Vlad’s Guide to the Undies of STHS: Caleb Macharius
One of the toothiest boys in ST and overall Cute Catte as drawn by Maned Wolf Megastar: Rodicle!
Although Vlad is only generally acquainted with Caleb he’d be crazy not to try and get some shots of one of STHS’ only smilodon boys and his huge, gleaming sabres. All it required was promising he could come with his wolverine best friend Caleb and Vlad had himself an afternoon of models booked.
Pictured: Caleb first shows off his sabres in his [b]Uniqatte FelidAIR[/b] boxer shorts before Rowan talks him into posing total nude, since ‘if you don’t have a boner it’s totally artistic’ a sentiment with which Vlad completely agrees. Finally, Caleb gets a boner once Rowan starts bragging about how Caleb’s foreskin totally rolls back on its own (and starts making out with the photographer to get Caleb both horny and jealous)
Not pictured: Caleb getting a double BJ from Vlad and Rowan before letting both his friends blow their loads on his pearly white sabreteeth.
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