Page 03 – of “A Fool’s Gambit” by Kithawkins / Kithawking (wasn’t sure how to spell the name, as I’ve seen it spelled both ways)…. I mean no offense or disrespect to Kit by re-posting the comic on this website. If Kit were to not want the comic to be shared here, I am sure that they could send a message to the Mods to ask for it to be removed.
(I am not very good at tagging and this is a new website to me, so please allow me leniency if I screw up).
Finally, it starts to get good… also I have no idea how to make the pages display in sequence / order, so that’s why I am putting the page number at the beginning of the Description.
It’s getting into “spicey” territory (despite no actual genital exposure yet) so I guess I’ll tag this “Suggestive.”
If I’m wrong then I’m wrong… forgive me.