Rest Stop YCH (art by Rodicle) ft. Pascal
‘Hey, teacher? Thanks for the ride! I wouldn’t have got to go on the field trip at all without you offerin’ to drive me home, and I had so much fun! So - how about you stop side-eyeing me when you think I’m not lookin’, like you have been all day, and let me thank you properly~?’
You don’t know when or how Pascal had rid himself of all but his tight white undies, but he had; and the front of them was tented prominently, near twitching from what hid beneath them. You could feel your cheeks burning at the combination of being called out and what was now sat in your passenger seat.
‘Uh, P-Pascal, that’s hardly…’
‘Hey, say the word an’ I’ll get dressed. ‘course… say a different word… and maybe I’ll lose my undies too.’
You swallowed hard, knuckles white as you gripped the wheel, swerving into the off ramp towards to a rest stop you knew was always quiet this time of day.
‘What… what word would that be, exactly..?’
Just had to snag a spot of @Rodicle ‘s [url=]Rest Stop YCH[/url]. It’s exactly the kind of shameless lewdery that Pascal would get up to. |3
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