Taylor Knight reference
I haven’t been posting as much lately. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been sketching at least.
With that sketching, I thought I should make proper models for the cast. Trying to keep my OCD roped in on these…
Taylor’s up first. Only makes sense, seeing how she’s my muse for this whole project…
Character Description
Tay is your average 10 year old in most regards. Goes to school, has a best friend, hates it when her brother bullies her. Fairly average 5th grader; B/C student.
Tay is your average 10 year old in most regards. Goes to school, has a best friend, hates it when her brother bullies her. Fairly average 5th grader; B/C student.
——EDIT 2019-10-27–––––
I uploaded an improved version of the model sheet, fixing several issues that bothered me. She (and all characters in my Airedale universe) now has four fingers rather than the five previously. Her tail is less bushy, the legs have been re-proportioned, and eyes restyled.
I uploaded an improved version of the model sheet, fixing several issues that bothered me. She (and all characters in my Airedale universe) now has four fingers rather than the five previously. Her tail is less bushy, the legs have been re-proportioned, and eyes restyled.
Generally quiet in large groups, but can usually find something to go on about endlessly with cubs her age, boys or girls. Seems like a tomboy at times, but she doesn’t think of herself that way. She has really embraced the clothing-optional lifestyle of the city, but she still prefers to wear some form of top because she finds her own fur color drab and her mother won’t let her bleach or dye it.
Likes: Being creative (painting, coloring books, doodling on her school asignments), mashed potatoes, having her fur brushed, playing games on her phone, lying in the sun
Dislikes: Chores, any meal with fish in it, when people play pranks on her or her friends, being left by herself for extended periods (especially at home)
When her brother, Tristan, was younger, he had a babysitter that would watch him while his mother was working. This babysitter had a rather amorous father who Rebecca would indulge on occasion when he came to pick up his daughter. Eventually, nature happened. Her lover, who happened to be married at the time, wasn’t about to have part of that. Amazingly, his work took him out of town. After that, her mother never had a serious relationship and Taylor has grown up with no real male role model in her life.
She lives with her mother, Rebecca, and her older brother, Tristan. She only knows of her father from what her mother felt like sharing, heavily laced with vitriol. Her grandfather died when she was far too young to even know him.
Her stories take place in a small clothing-optional city near the coast. It may have its origins as a nudist resort, but the city itself is quite the hub, much to the chagrin of the neighboring towns. (Especially the more conservative ones.)
Clothing-optional does not equate to “sexually promiscuous,” to the disappointment of many a tourist. However, public decency laws are more relaxed to the point that certain sexual acts are let slide if there are no complaints and it isn’t causing a distraction.
Slender, short, and flat-chested. Pretty much what you would expect from a typical 10 year old. Her body fur is a medium brown while the fur under her muzzle and down her belly is a lighter tan. It does not extend to her inner thighs. She has black ‘rings’ near the tip of her tail.
While optional, she prefers to wear tops of some kind. Tube tops, vests, t-shirts. She’ll even wear a bikini top when she goes to the beach. She does not like wearing bottoms. When required (leaving town, for example), she prefers to wear a skirt or dress and (if she can get away with it) no underwear.
She has a small bag which she carries her phone, a pencil case, a small notebook, and various other things (money when she has it, brush, etc). Even when she doesn’t have her bag, she will usually carry her phone with her. (Similar style to an iPhone.)
Unknown at this time.
Unknown at this time, but leaning towards straight.
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