Chapter 11
Aston had to wait a day or two, as well as poke Green about it a few times, but eventually he got the movie file on a flash drive, handed over personally by the nervous bird at school.After promising not to show anything that could identify Green one last time, Aston managed to walk away with the drive in his pocket, giving off an eager twitch of his ears and tail as he wondered what was on that stick. He couldn’t be sure how the video had come out thanks to the frantic filming, but he knew there was only one way to find out. It took all his restraint to keep from racing home that instant to find out, or just plugging that stick into one of the school’s computers, which he knew would be a bad idea. The small drive burned a hole in his pocket, leaving the feline twitching through the last few periods in school, before finally rushing home and getting the chance to plug it into his computer.
He wasn’t sure what to expect, so he wasn’t exactly disappointed in the footage, but he also wasn’t super thrilled either as he watched through it. There was some action for sure, and some nice shots here and there, but it was a bit of a mess in general.Someone would surely like the raw footage, and he thought about uploading it as a special treat later on, but he knew it’d need some editing to make it onto the front page. Going up against all the prepared, planned, hot and steamy, and even semi-professional stuff that ended up there, this shaky video would have little chance. So, with a few careful taps of his paw on that mouse, he dragged that video file into his editing program and began to work his magic.
The feline had learned a few tricks in the past few months, so with a few careful edits, some image stabilization, and a nice title card, the feline did what he could to make the video look almost professional.It took him right up to when his parents got home for dinner, but he was happy with it as he left his computer alone for a moment.Before bed he gave the video one last watch to make sure it was as good as it could be, and before he could think too hard on the little things, he uploaded it to all the usual places. He’d let the comments roll in overnight, and in the morning he’d wake up with a large list to go through, something he was very much looking forward to. Still, that long afternoon of editing left him exhausted, but almost tempted to pull his phone over for one quick check. He resisted though as sleep carried him away to the land of a few naughty dreams instead.
His plan had worked like a charm, and even on his walk to school he was still sorting through all the likes and faves his new video had gotten. It wasn’t quite as much as a few of his other videos, but it was enough to keep the feline smiling all throughout the day, and quickly checking his phone any time he thought no one was looking. He even pulled Green aside when he saw him in the hallway to show him the stats, although he stopped short of playing him the edited version of the video while at school, much to Geen’s nervous relief.For that they’d need another playdate, which Green was interested in, but certainly needed some time to digest this recent one before trying it again.
That was just fine for Aston as he headed home with a smile still on his face, and a few more PMs to respond to as he flopped down on his bed. Most were pretty much the same, talking about how cute he and his moans were, how well he took a cock, and how exciting his adventures must be.He did his best to keep the lying to a minimum, although always making things sound just a bit better than they really were, but not trying to boast too much in case he was called out on anything. He did live an exciting life he figured, although he was still worried about who really knew his secrets. Just going by the numbers, it would be a pretty rare chance that anyone he knew would stumble upon his videos naturally, but if they were being actively shared around school…
The praise and attention kept his mind off that for now, letting Aston ride that wave of excitement as the reaction rates slowed in the evening, but still kept bubbling up here and there. After dinner a few more messages rolled in, and after replying to most of them, he ended up coming across a new one from someone he wouldn’t have expected.He thought he recognized that icon from around Kinkykub, but it wasn’t until he clicked on the profile that he realized who it actually was.
Nana Skunk was her name, and Aston had seen her around more than a few times, splattering the front page of Kinkykub far more than he had.Pulling up a recent video of her and a burly hog going at it, he was reminded of why.Her production was great, the angles certainly suggested she had a cameraman to help out, and her talents and content were both very arousing to watch as she was really good at getting fucked, and hard. She was the queen of anal around the site, at least as far as the other cub girls with a lot of uploads went, pretty much exclusively focusing on that as her kink.Aston scrolled through her long list of videos, with a new upload seeming to get posted every few days, and just about every one had her taking something in her ass, from large toys to big cocks. That included the hog video that was playing in the background, with the big guy sandwiching her to the bed as he pumped away on top of her. The grunts from him, along with the squeaks from the bed, rung inside Aston’s headphones, only to be punctuated by a few girly moans and deep squeals here and there. It was enough to make him flip back to that tab and watch the action, sitting back and enjoying it for a moment.Before he knew it he had his cock in his paw, and then a few moments later his load was stuffed into a tissue and tossed away, leaving him breathing just a bit heavier.
She was good at what she did, and a big enough star to have most of the site watching her. Her view and fan counts were many times what Aston could ever hope to get, so what did she want with him?Aston wasn’t nearly big enough to satisfy her rather large needs either, even if he had apparently shot her a message back when he was going through his ‘female’ phase a few months ago, only to get no response.But now, here she was, with a message waiting for him in his inbox. And, as Aston finally opened it up, he was hoping it wasn’t some sort of scam or anything to dash his hopes and his growing excitement.
“Hey! Always awesome to talk to another cub that loves to make content. Sorry I didn’t get back to you last time, I was really busy with some stuff. Dad and I will be visiting your area though, so I was wondering if you’d be interested in hooking up this time. We could have lots of fun as you make some great videos too, and my audience would enjoy seeing something a bit different. We’ll be there in about a week, so let me know if you’re free! -Nana”
Aston had a lot of questions for sure, and he read that message a few times over to make sure he was reading it right.His paws hesitated on that keyboard as his mind did a few turns, but his response was quick and to the point when it finally spilled out.
“How do you know where I live?”
Aston wasn’t sure what to expect back.Maybe it was just a general message to everyone on the site or something - some kind of publicity post to get more interest.But, reading back through it one more time, he realized that it was too personal for that. Maybe she was bluffing, or wanted to figure out where he lived through a few more messages for some reason. Still, he was aware that he had given his general location to a few people, so it was possible that information was spreading, much like his videos around school.The thought made his heart race and his mind speed off in many directions, and for a moment he was deathly afraid that a small mob of horny guys would be waiting when he got home from school one day, or worse, that they’d try and break in to kidnap him one night.He got up and locked his window just in case, before he took a few deep breaths to let those thoughts fade, at least to the background of his mind.
He was jumping to conclusions, and although he was nervous, he’d just have to wait to see what kind of a response he’d get. Thankfully it didn’t take long until he saw a new message come back from her, although that also meant Aston couldn’t sleep as he kept checking back in, even pulling up another video or two of hers to watch her talents at work yet again.
“I’m not sure how Daddy does it, but he can find out stuff like that somehow. The more people you play with, the more that info gets out there. I wouldn’t worry too much though - the people that would do bad stuff with that information usually go to jail pretty quick. Although, that’s one reason Daddy and I tour the country in our RV I guess, to stay on the move. But, it’s mostly just so we can visit everyone who wants to see me, and even follow some bands on tour! So, we’ll be in your area soon. You want to play?”
There was no question now that this was the real deal, and that she was being serious with him. No bot or scam would go through that much trouble, and make the replies that personal. Still, Aston had to wonder why she’d picked him to message. Thinking on it for a bit, he typed out a groggy reply, then put the phone down and let sleep snatch him again.
“I dunno, I’m not sure I’m big enough for your needs. You do some impressive stuff. Very hot videos by the way! Your anal talents make me jealous. How’d you decide on going with that as your main kink?”
When he woke up to his alarm the next morning, the still groggy feline picked up his phone to see a reply.
“Oh, thank you!Your videos are pretty cute too, especially that one with the snow leopard. But, don’t worry about being too small. I have something I’ve wanted to try, and my fans want to see too. I have a plan, and I think you’d be perfect! As for the anal stuff, Daddy started me out with that when I was young. He said all the bad girls love it, and I wanted to be a bad girl so bad. It was rough at first, as I’m sure you know, but once you get into it, that rush is like nothing else!”
Left at that, Aston wasn’t sure what to think. A mix of excitement, curiosity, and nervous tingles flooded his body as he slowly kicked off the sheets and tried to get ready for school. An erection hounded him well into the first period of the day as he tried to figure out what to say, finding her words mysterious and exciting as his mind bounced around the possibilities. Eventually, with a small break between classes, he logged in and typed a message back.
“Alright, I guess I’m game for whatever. You are the expert after all. We’ll be making a video out of it I hope?”
He sent that message as the bell rang, but a moment later he realized he hadn’t answered her question. So, settling into his chair for his next class, he shot out another quick message.
“And yeah, I should be free this week sometime. My parents don’t get home until late, so I’m free for a few hours after school.”
“Awesome! We can set up a specific time. Daddy will park the RV in a parking lot nearby, so you just have to show up. Come prepared, and bring whatever you want!”
From then on a few messages shot back and forth with specific details, and after everything was set up, Aston really began to worry. What did Nana have planned for him?She hadn’t ever said, or dropped any major hints during their small talk. Aston assumed she wanted him to fuck her, which would certainly work for the feline. Aston had been fantasizing about getting with another female recently as the mood kicked up again. But, something told him that wasn’t all of it.
Their conversation continued on and off for the next few days, with Aston not really probing too deep into Nana’s background, as was the custom for such illegal things on the internet. However, the way the two of them talked about anal sex, getting prepped, their sex toys, and all that made it seem like she wanted to show Aston a few things, which got him a bit excited too. She was certainly a professional, and Aston could learn a lot from her, but… at what cost? The only way to know for sure was to show up. So, as the day they planned for finally arrived, Aston got himself ready after school and headed over.
A drawstring bag was slung over his back as the feline strolled toward that department store half a mile away. The large parking lot had a good smattering of cars up close to the store, but only a few vehicles were hiding at the distant fringes of the pavement. A semi-truck or two, some broken-down van that had been there for weeks, and right in between them was that large and shiny RV, looking somewhat out of place in such a suburban location. That had to be it! With a nervous grit to his teeth he pushed on, walking up to that front door, taking a big breath, and giving it a soft knock.
He rocked on his footpaws as he waited, looking over the dark RV with tinted windows, kind of expecting a famous rock star or something to be inside. Then again, this skunk girl WAS pretty famous, at least in the right corners of the internet, so it wasn’t too out of place to believe she’d be inside. Maybe Aston could even afford to travel in one of these one day if he got popular enough!That thought made him smile to himself as he waited, before hearing a little shuffle on the inside of the RV, and taking a step back as the door gently cracked open.
A fluff of white and black hair poked around the open edge, along with a pair of flicking ears, and soon a scanning set of eyes as well. Once they saw the feline standing there with a nervous but forced smile, the door opened a bit more, exposing a male skunk in his mid thirties. He had a few piercings in his lip, nose, and ears, but he looked friendly enough as he gave the small cat a warm smile back. “Hey there Aston,” he said in a gentle voice despite his appearance, “come on in. Nana is waiting for you.”
Aston took one more look around, hesitating as he knew he probably shouldn’t, but still taking that first step up, then a second, before hearing the door close behind him. The older skunk led the way up the small staircase, spinning around and brushing his fluffy tail against Aston’s face as he climbed, although after a second of waiting the feline’s path was clear. He climbed up the final steps leading into the fancy looking RV, but before he could get a good look at anything, he saw that eager skunk girl waiting for him not far into the cabin.She was dressed in a black sleeveless top as well as a black skirt, with a pair of studded wrist cuffs on either paw, along with another set of spiked bands around her arms. A black choker around her neck finished off the look. Her dark clothing accented her natural black, blue, and white colors, making the skunk girl both fade into the limited light, and pop out when she flashed a bit more white on her frame, looking much like her Father did in terms of coloring and pattern. Her eyes lit up as the feline took a step closer, lifting up a paw to wave and smile, before she dashed forward and wrapped him in a strong hug.
Those arm bands dug into his shoulder with a little pinch, making him arch and gasp at the sudden squeeze. However, once the initial surprise was gone, a quick mew left his lips as he placed his own paws around her spine, squeezing the slightly taller girl in return. “H…hey there, nice to meet you,” he said with a nervous waiver in his voice, although the loud squeal from the skunk girl hid most of that as she held on for a moment, then slowly pulled away to get a good look at the cat.
“Hey,” she started with a smile of her own, and another excited squeal leaving her as she danced from foot to foot. “You’re just as cute as you are in your videos,” she spat out, making Aston almost blush and hide his cheek against his shoulder.
“Thanks,” he shot back after taking a breath. “You too.Looking good in the outfit.”
“Aww, this thing?” she said, before looking down and running her paws over her chest and skirt in a sexual manner, making sure to hit every bump and curve. It seemed like she was a natural tease, or just had lots of practice making good first impressions. “It’s what most of my clothes look like honestly.Though, you probably haven’t seen me wearing much, have you?”
She added a teasing smirk with that, making Aston chuckle as he shifted his stance and said, “Not really, no.But you haven’t seen me with much either honestly.”
“Once!” she answered with a giggle. “That outfit the fox had you wearing was cute. Not quite my style, but it would contrast nicely.You didn’t bring that, did you?”
“” Aston answered with a nervous chuckle following, swaying on his feet as he tried to push down his nerves.“I didn’t even think about it honestly.”
Nana nodded with a slow sway of her tail behind her, taking a big breath herself to calm down as well, before saying, “Mmm, that’s fine. We’ll both be naked before long anyway.”
“That is the plan, huh?” Aston countered with a small smile of his own. “You haven’t told me much about it.”
“On purpose!” she cried back with a grin pushing through her lips. “It’d be a bigger surprise if I didn’t.Plus, I didn’t want to scare you away.”
Aston gave off a nervous flick to his tail and ears at those words, but he still forced a smile out of his mouth as he said, “Well, I’m here now.Guess it’s too late for that.”
Those words made Nana giggle as she reached out a paw, pressing it against Aston’s hip and giving it a rub, which made him jump from the sudden touch. “I like you - you’re funny.”
“Gotta be more than just a pretty butt to really draw the fans in, right?” Aston shot back without thinking, making the skunk girl nod again.
“I suppose,” she began after a moment of thinking and enjoying the feline’s frame, giving a sway to her own hips as she pulled her paw back. “Not that having a good butt doesn’t help!”
“You would know!”
“And so would you!”
That made Aston squirm yet again, feeling the fur standing up on his body in embarrassment, as he never imagined hearing a girl say that to him.Guys?Yeah, sure, but a girl? That was certainly a new one for him.
“Well,” Aston began after a small moment of silence, “I don’t have too long that I can stay out. Wanna… do whatever?”
Nana giggled and nodded again, before grabbing onto his paw and yanking him toward the back of the RV. “Let’s go pretty boy!”
Aston gave off a sudden mew as he was dragged along, eyes barely able to get a look at anything other than the eager skunk girl in front of him.A few dark posters did catch his attention as he was pulled along though the compact living space, with the feline soon realizing that most of the RV’s walls were covered in some form of band merch.Most of them he hadn’t heard of, and if going by the posters was any indication, they were a bit too heavy for Aston to enjoy.But, the occasional band he had heard of, which at least gave him something he could talk to Nana about after this.
The realization hit him all of a sudden, with Aston feeling that their time together was criminally short. He had so many things he wanted to ask her, and so much he wanted to learn about what she did and how she did it. He really wanted to learn about her in general: just what kind of life she lived, and if she was okay with everything, not to mention getting some tips for his own journey. Yet, a lot of that didn’t come up while they were chatting through the messages, and now both of them were a little eager and excited to get to it, not exactly sitting down for a long chat about things. He wished she were staying in the area, and that he could skip out on school to hang out with her tomorrow, but she’d already said that they were leaving tonight, so Aston would have to wait until the next time she was around to do anything more than chat through messages. At least, he hoped she would want him around again. Who knows how things might go, and they were already moving faster than Aston had imagined.
He had little time to process and store all that info as he was dragged into the bedroom in the back. There he managed to catch a glimpse of the large speakers sitting on the shelf, as well as a few more posters on the wall, and even that spiky guitar sitting in the corner. Yet, he was destined for the bed as Nana literally sling-shot him onto it by yanking on his arm, with the feline landing on all fours after a quick roll to face back at her.
“Man, someone’s eager,” he said with a small chuckle, before sitting up on his knees and slipping the straps to his drawstring backpack off his shoulders.
“Well, yeah,” Nana added with a sway of her hip at the edge of the bed.“Aren’t you?”
“Excited… nervous… petrified…” Aston listed off, before pulling the backpack over between his knees. “Some of those posters are scary.”
“Good!” Nana shot back in a teasing tone, “that’s the idea!It gets the blood flowing.”
“I’m pretty sure a sexy skunk girl is enough to do that,” Aston chimed in with a wink, making the girl squeal at the foot of the bed from his smooth words. He watched as her eyes narrowed from the compliment, and her frame started to crouch down and coil up. Aston was quite familiar with the very feline urge to pounce, so he knew what was coming even before the skunk girl jumped onto the bed and tackled the boy down onto his back.
“Oh, I’m going to fuck you so hard…” she teased with a sway of her hips behind her. Aston gasped at those words, before a glint of light caught his attention behind the girl’s face and tail. His eyes darted away for a moment, just barely catching the flash of her Dad holding an expensive looking video camera in his paw, and closing in on the foot of the bed. That was all Aston saw however before the skunk girl took up all of his vision with a small push forward, grinning down and leaning in close enough that he could feel her breath making his cheek fur sway.
Aston froze up at those words and the girl’s teasing, especially as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips, making his eyes shoot wide as a muffled mew rumbled back out between them. She didn’t hold it for long though, leaving the dazed cat breathing deep as she pulled away, and his erection quickly tenting the shorts between his legs.Nana definitely noticed as she gave her upper thigh a gentle grind into Aston’s groin, only semi-hiding it as she smirked, before pulling back a bit more.Her other leg hit Aston’s bag, and with a curious turn to her head, she reached down to snatch it up and drag it onto Aston’s chest, before opening it and digging a paw inside. “Oh, is this the toy you were having trouble knotting?” she asked, pulling out the object in question with one paw.
“Y…yeah,” Aston answered with a nod as the skunk girl sat on his lap, hiding his erection from that watching camera, even as the older skunk walked up and aimed the camera between the two of them. “I can handle the shaft okay, but that knot… it just doesn’t want to go.”
“Hmm, a large Zephyr, huh?” she added with a curious rub over the shaft and knot with her free paw, while the other held the toy at its base. “Not a small toy for sure, but only a warm up for me anymore.” She gave off a moment of thought, before sliding back off Aston’s lap and onto the bed at his side.With a quick yank to the edge of her skirt, the buttons holding it together popped free, leaving the garment sliding off her hips in one quick motion. Her lack of underwear was quite apparent as her bare groin made Aston’s stare, and with a grin the skunk girl stared back at his face.
“Undies just get in the way. You should get rid of yours too,” she teased, before looking back at the older skunk to catch the bottle of lube he’d suddenly thrown her way. Before Aston could even say anything in response, he watched the skunk girl squirt some out into her paw, then rub it over the toy, before planting the base down against the bed. She held it there with one paw as she spread her legs out and straddled the toy, kneeling over it and letting the tip slide against her inner thigh. She let out a soft moan at the sensation before she leaned back a bit more, dragging that tip over her groin and back beyond it. After a bit more teasing with some gentle slides along her folds and thighs, that cock tip found her tail hole opening and she pushed back, settling down onto it with a slow groaning slide.
Inch after inch of that cock disappeared inside of her in no time as her knees spread wider to show it off. The older skunk leaned over the edge of the bed to catch the action not far from where Aston was laying, causing the feline to shift to the side and make some space as the bed sank in that direction from his weight on it. The feline, the older skunk, and the camera all watched as Nana drove that toy deeper with relative ease. Even as that knot disappeared between her thighs and cheeks she barely slowed down, taking that extended bulge like it was just an extension of the shaft. It was only when a sloppy pop rang out through the room, and the skunk girl jerked for a moment, that everyone knew the knot had gone inside. Nana didn’t seem finished though as she pushed down even harder into the sheets, threatening to swallow up even the base with a few soft bounces and heavy grinds down against it, before her gaze shot back to Aston.
“See?I told you.” She gave another few grinds and bounces on the bed, before sliding up and off that knot with a wet slurp. After freeing about half that now shining shaft, she sat back down with a forceful push until her cheeks bounced off the soft sheets again.“Mmph, I forgot how nice this feels though. I could wear this around all day. I’ll have to see if I have something like it deep in my toybox somewhere. Probably at the bottom.”
“We used to have a large Zephyr,” the older skunk chimed in, making his daughter turn to look at him with a tilt to her head. “I’m pretty sure we traded it in, or left it with a fan though. But we could always get another.”
“Yeah, let’s do that,” she agreed, giggling as she spread her legs a little further, then lifting her frame up along that toy once more. A flurry of bounces came next as that shaft was almost like nothing to her. It slid in and out with little resistance, and that knot barely made any extra noise either. Only the lightest of soft, sloppy pops could be heard underneath the squeaking of the bed and the skunk’s growing breaths, not to mention her naughty moans and groans along the way.
Aston couldn’t pull his eyes away as he watched the toy he’d struggled with for ages get taken so easily. He’d seen impressive things on the internet, but not usually from people his size and age. He had a feeling that some of Nana’s videos with her toys were faked, but now, staring at the real thing happening in front of him, he was a true believer in her talents.His jaw stayed open, gasping at the sight the whole time, until Nana finally settled down against the sheets yet again. She was breathing a little deeper while she leaned forward and planted her paws to the sheets, now almost looming over Aston’s body as she stared him down with a grin.
“Thanks for the playtime,” she said in quite the teasing tone, adding in a little growl under her breath to make the feline shiver.His erection was nearly painful at this point, firm in both amazement and arousal, especially as the hungry skunk’s gaze locked onto him.
“N…no problem,” he said with a stutter, feeling a small twitch shake one of his legs as he looked back at the girl perched on his toy. “You really are impressive.”
She chuckled at that, nodding as she crawled another small step forward, bracing herself on one paw as she lifted the other and put it right down onto Aston’s cock outline.The feline jumped and mewed at that sudden contact, both in surprise and that rush of sensation racing up his painfully hard member. His hips ground up against that paw without even thinking, his need overflowing just from that quick teasing demonstration, as that firm strain turned into electric and pleasured shocks in mere moments.
“Mmm, you feel like you enjoyed the show,” she said again, slowly rubbing her paw up and down over that outline, making Aston’s fur ruffle and his ears flick with each slow, teasing pass.
“Y…yeah..” he admitted, clearly out of his element now as the skunk girl continued to edge him. That was one of the things he was most afraid of, that he’d cum too early and ruin all the fun, and the skunk girl was making damn sure that was a real possibility.
“Well, now that I’m warmed up,” Nana said, lifting her hips up off the bed and letting that toy slip out of her open hole with a wet pop. The heavy shaft tilted to the side and fell flat on the bed with a muffled thud, bouncing once or twice before coming to rest. “I guess it’s your turn.”
With those words out of her lips, the skunk girl crawled forward until both of her paws slid up toward Aston’s waistband. Her fingers locked into the stretchy and sporty fabric, and with a few quick wiggles she yanked both his underwear and shorts down around his hips. His hard cock resisted flopping out on the first drag, instead bending down and tenting that fabric until Nana gave another set of yanks, wiggling those shorts around Aston’s ass, and finally getting them far enough for that human-like shaft to spring up into the air and slap back down against his belly.The force made Aston mew and hiss just a bit, clenching his paws at his side now that his throbbing cock was free, but Nana didn’t dive right for it.
“You see? Undies just get in the way of the action. Go without them - much better for the cameras.” She let her voice ring out with another soft giggle, and kept herself focused on pulling down Aston’s pants around his legs and feet. Once they were off his footpaws, she made a little show oftossing them aside with a gentle twirl above her head. Only then did she slide back up nice and slow, tracing her paws around the boy’s toned legs and thighs, before one set of fingers wrapped around his balls, and the other squeezed around the midsection of his shaft.
Aston let out a loud mew and groaned at the sudden contact, watching his legs shoot apart to give the girl the access she needed, while she slid up between them and took a kneeling seat in front of the feline.She gave a slow and careful stroke to that cock, as well as a slow roll of his balls in her other paw, before nodding and saying, “And you were worried about not being enough for me to handle. I’ve definitely taken smaller ones than this before!”
“T…thanks?” Aston responded as his paws clenched into the sheets at his side, causing his back to arch and lift his hips off the bed for a moment.
Nana let out a small laugh, either from Aston’s words or his tone, as another slow and careful rub slid along his shaft. “Mmm, you’re welcome! It is pretty nice. Looking forward to feeling it inside me. But first…” she said before pulling both paws away and letting the feline’s equipment drop back against his groin, “flip on your belly and hike that ass up!”
“W…what?” Aston added with a slow flick to one of his ears, and a confused tilt to his head. He wasn’t sure if he hadn’t heard her correctly through the strain of holding back, or just wasn’t expecting her to say something like that.
His response made Nana smile, placing both of her paws back on her thighs as she said, “You heard me - face down and ass up cat slut!”
Aston stared back at her for another good moment, still trying to process just what she was asking, with the sight of the older skunk coming in for a close-up making him finally snap out of it. Even still, that roll onto his belly was slow, although a smack to his soon displayed ass cheek was enough to get him up on his knees with a soft wiggle of his tail, mewing out at the tingle.“Like this?” He asked, giving his back a traditional feline arch, and letting his hips sway back and forth like he was about to pounce, feeling his balls bounce off his inner thighs as he did.
“Mmm, like a natural,” Nana responded, before laying another smack on his other cheek, but this time holding her paw there to help spread it to the side. Aston gave off a small whimper at that, feeling some cool air rushing past his now exposed pucker and taint, before a sudden blast of hot breath took its place.
The bed creaked just a bit as the skunk girl shifted forward, with her Father climbing on behind her to get an over-the-top shot of her muzzle diving in between Aston’s ass cheeks. The first contact to his rim with her soft and slick tongue made Aston gasp nice and loud, with his body arching and squirming in surprise.He pulled away in shock from that sudden warm sensation, shifting far enough forward to break contact with that tongue as a strong gasp rang out through his lips. But, Nana wasn’t about to let him escape as her other paw flew to his other hip, pulling him back against her lips, and sealing them around his young hole as that tongue probed in against it. Aston bucked again, feeling his claws extend down into the bedsheets to try and get some traction to pull, but once again Nana adjusted her grip and leaned all her force into driving that tongue through that hole, not even slowing down as Aston tightened up in reflex and tried to keep her out.
It wasn’t a hard battle as Aston soon moaned out at the tingling sensation, his ring of muscle opening up and letting the invader inside with a soft and surprised mew. Nana took that chance to really go for it, pushing pretty hard and making him clench back around the invader, reaching in a good few inches on the first go. That tongue wiggled back and forth inside of him, making the feline gasp and dance with each new twitch sent into his rear end, forcing him to arch his back and clench his eyes, all while his shaft throbbed and slapped up against his shirt and belly in a set of quick bouncing thuds.
Nana didn’t keep her tongue buried in that hole forever though.Needing a breath, she pulled back and slid out, instead letting it flow across the feline’s now extra tender pucker, only to lay a trace of her spit around the rim in a wide circle. She applied a bit more spit to her tongue before driving it up against that rim once more, pushing past the hole to deposit it inside, while a bit more leaked around the edges, slowly soaking the feline’s soft fur.
“I… fuck…” Aston cried out, certainly surprised for sure, but also not sure what to say or do at the assault.He’d been rimmed before, but this was so out of the realm of what he thought was going to happen that his mind wasn’t ready to process it right away. His head shot up, looking at the ceiling, then hung back down between his strained shoulders, with the feline breathing deep and feeling a twitch shoot through him any time that tongue pressed around his rim, which was quite often at this point.
“That’s it Babe,” came the voice of the older skunk from behind as he adjusted his viewing angle, even reaching out and holding the feline’s tail up and out of the way of the skunk girl’s hungry assault.“Really dive in there and let him have it!Just like that pitbull did to you in Florida, remember?”
Aston felt a quick nod against his cheeks as the skunk girl’s face brushed up against his fur, before another heavy assault of her tongue pushed forward, once again slathering inside and around that opening feline pucker as it relaxed from the massage.Or maybe Aston was starting to get used to the sensation, and instead of fighting it he was falling into the pleasure instead. He couldn’t deny it felt good, and as those skunk paws clenched around his hips and butt once more, he let out a huffing moan into the air, crying out as his throbbing cock leaked a steady dribble of pre down onto the bedsheets underneath him.
Nana didn’t want to leave that shaft hanging for too long, and as soon as Aston was stable and set in his position, she released one of her paws from her hips and reached around to get a grasp of it, adding in a slow stroke as her tongue continued to work behind him. It was hard for Aston not to cum earlier, but it was near impossible now, with the feline clenching his teeth hard and squeezing his eyes shut, enough to miss the older skunk getting a good reaction shot over his face as he circled around the bed during the action.
Still, Nana’s assault on his ass wasn’t the only thing she had in mind, and soon enough she slurped a little further down, tracing along his taint with heavy licks until she reached the back of his balls. That unique sensation at least took Aston’s mind off cumming for a moment, and the skunk girl’s shifting focus left her little time to get any real pumps and strokes over his cock in, designating Aston’s load as safe for now, but nevertheless right on the edge of happening.
Still, the sensation felt really good as that tongue played with those dangling orbs, pushing them back and forth, coating them with a quickly evaporating layer of spit.As she sucked one of them into her mouth and wrapped her lips around it, Aston felt that urge to cum bubble up once again, but with a quick clench of his insides he managed to hold it back, only feeling a small dribble of pre leave his cock tip and drip down onto the sheets. Nevertheless, as a little pressure was released from his growing need, he gave a steady set of whimpers and whines. Deep breaths rung out through his panting chest as the poor feline’s head dug down into the sheets, trying to hide both his pleasure and strain from everyone in the room.
It was quite the display, and the older skunk seemed happy to get a lot of footage from it, but eventually Nana pulled back with a few heavy gasps, wiping her chin off with a soft chuckle, and sliding her paw from around Aston’s cock back to his hip, giving his ass another spank in the process. “Mmm, that was fun,” she said with a few more deep breaths leaving her lips. “But now to get you ready…”
Aston didn’t have time to ask what that meant before he felt a cold squirt of lube land down between his ass cheeks. He could feel the liquid start to slide down over his hole, his taint, and then his balls, only to get pushed back up by a pair of small fingers.Aston was able to squeak out another soft mew and huff out a deeper breath before those digits reached his rim once again. Without too much fanfare, they pushed the slick glob through his pucker and deeper into his tunnel, almost falling in with ease as two, then three, then four small fingers quickly pried apart his opening in quick succession.
Aston dug his face into the bed once again, muffling a few cries and moans, as those fingers seemed to know what they were doing. They spread him out wide, pushing at his young hole’s resistance, and making his body shiver at the sensation. Still, as they continued to pump back and forth, pulling on the feline’s rim each time, a soft female voice leaned down over his hips to say, “Relax cutie, enjoy the burn. Let your body open up. It wants things inside it, I can tell. Let it do its thing and open up.”
Aston did his best to try and roll with Nana’s words, taking in a few deep breaths as she slowed her assault for a moment, only to pry her fingers apart wider when she felt she could. That got Aston groaning again, but each further stretch became easier and easier for him to handle, until the skunk girl’s digits slipped back out with a slow pop, leaving his pucker clenching at the sensation of being so empty once again.
“I think he’s ready,” Nana shouted to her Dad, who put down the camera and went to get something from the closet. In the meantime, the skunk girl slid her shirt up and off her young body, showing off her small but cute breasts, but keeping the cuffs and choker on for the moment. “Slide your shirt off Aston,” she replied with a soft tap to his butt, making the dazed feline give off a soft groan while his tail flicked around behind him. It took him a moment, but he was able to lift his upper body off the bed and wiggle himself out of his shirt, peeling out one arm at a time with a careful wiggle.
As he tossed it aside and rose up to his knees, he turned his head to look back at the skunk girl, hearing a soft rustling from behind him. His gaze was pretty much full of Nana’s fluffy tail as she had spun around, with her Father helping her with some leather straps around her hips and groin.It took a moment for Aston to realize what was going on, but when she tightened up that last bright green strap around her hip, she spun around to show off what looked like a thick pair of underwear, although having a firm leather plate up front, with a big metal ring shining bright in the lighting of the room.
“Surprise!” she shouted back with a firm thrust of her hips back and forth, even putting her paws behind her head as she let her groin take most of the focus.
“W…what’s that?” Aston asked, still catching his breath as his cock hung down against his thigh.It was still plenty hard and aroused, but happy for the little break in the action.
Nana giggled at the feline’s reaction, sliding her paws down along her chest and then to the edges of the leather around her hips. “Oh come on, gonna play dumb innocent femboy cat with me? I’m sure you know what this is!”
“I…” Aston started, having an idea, but not sure if he wanted to say anything. He was saved in his hesitation by the older skunk as he grabbed Aston’s toy from earlier and handed it to the skunk girl, causing her to spin to the side and stop her teasing glare toward the feline.
“Here you go,” he said with a chuckle, holding the camera in one paw and handing off the toy with the other. “Slide it through the ring. Maybe base-first?Not sure if the knot will fit.”
Nana’s fingers worked with her groin plate as she tried to handle the slippery toy, having it flop out of her grasp once or twice while both her and then her father tried to figure out how to secure the toy.Aston just watched in awe, half dazed and half confused. Soon he turned his body to face the pair and sat back on his knees and legs to watch the nearly comical ordeal, cracking a smile on occasion as his mind prepared for what he knew was about to happen.
After fighting with the straps and harness for a few moments, that toy was eventually secured inside, holding steady as Nana gave a little thrust to watch that shaft bounce.She giggled, reaching down a paw to give it a supporting hold and stroke, before groaning and saying, “Mmm, I see why you boys like having something like this. It’s so much fun to play with!”
Aston nodded at that as the older skunk pulled back and aimed his camera at the teasing skunk girl, watching her hips pump back and forth a few times, with her paw sliding along the toy. “Mmm, enjoying yourself?” the older skunk asked with a soft chuckle, watching the younger girl nod back with a moan.
“Mmm, should’ve tried this earlier!” she said, before turning her gaze to look at Aston. That predatory and eager smirk on her face only grew as Aston shot up to attention, squeaking out a soft mew as the feline felt a shiver race down his spine, and a nervous gulp forced some spit down his throat.
“As for you slut cat, back into position!” she called out, only for Aston to hesitate a moment, then spin around and get on all fours again. He had enjoyed the little break, but now his shaft was hardening up again as the idea got him more than a bit aroused. He shook his tightening but still slick rear end back at her, with his tail up high and his back in another trademark feline arch to really show off the goods.
“Oh, before you dive in,” the older skunk said once more, shuffling around a little as Aston turned his head around his shoulder to look.He couldn’t quite see what was happening, but something definitely popped into the skunk girl - some kind of plug or something - that left her squealing even more than the knot on that toy had earlier.A shiver shot through her as she clenched back around it, leaking off a gentle moan as it settled, before her father gave her a few taps on an ass cheek and said, “Your good luck princess plug.”
“Mmm, I’ll need it,” she added, slowly shifting forward and now crawling up toward Aston’s rear end, with the tip of that toy dragging along the sheets underneath her. She made it over to him in a few steps, giving his ass cheek one last kiss when her mouth got close enough, before placing a paw on his hip and using it to pull herself up into a seated position. With a little lift of the toy in a paw, she moved it up and over Aston’s tail base, only to release it and watch it smack down between his cheeks. The feline shot back a little mew and moaned, but those moans kept coming as she guided the toy along Aston’s ass crack with a few slow grinds. The camera caught all the teasing action, before she reached for the lube bottle once more and gave the toy a fresh coating from above, making both of them groan and shiver at the sensation.
Aston was ready for it, or at least as ready as he figured he could be. He knew that toy pretty well, but he wasn’t used to having someone else handle it. He pushed back a little bit, aiding in the female’s efforts, and soon felt those slick skunk paws once again grab him by the hips, matting his fur down where they squeezed. “Mmm, the safe word is Black Parade,” she said in quick passing, making Aston gasp and nod as that fake cock pulled back, and that tip rubbed up against his hole.
“Yes… ma’am,” Aston shot back, only to feel the skunk girl squeal at that title, giving her all the more reason to push forward and send that tip surging through Aston’s slick hole, diving into his insides with a rather rough push. Aston grunted hard and let out a hiss under his breath while that cock filled him up, almost half that shaft sliding in with little stopping it thanks to all the extra lube. It poked at Aston’s insides, making him squirm and adjust, before those skunk’s hips leaned into Aston’s ass a bit harder. With some more force, that toy found its way deeper with a gurgling push into his guts, sliding up to near the knot with a strained groan falling from the feline’s open muzzle.
Nana seemed to enjoy the force however, gasping out in surprise as that toy dove inside so ‘easily’, giving her the confidence to pull back on her hips and shove forward again, making Aston’s whole body shake with the force. “Oh wow,” she said back, holding steady for a moment and slapping Aston’s cheek, which made the huffing cat whine out with a little whimper. “This feels awesome! I feel so powerful!” she cried out, squeezing onto his hip again and pulling the cat back after his shift forward from the slap, grinding his pucker against that knot one more time. After a second to steady herself, she pulled her hips back and thrusted forward again, nearly slapping her groin against those ass cheeks, as that feline tail danced around her chest with its spastic thrashes.
“Mmmph, fuck…” Aston cried out, struggling against the strain and sensation as the skunk girl wasn’t exactly gentle.Not being able to feel her thrusts and just how heavy they were left her guessing, and with the amount of experience the skunk girl had in hard and heavy sex, her experience was definitely skewed.Aston only had a few extra rough sessions that got him gritting his teeth and holding on, but he already knew that this was going to be one of them, if not one of the hardest.
He knew things weren’t going to get much easier as his breath was knocked out of his lungs with each deep pump. He could definitely feel the burn racing from his pucker up toward his depths, with each part of that toy really ringing his fleshy tunnel, especially at the control of the energetic skunk girl behind those thrusts. However, his noises and tense position gave the older skunk an idea, and once Nana got into a good thrusting swing, he walked around to catch Aston’s strained facial expression, with Aston only seeing him after a few moments and shooting back a somewhat embarrassed mew.
“Mmmph, take it you little kitten bitch!” Nana cried out, before trying hard to muffle a giggle at those words… and failing. A slight giggle turned into a full on laugh as she had to slow her thrusts to get herself under control, leaning up against Aston’s cheeks and over his spine as she got it all out of her system. She added a smack to Aston’s ass cheek once she was able to grit her teeth and get back into the mood, and she made up for the little break with a few faster and firmer thrusts into his ass soon after. Aston squirmed and squealed, leaning his cheek down against the bed to further hide his face, although that camera always seemed to catch him. Each time he looked up it was right in his face, capturing all the feline’s whines and huffs as they filled the room.
The burn in his tail and passage was pretty intense, but slowly it faded off into the background, with the skunk girl getting a little more steady in her thrusts, and Aston’s deeper insides opening up to the pummeling of that toy.Despite Nana taking it like it was nothing, it was certainly something to the feline, still causing him to hiss and huff whenever that tip hit him wrong, but he was a trooper and held on, even as his hardening cock once again slapped up against his belly.
It was rough, it hurt a bit, but Aston couldn’t deny that he enjoyed the action. Hearing the girl’s heavy breaths behind him as she worked, the slap of her hips against his ass, and even seeing that camera out of the corner of his eye a few times really got him excited, with the feline doing his best to put on a good show, knowing this video will get seen by many more people than his own ever had before. At least he hoped it was all for a good cause as the skunk girl shifted behind him, climbing up and over his frame to lean her body down against the cat’s spine.
“Mmmph, enjoying yourself slut cat?” she called out, planting one paw down at the feline’s shoulder, before leaning her groin over his hips and lower back.She used her free paw to grasp the feline’s cheek, wrapping a few digits around his chin, and then probing a few of her fingers past his lips, hooking his inner cheek to make the feline mumble and drool out his response.
“Good boy!” she called out with a grin and grunt in his ear. “And you thought you’d be worthless to me… I knew you and your tiny penis would have a use!”
Those words made Aston shiver and whine, but he couldn’t deny it made his cock jump as well, even if Nana had to hold back another giggle attack after they left her lips.He’d never really had a partner who spoke to him like that before, and even if he knew it was mostly an act by the skunk girl, he couldn’t help but admit he liked it.It made him squirm and squeeze back around that toy once again, although in this new position it was a bit harder for the skunk girl to get some good thrusts in, resorting to mostly grinding and working those final few inches of shaft back and forth instead of going for all out thrusts.
“Mmm, does the good kitty want to take my knot?” she asked out of the blue, letting go of Aston’s drooling chin and bracing herself with that paw against the bed, relieving some of the strain from her other arm.
“I… mmmph… I’ll try..” Aston cried back, feeling the burn in his tail pick up again at that thought.He knew he couldn’t say no, and he really didn’t want to disappoint the skunk girl, her Dad, or the viewers, but he also knew that he’d had no luck making it fit on his own.Still, with those small breasts grinding against his shoulder blades, and one of the skunk girl’s paws sliding around his chest, then his belly, and reaching down to give his straining cock a firm squeeze, Aston had little room to back out now. He used that attention to his cock to rock his hips, pressing back against that knot and feeling the strain and burn once again race all over his backside, but now the skunk girl was helping him push as well, matching his force with some of her own.It made the feline whimper and whine, having to pull forward and away from the pressure a few times, but the skunk girl was firm in holding the feline in place, making sure he was never far from another attempt.
“Mmm, come on, you can do it,” she called out, losing that edge from her voice she had before, and almost putting on a cheerleader tone instead.Another grind, another whine from the feline boy as the strain and burn built, only for him to have to squirm away again.Then another push, and another failure.He was just about to tap out as his tail end had enough, tears forming in the corner of his eyes from the strain, before one last push forced that knot to pop inside with a sudden surge, straining the boy to a heavy squeal and hiss, and making the skunk girl’s paw squeeze his cock in firm success.
“Yes, there we go!” she cried out, pushing hard to make sure he couldn’t force that knot back out with his spasms and squeezes after.“Good boy!” she called back out, adding some heavy pressure from her hips against his rear, and some serious pumps over his cock to try and relax him.Of course that was easier said than done as Aston felt the burn, both at his pucker and deep inside his guts, desperately telling him to pull that toy out.But, the pumps over his cock were a rather nice way to get his mind off the strain, and soon enough the girl brought up her other arm to wrap around his chest, squeezing them tight together as the feline let a few pathetic mews and deep gasps leave his lips in the process.
He figured she would try and get him off like that, and with the rate her paw was going it wouldn’t take long, but she had one more surprise in store for him.With a slow pull up and back, she lifted the feline’s frame up into the air, bracing it against her own chest as she carried him along. His front paws left the bed as he pivoted on his knees, groaning softly at the pressure that put on his knotted tail hole, but doing his best to keep the strain as manageable as possible.
His shoulder blades ground into a small set of breasts as that arm squeezed tight around his chest, leaving the feline supported by the skunk girl’s frame as he let out a few deep breaths. The knot was still stuck inside, they both made sure of that, but now the skunk girl’s paw was free to pump along the feline’s member out in the open, stroking all that much harder while as the older skunk came in for a few more close-ups of the feline from the front. Aston’s panting face, strained body features, and slowly twitching legs and thighs showed off just how hard he’d been pushed and just how close he was to cumming, and it only took another whisper in his ear for the feline to whine and let loose.
“Come for me, pretty boy,” came the words building from Nana’s slow breaths into his ear, making Aston arch his back one last time and squeeze hard around that knot inside him. His orgasm raced through his body, no strain able to hold that back anymore, as jolts of cum flew out of his cock and across the bed in long airborn ropes. They landed in a spread pattern, streaks painting the bed, with the skunk girl squealing in joy as she helped aim them back and forth. At some point during the feline’s clenches and shakes, that knot was also forced out of his hole, popping back through as those solid clenches rippled through his body. He gasped as that big bulb left him all of a sudden, but it was lost between his other squeals and heavy whines, with the feline soon slumping in the girl’s grasp as his orgasm turned into a steady trickle, with just a few more residual tingles shooting through his spent body.
“Such a good boy!” the skunk girl cried out, squeezing around his chest as her paw slowly milked out the rest of the feline’s orgasm with a few slow clenches and strokes. “Such a good boy,” she repeated nuzzling into the back of his head and giving his cock one final pass before letting it droop from its own weight. She pulled that paw up further, with both now supporting and rubbing his chest, as Aston felt a small purr building underneath his deep breaths. That made Nana smile and giggle again against the side of his head, giving her hips a few slow pulls back and forth just to tease the feline with the toy’s shaft, before saying, “Awww, you’re so cute! I wish all guys purred when they came!”
That made Aston’s fur fluff as he tried to hide his cheek in his shoulder, but there was no hiding when that older skunk was on the case, making sure the whole internet could see his reaction. Aston tried to smile at the camera after realizing he couldn’t hide, not really having anything to say, but letting his purr and a soft mew ring from his muzzle as the skunk’s paws continued to make a mess of his chest fur.
It was a nice moment, and Aston wished it would have lasted a lot longer, but Nana needed a break herself. The skunk’s paws slid back down toward his hips and pushed the cat forward as she pulled back, slowly slipping that toy out of his now open hole. Aston fell back down onto all fours as the older skunk shifted behind him, focusing the camera to catch the moment and sloppy noise all together.
“Mmm, look what you did Hon!” the older skunk said with a pat to Nana’s head as that toy tip bounced only slightly behind that gaping hole, which Aston gave a few soft winks too all the while.
“It’s beautiful,” she added, reaching down and spreading open those cheeks to show off her hard work, before adding one final slap to Aston’s rear to make him jump one last time.
“It certainly is,” the older skunk agreed, although his tone seemed a little more genuine than reactionary, causing Nana to look up at him with a tilt to her head.
“You wanna try?” she asked, pulling back with a shuffle on her knees as Aston’s ears perked up those words.
The curious feline flicked them back to aim behind him as the feline’s deep breath caught in his throat, hearing a long pause before the older voice said, “I do actually, yeah.”
An excited skunk squeal rang in the air as Nana slipped off the bed and a heavier weight got on, leaning Aston back toward the indentation.
“Woo, Daddy’s gonna breed another boy!” she cried out, now grabbing the camera as the older skunk unzipped his pants and slid them down to his knees. He wore no underwear just like his daughter, causing his free erection to slap against the feline’s open and slick pucker as he lined himself up with that crater.“Another video for the secret channel!”
Aston gave off a small mewing squeak as he felt that cock line up, with that thick head prodding at his still winking and sore pucker. But, with the amount of slickness he had leaking out of it, it only took a simple push forward for the skunk male to sink in, diving in deep into the well fucked feline as both males gave off a heavy groan.
“Mmmph, you lucky kitty!” the skunk girl shouted back, before sliding around to the feline’s side so he could get a look at her holding onto the camera and aiming it at the both of them. “Daddy doesn’t fuck many boys.”
“He’s… a cute one…” the older skunk grunted back, his paws holding onto Aston’s hips while that shaft slid through him with a few sloppy and slimy noises, matching his daughter’s fervor in his thrusts. “Takes it really well too… you put on a good show.”
“Mmm, and so are you!” Nana added, sliding up onto the bed once more and kneeling on the edge, with Aston’s toy nearly grinding against his leg as she leaned in for a few more closer shots of his rear end.
“Mmm, thanks Babe,” he called back through his heavy huffs, closing his eyes and smacking his hips against that small feline rear with little restraint in them. “Not gonna last long… was rubbing myself during the whole shoot.”
“Just a little more Daddy,” Nana called out, now causing him to have to hold back and slow his thrusts a bit, while the feline took that big shaft surprisingly well. It was big, but it was still smaller than his toy, and especially smaller than that knot. The human-like shaft was smooth and sleek inside him, pumping away into the areas that Aston had already abused and stretched out. The slick sounds of a wet hole slopping and popping rang around the room with each thrust, countered by both male’s heavy breathing and groaning, making quite the nice soundtrack to the expansive filling.
Aston, feeling a little comfortable and confident now that this cock wasn’t making him strain on each thrust, even pushed back against those slowing pumps as the feline’s soft moans and even purrs soon added to the soundscape. Aston dug his paws into the bedsheets once more, not quite gripping them with his claws, but giving his hips enough energy back into those pumps to make the skunk groan with some strain, a little payback for his daughter pushing him further than he thought he could go. Still, the skunk didn’t last much longer as it seemed he was telling the truth. He struggled for a few more moments, trying to get enough footage to make a reasonable video, before finally leaning into a hot and heavy set of slaps.Balls bounced off balls, leaving Aston squealing as the skunk grunted in heavy breaths above him, before finally shoving in deep and holding there as his seed spilled into the underaged cat boy below.
“Mmmph, go Daddy go!” Nana cried out with another joyful chuckle, holding that camera close and catching her Dad’s cumming face, before sliding down to see Aston’s eyes closed and the boy moaning.The feline opened his eyes as he sensed Nana in front of him, throwing out a soft smile and lifting up a paw into a peace sign, getting Nana to chuckle yet again. “Aston you slut!” she cried out, before pulling the camera to the side and leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips, capturing it all for the world to see. Aston’s ears flicked back at that, surprised at the sudden assault, but as the skunk behind him gathered himself up, Nana’s attention was once again needed behind him. So, as quick as that kiss came, it left, leaving Aston’s muzzle open and panting as the skunk girl scampered behind him to capture that pullout.
It was worth the effort though as that cock slipped out of the young boy with a wet slurp, along with a slow dribble of white cream. Aston’s cheeks were spread open by the older skunk’s paws, leaving the feline boy mewing and moaning as the camera got every drippy detail of that lube and cum mixture dripping down his taint and balls. He arched his back and purred, acting a bit himself now as both sets of eyes behind him looked on, but soon chuckling as he let his frame droop, tired enough to just flop flat on the bed and hide his re-growing erection after the fast and furious fuck.
As the two skunks slid off and mumbled some words to one another, Aston decided not to bother figuring out what they were saying. Instead, he laid out flat on the bed, gathering up his breath, while his mind caught up with what just happened. He didn’t care that he was laying over his own cummy streaks. His fur would need a washing anyway before he made it home, and he was sure Nana wouldn’t mind him hopping in the shower quick. Right now that burn in his tail was one of the things he just wanted to relax and let fade, with the rest of his senses going a little dim and out of reach, at least until a small skunk paw grabbed onto his shoulder and tried to roll him onto his back.
Aston resisted for a moment, but with another yank he found his shoulder up and off the bed, so it didn’t take much more to roll onto his back. Aston let out another huff as he did, with his cock actually having grown a bit during his relaxation (the feel of cum leaking down his taint and balls tingled his mind in just the right way). His shaft flopped against his thigh and then onto his belly, catching the skunk girl’s attention as she hopped up onto the bed along his side. He was kind of hoping she’d come down and cuddle for a moment, with the tired feline eager for a little nap if he could swing it, but when she caught sight of his cock once again, Nana just giggled and sent a paw down to squeeze it, making the feline groan in soreness.
“Still not done, huh?” she teased, making Aston squirm as another pump slipped down his shaft.
“I wouldn’t mind a break…” he added with a deep breath, although his hips seemingly couldn’t resist the skunk girl’s touches, and his body gave a soft thrust up into the attention instead of staying flat.
“Mmm, you did a good job,” she replied, nodding and soon straddling Aston’s belly, pushing that cock tip up against her own slick pucker. “You’ll definitely be a star someday.”
“You think so?” Aston shot back with a groan as his tip and shaft entered that warm hole, certainly not a tight squeeze by any means, but the caress of that warm and slick flesh around his member was just what he needed, feeling her envelope him like a warm glove. He groaned back as she landed in his lap, the skunk girl putting her paws back onto his chest and rocking her hips slow and steady, her legs also a little tired from doing all the work earlier.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” she answered, seemingly not phased by that cock inside her as she didn’t miss a beat during her bounces. “As long as you keep it up.”
“Can we play again… another time?” Aston asked, now groaning and feeling his hips thrust up to match her bounces, with his paws even sliding up to hold onto her hips as he helped her work.
“When we’re back around this way, sure!” Nana said with an eager chuckle, making Aston’s chest burn with some pride and happiness. That’s all he wanted to hear as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, not even caring that the older skunk picked up the camera once again. Aston didn’t want to act, he didn’t want to perform, he just wanted to hold onto the skunk girl and let her bounce on him, with his thrusts pushing her back up. She felt so good inside, and it was just what his already sore cock needed, just a bit more sensation to get back up and over the edge. He didn’t feel the need to hold back or show off. This was his reward for enduring what he had today.
All it took was a few more moments of slow and steady riding, with some gentle bouncing and squeezing around his chest and cock, before Aston was huffing and on the edge once again. He didn’t make a big show of it, instead just squeaking out a quick, “I’m cumming,” at the skunk girl, who was also lost in her own little world of gentle and casual sex. It made her push a bit faster and harder, her insides clenching just a bit more around the deep breathing feline, before he let loose anything he hadn’t given her earlier.
It probably wasn’t all that impressive as the skunk girl had milked him pretty dry, but it was the feeling more than anything that left Aston smiling and purring once more. Before Nana could squirm away again, he slid his paws up toward her sides and then her shoulders, pulling her down until her chest lay against his.From there he let his purr ring through her, nuzzling up against the side of her head, and even throwing a little kiss against a cheek before laying his head back with one last big huff.
Nana played along, giggling with whatever Aston did to her, before returning the kiss to his cheek, then his lips for a quick moment, before pulling back with a soft breath.“You are a cuddly thing, aren’t ya?” she teased back with a gentle giggle.
“Mmm, I’m just… happy you invited me,” Aston said in a dreamy voice, his dopey smile causing Nana to squeal once more as she pulled up to look into his eyes.
“You are just so fuckin’ cute!” she spat back, with that curse word getting a little growl under her breath for emphasis, making Aston chuckle back before another kiss landed on his lips. This one was a bit longer than most, with a little tongue shooting back and forth between them, but Nana did pull back eventually with a deep breath, giving one more bounce on Aston’s shrinking cock before slipping off to the side, forcing his cock out of her with a wet slurp.
“Mmm, it’s getting late though,” Nana said to break the silence at first. “Don’t you have to be home soon?”
Aston lifted his head off the bed and looked over to any clock display he could see, giving off a firm groan at the time as pushed his elbows down and lifted his back off the sticky mattress, feeling a few bits of fur still trying to cling to the soiled sheets. “Mmmph, yeah… I need a quick shower though if that’s okay.”
“Got anything left for a quick shower scene?” Nana teased, and although Aston considered it, he shook his head as he slid his feet off the edge of the bed and stood back onto wobbly legs.
“I don’t think so… sorry,” he said back to counter her teasing, leaving her giggling as he stumbled his way toward the bathroom.
As Aston got out and was toweling himself off, he was greeted with Nana holding up his clothes and his bookbag, with his toy stuffed back inside. “I washed your toy for you in the kitchen sink - it should be good to go.”
“Thanks,” Aston said with a smile as he handed her the towel and took his clothes, sliding them on with just a hint of feline tease back at the skunk girl, who watched him closely the entire time. After slipping on his backpack, and brushing his hair out of his eyes, he reacted just in time to the skunk girl diving in for another kiss to his lips with a soft gasp and mew, muffled by her for another quick moment, before she pulled away.
“You were awesome,” she started with a smile.“I had so much fun!”
“Same,” Aston shot back, not really sure what to add.
“I’ll message you the details about when your video will get edited and posted, and send you links to all the secret stuff,” she continued with a happy bubbling tone, having gotten a little rest while Aston showered to recover some energy.
“Awesome, I can’t wait,” Aston replied with a nod to his head.
“It’s gonna be big, I can feel it!” Nana squealed back with a happy bounce from foot to foot. “Unique content like this doesn’t happen often, and even if it’s not someone’s exact fetish they like, uniqueness sells really good! Everyone’s too interested not to buy it!”
“And I get my cut, right?” Aston teased, kicking out his hip and letting his tail sway behind him.
“Sure, we can set something up,” she blurted out. “We can discuss percentages and stuff later.”
“Just let me know when you’re back in town,” Aston shot back pretty smoothly.“How’s that for a deal?”
“Deal!” Nana said with one final giggle as she wrapped her paws around Aston’s neck and gave him a hug. “Now, don’t be late getting home. Wouldn’t want you getting in trouble,” she teased.
Aston nodded, feeling her pulling away from his frame, and then lifting a paw to give a wave to the older skunk changing the sheets on the bed. He gave Nana one final smile before turning and heading down those tight stairs out of the RV. His body was still tingling, and his mind was still catching up with everything that had happened, but there was a warm glow still throbbing in his chest.
‘I can be a star…’ she said!