Sydney’s Favor - Ep. 1
‘[i]Hey syd got time for a favor?[/i]’
The text illuminated the young dalmatian girl’s phone screen with a pale blue glow, prompting her ears to perk in response. She reached over to take a peek and felt her heart skip a beat — Sydney had been hopeful to receive such a text.
‘[i]Yeah sure whats up[/i]’ She typed cooly in response. After a few minutes, of course — she didn’t want to seem too enthusiastic.
‘[i]Kate and I are stuck at the airport, flight delayed[/i]’
‘[i]Could you walk over and feed Cairo?[/i]’
Sydney’s heart began to beat a little quicker, and her palms lightly trembled as she picked up her phone to respond. Once again with a reasonable wait time even as her excitement rapidly built.
‘[i]Yea I can, a cup and a half right?[/i]’
The cub was already walking towards her front door as she pushed send, hoping to allow for as much time as possible with the neighbor’s dog that she had grown more than just fond of. And he, her.
‘[i]Yup.Thx. Feel free to throw his ball for him too if you want - home late[/i]’
The text was exactly what she was hoping to read, and her heart beat rapidly beneath her petite, spotted chest.
“Hey dad, I’m going over to feed Cairo!” Sydney spoke towards the den where her father sat writing on his computer. The older male Dalmatian glanced over at her and smiled softly. His left eye almost hidden by his black facial spot — a feature that he shared with his daughter. Sydney’s eyes, however, were harder to hide even beneath the dark fur. The bright violet shimmer was hard to miss.
“Ok, honey. Home for dinner, or you want me to save you a plate?” He asked his daughter with a familiar, warm tone.
“Um, can I text you and let you know?” Sydney offered. “I should be but I don’t want you to wait if I’m not.” She followed genuinely. There were a few things that the young Dalmatian enjoyed more than her father’s cooking.
“Sure.” He responded and turned away before tilting his head back towards her with a coy look. “I’ll probably wait anyway.” The older Dalmatian finished with a smile, wink then turned back towards his computer. Sydney gave a small chuckle in response, then ventured through the front door hurriedly. Her normal desire to move slowly and carefully fell slightly to the wayside as she walked with a quicker than normal pace. This was a moment she had been hoping would come ever since she started spending time with Cairo. The shepherd mix was somewhat new to the neighborhood, moving in with her neighbors, a fox couple named Kate and Louie, a few months prior. Louie had known how fond Sydney was of ferals, and offered that she could come by to hang out with him when she wanted in exchange for favors on an as-needed basis. Primarily, this just meant feeding Cairo when he and his wife were working late or the occasional walk. Sydney was more than happy to comply, as the alone time with the dog offered her chances to experiment with urges she had been feeling more and more of.
Before long, Sydney arrived at the neighbors’ door and let herself in with the spare key they had given her. Cairo was already at the door wagging his large, fluffy tail. The cub almost always forgot how big he was and was once again surprised by his stature as he pounced on her.
“Cairo!” She giggled. “Did you miss me?” The dog gave her a lick on her muzzle seemingly in response — to which she opened her mouth just a small amount to let his tongue touch hers. “Me too…” She said softly as she turned around, gently lifting her skirt for him in the process. Almost instinctively, Cairo’s snout found its way almost forcefully between her legs as she gasped in response. It was a feeling she had been aching for since the first time she felt it. The cub playfully pulled the skirt back down and skipped over towards the living room so she could kneel down onto the carpet. Cairo eagerly followed closely behind, descending upon her as she eagerly got down onto her paws and knees. His claws met her spotted thighs as he attempted to mount her, enveloping her little body easily with his large paws. Sydney chuckled breathily as she felt the dog grasp her tightly.
“I think we might actually be able to do that today, Cai…” She sighed, then slipped forward and out from his grip. The Dalmatian cub then rolled her small, purple panties down her thighs and lifted her tail. “…But let’s do this a little f-fir…ahhhn…” She gasped deeply as Cairo buried his snout between her buttocks before she could finish her request. He always eagerly went for her favorite spot — the small, soft, pink ring directly beneath her tail. The dog’s tongue vigorously massaged her tail-hole in way that her fingers and electric toothbrush simply couldn’t replicate.
“Th-that’s it… good boy, Cai…” She sighed breathily. Sydney moved her paw back and began to rub her small clitoris in rhythm with the dog’s heavy lapping as she quickly sank into the feeling.
[i] be continued![/i]
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