Tristan Knight reference
Tristan made it to second. I really like his look, though I’m kinda disappointed it isn’t exactly how I envisioned him. C’est la vie.
I’m thinking their mom is next. Followed by Vic and Mr. Blackwood.
Character Description
Generally speaking, a good kid. Tries to stay out of trouble, but has been know to get into a few scraps. Getting better at getting away with things.
Thanks to a combination of puberty mixed with wolf genetics and a lack of a male role-model in his life, Tristan can be a mess at times. His mother is about the only person who can help him keep balanced. He really hates his wolf side, as it tends to get him in trouble trying to prove himself when he’d really rather not. It also gets him in trouble with his sister, Taylor. He doesn’t mean to, but when mom isn’t around, he tends to boss her around. But he loves his sister and will go out of his way to try to make it up to her afterward. He’s taken an interest in sports as a way to vent some of his pent up hormones.
He prefers to be completely nude at all times, with a loose t-shirt being the most he can be comfortable in.
Likes: Physical activity (running, swimming, baseball, basketball), routine, action movies, eating in general, hanging out with Vic (his best friend)
Dislikes: Being called a runt, having to leave Airedale (because clothes), having to watch Taylor
Tristan was conceived during a rather wild party when his mother, Rebecca, was 16. He doesn’t know who his father is, if he’s in the city, or even still alive. But he doesn’t want to know him, either. Anyone who would just leave his mother like that doesn’t deserve his attention. He has a few memories of his mother with other males, but after Taylor was conceived, they stopped coming. He sometimes wishes he had a dad, but he thinks his mom doesn’t want males around.
When Taylor was born, he took the role of big brother very seriously, staying with her all the time. He met his best friend, Vic, when he was in the second grade. The two have been inseparable since.
He lives with his mother, Rebecca, and his younger sister, Taylor. He doesn’t know much about his father, nor does he care to learn anything. His grandfather died when he was 5. The only thing he clearly remembers about him was the fancy coat he wore and his glasses.
His stories take place in Airedale, a small clothing-optional city near the coast. It may have its origins as a nudist resort, but the city itself is quite the hub, much to the chagrin of the neighboring towns. (Especially the more conservative ones.)
Clothing-optional does not equate to “sexually promiscuous,” to the disappointment of many a tourist. However, public decency laws are more relaxed to the point that certain sexual acts are let slide if there are no complaints and it isn’t causing a distraction.
Large for a coyote his age, but smaller than any wolf. Even those younger than himself. Athletic, but not overly buff. He’s a cub, not a gym-rat. He has several wolf traits that are more pronounced. His neck ruff (which has started to fill out with the onset of puberty), thick tail, and large feet.
Nothing. Prefers nothing and will slip out of whatever he has been forced to wear given the first opportunity.
Lacking pockets, he doesn’t carry much. His mother gave him a cell phone that she asks him to keep on him, but he tends to leave it at home more often than not.
With the onset of puberty, his interest in such things is quite varied and he hasn’t exactly settled on what he likes MOST.
His leanings are straight, but he has more than a passing interest in males. He isn’t likely to admit it to himself, though.
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