Sleepover 03
I guess I still made it “on time.” Despite fighting with this page and re-drawing half of it because I thought it looked goofy. It might be that, since I’ve spent so much time working on newer pages, that I’ve kinda forgotten how rough these earlier pages looked and wanted to rework them a bit.So I tried to create an establishing shot in the first panel. Same couch from before, so she’s still in the living room. Phone sitting next to her so it doesn’t look like it suddenly appears from nowhere in the third panel. The only part I’m kinda iffy about is the last one. I tried, in the last page, to establish where the hallway to the bedrooms was so I could use this transition without confusing anyone about how the house is laid out.I’m REALLY not happy with the perspective inconsistencies. Part of me wants to go back to scene building in Blender, but that’s been a big PITA for me in the past.That being said, I’m kinda really looking forward to working on these next few pages. I really like how the sketches look and hope they look as good finished.And before you ask, no, I didn’t forget it in the previous pages… You’ll just need to be patient and it’ll be explained.
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