front page and everything. Even though the quality was underwhelming, so was the quality on a lot of the videos around the site, so no one seemed to mind all that much. Rounds of praise were thrown onto Aston and his secret co-star, with the feline’s eyes glued to that view counter as it rose and rose. He was quick to respond to every comment as well, no matter how cringy and creepy, so the text trail down below the video became quite the madhouse. His PM’s exploded, his followers doubled in almost no time at all, and the feline couldn’t stop looking at his phone and computer for almost all of Sunday.
Another tiring morning hit him on Monday as he didn’t sleep much, both from checking the video’s progress and chatting with a bunch of new people. But, as the day wore on, and he got home for a much-needed nap, the flow had slowed to a trickle. By now most people who frequented the site had at least watched the video, and the attention began to fade, giving the feline a semi-needed break to focus on some homework and dinner for a change, not to mention catch up on his sleep.
A few days later and things were back to normal, with just a few new PMs to follow along with, and the straggling comments and views trickling in. Aston posted a few more nudes, and even showed off his new outfit with a brand new set of pictures, playing with his toy all the while. It kept the buzz going and kept Aston’s need for attention surging as he was growing to be one of the most popular stars on the website, but there was still one thing most were calling for - more actual sex.
Of course, those that wanted it the worst weren’t willing to come visit him like Strings did. He did have a few conversations about the prospect, but most of them either trailed off or didn’t go anywhere. Few were willing to do what Strings did, and even fewer could actually make it happen. So, as more and more plans fell through, Aston began to think of any other way he could get some fresh and exciting content.
Everyone at school, at least to his knowledge, had no idea what he was doing. To keep himself out of trouble, it was probably better that way. He knew just how fast rumors and info like this could spread, and all it took was one wrong person finding out to get him into some deep stuff. He couldn’t even trust his friends with something like this, although none of them would be interested in helping he didn’t think. Although, there was one person he knew that might be interested…
Aston wasn’t super good friends with Rex, but Rex was kind of friends with everyone. It was hard not to like the dark furred kitsune. He was smart, quick-witted, confident, and he had a bit of a rebellious spirit, which made him both exciting and fun to be around. It didn’t hurt that he was rich either, and had lots of toys to play with. It was an open secret that Rex had sex with a few boys before, although he never told anyone exactly who they were. Rex seemed trustworthy enough that he could keep a secret if asked, although Aston wasn’t sure if that would extend to being naked in front of a camera, with everything posted on the internet.
He went back and forth on it for a while, thinking over the next few days, wondering if he could really just come out and ask. But, in the end, Aston knew he couldn’t. There was just too much on the line at this point. Yet, he did have a plan. It was a little shady and disingenuous, but what feline wasn’t known for being a little sneaky at times? He didn’t want the wrong people to know that naked pictures and videos of him getting screwed by adults were out there on the internet, but he wouldn’t mind so much if people knew he had sex with another guy, at least he didn’t think so. Rex got a little teasing for it on occasion, but no one was seriously trying to hurt his feelings. Aston could easily survive that level of teasing, so if that’s all Rex knew, and that’s all that leaked out to his friends and classmates, then Aston could live with that. But, that also meant that Aston couldn’t tell him he was recording…
Aston was quick to mess around with some secret camera hiding spots as he built up the confidence to ask Rex about coming over. The money that Strings had given him was enough to buy a pair of lower quality, but still decent cameras from the pawn shop, so Aston just had to find a good place to put them. He needed to hide things as completely as possible, but he still needed to get a decent view of his bed, so the setup was a bit tricky as he tried various places and positions. Still, after moving a few things, and stuffing the camera behind a plush cat on one of his shelves, he figured it was hidden well enough, and would give him a good view of the bed.
Aston tried out that camera positioning with a show by himself, dressing up and playing with his toy again, pretending someone was ‘watching’ him through the door as he did. His roleplay did well when he uploaded the video, and the comments made it seem like it was a good position to see the action from, so now all Aston had to do was actually ask Rex. That would be the hardest part so far, and the one that made Aston’s fur bristle up at the thought.
Aston wasn’t usually shy, but the last few weeks had certainly seen him well out of his comfort zone. He never imagined he’d be asking another boy to have sex with him when he first started, so he didn’t really know what to do to prepare. Aston had gone as far as talking to himself in the mirror, trying to figure out what he was going to say. He ran through the conversation in his head many times, trying to play out every angle he could think of. He never felt ready, but he knew that when he got the chance, he had to act. Solo content was only going to appease his new fans for so long, and even now a drop in views and comments on his last few uploads left the feline with a bit more motivation.
The day finally came when Aston saw Rex alone in the hallway, a rare sight for sure as he was always talking to someone. As Aston gulped down some spit in his muzzle and tried to steady his sudden deeper breathing, he walked over and tried to act friendly as he shouted out, “Hey Rex, got a second?”
The kitsune’s ears flicked up before he spun around, shooting a small smile back at the feline, before he leaned up against his locker and said, “Yeah, what’s up? Aston, right?”
“Yeah,” the feline chuckled with a nervous flick to his ears and tail, hoping Rex didn’t catch that. “We worked on that water cycle project together last year.”
Rex nodded in return, giving his mind a second to think, before he said, “Yeah, the one that Jeremy decided to bail in the middle of.” That got a few chuckles and nods between them before Rex continued with a fake snobby tone, “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
His voice caused Aston to smile yet again, before the nervously shifting cat stepped a bit closer, hushing his voice as he said, “I… wanted to ask you about something. I’ve heard some rumors that you’ve… had sex with a few boys. I was wondering if, maybe, you’d like to help me practice? I’m not a virgin, but there’s still a lot I have to learn.”
Aston wasn’t sure what Rex’s response would be, but the kitsune remained steady and focused on his gaze, not letting his eyes shoot wide in surprise or judging in their narrowing. It was almost like Aston had said nothing of consequence at all, although the feline’s insides tingled and his fur bristled up, betraying just how nervous he was about asking. But, in stark contrast, Rex seemed as calm as ever. It only took Rex a second to process what Aston had said, before the fox boy just nodded and said back, “Sure, I can help. Want to exchange numbers so we can talk?”
That was it? Was it that easy? Aston couldn’t believe it as his jaw dropped a bit, and he gave the kitsune a wide-eyed stare. Aston’s expression made Rex smirk, but Aston didn’t let it linger for too long as he quickly gathered himself and said, “Y…yeah, sure.” Before he could even comprehend what was going on, both phones were out, and a quick text was sent between them. Soon enough they were set, with Rex texting Aston right after school to ask if he was still serious.
“Yeah, I’m serious. Thanks for making it easy. I was really nervous asking.”
“No reason to be nervous. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors. I can’t comment on how many are true, but you came to me for a reason.”
“Yeah, I guess I did. Like I said, I’m not a virgin, but I did want to try things with other people.”
“What have you done so far?”
“Well, I sucked dick, which I think I need the most practice at. I got rimmed which was awesome. And I got fucked which was intense as he was pretty big.”
“A stallion? Hippo? Dragon?”
“A fox actually, haha. But a big one!”
“We get pretty big sometimes. I’m not that huge honestly, but I hold my own.”
“I could use someone smaller to practice with.”
“That’s good then. We can keep it slow and easy if you want.”
“Not too slow! Like I said, I’m no virgin. I’ve got a pretty big toy I’ve been working with.”
“Fine then! Not too slow. So when do you wanna come over?”
“I think I’d be more comfortable at my place. My parents don’t get home until late, so there’s plenty of time after school if you’re free.”
“I’d just have to check in with my Guardian before I go. Probably not today or tomorrow, but Wednesday?”
“That works. I have Soccer practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I’ll have more time on Wednesday.”
“Awesome, see you then!”
Over the next few days they exchanged knowing smiles and nods as they passed in the hallway, not to mention texting a few more times back and forth, until that day finally arrived. Aston was a bit nervous as he got home from school and got himself ready, suddenly having the urge to reveal his whole plan to Rex. He seemed like he’d be cool with it honestly. But, at the same time, he had the hiding places already set out, and the cameras charged with fresh SD cards inside, ready to capture the action. Some pressure from the online realm, and a few teasing messages he’d sent to some of his followers in his DM’s, meant that he needed some real good content this time. If Rex wasn’t cool with recording, then Aston would be stuck, and he’d disappoint a lot of people expecting something good. It was a tough call, and he did feel a little bad about it, but as the text from Rex saying he was on his way flashed onto his phone, Aston made his decision.
Aston kept an eye out his window as he waited, doing his best to only tease his erection with a paw, not wanting to cum too early. He’d seen Rex’s cock in a message or two, and it didn’t look nearly as big as String’s, but there was still plenty to handle as Aston felt a little tingle under his tail just thinking about it. When he spotted the kitsune strolling down the sidewalk, he turned on each camera and hit record, stuffing them back into their hiding spot and hoping they were centered. With a few final corrections and adjustments to his hiding places, he heard his doorbell ring.
Aston raced down the stairs with all the youthful energy he had, bouncing up to the door and smiling as he invited Rex inside. With a soft mew the feline pulled the kitsune into a hug, squeezing him tight, before letting him go. “Hey there, welcome! Come on, my room is upstairs.”
“You definitely seem eager,” Rex replied with a chuckle and a calm tone to his voice, but he soon followed the energetic feline up the stairs and into his room. Aston burst through his door and jumped onto his bed, landing with a little squeak of the springs, before waiting for the fox boy to catch up and pop his head in.
“Nervous and excited,” Aston admitted once he caught sight of the kitsune, shooting back a grin as he began to slide his shirt up and over his head. “You just wanna… get to it?” he asked, flicking his ears and shaking his head to force his head fur to fall back into place.
“We could if you want,” Rex replied with an amused smile. “Hopping right to the fun stuff, huh? I thought you said we had lots of time before your parents got home.”
“We do,” Aston called back, already starting to push his pants down around his hips, taking his underwear with them. “But… I said I was excited…” Aston’s half hard cock flopped out and onto his thigh as those pants slid down his legs, before the feline kicked them off his feet and slid a paw up to give his cock a little grope. “See?”
Rex chuckled at that, putting his paws on his hips as he looked over the naked feline on his bed. “I see…” Rex continued with a slow nod to his head. “Good thing you’re pretty hot looking, or else I might be scared away with your eagerness. You said you’ve done this before, right?”
Aston’s tail paused its wagging as his ears folded back against his head. That thought hadn’t occurred to him as the feline boy stopped and stared, looking over the kitsune with a confused look. He was nervous for sure, and that left him coping with a bit of hyperness to his actions, but he never really thought it might scare someone away. “What, too eager?” he squeaked out of his lips, tilting his head to the side with a soft mew.
Rex chuckled and sent his own paw down to his pants, starting to peel and push them down as well as his undies, before stepping out of them with a few slow kicks. “I’m just teasing,” he came back a second later. “You are very… playful though. I guess it’s a cat thing.”
“Just wait until you see me with a string!” Aston teased back, leaning into stereotypes with a chuckle, and feeling that bubbly and teasing energy flood back into him after taking a deep breath.
“Well, I don’t have a string,” Rex replied, “but I do have this!” It was clear that Aston’s mood was rubbing off on Rex as he hoisted his own human-like cock up into the air, with the member growing from each little throb of his heart as it filled up his small paw.
Aston chuckled at that, shooting back a mew and a little purr as he shifted onto his side. He continued turning until he was on all fours, and then started to crawl and stalk the fox’s member as he inched toward the edge of his bed. “Mmm, looks like as good of a plaything as anything else. Careful I don’t pounce on it!” he added with a wiggle to his hips and tail.
Rex chuckled again as he gave himself a little stroke, watching the cat creep closer, but stopping a foot or two away from the kitsune. “You’re silly,” he shot back with a smile, looking down at the curiously prowling feline.
“Sometimes,” Aston replied with a little wink, before moving his paw up toward that cock and asking, “Can I… touch it?”
Rex let his paw fall away from that member as it bounced under its own weight, now mostly hard but still with a little growing to do. “I guess that’s why I’m here, right?” he teased, giving his hips a little shake to further tempt the feline toward the moving member. “Go ahead,” he answered, before taking a pause and continuing with, “You sure you’re not a virgin? You’re acting like one. An eager one who’s watched lots of porn, but never actually did anything.”
Aston did his best to pretend he was offended, which he kind of was. It was true that he did watch lots of porn, but he had done stuff as well! More stuff than he wanted to reveal to the kitsune, at least for now. Aston was quick to get defensive as his fingers wrapped around that cock and gave it a few quick strokes, trying to hammer his own words in with each pump. “I’ve done this before! Granted, it was only with one other person, but… yeah, I know what I’m doing! I play with myself all the time.”
“Mmm, just one other person, right,” Rex replied, holding his hips more or less steady as the feline’s paw slid back and forth over his member. “And it was a fox… a well-hung fox too… hmmm… I have a few guesses who it might have been then.”
“You’ll never guess,” Aston added with a wink, before leaning in to lay a small kiss to the head of that cock in front of him.
“Oh, so it wasn’t anyone at school, huh?” Rex replied with an accusing grin. “Interesting…”
Aston felt his fur ruffle up at the kitsune’s glare, but after giving that cock tip another small kiss, he looked up to say, “I’m not telling you any more than that.”
“Mysterious… I like it,” Rex called back with a small groan at the attention to his cock. “I, too, am somewhat mysterious.”
“I know,” Aston added with a small smile, before pushing his lips over that tip and sliding his paw back to give his mouth some room to bob. He rocked his head back and forth a few times, before popping off with a little gasp, finding it much easier to handle than String’s cock for sure. “Good thing you’re sexy though, or else I would’ve been scared away!”
Rex chuckled a bit at that, using one of his paws to pat the feline’s head between his ears, before he said, “I’m only scary when I want to be, and you seemed like you needed more help than anything else, so no reason to pull out the kinky stuff… yet. Save that for our second date.” Rex’s grip on the feline’s head fur got a little stronger, and he pulled him in, letting that cock slide against his cheek with a soft mew leaving Aston’s lips. “Now, you said you wanted practice sucking, so here’s what I’m gonna do. I’ll let you do it at your own speed, as good you can, but if you’re slacking or could do better, I’m gonna grab and pull, got it? If you start to gag and struggle, I’ll let off. After that, you can ask me, or better yet, beg for me to grab you again and pull you down, got it?”
That shot of dominance from the kitsune left Aston shivering, with his tail flicking behind him while his fur bristled around his neck and shoulders. He shot back a little whimper and mew as he nodded his head, feeling Rex push him back far enough so he could look up into the kitsune’s eyes. As their eyes locked for a moment, and Aston saw the firmness and determination in Rex’s gaze, Aston nodded and said, “Yes Sir!”
“Maybe you’re not a virgin after all,” Rex teased, letting go of the feline’s fur and dropping his paw to his side. “Alright then, it’s all yours kitty. Go for it!”
That’s all Aston needed to hear as he laid his hip down onto the bed and used his new stability to push his upper body forward. He grabbed the base of that cock with his paw and drew his lips around the head once more, slurping down more than half of it on the first go. With that feeling settled in his muzzle, the feline pulled back and pushed a bit harder, getting deep enough to feel a tickle at the back of his throat, before adjusting and keeping the depth equal on each further bob, working until that tingling sensation became normal.
Rex seemed to enjoy it as he clenched his paws into small balls, releasing a few soft moans and deeper huffs of breath as the feline got up to speed, matching the cat’s own heavy slurps with noises of his own. “Mmm, not bad,” Rex added with a small smile, resisting the urge to grab the feline and pull him down further. “You’ve done your research at least, though I’m still not convinced you’ve done this before.”
With a teasing chuckle leaving Rex’s lips, Aston gave off a muffled growl and pushed deeper, feeling a gag well up in his throat as that cock tip pushed against it. But Aston was quick enough to pull back before it actually hit. He tried again to swallow that whole cock down to the base, but was met with the same sensation, this time getting a muffled cough out of him as that cock slid back. It didn’t stop him though as the feline continued to slide back and forth, sometimes managing to keep himself stable, and other times unable to resist another throat-clearing cough.
Rex was patient with the feline, giving a few growls and rumbles whenever Aston hit a snag, but soon he felt his paw unable to resist digging into the feline’s head fur. At first it was just for support, laying it there and adding a few scratches for a job well done. But soon those fingers began to curl through the thicker fur and pulled the feline down with each bob, getting faster and more firm each time he moved. Aston held on for a bit, but he finally lost control and let out a throat clearing gag and cough, having to slide off that cock to catch his breath with a few pants.
As that member throbbed in front of him, Rex pushed his hips forward and ground the wet tip into Aston’s cheek fur, getting a soft purr and nuzzle out of the housecat for his effort. Still, as Aston caught his breath, Rex was quick to say, “Not bad… for a virgin.”
That got Rex a firm stare from Aston’s large and watering eyes, before the feline shot off a throaty growl back at him.
Rex chuckled soon after to let Aston know he was teasing, along with a pat to the head and a rub to his chin for good measure. “Mmm, I’ve got a few tips though. Definitely more tongue. I know you felines have a rough one, but just a little bit here and there would make a great addition. Also, don’t forget the balls - most guys love having those rubbed or at least held. The noises were cute, but feel free to really purr and mew and moan over it. It adds some sensation too.”
Aston nodded as he used the back of his paw to wipe off some spit from his chin, before opening his mouth to say, “Gotcha.”
“If you like,” Rex replied before Aston could move another muscle, “I can show you what I mean.”
“Sure?” Aston answered with a curious inflection and flick to his ears, not quite sure what Rex had in mind, but happy to learn anything at this point. He could see right away that Rex knew what he was talking about, and the feline was eager to learn all he could from such an ‘expert’.
That answer made Rex smile wide as he stepped back away from the edge of the bed, then dropped down onto his knees. “Awesome. Slide up to the edge of the bed. You can stay on your side if you want.”
Aston wasn’t quite expecting the kitsune to kneel down in front of him, but Aston’s curiosity made his hips move into position. His own hard cock, throbbing and bouncing with a soft stroke from the feline’s paw, leaned over the edge like a beacon, calling the kitsune in. Rex didn’t make Aston wait long as he swooped in and wrapped his paw around the base instead. As Aston’s paw fell away, dropping over the edge of the bed, Rex moved his lips up to that tip, swallowing it with a warm push forward. That sudden surge caused Aston to gasp at the warmth and pressure around his sensitive member, not quite ready for the burst that shot through him at that instant.
A few more quick moans and mews left his lips as the fox pushed his muzzle almost all the way down in the blink of an eye. The fox pulled back and went down again, causing a little twitch to rush down Aston’s tail then back up his spine on the second drive. That tongue circled and slurped around that member as he worked, taking particular care to caress the feline’s human-like head, cradling it in a warm blanket of tingling sensation. Aston could feel his toes curl and his eyes go wide from the extra pressure, feeling his breath catch in his throat each time the fox slid over a sensitive part of his cock. He’d stroked himself off plenty before, but it never felt anything like this. No wonder the guys in videos loved getting blowjobs! It seemed kind of weird to Aston at first, and not all that pleasurable just from the thought, but it was so much better than his own paw!
After a few more bobs back and forth, Rex’s paw slid from the base of Aston’s cock in between his legs, digging out the feline’s balls from his thigh fur, and cradling them in a gentle caress as well. That added a warm tingle to them, especially as the kitsune’s fingers began to rub behind them, making Aston’s already struggling breathing turn into gasps and huffs. His body bucked and twitched at the combination, with one of the feline’s paws even sliding down to press against the kitsune’s head, trying to push him away. It made the fox slow a bit, but he kept the suction up on the feline’s cock, making Aston mew quite a bit as he felt his cock tip tingle at the pressure.
“S…stop…” Aston finally had to say as his non-verbal cue wasn’t working. “I’m… gonna cum if you keep going.”
Rex felt a wide smile grow over his muzzle at those words, and with a gentle pull and pop he let that cock fall out of his grasp, doing much the same with Aston’s balls a moment later. “Isn’t that the idea of a blowjob though?” he asked with a little flick of his ears, his smile quickly growing into a smirk instead.
“Y…yeah, I guess,” Aston said through his deep breaths, “But I don’t want to… at least not yet. I have to stay needy the whole time to keep me going.”
Rex chuckled as he pulled back, wiping off his own chin with a paw as he nodded and said, “I guess that’s one strategy. You don’t love having sex with boys enough to cum multiple times and just keep going for more?”
“I… I don’t know yet,” Aston answered with an inexperienced response, feeling his fur bristle in embarrassment. “I haven’t tried that much. Usually when I cum I’m done for a bit.”
Rex chuckled again, reaching out a paw to give the feline’s still throbbing member a stroke, and hearing a little moan in the process. “Some people are like that. But, I wouldn’t expect a virgin to know how to cum multiple times in one session.”
That smile afterward let Aston know he was teasing, but it still got a firm growl from the feline as he batted the fox’s paw away from his member. Before he could grab it again, Aston shifted onto his belly, hiding his cock in the sheets and letting his head and shoulders hang off the end of the bed. “Mmmph, I’m no virgin!”
“Right,” Rex replied as he stood up, and gave Aston’s cheek a small smack with his hard cock for good measure. “You’ve already sucked my cock once, so let’s see what you’ve learned.”
Aston took that as a challenge, and he did love a good challenge, as he reached out a paw for the kitsune’s balls. He was a little firm in his grasp, causing the fox to shake and jerk as his fingers squeezed around them, but Aston soon calmed himself after he pulled the fox closer by them. He aimed his lips where that cock tip would soon be, and with some good aim he enveloped that member between them as he continued to tug on the kitsune’s balls, pulling him in even deeper.
Aston tried to use what the fox had shown him as he swirled his tongue over that cock tip and shaft, getting another little squeal from Rex as a paw soon found Aston’s head, not to pull him in this time but to push him back a bit. “Easy…” Rex called out with a few deep breaths. “Rough tongue, go easier than I did… just gentle pressure. I’ll have to find you a feline to show you how it really feels.”
Aston nodded as he began to relax the pressure, easing his tongue back but still keeping it pressed against the underside of that shaft, all while his fingers gently rolled and caressed those balls in his grasp, much like Rex had done to him. With a little effort and control, the feline soon had the kitsune moaning with each bob, and this new angle allowed Aston’s throat to open up, not restricting him as much as before, so that tip could poke deeper without making him gag. He was almost getting the whole thing, and with a few brave pushes he did kiss the kitsune’s groin with his lips, but only for a moment before he needed to pull back. Drool leaked down his chin, matting his fur as he worked, but the feline was now a bit more determined. He pushed harder and faster, feeling his brain starting to shake at the force, with each quick bob making him a bit dizzy. He held on for as long as he could, but another big gag left him sliding off that cock and panting to catch his breath, all while the kitsune’s paw stroked his head fur and chin in soft, praiseful passes.
“Mmmph, a quick learner!” Rex said with a smile. “That’ll serve you well if you like this sort of stuff.”
“I think I do,” Aston said with a smile, giving that cock in front of him a long, slow, rough lick, feeling the kitsune shake from the intense sensation. It made Rex’s paw squeeze into his hair and yank him back for that, making Aston giggle and smile as his eyes shot back up to his. “I’m much better at anal though I think.”
“A weird thing to say,” Rex added with a deep huff, letting that sensation drain from his cock and body for a second. “Usually, people find that harder. A lot easier to suck a cock than to take it up the butt.”
“I guess,” Aston said with a soft shrug, feeling Rex’s grasp on his head fur release, allowing his head to return to a normal angle on his shoulders. “But my butt doesn’t have to breathe, it doesn’t gag, and it doesn’t have teeth to hold out of the way.”
“Fair point,” Rex agreed with a small nod. “So, wanna do that now then? Get enough oral practice?”
“I think so,” Aston replied with a small nod, before starting to twist over on the bed. With a roll he ended up on his back, and with a few more shuffles he slid himself up the bed, leaving Rex a bit of room to climb on. Once he was in a good position, Aston lifted up his legs to show off his balls, taint, and pucker, pulling them back with his paws to make his hips rise off the bed. “I ride my toy all the time, and I’ve been fucked on my side before. Let’s try it like this.”
“Your wish is my command,” Rex answered with a chuckle, before twisting his shoulder and letting the draw-string backpack slide off his arm. He caught the strings in his paw before whipping it around in front of him, opening it and sliding a paw inside. With a bit of digging he pulled out a couple of condoms, tossing them over to Aston’s side. He chuckled at Aston’s surprised reaction as his paw shot back into the bag and pulled out a large purple dildo as well, wiggling it a few times in the air, before tossing that beside Aston too. “Although,” he began with a smile, “It never hurts to get warmed up or be safe.”
Aston watched the little display with wide eyes, although once his surprised faded, he shot back a soft chuckle. He gave his legs a wiggle in the air as he said, “I think I’m plenty ready. As for the condoms, I don’t think we need them. I’m not getting pregnant, and I don’t have anything bad, unless you do.”
“I do not,” Rex added with a chuckle as he let the empty bag fall onto the floor. “And I wouldn’t expect a virgin to either,” he teased before he grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it over his head.
“I’m not a virgin!” Aston called back with a little growl in his throat, shaking his hips as if it was some kind of proof. “Would a virgin be so eager?”
Rex could only chuckle at that outburst as he stood naked in front of the feline, giving a small rub to his cock as he did. With a nod, the kitsune lifted a knee up onto the edge of the bed and pushed himself onto it, crawling over to Aston and slid in between his legs. “Virgins are usually the most eager,” Rex teased, taking a hold of one of Aston’s legs in each paw as he spread them even more. “Cats are pretty flexible, right?” he asked, looking down at Aston to see if he was straining as the fox pulled his legs wider and pushed them further back.
“Yeah,” Aston answered, feeling a little strain in his legs as they split, but not enough to get him to resist. “Gonna twist me into a knot?”
“Unfortunately for you I have no knot,” Rex teased in reply as he leaned over Aston’s belly and chest, letting his slick cock drag against the feline’s pucker and ass crack along the way. “But I can still bend you into something.” As Rex settled in and gave a small thrust to grind himself against Aston, he added, “Got any lube?”
“I may have already squirted some inside before you showed up,” Aston teased with a little wiggle of his hips back against that cock. “And I gave you plenty of spit I think.”
“You’re a little slut, aren’t you?” Rex teased again, pushing his muzzle closer to Aston’s as that cock tip lined up with his hole, the head grinding against that warm opening with enough force to spread it just a bit.
“Slut or virgin, make up your mind,” Aston teased back, starting to breathe a little quicker from the position and weight on his legs and belly, but still able to shout back loud enough for the kitsune to hear.
“This’ll tell me real quick,” Rex responded, before giving his hips a slow thrust forward and sinking his cock into Aston’s rear end with a pop.
Aston gasped at the sudden spreading sensation as Rex didn’t exactly go easy, shifting his weight forward and driving his whole cock into the feline with one slow but steady thrust. There was a bit of a burn and tingle, but Aston’s deep breaths made it fade in no time, leaving him smiling back up at the fox as they both settled in. With a few further groans and wiggles, Aston soon decided to wrap his legs around Rex’s hips, squeezing and pulling him in further as he found the breath to say, “So… what do you think now?”
“Slut,” Rex added with a groan, adjusting and then giving the feline a soft thrust, slapping his hips and balls off the feline’s rear end. “Total slut. You win this one. Most other boys struggle, even with my size. You seem… ready.”
“Told ya,” Aston added with a giggle, giving his legs another firm squeeze to hold the kitsune against him. “You’re a really nice size though - not too big to hurt, but you feel really nice.”
“Thanks,” Rex responded, setting his paws on either side of Aston and giving his hips another thrust. “You feel pretty good too.”
“Thanks,” Aston replied back with a moan, only to lean his head back and close his eyes.
Strings had been too big for Aston to really get into things, and using his toy on himself was only half the fun of having someone else to play with, so Aston hadn’t had a really solid experience yet. But, with Rex’s size, and the slow way he built up his thrusts, Aston really began to feel what it was like to have sex, not just endure something for endurance sake. That burn faded away to nothing after only a few pumps, allowing him to squeeze around that member in time with each push. It was reflexive at first, but when he found he was doing it, Aston added a good squeeze to each drive forward, causing Rex to gasp harder with his thrusts. His slow pace didn’t last too long either as Rex felt like he could let loose, speeding up to a steady slapping pace as Aston’s bed creaked and groaned in protest.
Those weren’t the only groans filling the room as both the feline and kitsune closed their eyes, enjoying the sensation of hips slapping against rear ends, and sending jolts of pleasure and sensation through the both of them. Aston’s legs squeezed tighter around the kitsune’s hips as they got into it, although they let the kitsune pull back to hammer home again, flexing in time with the thrusts and matching their combined breathing. Aston’s hard cock bounced with each hit as well, slapping against his belly as his hips shook from the force of impact. The motion added an extra little wet slap to the noise in the room, especially after a good bit of pre leaked out to mat down the fur around his tip.
Aston had been through a lot of things recently and had many experiences, but just being able to lay back and enjoy something was yet another new one for him. He’d been so worried about getting the right camera shot, or pushing hard enough to make something fit, that he hadn’t had a moment to truly enjoy what he was doing. Rex was giving him that privilege now as the talented kitsune knew just how to thrust and what angle to hit at to make the feline jump and mew, without being too intense for him to handle. Rex was certainly a professional, and all the stories he’d heard were probably true. Aston’s mind began to melt away, feeling the tingles and letting his brain soak in the pleasure, all while the heavy panting and grunting of the kitsune on top of him rung in his ears.
Rex kept up the pace for a steady while, but with a sudden shift he adjusted his angle to lay a little closer on Aston’s belly. He fell down onto his elbows to keep his thrusting fresh, now hitting inside Aston at a deeper and closer angle. That caused Aston to shoot back a few gasps and mews at the new sensation, feeling that cock tip grinding over his prostate and forcing out new waves of pre, with all of it smearing between their grinding bellies. It was at that point that Aston opened his eyes again, seeing Rex’s muzzle only a few inches from his own. Aston felt his body act without even thinking.
The feline lifted his head off the bed and brought his lips up to meet Rex’s, surprising the kitsune as his thrusts faltered for a moment, but then picked back up as he also pushed back into the kiss. A strong wrap of Aston’s paws around the male’s back made sure neither of them had to strain too much as Aston held himself against the kitsune’s body. As those hips continued to pump away, Aston focused in on the kiss, digging his tongue into the kitsune’s mouth, and using what Strings had taught him to impress Rex yet again.
Rex was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place now, with his cock lodged in the feline’s rear end, and the feline’s tongue grinding against his own, with a hungry mew leaving Aston’s muzzle and invading the fox, tingling his own tongue and throat from the sound waves. For the first time in a while, Rex had to settle himself and fight to stay in control of his body, adjusting and laying flat on the feline to give his arms a rest. He slid his paws around Aston’s shoulders, holding him tight as well, as those hips continued on autopilot, slamming home and making them both leak with drive after drive.
It was a race to see who would break first, but with a hot gasp Aston finally pulled back from the kiss, panting along with Rex as they both needed a few breaths of fresh air. Both cubs were a little dazed from it all, with each one staring blindly at the other for a moment. However, those thrusts continued, all while spit and drool leaked between the two. Most ended up on Aston’s face, matting down the fur from the weight. “Mmmph, fuck,” Rex squeaked with a small shiver causing his tail to whip around behind him. “Fine, you’ve done this before… but you still need some dick sucking practice though,” he teased, sliding back to lay on his elbows once again for more thrusting power.
“Guilty…” Aston added in with a huff of his own, squeezing both his hips and rear end around that cock to get another groan from Rex. “Next time though… right now I want your cum.”
“Do ya?” Rex continued with a small smile, before pushing himself back up onto his paws, then leaning up so he was kneeling between Aston’s legs. He had kept his cock inside the whole time even though the thrusts had suddenly stopped, wrapping one paw around Aston’s hip to hold the feline against his groin, while the panting kitsune said, “In that case, you have to cum first. Those are the rules.”
Without giving Aston too much time to prepare, Rex’s paw reached over and found that flopping kitty cock drooling against the feline’s belly. He lifted it up in his grasp and began to pump, matching his paw strokes with his hips to stuff the feline full once again. The combination left both of them oozing out long, strong groans, with Aston’s heavy squeals raining down in between.
“Mmmph, promise you’ll cum… soon after I do?” Aston asked with a whimper, already feeling his urge to do so growing.
“No promises,” Rex teased, before upping his game and working harder, making the feline mew and squirm in the process. Yet, there was little that Aston could do now that he was back in the kitsune’s clutches. He just had to accept his fate and grind his hips against him, adding to the hard slaps as he tried to keep his mind off cumming. But, try as he might, the young and eager feline boy failed. Soon he was gritting his teeth and hissing out in one last strain to hold back, before feeling his hips thrust up into that paw to send streaks of cum shooting up into the air, with most landing back down onto his belly in heavy wads and groupings.
“Mmm, good boy,” Rex added with a few huffs, working out the last of that cum from the feline’s now spent cock with some squeezes from his paw, before he simply held onto the base and used it as a handle to get his thrusts going that much harder and faster. The post-orgasmic burn in Aston’s system began to flood in, especially with how much harder the kitsune was thrusting into him, but Aston pushed the strain off to the side as he could feel Rex getting close himself. With a few twitches and hard gasps, that seed shot into his rear end with just as powerful of an orgasm as Aston had, spraying the feline’s insides with hot streaks of cum. The fox continued to thrust as his orgasm faded, slowing to a grinding stop shortly after while that afterglow spread over his face and body.
Rex gave off a small shiver and some heavy pants as Aston did much the same, with the feline loosening his grip over the fox’s hips with his legs, and soon letting him slide back and drop free of the feline’s well-bred hole. “Mmm, you took it like a champ,” Rex said with a small rub to a clean part of Aston’s belly, before sliding back off the bed to stretch his legs.
Aston was more than happy to lay there purring, both before and after the rub, as he looked over to watch the kitsune grab a tissue and start to clean his cock off. “Mmm, you were pretty good too,” Aston shot back with a gentle chuckle, before lifting himself up into a seated position on the bed.
By that point Rex was busy finding his scattered clothes on the ground, slipping on his underwear and then his pants, as he replied with, “Lots of practice.” He took a pause to lift up his shirt and slide it over his head, before adding, “You sure you only got fucked once? Seemed like more than that to me.”
“Twice now,” Aston called back with a wink, adding a small lick to his lips as he stared at the kitsune.
“Well, might be the first of many if you can take it like that,” Rex replied with a smile. “Although, who knows, maybe next time I’ll let you top instead. I do like to switch it up sometimes.”
Those words froze Aston as his mind latched on to what they meant. He had started this journey looking for girls to have sex with, and here he was with an ass full of cum and loving it instead. All the while, throughout all the steps, he didn’t seem to mind not being the one doing the fucking. He hadn’t even realized how far he’d gone down this road, and although he didn’t regret anything, it was still a bit of a shock to realize he hadn’t actually stuck his cock into anything other than a muzzle yet. He looked down at it, seeing his limp and spent member gently twitch against his thigh, before looking back up at Rex and saying, “Yeah, maybe…”
Rex chuckled at those words, taking his eyes off his phone he’d just yanked out of his pocket, and looking over at Aston as he said, “Just dripping with Top energy, are ya?” He chuckled, getting a little laugh from Aston too as he averted his eyes for a moment, before the kitsune continued with, “I’m going to have to get going though - my Guardian is asking where I am again. Was fun though! Maybe next time we can do something at my place. I’ve got lots of stuff we can use.”
“Sure,” Aston said with a smile, perking up before shooting a quick glance over to his hidden camera. “Maybe we can even be more kinky next time.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Rex said, before walking up and giving Aston a kiss on the lips, then spinning around and shaking his tail at the still naked feline. “You have my number - text me anytime.” With that, the fox strolled out of Aston’s room, leaving him all alone and naked on his bed, only to get lost in his confused thoughts.
The video had turned out better than Aston had expected. One camera didn’t catch much of the two honestly, with some body part always hiding any good action, but the other one had some pretty clear shots of what went on. Not to mention the back and forth between them was really natural, something a lot of porn lacked. It took another two days of editing to get something worth uploading, and it was a lot harder to hide Rex in this one as their two bodies were pretty close. Aston did result to using a blur for most of it, just blocking out his face, as he didn’t have many other options. Still, when that video finally dropped, Aston was ready for the shot of attention he’d been craving.
Loads of comments, likes, and more PMs surged into his inbox, leaving the feline a bit addicted over the coming few days. He did his best to respond to everything, seeing his video shoot up to the main page again and net him a whole new wave of subscribers. It was everything the feline was hoping for and more as it was even more popular than his video with Strings, leaving Aston checking the site almost every ten minutes just to keep up with it all. Still, as all things did, the wave soon died out, and it left Aston with a gaping hole of need inside him, already craving another rush.
He saw Rex a few times in passing, giving him a friendly smile and nod and usually getting one back, but so far there weren’t any plans to do anything again. Aston still couldn’t bring himself to ask the kitsune if he’d want to be recorded for a porn site, so he wasn’t sure what the next time between them would bring. But, going by Rex’s comment before he left, Aston had a new focus for his next video. He wanted to be on top for once - maybe even with a girl if he could make it work. The question was, who might he find to help?

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