Revision history for Advertising on CubFur!

PupWant to advertise with us? Is it related to the furry fandom? Join us! Please write to [email protected]. Right now, we sell banner space for the following: 2 weeks: $5 1 month: $9 3 months: $22 These prices are temporary and will go up. Please note that we can't guarantee clicks or impressions. Please have a special link setup so you can track visitors. (a.i. ``). We can also let you know impressions and clicks on request. Before the end of your campaign, we will send you a DM with your ad stats and ask if you want to renew. ## What We Love - Furry/Poni shops - Webcomics - Visual Novels - Artists! ## What We Hate - Malware/scams - Communities with poor management. - Pyramid schemes - Anything with an onion TLD - Anything with Download Now in the image.
PupWant to advertise with us? Is it related to the furry fandom? Join us! Please write to [email protected]. Right now, we sell banner space for the following: 2 weeks: $5 1 month: $9 3 months: $22 These prices are temporary and will go up. Please note that we can't guarantee clicks or impressions. Please have a special link setup so you can track visitors. (a.i. ``) Please note that we can't guarantee clicks or impressions. Please have a special link setup so you can track visitors. (a.i. ``). We can also let you know impressions and clicks on request. Before the end of your campaign, we will send you a DM with your ad stats and ask if you want to renew. ## What We Love - Furry/Poni shops - Webcomics - Visual Novels - Artists! ## What We Hate - Malware/scams - Communities with poor management. - Pyramid schemes - Anything with an onion TLD - Anything with Download Now in the image.
PupWant to advertise with us? Is it related to the furry fandom? Join us! Please write to [email protected]. Right now, we sell banner space for the following: 2 weeks: $10 1 month: $20 3 months: $45 2 weeks: $5 1 month: $9 3 months: $22 These prices are temporary and will go up. Please note that we can't guarantee clicks or impressions. Please have a special link setup so you can track visitors. (a.i. ``) ## What We Love - Furry/Poni shops - Webcomics - Visual Novels - Artists! ## What We Hate - Malware/scams - Communities with poor management. - Pyramid schemes - Anything with an onion TLD - Anything with Download Now in the image.
PupWant to advertise with us? Is it related to the furry fandom? Join us! Please write to [email protected]. Right now, we sell banner space for the following: 2 weeks: $10 1 month: $20 3 months: $45 These prices are temporary and will go up. Please note that we can't guarantee clicks or impressions. Please have a special link setup so you can track visitors. Please note that we can't guarantee clicks or impressions. Please have a special link setup so you can track visitors. (a.i. ``) ## What We Love - Furry/Poni shops - Webcomics - Visual Novels - Artists! ## What We Hate - Malware/scams - Communities with poor management. - Pyramid schemes - Anything with an onion TLD - Anything with Download Now in the image.
PupWant to advertise with us? Is it related to the furry fandom? Join us! Please write to [email protected]. Right now, we sell banned space for the following: Please write to [email protected]. Right now, we sell banner space for the following: 2 weeks: $10 1 month: $20 3 months: $45 These prices are temporary and will go up. Please note that we can't guarantee clicks or impressions. Please have a special link setup so you can track visitors. ## What We Love - Furry/Poni shops - Webcomics - Visual Novels - Artists! ## What We Hate - Malware/scams - Communities with poor management. - Pyramid schemes - Anything with an onion TLD - Anything with Download Now in the image.