Sleepover 01
So, back in May, I said I wanted to make a comic out of one of my stories. And then I sat on it, thinking I’d do it eventually but knowing full well that I wouldn’t. Well, recently I started sketching some and this particular story kept coming back to mind. I looked at the original page I had sketched out and started to retool it. And then a second page. Then a third… Suddenly, this was becoming a thing! So I decided that I should stop thinking about it and DO it. I was, at long last, actually bringing one of my stories to life! It might not be the best story. It might not be a GOOD story. But it’s something I’m committing myself to and I really hope it’ll teach me some discipline and patience.
So my plan is to work on the story and sketch layouts during the day, and at night, start working on inking and coloring pages that are established. I figure that, at my current productivity, I’m going to shoot for a page a week. Depending on what my weekends look like, I should be able to manage that. (Hell, this first page took me three nights.) I was genuinely surprised that it took me so long. I figured, “Sketching it out is the hard part! This’ll be cake! Just use the bucket tool on a bunch of spots and PRESTO! Completed page!” No… Turns out that’s not how it works at all.
I have a newfound respect for everyone who makes comics. Doesn’t matter the particulars. Black and white or full color. Daily webcomic or occasional one-shot story. One page or 100. Everyone who puts the time and effort into making a comic is giving you a big piece of their time and effort.
Now, about this comic. This story takes place after the ‘collar’ bit in my gallery. I’ve worked it in a way that you don’t really need to know what happened as a result of that incident, so I can still work on that one later. This is a slice-of-life style story that will feature cubs in adult situations. For anyone unfamiliar with my ‘Airedale’ universe, please check out the character model sheets here for a bit of background information:
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